How will they rule ??!

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For what reason do the Black Panthets think they need to be armed? Sounds more like they are just lookin for trouble. Hope the
Powers that be tell them not going to happen.
Is this a serious question? Don't you support all of the NRA pro-gun advocates that say if more people carried then we would have less crime?
White guy carrying = 2nd Amendment loving patriot helping to defend America...
Black guy carrying = thug looking for trouble.

BTW, who are the "Powers that be"?
Wouldn't be surprised if Trump picks Newt just to bait the Clintons: if they (or anyone) bring up Newt's "indiscretions", then it's open season on Bill Clinton.
I didn't know that Bill Clinton was running for office.
Agree, that old bag should apologize at once, and learn to keep her mouth shut.
The judicial code says pretty unambiguously that judges are not to speak in favor or against any political candidate. She is flouting that, and doesn't seem to care.

See, we need to elect Trump, so that he can stock the judiciary with ideologues who have no sense of judicial propriety. heh
Nvm, total BS clickbait, per usual.

FBI believes, like most of you, that something happened on that plane.
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That's the story. And the FBI had to sign agreements saying they wouldn't talk about the investigation lmao. You don't say? Stellar reporting, journalists! Way to not do your job!
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More shocking news:

"A new report from Harvard University says press coverage of Donald Trump's presidential campaign become progressively more negative as Trump built a lead in the Republican primaries — and soared after Trump clinched the GOP nomination.

A graph in the report from the Shorenstein Center of Media, Politics and Public Policy forms an almost perfect "X," as Trump coverage went from 57 percent positive and 43 percent negative during the early Republican primaries to 61 percent negative and 39 percent positive after Trump defeated his last Republican rivals.
- be pretty dope for Ginsburg to have to recuse herself from anything Don Trump related when he gets elected. She won't do it because she has no integrity, but good Lord he could tee off unmercifully on her words for influence.

- how come no drama about R's protesting D convention? Losers.

- man, that Orlando terrorist killing gays sure got dropped like a sack of potatoes.....not narrative, I guess.
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"Another co-op is shutting down, becoming the 15th to do so and bringing the total number of federal loans given to the failed nonprofit insurers to more than $1.5 billion....Oregon’s Health Co-Op was one of 23 co-ops that launched under Obamacare. The co-ops, or consumer operated and oriented plans, were intended to create competition and choice in areas of the country where consumers had few options. The 23 co-ops—not including Vermont’s co-op, which never opened its doors—received $2.4 billion in startup and solvency loans from the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services."

If only someone had raised their hand in the beginning to tell people this Obamacare thing wouldn't work, that the math just doesn't work. Next we'll move the same kind of irrational thinking to other areas.

"Hey, my house burned down, and I don't have insurance."

"No sweat, they've changed the law, now you can wait until your house burns before getting and paying for insurance!!"
Trump is already ahead in Florida and the convention hasn't even started yet. He's ahead or within striking distance in Pennsylvania and Ohio. Take the 2012 results and add those states and Trump is President.

As for VP, Gingrich is the best choice if you are checking all of what Trump himself has said he needs in a VP. Pit bull on the campaign trail. Knows how to get Trump's agenda through Congress. Knows the Clinton's inside and out. The other two are not Washington insiders like Gingrich is. Pence is too nice and that means Trump will continue to have to be his own attack dog. Christie will not get Trump's Republican support up into the mid 90's like it must be in order for him to hold the 2012 Romney states.

The pick must be Newt unless they simply conclude Governing at this point does not matter since they think they cannot win with him and just to get through the election they must pick Pence. At that point I would expect Newt to wind up as Trump's Chief of Staff.

Side note, Supreme Court Justices do not even clap at the State of the Union Address. They are impartial observers. It is wildly inappropriate for Ginsburg to attack Trump. I do believe that breach of impartiality is very troubling. We don't want the Supreme Court Justices to start intruding into the campaign process like this. Just totally inappropriate.

