How will they rule ??!

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Trump is far from perfect but will appoint far more conservative judges than Hillary.
Not sure how you can know that. All you can do is hope that some of the things he has said over the last 9 months are more him than most of the things he said for the 30 years before that....
Counterpoint #2: would like to be able to ridicule HRC and Obama voters with a good conscience.
I'm not sure I believe what the student is saying in this incident. Not saying that Universities aren't oversensitive when it comes to this stuff, but I believe the University in this one.

He didn't get called just to talk, to establish dialogue. Lol. C'mon. That doesn't happen. He got a warning. Next, this will happen, etc...

We'd have to see the actual post and here actual meeting to be certain.

The "******" thing is hilarious, tho. They definitely screwed that one up, so I'm more likely to assume the screwed up when they threatened punishment for Facebook posts...

Which is not new. Snowden's website featured an article talking about he many people arrested for Facebook posts after this latest round of shootings/protests. Included quoted officer saying "arrest them and we'll find charges back at the station".

This is not new. You can and will he arrested for your *thoughts*.

And nobody gives a flip because the internet is real!!!!

One girl said "if I had a gun and the police pulled me over I would shoot him before he shot me!!!!!".

Arrested. Lmao.

And I assume if you can't afford a lawyer they just might stick with you changes somehow.
Ginsberg apologizes for her comments on Trump.
I saw this as well and I have to wonder if CJ Roberts did not have a candid conversation with his colleague on the court. The apology is mute. She has already displayed her feelings toward Trump and compromised her neutrality.
Not sure how you can know that. All you can do is hope that some of the things he has said over the last 9 months are more him than most of the things he said for the 30 years before that....

He's definitely not a Conservative and in my view Trojan horse'd the Republican party but the Supreme Court list he provided should be looked at as a positive for Conservatives. At the very least it's a bargaining chip to unify the Republican Party.

"Hey Republican lead Senate, this will be the options I'll bring to you as President. Fall in line..."

I do know for a fact Hillary will bring much more liberal judges. You have confidence in the Senate to have the backbone to reject them?
He didn't get called just to talk, to establish dialogue. Lol. C'mon. That doesn't happen. He got a warning. Next, this will happen, etc...

We'd have to see the actual post and here actual meeting to be certain.

The "******" thing is hilarious, tho. They definitely screwed that one up, so I'm more likely to assume the screwed up when they threatened punishment for Facebook posts...

Which is not new. Snowden's website featured an article talking about he many people arrested for Facebook posts after this latest round of shootings/protests. Included quoted officer saying "arrest them and we'll find charges back at the station".

This is not new. You can and will he arrested for your *thoughts*.

And nobody gives a flip because the internet is real!!!!

One girl said "if I had a gun and the police pulled me over I would shoot him before he shot me!!!!!".

Arrested. Lmao.

And I assume if you can't afford a lawyer they just might stick with you changes somehow.
I agree that he most likely didn't get called in for "dialogue". He got called in because their was a complaint and the University is investigating it. Having worked in Higher Ed for the past 16 years at 4 different Universities, I have dealt with many issues that such meetings take place. It's protocol.

What I alluded to is I don't believe the student was ever threatened with expulsion. Something tells me he is a little dramatic (his twitter handle is Dangerous ****** for crying out loud) and blew this up into something that it never was. I agree 100% that universities are way too PC these days, but I don't believe the student was ever threatened with expulsion.
Not voting for trump is the same as voting for Hillary. Consider yourself a part of the problem.
At this point, I am not planning to vote for Trump, but that may change in November when the 'chips are on the table'. If Trump does end up losing, the real blame will lie with those 30-35% who voted blindly for Trump in the primaries despite all the evidence that suggested he could not beat HRC in the general. I, for one, will sleep with a clear conscience if I do not vote Trump and HRC wins the election.
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How is not voting for Trump the same as voting for Hillary? I plan to not vote in November either. Both those candidates are horrible. And I am not going to wait in a long line to vote for Johnson. He has no chance.

It isn't going to matter in Kentucky anyways. Trump has Kentucky locked up in November.
You're right about in Kentucky, but what happens if a large majority starts having the same attitude in nearby swing states? Trump may not be the idea candidate, but anybody is better for this country than Hillary.
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At this point, I am not planning to vote for Trump, but that may change in November when the 'chips are on the table'. If Trump does end up losing, the real blame will lie with those 30-35% who voted blindly for Trump in the primaries despite all the evidence that suggested he could not beat HRC in the general. I, for one, will sleep with a clear conscience if I do not vote Trump and HRC wins the election.
All the evidence? Right now he is beating her in swing states without having spent so much as a penny in them on advertisements. Trump will beat Hillary IF the Republicans get off their asses in every state and vote. He will draw in enough independents and democrats who despise Clinton to win this thing if he gets the support from his own base.
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Trump is far more liberal than Hillary Clinton is. I don't even know how that can be a question.
Seriously? The same Hillary who has pandered non stop to BLM, Planned Parenthood and gun co trip activists. Trump has a past, but he atleast says all of the right things now and will continue those beliefs if he wishes to continue a political career.
At this point, I am not planning to vote for Trump, but that may change in November when the 'chips are on the table'. If Trump does end up losing, the real blame will lie with those 30-35% who voted blindly for Trump in the primaries despite all the evidence that suggested he could not beat HRC in the general. I, for one, will sleep with a clear conscience if I do not vote Trump and HRC wins the election.

