How will they rule ??!

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Wow! I expect exactly that.

that's just a taste of what it will sound like. He is too arrogant and narcissistic to not go all in with last minute excuses, blame and possibly even taunts. I shudder thinking about his farewell address: We offered the hope of change. But what we found and what we see is a land and people that hopes for forgetting, hopes that the victims will do the accepting, hopes that time and more time will overcome the neglecting . . .
Technically we a need a Newt type somewhere involved in the executive branch, whether be by Prez or VP.

But he screwed himself on that.
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Interesting that Newt screwed himself when he had an affair while his wife had cancer. (And that is despicable in my opinion.) But compared to Bill's lifelong indiscretions--it's pretty tame. And Bill gets a pass.
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Interesting that Newt screwed himself when he had an affair while his wife had cancer. (And that is despicable in my opinion.) But compared to Bill's lifelong indiscretions--it's pretty tame. And Bill gets a pass.

It's not just the affairs, it's his personality
Look ya'll. I agree with ya.

Kennedys, Clintons- all have that ability to sell bullshit and people will absolutely eat it up. Act like they are your best friend and then stab ya in the back or screw you over, but still be ok with it.

Newt does not have that ability. He comes off cold and detached and that won't win anything in politics.

Wonder why Rand Paul isn't getting much cred, because he doesn't have a way with words.
Perfer someone that can bridge the gap with Latinos and AA not sure Pence can do that.
not sure there is any possible choice that could do that side by side with Trump, and both don't end up looking like incredible hypocrites. I guess doubling down on trying to maximize the conservative voters with the disaffected working class is his best shot.

oh and look, a poll showing him winning in Penn, Fl, tied in Oh. predictable, Trump getting a bounce out of Hillary's email scandal. And his bounce will continue when he picks his VP & goes into his convention. then Hilldawg will bounce back as most Sanders voters realize they have nowhere to go but her & she has her VP pick & convention.
Be interesting to see how Hillary does in a debate against Trump. For the most part Bernie played softball with her, I don't imagine Trump will.

At this point Hillary is like one of the castmembers at Disneyworld. They announce she'll be making an appearance at x time, people flock to her in anticipation, take pictures, she utters some prepackaged sanitized BS, waves and then it's over with her fans so excited. She never takes unknown questions, everything is scripted, and her supporters don't seem to mind that they have absolutely no idea what she really thinks, and I'm not sure if she knows now.
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Be interesting to see how Hillary does in a debate against Trump. For the most part Bernie played softball with her, I don't image Trump will.

At this point Hillary is like one of the castmembers at Disneyworld. They announce she'll be making an appearance at x time, people flock to her in anticipation, take pictures, she utters some prepackaged sanitized BS, waves and then it's over with her fans so excited. She never takes unknown questions, everything is scripted, and her supporters don't seem to mind that they have absolutely no idea what she really thinks, and I'm not sure if she knows now.
I think that is one of the best explanations i have read. Thanks
Be interesting to see how Hillary does in a debate against Trump. For the most part Bernie played softball with her, I don't image Trump will.
This is the one thing I am looking forward to. Trump will destroy Hillary in a debate. On the other hand though...Trump better do his research on a variety of policy issues he may not be accustomed to because she will try and play the "I am much smarter than you" card, which she may be on a variety of topics, but Trump is smart enough to surround himself with persons who know their stuff. He doesn't want to matter what area he is going for.
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Be interesting to see how Hillary does in a debate against Trump. For the most part Bernie played softball with her, I don't image Trump will.

At this point Hillary is like one of the castmembers at Disneyworld. They announce she'll be making an appearance at x time, people flock to her in anticipation, take pictures, she utters some prepackaged sanitized BS, waves and then it's over with her fans so excited. She never takes unknown questions, everything is scripted, and her supporters don't seem to mind that they have absolutely no idea what she really thinks, and I'm not sure if she knows now.

You can rest assured he will call her Crooked Hillary several times. He'll be advised, wisely I think, not to do it but he won't be able to resist. He'll tell his advisers he won't but he'll do it anyway.

I'm just finishing up the book "Game Change" about the 2008 election. Great read. Tells about all the goings-on in the background in the primaries and general election - how everything works.
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I guess we're so far gone that policy issues no longer matter, but Trump is awful at debates. I mean, he's good at roasts and saying ridiculous things, but at no point during the Republican debates did he actually do well. He hurt other candidates by making them *look* bad, but not their ideas.

Again, we're so far gone that this won't matter, but Hillary has already been damaged to the point that nothing Trump says is likely to matter and it probably won't win over any new converts.

