How will they rule ??!

  • YES - Qualified

    Votes: 41 82.0%
  • NO - Disqualified

    Votes: 9 18.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
Went straight R this morning.

If you’re willing to publicly put a D next to your name and identify with the radical loony toons of the left, I don’t trust your judgment.

I’m happy with KY under Bevin. Would like a new Brent Spence and don’t think it will ever happen without tolls. I care far more about policy than whether or not someone is a dick. See Donald J Trump (I’m willing to compromise and accept his Democrat spending tendencies in exchange for lower taxes and someone who puts America first).

The rest of the candidates I don’t really know anything about. It generally goes against my principles to vote for someone without knowing the specifics, but on the other hand NKY needs to start voting, regardless of party, so Frankfort starts to take notice.
Yep, first time I voted a straight ticket also. Flipped the ole "R" rooster tail. Canceled out my dad's vote.
I will watch the game tonight but I will have it split-screened watching incoming election results. (Already told my wife to not bug me about sleep tonight. Usually try hitting the hay around 9 on a work night.) My laptop and the internet should be active...Sling-TV. Just added the package to give me the SEC Network.
I will watch the game tonight but I will have it split-screened watching incoming election results. (Already told my wife to not bug me about sleep tonight. Usually try hitting the hay around 9 on a work night.) My laptop and the internet should be active...Sling-TV. Just added the package to give me the SEC Network.

UK game probably won't start until 10ish...election results should be a wrap by then right?
Went straight R this morning.

If you’re willing to publicly put a D next to your name and identify with the radical loony toons of the left, I don’t trust your judgment.

I’m happy with KY under Bevin. Would like a new Brent Spence and don’t think it will ever happen without tolls. I care far more about policy than whether or not someone is a dick. See Donald J Trump (I’m willing to compromise and accept his Democrat spending tendencies in exchange for lower taxes and someone who puts America first).

The rest of the candidates I don’t really know anything about. It generally goes against my principles to vote for someone without knowing the specifics, but on the other hand NKY needs to start voting, regardless of party, so Frankfort starts to take notice.
Lexington, KY is corrupt and has been for many years. It is liberal to the core and this is what you get with liberalism. Stay out of that town if you can.
Lexington is part of my territory. Many fine people, but agree that it's a strong liberal slant. Possibly the influence of the University.
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Lexington is part of my territory. Many fine people, but agree that it's a strong liberal slant. Possibly the influence of the University.

I don't think Lexington is a "far left" demographic either. A lot of old school democrats. Also, I think you have people in Lexington who vote differently at the local and State level than they do at the federal level. Each of those has different roles and influences on people's lives.

I'm guessing I have the person you were responding to on ignore. Was it someone calling Lexington a liberal shithole? LOL. Lexington is a great place to live and work, regardless of one's political affiliation.
I don't think Lexington is a "far left" demographic either. A lot of old school democrats. Also, I think you have people in Lexington who vote differently at the local and State level than they do at the federal level. Each of those has different roles and influences on people's lives.

I'm guessing I have the person you were responding to on ignore. Was it someone calling Lexington a liberal shithole? LOL. Lexington is a great place to live and work, regardless of one's political affiliation.
Original discussion regarding Lexington police refusing to take action against left-wing group. Assuming orders coming from mayor's office. My main issue with Lexington is the fvcked up traffic. Especially, Beaumont Center and Richmond Road. [roll]
I don't think Lexington is a "far left" demographic either. A lot of old school democrats. Also, I think you have people in Lexington who vote differently at the local and State level than they do at the federal level. Each of those has different roles and influences on people's lives.

I'm guessing I have the person you were responding to on ignore. Was it someone calling Lexington a liberal shithole? LOL. Lexington is a great place to live and work, regardless of one's political affiliation.
I have 2 kids at UK and am in Lexington almost every weekend.

I don't think UK/Lexington is anywhere close in "liberalness" to Cincy... and I know Cincy isn't anywhere close to Manhattan... I guess its all relative lol.
Original discussion regarding Lexington police refusing to take action against left-wing group. Assuming orders coming from mayor's office. My main issue with Lexington is the fvcked up traffic. Especially, Beaumont Center and Richmond Road. [roll]

Dude, I live in Hamburg area and the traffic is misery all the time. Whatever engineer designed that whole mess should be shot.
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I have 2 kids at UK and am in Lexington almost every weekend.

I don't think UK/Lexington is anywhere close in "liberalness" to Cincy... and I know Cincy isn't anywhere close to Manhattan... I guess its all relative lol.

Yeah - there are definitely "degrees" of it. A Kentucky democrat isn't a Boston democrat isn't a DC democrat.....
Berea is located at the foothills of Appalachia. This is a tremendous boost for the local ecomony.

