How will they rule ??!

  • YES - Qualified

    Votes: 41 82.0%
  • NO - Disqualified

    Votes: 9 18.0%

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Now that multiple witnesses have testified it was 100% extortion

Sondland: "I asked him [Trump] 1 open-ended question: 'What do you want from Ukraine?' And as I recaIl, he was in a very bad mood. It was a very quick conversation."

Trump said: "I want nothing. I want no quid pro quo. I want Zelensky to do the right thing."

Sondland then says Trump hung up on him.

Impeachment is going so poorly for the media and other Democrats that “Meet The Press” host Chuck Todd was forced to broadcast false information to support it.

A graphic was posted on Sunday’s show that purported to identify how many people in the president’s party voted in support of an impeachment inquiry in the cases of Presidents Bill Clinton and Donald Trump. It accurately noted that 31 Democrats voted in favor of impeachment proceedings for Clinton. But it inaccurately claimed that a single Republican had voted in favor of House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s impeachment rules last week.

There are multiple problems with this graphic. For one thing, zero Republicans voted with House Democrats last week. Zero point zero. Zilch. Nada. None. For another, Todd’s team is hiding the bipartisan nature of the opposition to the vote last week. Not only did not a single Republican vote with Democrats, two Democrats voted with Republicans in opposition.

Todd knows that no Republicans voted for impeachment, despite the graphic he put up on national television.
I know she's chunky, but I would.
Man, voted using a paper ballot and an ink pen. Marked the ballot then fed it into the tally machine. Took about ten minutes total. Had a couple dog catcher type positions with no Republican I could tell. I wrote-in NONE. Who knows...

What really burned me up was the Republican sample ballot had a tax increase marked YES. This Republican voted NO on that one. The RINO is ALIVE......Drain the SWAMP.....
Perhaps you live in Cincy. They have a repeal of a 0.3% earnings tax on the ballot today. But get this: That repeal is dependent on the passing of like a 0.8% countywide sales tax next Spring. Net, they vote to repeal it & yet nothing happens!! What a scam.
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And Democrats believe they are going to throw a president out of office based on this fool's allegations. Really? When it is all said and done this person should be swinging from a rope.

“Respecting elders” is complicated though.

Will I open a door or give up my seat to a senior citizen? Sure. That’s just being a nice person.

Acknowledging that older people (with sound minds) have memories/experiences/stories that are captivating? Absolutely.

But blindly believing/encouraging/accepting bullshit from an older person just because they’re...older? Couldn’t be me.

Or the ol’ “let me be old and cranky and racist and leave me alone” type folks? Nope. No respect given. IDGAF how things were back in your day if it involved some bullshit. I understand how that could be the case, but older doesn’t mean better.

We’ve come a long way as humans on Earth and hopefully we can make further strides before it’s too late.

spot on with your post. The OP came off as it was wrong to disrespect someone just because they are older. In general, I would agree with the thought. However just because you might be older doesn’t give you the right to be an ass. Some of the nastiest name callers on this board are some of the older folks
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spot on with your post. The OP came off as it was wrong to disrespect someone just because they are older. In general, I would agree with the thought. However just because you might be older doesn’t give you the right to be an ass. Some of the nastiest name callers on this board are some of the older folks

I'm a nasty name caller, bitch. I also don't need my age to fight a battle for me. My arguments stand the test of time. Yours do not.

I've met plenty of older people who do not deserve my consideration. I've met plenty who do.

I judge a man by his political beliefs. I judge you to be an idiot.

Settled science.
Man, if that were only true. Some fine womens running around up there. 3 of them are playing college golf right now. A few of them are older but they play golf and drink beer. Perfect woman as long as they don't want to play golf with me.
Maybe some of them will have a grandpa complex. You may be in luck.
Perhaps you live in Cincy. They have a repeal of a 0.3% earnings tax on the ballot today. But get this: That repeal is dependent on the passing of like a 0.8% countywide sales tax next Spring. Net, they vote to repeal it & yet nothing happens!! What a scam.

Virginia but I get your point.
Exactly. I had a little pussy at the golf course recently, bitching about something that I SAID to him. It was just an opinion, and a very solid one if I might add. Anyway, guy that runs the place threw that at me. I told him that I couldn't answer for pussies that can't take the heat.

That was cool until I said " I also can't answer for pussies that take up the arguments of pussies"

He realized that I was calling him a pussy. Kind of surprised me because I considered him too stupid to understand what I was saying.

He said something, I didn't pay attention as I was laughing and walking away.

All the dems that post here should be laughed at. And then just walk away.
Actually... I'd rather just call them pussies lol.
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“Respecting elders” is complicated though.

Will I open a door or give up my seat to a senior citizen? Sure. That’s just being a nice person.

Acknowledging that older people (with sound minds) have memories/experiences/stories that are captivating? Absolutely.

But blindly believing/encouraging/accepting bullshit from an older person just because they’re...older? Couldn’t be me.

Or the ol’ “let me be old and cranky and racist and leave me alone” type folks? Nope. No respect given. IDGAF how things were back in your day if it involved some bullshit. I understand how that could be the case, but older doesn’t mean better.

We’ve come a long way as humans on Earth and hopefully we can make further strides before it’s too late.

You really do not understand the concept at all. Your bud 444 likes your post (That figures). On the surface it almost sounds like reason. It is not. Not in the core of the issue.

I never stated you had to take guff from an old fart. Some can be obnoxious as heck. Some are just plain wrong. There are many old fools. The key is, not to be a young fool right back.

You call it making further strides. I call it dehumanizing humans. What you state and how you state doing it is animalistic. Explain to me how that is forward thinking.

What is wrong with being respectful of your elders? Not one darn thing. For you or anyone to justify anger and violence toward your elders whether it be physical or verbal is a lot more telling about you than the ones you target.

I won't go farther but think about what you stated again. I will state it again as I have stated previously I hope I NEVER get as progressive as you and 444. You are not progressive thinking unless it is detrimental to living. You both seem to have that by bucket loads. You are wrong.
spot on with your post. The OP came off as it was wrong to disrespect someone just because they are older. In general, I would agree with the thought. However just because you might be older doesn’t give you the right to be an ass. Some of the nastiest name callers on this board are some of the older folks

Ha, you still do not rule Joe but you sure are wrong a lot.
Regardless of how tonight goes, Daniel Cameron will be Governor in the not so distant future. Dude is running away with AG.

Trumpy was right, a star has been born.

That guy is likable.

First black Governor of Kentucky is gonna have an (R) by his name. Suck it libs.
He will run for mcconnells seat in 7 years.
What is wrong with being respectful of your elders? Not one darn thing. For you or anyone to justify anger and violence toward your elders whether it be physical or verbal is a lot more telling about you than the ones you target.


“Violence?” “Physical or verbal?”

What in the hell are you talking about?

Do you cower to certain KKK members just because they’re older than you? Bold racists who haven’t gotten out of the segregation era? Presidents who have more years on the planet but you disagree with their line of thinking? You respect them too and accept their views?

I’m generally nice to most people, even nicer to senior citizens trying to maneuver in a rapidly-changing world. Let them say some bullshit though? Sorry mate, that’s for simpletons and commies.