How will they rule ??!

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I was deeply disturbed recently by Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg. Twice in the last week, she openly attacked a political candidate for the presidency. While there is no law or even a rule forbidding her statements to the NYT and the AP, the politicization of the high court sets a dangerous trend. One of the reasons that the SCOTUS has been traditionally respected was its apolitical nature. Her public statements essentially compromise her ability to sit in judgment on any case involving that candidate. Should a case involving Clinton and Trump come to the high court, she would have no recourse but to recuse herself.
I don't care which side of the political fence a Justice sits on, neither she nor he have any business endorsing a political candidate.
What happens if Clinton is elected and someone challenges one of her policies?
Maybe they'll have beds in New Zealand for her SOTU address naps.
President mentioning BLM and the two black shooting victims multiple times was inappropriate during a funeral service for those police officers. His speech should have been half as short. Could have used a good editor. He lapses into lecturing and condescension more and more as the end of his term draws near. I am afraid he has fallen in love with the sound of his own voice.
They did that African American version called "The Wiz" years ago, right? If they make a rehash of that Obama might want to read for the part of the Scarecrow. I'll bet he could nail that song "If I Only Had a Brain"
Under the Obama administration(s), African Americans have suffered more greatly than any other group of Americans. The election of Hillary Clinton would serve to perpetuate that environment. God bless her. And God bless president Obama.
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And what did he quote? It was something odd about giving someone a heart....this was after the part where he was praising America for coming together and progressing, then he turned right around and lectured the country for many minutes on how we're still . . . .

. . . a disappointment to him? Obama delivering Old Testament God-Speak to the nation today, reminding us that it is only during our times of trouble when we seem to please him, but during normal operating conditions our vile nature reveals itself and causes harm to what seems to be his chosen people.

Expect this vibe to worsen. His final speeches will go like this: It could have been what you wanted. It could have been what I wanted. Yet what we saw was a land full of people who remain unwilling. Unwilling through forms of belief, forms of feeling, forms of rejection, forms of intolerance and ignorance, forms that remain accountable and undeserving. And while there are many who so richly deserved to have been rewarded by what could have been, there remain too many still swollen with pride and time who do not share the resources of their rewards, of their minds, or of their hearts.
I love Newt. He absolutely owns the left and kills them in any debate format. He is my favorite politician of all time.

Having said that, I can't see how it's a good choice. It will further alienate dead thinking independents and won't bring any new voters. It will be hard to hit Hillary on the "real war on women" by her and her filthy husband. I can't see the positive.

Although, Newt as a VP would be my dream scenario (being the pres would be better tho).

Vp's usually don't mean anything. Hopefully this is the standard of today as well.

Here's a video of Newt absolutely owning idiot leftist brainwashed college students at Amherst. Great example of how well he owns filthy liberals.

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I love Newt. He absolutely owns the left and kills them in any debate format. He is my favorite politician of all time.

Having said that, I can't see how it's a good choice. It will further alienate dead thinking independents and won't bring any new voters. It will be hard to hit Hillary on the "real war on women" by her and her filthy husband. I can't see the positive.

Although, Newt as a VP would be my dream scenario (being the pres would be better tho).

Vp's usually don't mean anything. Hopefully this is the standard of today as well.

Here's a video of Newt absolutely owning idiot leftist brainwashed college students at Amherst. Great example of how well he owns filthy liberals.

Newt is great. I think he's perfect as political ideals. I really admire him.

But he has the likability of Ted Cruz.

Those white kids in that audience. hahaha. They've never seen one ounce of true stress.
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. . . a disappointment to him? Obama delivering Old Testament God-Speak to the nation today, reminding us that it is only during our times of trouble when we seem to please him, but during normal operating conditions our vile nature reveals itself and causes harm to what seems to be his chosen people.

Expect this vibe to worsen. His final speeches will go like this: It could have been what you wanted. It could have been what I wanted. Yet what we saw was a land full of people who remain unwilling. Unwilling through forms of belief, forms of feeling, forms of rejection, forms of intolerance and ignorance, forms that remain accountable and undeserving. And while there are many who so richly deserved to have been rewarded by what could have been, there remain too many still swollen with pride and time who do not share the resources of their rewards, of their minds, or of their hearts.

Wow! I expect exactly that.
Love seeing all the "persons of color" spewing out against the SJWS. Tip of the cap to each and every one of you. Speaking of which, has anyone read Benjamin Watson's book "Under Our Skin"?

It directly refutes the crap that CatDaddy4daWin and other imbeciles have spouted here, saying we can't blame anyone or anything for any struggles today and he will no longer teach his kids about color because he wishes for a color blind society and that's the only way to have that.
-----Dallas Police Chief David Brown held a wide-ranging press conference on Monday, where he touched on race, the investigation and the issue of guns.

In a dramatic moment, he urged legislators to do their jobs and propose new laws to combat gun violence.

"We're doing ours. We're putting our lives on the line," Brown said. "The other aspects of government need to step up and help us."
Amazing that all of these so-called pro-cop supporters will ignore this police chief and just about every other police chief that has called for increased gun control.
Amazing that on the very day Obama spits on the caskets of the 5 assassinated cops with absurd lines like it is easier to get a gun than a book, 3 people were arrested for trying to steal guns to assassinate cops in baton rouge. Can't imagine how hard it must be to get books down there!!
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Amazing that on the very day Obama spits on the caskets of the 5 assassinated cops with absurd lines like it is easier to get a gun than a book, 3 people were arrested for trying to steal guns to assassinate cops in baton rouge. Can't imagine how hard it must be to get books down there!!
I'm guessing they were all white Christian males too, right lol?
However smart or talented one might think Newt is, he's less likable than even Trump and Hillary. Springtime of Hiters. Heh. Would that not be the most hated ticket in the history of histories? For the left, every Republican every 4 years is "literally Hitler." With that ticket they'd deplete their adjective stock.

Also pretty sure "those people" is microaggressive
Although I think Newt is brilliant in front of an audience and he would be an absolute pitbull against Hillary and the left, AND, he knows how to maneuver the halls of Congress...his baggage and likability factor wouldn't seem to bode well with a lot of voters.

Wouldn't surprise to see him play a role in Trump's campaign, but think it could have Palin like results as his VP pick.
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Pence is a good choice. solid, reasonable conservative, experienced in congress as well as governorship. I find the argument that Santorum is like Pence except better an interesting one - from a more critical state, looks younger, has already campaigned & received votes nationwide.