Hyster-Yale Expands Forklift Production Facility
in Berea

Company anticipates substantial annual capacity boost
FRANKFORT, Ky. (Nov. 5, 2019) – Gov. Matt Bevin today congratulated forklift manufacturer Hyster-Yale Group on its $25.7 million expansion in Berea to greatly boost capacity at the facility.

“Hyster-Yale has been a strong economic partner in Madison County, and we are excited to see the company build upon its impressive track record of success,” Gov. Bevin said. “Their investment affirms Kentucky’s status as America’s engineering and manufacturing hub of excellence, and we look forward to Hyster-Yale’s continued growth here in the commonwealth.”

Hyster-Yale recently celebrated the groundbreaking for the 160,000-square-foot expansion of its facility on Menelaus Road in Berea, which will increase the size of the operation and greatly increase its manufacturing capacity.

Great news. But Berea definitely is not Appalachia
Voted straight R baby. Piss on socialists dems
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Went straight R this morning.

If you’re willing to publicly put a D next to your name and identify with the radical loony toons of the left, I don’t trust your judgment.

I’m happy with KY under Bevin. Would like a new Brent Spence and don’t think it will ever happen without tolls. I care far more about policy than whether or not someone is a dick. See Donald J Trump (I’m willing to compromise and accept his Democrat spending tendencies in exchange for lower taxes and someone who puts America first).

The rest of the candidates I don’t really know anything about. It generally goes against my principles to vote for someone without knowing the specifics, but on the other hand NKY needs to start voting, regardless of party, so Frankfort starts to take notice.

I'm registered as a Democrat. Have been since 1978. I won't be voting for any of them, as usual. The only time I vote for a dem is when they have a primary vote and I get to vote for the dem that I want to run against the eventual winner.

I don't just hate dems. I prove it.
I'm registered as a Democrat. Have been since 1978. I won't be voting for any of them, as usual. The only time I vote for a dem is when they have a primary vote and I get to vote for the dem that I want to run against the eventual winner.

I don't just hate dems. I prove it.

You're at least 25 years older than I thought you were. I had you pegged for mid 30s.
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Study: Free College Plans Leave Vast Majority Worse Off

The "free" college plans touted by Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D., Mass.) and other Democratic presidential hopefuls will require radical tax hikes and leave 86 percent of American households worse off, a recent study found.

A National Bureau of Economic Research study conducted by University of Wisconsin researchers found that free college translates to a hollowed-out higher education system that leaves many Americans worse off.

For the vast majority of U.S. households, any benefit derived from a free college plan was outweighed by its negative consequences.
Can we just stop talking about Warren? She has NO chance of winning anything. Biden is going to be the Dem candidate. He was involved with all the treasonous shit that went on with O'bama and the dems need him there to cover it all up again.

Sanders and Warren might not have the "save your own ass" mentality that Biden has.

Follow the money? Nope. Follow the treason.
I just can’t wait for the first time they have to roll out Biden’s body double because the real one can’t stay lucid long enough to satisfy his performance obligations for his Democrat handlers.

Hard part for the Dems is there’s an acceptable level of Biden’s dementia they’ve been allowing in public, so it may be tough for them to determine whether he’s gone over the edge.

Just a reminder, the last Democrat presidential candidate had a seizure in public, fainted, shit herself, was thrown into a disguised ambulance and taken to her “daughter’s apartment” which was a makeshift hospital room while the Democrats trotted out a body double to wave to a crowd.

Warren may be the default if Bernie has ANOTHER heart attack DURING THE CAMPAIGN and Biden can’t stop drooling on himself in public.
You're at least 25 years older than I thought you were. I had you pegged for mid 30s.

I like you John. I honestly do. Austin likes you and I trust his discretion. I'm still going to give you shit from time to time, just because. You give it out, but you've also proved you can take it as well.

You're just as much American as any of us as far as I'm concerned and I would have no problem at all with you being able to vote.

We'll meet up some day and have a beer. Maybe at KSBar. We can eat, drink, and be merry while talking shit about Matt Jones.
My bad. I had always heard that Berea was at the foothills of Appalachia. Jackson County is just a few miles away. I spent many a day in the Clover Bottom area assisting a manufacturing client. Tough sledding for anyone trying to earn a living. Here's a link to the City of Berea site.

No worries and it wasn't intended as an attack on you. I just find it hilarious cities and people want to be included in Appalachia only when it's favorable for them.
I never vote straight ticket, but that’s because a couple of libertarians get my vote. Don’t think I’ll be voting for a D ever again, as I don’t see them coming back from the extreme.
Yes sir, it's turning into a shit show.

Begin weak excuses from resident libs and Dems in 5.... 4.... 3....

Warren is a nonfactor. The only people who think she has a chance are the people who haven't heard her speak.