Liberal supreme court justices are just like the rest. Unethical and political to the bone.
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I didn't know that Bill Clinton was running for office.

Trump is now ahead in key swing states and the convention isn't even here. Hillary is most likely going to lose Pennsylvania and she's losing ground daily in Ohio, where trump hasn't even spent money yet.

Get ready.
Trump is now ahead in key swing states and the convention isn't even here. Hillary is most likely going to lose Pennsylvania and she's losing ground daily in Ohio, where trump hasn't even spent money yet.

Get ready.
Many are going to be surprised when the polls show just how fed up the majority of America is of all the liberal policies and bullsh$% that has been RAMMED down our throats the past 7.5 years.

The tides of change are coming....just wait for it.
Also I have several family members and friends that are cops in millington and Memphis. None support gun legislation to carve out the issues.

Quit citing black police chiefs in liberal areas as "group cop think".
Imo, the polls are off because 10-15% of people will show up to vote for Donald, but might not publicly reveal that. I think and hope that we could see a pretty good pounding of hillary... and not in the way Willy would like ;)
Imo, the polls are off because 10-15% of people will show up to vote for Donald, but might not publicly reveal that. I think and hope that we could see a pretty good pounding of hillary... and not in the way Willy would like ;)

Hillary supports BBC&BLM. The only other pounding she'll receive besides the election is van Jones.
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Imo, the polls are off because 10-15% of people will show up to vote for Donald, but might not publicly reveal that. I think and hope that we could see a pretty good pounding of hillary... and not in the way Willy would like ;)

The only reason I'm hesitant to believe that is because that was my thought process in 2008. I figured the public was being intimidated into publicly supporting Obama, due to race.

Maybe this time it'll be. Let's hope.
3,500 black slave owners in the south, by historical fact. Only around 10% of the white population has ties to slavery.

The question is, if a black person has those owners in their family tree, does BLM support the idea that those individuals should also pay reparations?

Any "good white guy" liberals want to chime in on that?
Again, haven't kept up on this thread, but just wanted to throw in my opinion on RBG's comments on Trump: wildly inappropriate at best, unethical at worst. Biggest damage is to her legacy and reputation. Nothing to impeach, but just a big ole' don't. No upside, only downside, and just strikes of poor judgment (lol!). I think it might signal that she is leaning towards retirement if Clinton is elected, but I'm just reading sheep's guts here and it's a bloody mess. Carry on.
3,500 black slave owners in the south, by historical fact. Only around 10% of the white population has ties to slavery.

The question is, if a black person has those owners in their family tree, does BLM support the idea that those individuals should also pay reparations?

Any "good white guy" liberals want to chime in on that?

Different times and situations. McCain supporters werent labeled racists/bigots. They weren't publicly beaten. Cars with McCain stickers werent vandalized etc etc
3,500 black slave owners in the south, by historical fact. Only around 10% of the white population has ties to slavery.
Ignoring your larger point, this is pretty disingenuous.

The largest number of that 3500 were freed slaves who purchased their family as the only viable way to keep their family intact. That's technically black slave ownership, but is not even remotely the same thing.

10% of modern Americans have direct ancestors who were involved in slavery? 10% of whites owned slaves in antebellum America? Not sure what that second number is supposed to represent
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And speaking of Van Jones.....

Here's a quote from him during the politicon......

"The vast majority of intolerance toward other points of view does lean in fact lean left."

This is Van F'ing jones. Extreme of the extreme leftist, admitting what most already know.

The modern day leftist agenda is a totalitarian state, and the first amendment only applies to supporters of it.

Sick ass group of punks.
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Ignoring your larger point, this is pretty disingenuous.

The largest number of that 3500 were freed slaves who purchased their family as the only viable way to keep their family intact. That's technically black slave ownership, but is not even remotely the same thing.

