How will they rule ??!

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I think it's over. The media has lost the race battle because Americans have had her corruption handed to them front and center no matter how hard the media tries to just give her a pass.

They can focus on race 100% until November and it won't help now.

It is solely her corruption and you can't cover that up anymore.

I wonder if trump is waiting offer his tax info until the debate. I mean, he's probably not as rich as he was saying, but that's not news. He probably used a ton of deductions and loop holes, again, no one will care. He's already admitted to taking advantage of the system.

Hillary on the other hand will not release the talking points of her Wall Street speeches, because it would be damning.

So I'm thinking he's gonna hit her with a bomb. Something like "I'll release my tax info if she will release her speech transcripts and it can be done as soon as we leave this stage."

I think it would be a knockout blow.
Let's not forget the Barbary slave trade, either. Some of us white folk could be decendents of slaves.
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Very true. Most free black slave owners bought family members to get them out of slavery. But the total percentage of black slave owners was about 28% of the freed black population at the time. And only about 4% of the white population in the south owned slaves (about 1% of the total US white population owned slaves). Those are stats i remember from an article i read years ago.

Now, I can't recall the exact percentage of the black slave owners who owned 20 or more slaves (believed to be slave owners who purchased slaves merely as workers and not because they were family members). But I think it too hovered around the 4% mark. Meaning about 4% of the white population in the south owned slaves to use strictly as workers and about 4% of the freed black population in the south owned slaves to use strictly as workers. Some of those free black slave owners owned more than 100 slaves. Just goes to show that money, greed, and power can corrupt a man…regardless of skin color.

Those stats really surprised me. Because before reading that article I had no idea. Those numbers were taken from the US census bureau info. No idea how accurate that sort of thing would have been in those times…but even if it is remotely close those numbers are still surprising. And dude's point earlier was this…would the BLM movement also seek reparations from the descendants of those free black slave owners who owned slaves strictly to use as workers? And the answer is of course: No.

All of that is a moot point though because most of the serious reparations talk on the left centers around the US government footing the tab for reparations in the form of programs for black communities. Because that would be the only way you would be able to efficiently and effectively collect money for reparations without tons of law suits, etc...

Having said all of that...

If you really want to get down to the root of the origination of the trans-Atlantic slave trade and how it got introduced to this country then you need not look any further than the black tribesmen in Africa in the 1600's who captured blacks from other tribes and then sold them to white Europeans in exchange for guns. Those slaves were then shipped all over the world, including the colonies here in America to be sold. So make sure you include/start with the descendants of the black Africans and the white Europeans who started the whole mess when seeking reparations.

Also, if the tribes in Africa would have had stricter gun laws on the books then those "slaves for guns" deals never could have taken place. [winking]

Great post. Had a professor in college that was a guru on the myths of slavery. When you lay out the full context, it's amazing. We are taught to assume slavery is basically a black issue, and to a great degree is can be, but that's nowhere near the full picture. Thank you department of education.
10% of modern Americans have direct ancestors who were involved in slavery? 10% of whites owned slaves in antebellum America?

Too bad it cannot be determined what percentage of blacks in America have African ancestors who were involved in the slave trade, and not just those African persons who captured other blacks and made them available for sale. Still to this day in Africa are communities and families where the wealth remains enjoyed, from those monies reaped by the evil outsourcing of their own tribal kin. Facilities even, where the captives were processed, are maintained by modern African blacks and can be toured and admired for their historic significance, for the economic value they provided (and continue to provide), not much differently than how we revere a sacred national landmark here in our country.

Today in Africa are many hardships, disease, violence, frequent tribal warring, and just bad existences. It was through the process of slavery that blacks, millions of them, have come to experience the modern benefits of science, medicine, education, industry - not to mention an actual quality standard of living. That is not say slavery was acceptable as it was most certainly not.

My family owned slaves. I am not ashamed of that. I personally, in my heart of hearts, believe the most racist thing a white man in this country can say is to recite and believe in the meaning of these words: I wish slavery had never existed. Because to do so is to embrace a desire for a black-less North America, to embrace a desire for never having lived among black men and women, to embrace a desire for white children to have no knowledge of interacting with a boy or girl with that completely opposite skin. To desire to never have been friends with a black man.

Anybody who wants to fire up slavery statistics and charge up a little white guilt go right ahead. Just don't forget that in 1860 one slave owned in Kentucky was taxed at the same rate as 150 acres. That there should give folks an approximate enough idea of who did and who didn't.
big two days for Never Trump coming up tomorrow/Friday. there are 112 seats on the rules committee; only 28 votes are necessary in order to force legislation to the general convention floor. the RNC is working hard to stamp out legislation that would free delegates to vote for any nominee they want regardless of who won their state's primary.