As a supporter of Rubio, who mainly supported him because I bought into the narrative that he had the best chance as floated by major news outlets including CNN/MSNBC, I can honestly submit what I think is a reality; the pundits and pollsters are clueless right now.

I've been saying for months now, and it's holding true, that the media machine in this country is determined to Label, slander, and vilify Trump because at the end of the day they actually fear his movement. Van Jones, who I listen to quite a lot because he'll explain what works against his type, has been saying as well. Trump is a real threat and could easily win this election, by either convincing enough traditional moderates, or even polling 3% above Romney levels with AA. This is why Trump is taking a moderate position on black "institutional" racism, and why the left (and media) is trying to extend his comments on muslims and Illegal Mexicans to American Latino's and blacks.

The left hates this btw. They hate it when a conservative plays in the prototypical fashion of the left. Libs like to set the table from their own rulebook. Since conservatives are supposed to be "christain whites' who value spirituality, family, and traditional values, we're not supposed to operate from the gutter and use low lying means for political gain like the left often does. They've been playing this game for years. And up until now, the intimidation of "be perfect or else Mr. white conservative" that media and political machines perpetuate has worked, and has created a weak republican party that until recently had little life. I've always been a strategic principled republican, because that imo is the only defense against the extreme left. I want as far from it as possible. I'm loving libs having this thrown back into their face. The gloves come off.

But yea The left is terrified right now. I watch all news channels and am a regular of left leaning blogs and sites. They know they are in trouble. Hillary doesn't have a silent vote. She needs to poll 5-7 points above trump to feel any sort of safety, and a tie probably means Trump is up by the Margin of error. There are very few people left undecided.

Get on the train, or get run over.
Trump down with the Clan, tbh


10+ years ago before we all turned scared and pussy, when we made fun of Europe instead of s'n their d, Donald Trump's attitude was the "cool" and preferred attitude of America. F yea! And it's because he gets money, he's a boss, he has a sense of humor, he's confident, comes off as a human, and he's not afraid to speak his mind.
If you don't like Pence you honestly have no clue. Trump doesn't need a sexy pick or attack dog. He is all the bark he needs. But he needs someone to make the GOP happy and knows their shit.

Pence is the future and if trump is elected Pence will be the perfect candidate afterward to head the party. The guy is awesome and will most def represent in a way that will only help Trump.
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It might be the best bet to let Hillary win so that 2020 the GOP can get their act straight and quit pushing these Ted Cruz, Mike Huckabees, Santorums, Perry, Palin, Rubios turds.

Mark my words. If Hillary does win and the GOP keeps trying to elect Jesus Christ for president, we will get another 4 years of Hillary and then another 8 years of some other democrat hack.
I have a theory that sees the brand-specific electorate gradually creating distance between itself and the evangelical side of the party, and again embracing the libertarian values upon which the party was originally founded. They already have a brand that is too big to fail and a collective that is embracing the ideals of an ever-growing socially centric, yet fiscally responsible party... just have to make those pieces fit together and then toss the evangelical weight around the party's neck. No new parties, just complete reform as the older establishment dies off and the party is forced to embrace what a large portion of the population wants. Timeline is obviously a huge variable.
I have a theory that sees the brand-specific electorate gradually creating distance between itself and the evangelical side of the party, and again embracing the libertarian values upon which the party was originally founded. They already have a brand that is too big to fail and a collective that is embracing the ideals of an ever-growing socially centric, yet fiscally responsible party... just have to make those pieces fit together and then toss the evangelical weight around the party's neck. No new parties, just complete reform as the older establishment dies off and the party is forced to embrace what a large portion of the population wants. Timeline is obviously a huge variable.

You just made Utopia for me.
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What's the most important issue the USA faces right now, that #BlackLivesMatter or the Islamic demons who think #NoLivesMatter
What's the most important issue the USA faces right now, that #BlackLivesMatter or the Islamic demons who think #NoLivesMatter

Muslim terrorists will behead blacks as fast as whites. BLM needs to be thinking about them instead of the cops.
On the flipside, a Trump election could shift the conventional wisdom on who Rs throw up moving away from said turds. Real opportunity, imo.

Agreed Rex Kwon. The base needs to expand. Ease up on the religion and this a win win. That's all that needs to be done.
On the flipside, a Trump election could shift the conventional wisdom on who Rs throw up moving away from said turds. Real opportunity, imo.

I like Rubio, Cruz, and some of the others mentioned. The republican party will never abandon it's christian base. It might moderate it somewhat, but it won't abandon its principles. There is plenty of room in the party for non believers though.
Right now, Prez obuma is having a town hall meeting on ABC-- just said something like "it's easier to get your hands on a gun, than a computer or a book."

He's a real stickler for stats, he is.
Turkey should be the first call we make. They have a very powerful military and ISIS strong hold is only 35 miles from their boarder. Send these ****ers to the after life.
Europe is paying the price for unlimited Muslim immigrants, and Obama and Hilary wants us to be MORE like Europe. And yet, Dems will blindly support her even if it means this happens in the US.
This and anything like this that happens in the future will not deter them. Narcissitic arrogance and their turn over to show their undersides to these animals attitude will keep these pansies in line. Go liberals! Your policies will destroy us all.
Hillary Clinton is lying again. Saying she has been behind getting NATO mobilized and going after these terrorist. How did I miss this?