10% of modern Americans have direct ancestors who were involved in slavery? 10% of whites owned slaves in antebellum America? Not sure what that second number is supposed to represent

there were in fact black slave owners who purchased family members, and history has shown that even they were forced to remain slaves in lots of cases. Not all black slave owners owned family members either. It's a mixed bag. There were many black slave owners who bought and sold blacks routinely.

Hell, there were blacks that owned white slaves in Virginia as well.

My question was more geared toward the reality. If a black person has slave owners in their tree, would a BLM POS or the left support those blacks funding a reparation pool to descendants of black slaves? Or white ones for that matter.

It's a good question no one touches.
Imo, the polls are off because 10-15% of people will show up to vote for Donald, but might not publicly reveal that. I think and hope that we could see a pretty good pounding of hillary... and not in the way Willy would like ;)
We see this claim from time to time - some variation of the polls aren't accurate because ___________. The polls almost always turn out to be accurate. I will say that Trump is not at all a typical candidate, and traditional models may not work well with him. But the pollsters have several months to figure that out....
No one touches on it because the number of free blacks owning enslaved blacks for the sole purpose of extracting free labor from them is *incredibly* small. Especially when you factor in that most of the cases of blacks owning blacks for purely monetary gain involved a mixed race owner with a white father or grandfather living in an urban area like Charleston, Baltimore, or New Orleans.

The number of blacks who owned white "slaves" can probably be counted on Chubbs Peterson's hand and most likely occurred in the early to mid 1600s; before American slavery took on its race based form that followed for the following 200 or so years.

I mean, yes, black people owned slaves. It was just such a tiny percentage and there were other mitigating factors which make it almost entirely unlike white slave ownership in America. I guess I don't even see your point, unless it's "BLM protesters are stupid." Which, fine, but torturing numbers like you are makes it seem like there would be easier examples to find of their stupidity.
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- be pretty dope for Ginsburg to have to recuse herself from anything Don Trump related when he gets elected. She won't do it because she has no integrity, but good Lord he could tee off unmercifully on her words for influence.


Please tell us more about her lack of integrity. Don't use google either.

This is a prime example of people not thinking for themselves.
Don't have to use google and don't have to cite other examples:

She gave two interviews making unprecedented politcal statements about a candidate for president. Reasonable leap that she should recuse herself from any cases involving him, but we all know she won't.

Sitting SCOTUS member bashing a private citizen running for office? Kinda reminds me of a sitting POTUS speaking out against private citizens involved in legal matters. IRS targeting your group without merit?

I mean, that's not a lot of weight swung against you or anything.

The abuse is all smiles until someone does it to you, I guess.
Polls are usually found right? They were so off at the beginning of the republican primary it was a joke.

Also lets not remember what just happened in Great Britain as a measure of polls being incorrect.
No one touches on it because the number of free blacks owning enslaved blacks for the sole purpose of extracting free labor from them is *incredibly* small. Especially when you factor in that most of the cases of blacks owning blacks for purely monetary gain involved a mixed race owner with a white father or grandfather living in an urban area like Charleston, Baltimore, or New Orleans.

The number of blacks who owned white "slaves" can probably be counted on Chubbs Peterson's hand and most likely occurred in the early to mid 1600s; before American slavery took on its race based form that followed for the following 200 or so years.

I mean, yes, black people owned slaves. It was just such a tiny percentage and there were other mitigating factors which make it almost entirely unlike white slave ownership in America. I guess I don't even see your point, unless it's "BLM protesters are stupid." Which, fine, but torturing numbers like you are makes it seem like there would be easier examples to find of their stupidity.

So slavery was a cycle?

Wonder why no one learns this in school.

The numbers in the amount of black slave owners varies. We know they existed. Depends on the historian. Its enough to discuss obviously. Extremist on the left have been screaming reparations for decades. What constitutes a real grievance for reparation in the individual sense. That's all I was saying.

Don't see how that's not a legitimate question simply because it's a small percentage. A small percentage of blacks die at the hands of police, and so far hundreds of thousands / millions in damage and 8 dead cops. The situations aren't the same obviously, but nonetheless.
Polls are usually found right? They were so off at the beginning of the republican primary it was a joke.