BLM can use all of the PC BS and media mouthpieces they want but the majority sees them for what they are. They're garbage and the more freeways they protest, the more parades they hijack, the more speeches they disrupt, the more people dislike them.

You can yell peaceful protest all you want but throwing cinder blocks from a freeway pass and breaking a cops neck, chanting for the deaths of cops, shows what they are. Sure, they might fool the paranoid "career black victim" and white SJW but not the majority.
Hey, you want to see CNN's Sally Kohn get obliterated in a debate with Ben Shapiro? She's always hypocritical but it's pretty awesome to see her have her contradictions pointed out to a wide audience.

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Hillary during an interview saying that the problems cited about the VA were greatly exaggerated and that vets are more satisfied with their care than people at most hospitals in the nation. Folks, when are you going to stop believing this lying snake. It once again proving the point I made about how the left despises our vets. We are lying about our care is what they are saying. Her and Obama, Pelosi, Reid, and others do not care what happens to those who put their lives on the line for this country or those who put their lives on the line in this country (cops). The recent violence in this country is not due to Donald Trump as they are telling us. This has been ramping up more since Obama took over because he did not lead when he should have in the onset of his presidency. Instead, he joined the mob of people lying about incidents that happened and stoked the flames of hatred. I guess we should have seen this coming when you consider his ties with Jeremiah Wright and the other terrorist people he has been associated with. "Divider In Chief" is his real title as has been said before.
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Why exactly does veteran care suck? I can imagine, but I don't know facts. All I know is the VA hospital in lex looks pretty shitty and it's surrounded by brand new mega hospitals.
Our nuclear facilities used floppy disks for goodness sakes.

The reason I lump them together though is I see govt workers avoid work all the time by using those convoluted processes as a crutch.

[laughing] The Gov't. The longest running comedy act ever.

Oh and you're spot on about the workers too. I thought about working at the VA. After learning how messed up their social workers interact with the Veterans, I said nope. Won't be going there. Plus, they prolly won't let me smoke weed.
(1) The Feds don't play the whole "$8 tablet of Tylenol" game that private hospitals are able to play, so a VA hospital isn't going to be able to hire away the providers and nurses that Baptist, St Joe, etc are able to attract
(2) VA hospitals don't have the research infrastructure to attract the top minds who go to university hospitals despite the latter being some of the worst-paying spots in health care

Basically, the VA system has all of the drawbacks of state-run university hospitals without the benefits of the same.
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Why exactly does veteran care suck? I can imagine, but I don't know facts. All I know is the VA hospital in lex looks pretty shitty and it's surrounded by brand new mega hospitals.

Ask yourself, why should a man who has served this country honorably be required to go to a designated, mundane government hospital while a man who has never served jack sh*t be allowed to go to any doctor / hospital of his choosing? Shouldn't it be the other way 'round?
Ask yourself, why should a man who has served this country honorably be required to go to a designated, mundane government hospital while a man who has never served jack sh*t be allowed to go to any doctor / hospital of his choosing? Shouldn't it be the other way 'round?

No. They both should be able to.

The vets should have vouchers, similar to insurance, where the hospital is required to provide treatment. Any hospital who refuses to participate, should not be able to claim non profit status, which almost all do.
No. They both should be able to.

The vets should have vouchers, similar to insurance, where the hospital is required to provide treatment. Any hospital who refuses to participate, should not be able to claim non profit status, which almost all do.

Fine. Great leadership we have in this country (pathetic truly) it would seem you would agree then, where it is constructed for our children to encounter transgenders in public restrooms, but no worry that they should bear the tragic sight of a disfigured veteran in a public hospital.
Fine. Great leadership we have in this country (pathetic truly) it would seem you would agree then, where it is constructed for our children to encounter transgenders in public restrooms, but no worry that they should bear the tragic sight of a disfigured veteran in a public hospital.

Do whaaa? Kopi ya had me up till transgenders and disfigured veterans
SIAP...but I saw this yesterday, and thought I'd share it here. I'm curious to see how the shooting in Minnesota plays out once more details come to light. Anyways, found this interesting.

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Agree, that old bag should apologize at once, and learn to keep her mouth shut.
Had this discussion yesterday. Good reading here. If nothing else, she explicitly broke the code of conduct.

Canon 5: A Judge Should Refrain from Political Activity

(A) General Prohibitions. A judge should not:

(1) act as a leader or hold any office in a political organization;

(2) make speeches for a political organization or candidate, or publicly endorse or oppose a candidate for public office; or

(3) solicit funds for, pay an assessment to, or make a contribution to a political organization or candidate, or attend or purchase a ticket for a dinner or other event sponsored by a political organization or candidate.

