How will they rule ??!

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    Votes: 41 82.0%
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Is this a serious question? Don't you support all of the NRA pro-gun advocates that say if more people carried then we would have less crime?
White guy carrying = 2nd Amendment loving patriot helping to defend America...
Black guy carrying = thug looking for trouble.

BTW, who are the "Powers that be"?

Since their inception, the black panthers have done nothing but bully, intimidate and cause trouble. As has been discussed ad nauseam: A thug is a thug regardless of race. black panthers have proven themselves, as an organization, to be an organization worthy of the title "thug". I am for non-criminals having the right to bear arms and would support individual members of that organization having the right to legally possess weapons if they are within the law in doing so. However, if they are protesting as members of the bp, at a minimum enhanced security would be justified.
So you intend to vote for those that have helped create the problem but not for the individual that may be the fix to those problems?

I don't have any confidence right now that Trump is going to fix things. He's a borderline democrat IMO, and an egomaniac. I do like some things he says. He has to work with congress however, no way around it.

Hillary is horrible, but I doubt Trump needs my vote here in Kentucky.
CatfaninTn, for the record, I'm voting for a new congressman in Comer here in western Ky, and Paul for Senator. Paul is not that big of a RINO, IMO. He marches to the beat of his own drummer.
What the hell is this about Trump being an egomaniac? I'm glad I'm not stupid enough to believe that ANYONE who has ran for president since the start of this country has NOT been an egomaniac. Who is stupid enough to believe O'bama isn't an egomaniac? Or Hillary?
SIAP...but I saw this yesterday, and thought I'd share it here. I'm curious to see how the shooting in Minnesota plays out once more details come to light. Anyways, found this interesting.

Par for the course. Every damn time one of these cases happen, the same stuff happens. The media pretends these were good and upstanding citizens. They're just hardworking family folks who "dindu nuffin" and are just innocent victims.

And every single time; there's always more to the story and these are always garbage people. Ole Sterling is just a family man. Look how sad his son is and how upset his ex-wife is. Never mind he was a career criminal, pedophile who didn't pay child support and pulled a gun on someone and resisted arrest.

Seeing the same with this and the same we saw with Freddie Gray, Trayvon and Mike Brown. The media always tried to portray a lie and every time these activists become unhinged and make these people into a martyr.
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I didn't know is not an excuse, and intent is required for almost all crimes. The issue is proving intent, which is usually done circumstantially.

IIRC, when the VA hospital scandal broke a couple of years ago there was stuff (polls? surveys?) saying that VA care was adequate once you're in the system. Having dealt with the VA for multiple matters myself (disability, GI Bill, family member's PTSD related issues) and for an ongoing pro bono case, I doubt that. Their scheduling software is literally from the 1980s, and they routinely do things like fail to send claim information to designated representatives and not consider evidence that you specifically identified for a claim (leading to an appeal to fix an issue that should never arise in the first place). Worst government agency I've ever dealt with. It's just a hit or miss of competence (rare) or mouth breathers.

I think the dated-ness of the nuclear weapons software/hardware is on purpose, no? Security and hardiness. Maintaining the systems was part of my old career field in the Air Force (2E2X1 at the time), and we all breathed a sigh of relief when we weren't assigned to work on such old systems.
I had read they wanted to upgrade but yeah I think to some degree it does help although when they did the bit on 60 minutes it did not come across as purposeful.
If you don't think a Pelosi and Schumer led Congress would be worse than Ryan/McConnell....whew boy.

As much as it pains me the dump Trump option is dead.

Fully support WKY's stance above. Can't vote for him in any good conscience.
It might be the best bet to let Hillary win so that 2020 the GOP can get their act straight and quit pushing these Ted Cruz, Mike Huckabees, Santorums, Perry, Palin, Rubios turds.

Mark my words. If Hillary does win and the GOP keeps trying to elect Jesus Christ for president, we will get another 4 years of Hillary and then another 8 years of some other democrat hack.
Too much at stake to just write this election off for Republicans Willy. In 2020 Republicans will still be pushing the same kind of candidates.
It might be the best bet to let Hillary win so that 2020 the GOP can get their act straight and quit pushing these Ted Cruz, Mike Huckabees, Santorums, Perry, Palin, Rubios turds.

Mark my words. If Hillary does win and the GOP keeps trying to elect Jesus Christ for president, we will get another 4 years of Hillary and then another 8 years of some other democrat hack.
Those early primaries kill them, evangelicals dominate the GOP in Iowa and the ivory tower GOP rules in NH.
Too much at stake to just write this election off for Republicans Willy. In 2020 Republicans will still be pushing the same kind of candidates.

Well, I'm hoping to see more GOP folks take the Rand Paul route. Rand is pretty religious, but he doesn't use religion as his platform. You start molding young conservs in that mold, and watch out because the GOP may not ever lose again.

Qwes- Iowa is about as square as they come.
Somebody from catpaw?

A Lexington man was arrested Wednesday after telephoned threats to police departments in Texas and Michigan.

Raynel Lamar White, 30, is charged with two counts of terroristic threatening and three counts of harassing communications, according to court documents. The charges came after threats were made to police departments in Houston, San Antonio and West Bloomfield, Mich.

Lexington police were contacted by each of the departments after they traced the calls to White’s phone number, according to court documents.

Read more here:
If I was the GOP, I would move the opening caucus to a liberal state. Drum up support. Like moving it to California. Just get a Rand Paul mold, and push that state and watch those beautiful 52 electorate votes fall into the GOP hands. It can happen with the right person.
Well, I'm hoping to see more GOP folks take the Rand Paul route. Rand is pretty religious, but he doesn't use religion as his platform. You start molding young conservs in that mold, and watch out because the GOP may not ever lose again.