The same can be said for Hillary. Basically, it is what it is at this point. If you're going to vote for Trump, you will vote for Trump in November. If you're going to vote for Hillary, ditto.
I guess we're so far gone that policy issues no longer matter, but Trump is awful at debates. I mean, he's good at roasts and saying ridiculous things, but at no point during the Republican debates did he actually do well. He hurt other candidates by making them *look* bad, but not their ideas.

Again, we're so far gone that this won't matter, but Hillary has already been damaged to the point that nothing Trump says is likely to matter and it probably won't win over any new converts.

The same can be said for Hillary. Basically, it is what it is at this point. If you're going to vote for Trump, you will vote for Trump in November. If you're going to vote for Hillary, ditto.

Agree 100%. He just wings it (like all his speeches) and that won't cut it in the general election debates.
Right, but I think most of that obnoxious stuff was just to win the republican nomination, which I'm still amazed he did. But he did it the only way you can in today's stupid media world, just make your voice heard more than anybody else. Stay in the news. Period. Obama demonstrated this perfectly.

After that, he's been oddly quite and subdued and managed to deliver a pretty killer foreign trade speech where he read from a prompter and absolutely crushed Hillary with facts. If that's his strategy for the debate, which I think it is based on how he's been acting, plus common sense, he will murder Hillary and she will be the one making petty remarks, trying to bring out the social media Donald because that's literally the only ammo she has.
Trump's main problem is getting the GOP base out. If he can manage that, he has a shot.

They'll show up. I think the, not dislike, but gut-churning hatred for Hillary and the Dems will compel them to come out. People will wake up to the fact that the SCOTUS is going to have three or more vacancies during the next term. Probably by deaths of old age. The question is really how many blacks, Hispanics and youth show up.
Newt is great. I think he's perfect as political ideals. I really admire him.

But he has the likability of Ted Cruz.

Those white kids in that audience. hahaha. They've never seen one ounce of true stress.

Dead thinking college liberals - "I think you'll agree people are more important than birds"

Newt " oh, people are more important than birds?"

I love how the media has everyone (including conservatives) thinking trump can't win while poll after poll shows him right there in it, or actually leading in key states.

Brainwashed and we don't even know it.
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They'll show up. I think the, not dislike, but gut-churning hatred for Hillary and the Dems will compel them to come out. People will wake up to the fact that the SCOTUS is going to have three or more vacancies during the next term. Probably by deaths of old age. The question is really how many blacks, Hispanics and youth show up.

Excellent signature quote starchief. Just finished a biography on Elliott. More man than me.
I have that book, but the one I read was 'In the Shadow of the Almighty', primarily from Elliott's journals.
Amazing that all of these so-called pro-cop supporters will ignore this police chief and just about every other police chief that has called for increased gun control.
The Police are already speaking out against open carry.

Just wait til all the militant ethnic groups figure out you get a lot more attention at your marches when you strap on long, assault style rifles. That's when white America will suddenly decide "oh my, we can't have this".
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Trump is already ahead in Florida and the convention hasn't even started yet. He's ahead or within striking distance in Pennsylvania and Ohio. Take the 2012 results and add those states and Trump is President.

As for VP, Gingrich is the best choice if you are checking all of what Trump himself has said he needs in a VP. Pit bull on the campaign trail. Knows how to get Trump's agenda through Congress. Knows the Clinton's inside and out. The other two are not Washington insiders like Gingrich is. Pence is too nice and that means Trump will continue to have to be his own attack dog. Christie will not get Trump's Republican support up into the mid 90's like it must be in order for him to hold the 2012 Romney states.

The pick must be Newt unless they simply conclude Governing at this point does not matter since they think they cannot win with him and just to get through the election they must pick Pence. At that point I would expect Newt to wind up as Trump's Chief of Staff.

Side note, Supreme Court Justices do not even clap at the State of the Union Address. They are impartial observers. It is wildly inappropriate for Ginsburg to attack Trump. I do believe that breach of impartiality is very troubling. We don't want the Supreme Court Justices to start intruding into the campaign process like this. Just totally inappropriate.
Although I think Newt is brilliant in front of an audience and he would be an absolute pitbull against Hillary and the left, AND, he knows how to maneuver the halls of Congress...his baggage and likability factor wouldn't seem to bode well with a lot of voters.

Wouldn't be surprised if Trump picks Newt just to bait the Clintons: if they (or anyone) bring up Newt's "indiscretions", then it's open season on Bill Clinton.
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NBC news listed the scheduled speakers at the Republican Convention. Number 9 on the list was Rudy Giuliani, the "far-right former mayor". That description has since been changed after Twitter blowback. Giuliani is pro-gun control, pro-choice. If that fits your definition of "far-right", it says a lot more about you than it does him. And the "you" in this case isn't a person, isn't some internet/twitter yahoo, it's one of the commercial networks.....
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