SIAP...but I saw this yesterday, and thought I'd share it here. I'm curious to see how the shooting in Minnesota plays out once more details come to light. Anyways, found this interesting.

No words to describe how infuriating that video is.

She should have her kid taken away from her, but instead the media is treating her like a heroine.
Let us NOT forget, everyone in this country now has an excuse as to not be charged with a crime. "I didn't know I could not do that, and I had no intent to do that"

I didn't know is not an excuse, and intent is required for almost all crimes. The issue is proving intent, which is usually done circumstantially.

Why exactly does veteran care suck? I can imagine, but I don't know facts. All I know is the VA hospital in lex looks pretty shitty and it's surrounded by brand new mega hospitals.

IIRC, when the VA hospital scandal broke a couple of years ago there was stuff (polls? surveys?) saying that VA care was adequate once you're in the system. Having dealt with the VA for multiple matters myself (disability, GI Bill, family member's PTSD related issues) and for an ongoing pro bono case, I doubt that. Their scheduling software is literally from the 1980s, and they routinely do things like fail to send claim information to designated representatives and not consider evidence that you specifically identified for a claim (leading to an appeal to fix an issue that should never arise in the first place). Worst government agency I've ever dealt with. It's just a hit or miss of competence (rare) or mouth breathers.

Our nuclear facilities used floppy disks for goodness sakes.

The reason I lump them together though is I see govt workers avoid work all the time by using those convoluted processes as a crutch.

I think the dated-ness of the nuclear weapons software/hardware is on purpose, no? Security and hardiness. Maintaining the systems was part of my old career field in the Air Force (2E2X1 at the time), and we all breathed a sigh of relief when we weren't assigned to work on such old systems.
big two days for Never Trump coming up tomorrow/Friday. there are 112 seats on the rules committee; only 28 votes are necessary in order to force legislation to the general convention floor. the RNC is working hard to stamp out legislation that would free delegates to vote for any nominee they want regardless of who won their state's primary.
If they do that then we need to scrap the whole election process period! These delegates are elected to be a voice for the people, so by wanting to refuse to vote the way their state's went I believe everyone of them have violated their responsibilities to the people and should be removed from office.
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Had this discussion yesterday. Good reading here. If nothing else, she explicitly broke the code of conduct.

Canon 5: A Judge Should Refrain from Political Activity

(A) General Prohibitions. A judge should not:

(1) act as a leader or hold any office in a political organization;

(2) make speeches for a political organization or candidate, or publicly endorse or oppose a candidate for public office; or

(3) solicit funds for, pay an assessment to, or make a contribution to a political organization or candidate, or attend or purchase a ticket for a dinner or other event sponsored by a political organization or candidate.

Those are merely suggestions, you see, a code of conduct is a "fluid document", it can mean different things to different people at different times. We are in a war right now. War on drugs, poverty, terrorism, racism...
Fine. Great leadership we have in this country (pathetic truly) it would seem you would agree then, where it is constructed for our children to encounter transgenders in public restrooms, but no worry that they should bear the tragic sight of a disfigured veteran in a public hospital.

Do whaaa? Kopi ya had me up till transgenders and disfigured veterans

Im confused too
SIAP...but I saw this yesterday, and thought I'd share it here. I'm curious to see how the shooting in Minnesota plays out once more details come to light. Anyways, found this interesting.

Want to know what makes more real life sense than her story and the story of blm terrorists? She was ready to shoot the video before anything happened. She was supposed to film when the cop was ordering the scofflaw to surrender his weapon. The story was going to be a "black man isn't allowed to have a concealed carry license". Didn't work out that way. Video was going to viral and she was going to get the attention she desired. Too bad she won't get the attention she deserves.
Do whaaa? Kopi ya had me up till transgenders and disfigured veterans
He said that our government is fine with telling you that biology has no place in designating which bathroom you should use, but they have a problem with displaying the horrific results of war.

I started going to the VA hospital with my father, a disabled veteran, when I was 8 years old in 68. I saw things that I shouldn't have had to see, I suppose. Lot's of WWII vets still around at that time. They were mutilated.
just continuation of his anti establishment act. him running against all politicians regardless of party is his successful formula.
Because the GOP Congress has done such a great job.... They have taken it from behind by Obama more times than I can count now.

My father was a veteran and I saw first hand the kind of care they get and the conditions they have to deal with when they are admitted. If it is so great then every person in Congress and the White House should be required to get all their medical care from a VA hospital for now on.
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