Qwes- Iowa is about as square as they come.
Rand Paul was our best option to begin with. Reminds me of the movie when the POTUS died and they had to put in a look-alike man off the street. The look-alike began making common sense decisions....He was better at the job than the real president
It might be the best bet to let Hillary win so that 2020 the GOP can get their act straight and quit pushing these Ted Cruz, Mike Huckabees, Santorums, Perry, Palin, Rubios turds.

Mark my words. If Hillary does win and the GOP keeps trying to elect Jesus Christ for president, we will get another 4 years of Hillary and then another 8 years of some other democrat hack.

You going to pretend that Michelle Obama won't be the Dem after Hiliary?

Heard it here first!
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It might be the best bet to let Hillary win so that 2020 the GOP can get their act straight and quit pushing these Ted Cruz, Mike Huckabees, Santorums, Perry, Palin, Rubios turds.

Mark my words. If Hillary does win and the GOP keeps trying to elect Jesus Christ for president, we will get another 4 years of Hillary and then another 8 years of some other democrat hack.

If Hillary wins, you're getting 8 years of her regardless. There will be so many illegals made into citizens/Democratic Party voters.

She will wreck us by year 5.

And there's no going back to the same type of candidates on the right. This election showed how sick people are of them.
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If Hillary wins, you're getting 8 years of her regardless. There will be so many illegals made into citizens/Democratic Party voters.

She will wreck us by year 5.

And there's no going back to the same type of candidates on the right. This election showed how sick people are of them.

My last official hope is hinged to the 2020 elections. If that ends up with Hillary, I'm officially out of hope. Maybe even a peaceful death will ensue.
Still think the VP pick may be someone nobody is talking much about. Trump loves the element of surprise and I could see all of these other candidates being discussed as a deflection and way to get the media talking.

If it is one of the guys being discussed, I tend to look at what is one of Trump's biggest traits which is he loves people who are loyal to him and he does not forget the ones who were not. Pence did not endorse him in IN. Newt has been singing his praises the whole time now. Christie was the first big name to endorse him. That said, I think Trump knows Christie is not the right person right now.

I would put my money on Newt but could see Rudy as a quiet dark horse.
Trumps campaign, but not Trump, saying the VP pick
Is Pence. Not impressed if true.
If the choice was down to Newt, Pence, Christie and Sessions....there was no rock star to be had. Maybe in the whole R universe, there was no rock star to be had. Pence will - possibly - pacify some of the conservative voters who were on the fence about voting for a guy who's been an avowed liberal his whole life. Christie and Newt both have such big downsides - and for each it's the same one: they are really, really unpopular. In the end, meh, don't think the VP slot matters much anyway.....
Something I just read quoted for the truth of the matter:

“Every 4 years the GOP nominee is literally Hitler. A few years later — sometimes, as in Mitt Romney’s case, as few as 4 years after he was accused of giving a woman cancer — that formerly-Hitler nominee becomes the standard of once-great GOP nominees to which the current nominee fall short.”
What the hell is this about Trump being an egomaniac? I'm glad I'm not stupid enough to believe that ANYONE who has ran for president since the start of this country has NOT been an egomaniac. Who is stupid enough to believe O'bama isn't an egomaniac? Or Hillary?

Don't recall saying Hillary or Obama weren't egomaniacs. Didn't vote Obama, won't be voting Hillary. Not sure what your point is.

There's is difference between being confident and being an egomaniac. I have never voted for an egomaniac for POTUS and I'm 53.
The next president will most likely have between one and three Supreme Court appointees. All the #NeverTrumpers out there who can't find a way to vote for Trump from their high horse will help change the country's landscape for decades.

Trump is far from perfect but will appoint far more conservative judges than Hillary. If Hillary wins, good luck fighting a majority of heavily left leaning judges no matter who is President down the road.
Pence is a fine sold conservative pick. should help end the never trump nonsense that was pretty much over anyway. really the only grand slam true game-changer Trump could have made is Kasich, and I have to assume he was approached months ago and said "no".
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I've already seen those on the left upset about Pence's freedom of religion act/stance on homosexuality.

Meanwhile Hillary having huge donations by Muslim kings from countries who imprison and execute gays? Not an issue.
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Pence abandoning his reelection bid as Governor of Indiana sources telling Fox News. . That pretty much seals it.
Pence will only make Trump look worse by comparison. He is not an attack dog and he was not Trump's pick. This was his kids again. So now Trump has to keep fighting everyone himself.

I think Pence narrows Hilary's pick to Webb or Warren. Whoever turns out their base wins.
Not voting for trump is the same as voting for Hillary. Consider yourself a part of the problem.

How is not voting for Trump the same as voting for Hillary? I plan to not vote in November either. Both those candidates are horrible. And I am not going to wait in a long line to vote for Johnson. He has no chance.

It isn't going to matter in Kentucky anyways. Trump has Kentucky locked up in November.
How is not voting for Trump the same as voting for Hillary? I plan to not vote in November either. Both those candidates are horrible. And I am not going to wait in a long line to vote for Johnson. He has no chance.

It isn't going to matter in Kentucky anyways. Trump has Kentucky locked up in November.

Kentucky won't matter and I believe the Republicans have won 7 of the last 10 POTUS elections (Kentucky). However, it's pretty easy to see that not voting for Trump will mean a vote for Hillary. But it's only going to matter in a few states.

What bothers me is a Republican just being okay with giving Hillary the White House, which will destroy this nation considering how many Supreme Court picks she will get. That's dangerous.
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