Also lets not remember what just happened in Great Britain as a measure of polls being incorrect.

If the polls are off, it will benifit trump. They won't be "way off" because of closet Hillary supporters. They will either have him down and he'll win slightly or they'll have him up and he'll slaughter her.
I think it's over. The media has lost the race battle because Americans have had her corruption handed to them front and center no matter how hard the media tries to just give her a pass.

They can focus on race 100% until November and it won't help now.

It is solely her corruption and you can't cover that up anymore.
"Another co-op is shutting down, becoming the 15th to do so and bringing the total number of federal loans given to the failed nonprofit insurers to more than $1.5 billion....Oregon’s Health Co-Op was one of 23 co-ops that launched under Obamacare. The co-ops, or consumer operated and oriented plans, were intended to create competition and choice in areas of the country where consumers had few options. The 23 co-ops—not including Vermont’s co-op, which never opened its doors—received $2.4 billion in startup and solvency loans from the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services."

If only someone had raised their hand in the beginning to tell people this Obamacare thing wouldn't work, that the math just doesn't work. Next we'll move the same kind of irrational thinking to other areas.

"Hey, my house burned down, and I don't have insurance."

"No sweat, they've changed the law, now you can wait until your house burns before getting and paying for insurance!!"

Let us NOT forget, everyone in this country now has an excuse as to not be charged with a crime. "I didn't know I could not do that, and I had no intent to do that"
We see this claim from time to time - some variation of the polls aren't accurate because ___________. The polls almost always turn out to be accurate. I will say that Trump is not at all a typical candidate, and traditional models may not work well with him. But the pollsters have several months to figure that out....

I agree that in every other instance it's kinda a silly argument. But just like you said, Trump is a first. And so is the fear for supporting him.
Ignoring your larger point, this is pretty disingenuous.

The largest number of that 3500 were freed slaves who purchased their family as the only viable way to keep their family intact. That's technically black slave ownership, but is not even remotely the same thing.

Very true. Most free black slave owners bought family members to get them out of slavery. But the total percentage of black slave owners was about 28% of the freed black population at the time. And only about 4% of the white population in the south owned slaves (about 1% of the total US white population owned slaves). Those are stats i remember from an article i read years ago.

Now, I can't recall the exact percentage of the black slave owners who owned 20 or more slaves (believed to be slave owners who purchased slaves merely as workers and not because they were family members). But I think it too hovered around the 4% mark. Meaning about 4% of the white population in the south owned slaves to use strictly as workers and about 4% of the freed black population in the south owned slaves to use strictly as workers. Some of those free black slave owners owned more than 100 slaves. Just goes to show that money, greed, and power can corrupt a man…regardless of skin color.

Those stats really surprised me. Because before reading that article I had no idea. Those numbers were taken from the US census bureau info. No idea how accurate that sort of thing would have been in those times…but even if it is remotely close those numbers are still surprising. And dude's point earlier was this…would the BLM movement also seek reparations from the descendants of those free black slave owners who owned slaves strictly to use as workers? And the answer is of course: No.

All of that is a moot point though because most of the serious reparations talk on the left centers around the US government footing the tab for reparations in the form of programs for black communities. Because that would be the only way you would be able to efficiently and effectively collect money for reparations without tons of law suits, etc...

Having said all of that...

If you really want to get down to the root of the origination of the trans-Atlantic slave trade and how it got introduced to this country then you need not look any further than the black tribesmen in Africa in the 1600's who captured blacks from other tribes and then sold them to white Europeans in exchange for guns. Those slaves were then shipped all over the world, including the colonies here in America to be sold. So make sure you include/start with the descendants of the black Africans and the white Europeans who started the whole mess when seeking reparations.

Also, if the tribes in Africa would have had stricter gun laws on the books then those "slaves for guns" deals never could have taken place. [winking]
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