How will they rule ??!

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I know some people hate on all the Twitter posts on here (cough cough John), I find them very entertaining from both sides. Its like each side is living in its own universe. I know social media was supposed to be different than MSM, but its really all the same.

Every single day there are tweets all day long with BREAKING news that will end the Trump presidency. You turn on MSNBC or CNN guess what, BREAKING news something just happened that will end the presidency.

Same thing for the right. I swear to god that Ryan guy from Daily Wire has BREAKING news 10 times a day, everyday. You turn on Hannity guess what he starts off every show with, BREAKING news. Just instead of breaking news that will end Trump, its breaking news that clears Trump or breaking news about dirt that will end some leftist political career.

Dont get me wrong, Im biased and prefer the right leaning stuff. I just find it funny the last page or so, reading the polar opposite tweets from both sides. Lets be honest though, 95% of the BREAKING news on both sides is forgotten a day after it breaks.

I’m not as anti twitter as I used to be (at least here - I’ll still never have a Twitter account.) Some of the stuff Dwayne posts is actually quite good.

Agree with you on the “BREAKING” thing though - my first sniff test on the relevance of a twitter post is the first word - if it’s “BREAKING,” “HUGE,” “MASSIVE,” or any similar capitalized descriptor, I skip it.
Agree with John about the quality of CFA product and service. However, we can’t ignore the popularity of their stand against portions of the extreme left community.

One of the things I hate most about the left is their damn victim mentality. CFA never asks a customer what their beliefs or political stances are. They simply serve up awesome food quickly and with a smile, regardless of who is buying it. It’s a great company with a great business model.
I think we can put the Matt Jones for Senate to rest. Listening to the President last night the name Matt Jones never came up. There was considerable mention of the lady who once ran for Congress and has announced for the Democrat for Kentucky Senate. . It is becoming clear Matt Jones for Senate was a giant publicity stunt.and he was able to get a book deal out of it So give him props for that. . The book will also be a dud because who wants to read about 120 counties in Kentucky if you live in another state. Put a fork in Jones, he is done.
I REALLY hope he has something that blows the “suicide” story to pieces. If Pizzagate is real, and I truly believe it is, everyone involved needs to burn. Complete scorched earth and I don’t care what politicians/actors/royal family members are caught up in the blaze.

Maybe this will finally allow us to find out what happened to Seth Rich as well.....

Sefus, 18 minutes after O'Keefe/Project Veritas tweet. The NYPD police commissioner resigned. Coincidence? I dunno
This certainly sounds like a big enough deal to warrant a New York Times article...

I swear newsrooms today most have morning meetings..."Find me something that makes America look racist no matter how insignificant the story is"

Probably a story in the style and validity of Jussie Smollet.
I’m not sure what to make of this.

This would seem to imply that the reason CFA is so successful is because they are closed on Sundays. That’s not the case at all. They are successful because they make great food and provide top shelf service. They’d be every bit as successful if they were open on Sundays.

Conversely, this would also imply that by closing on Sundays, the other 3 restaurants would improve their bottom lines - also not correct. Their mediocre products and indifferent attitude toward customers would still exist. As memes go, this one is terrible. Do better, Austin :)
It infers two things to me and that is that people are tired of the rhetoric being spewed (especially the Christian right) and that God blesses those who at least try in earnest to do the "right" thing.
Probably a story in the style and validity of Jussie Smollet.

It infers two things to me and that is that people are tired of the rhetoric being spilled (especially the Christian right) and that God blesses those who at least try in earnest to do the "right" thing.

I don’t have an issue with your 2nd statement, I can respect that. However, people don’t eat at CFA simply because their ownership is Christian and conservative. They eat there because the food and service are both awesome. If they served bad food, they’d be out of business regardless of their beliefs.
CFA sells better food at a higher price point, provides a better customer experience and doesn’t have a location on every corner. I don’t find it surprising the revenue per store is higher than the per store revenue for the other three combined.

I can walk to three different Starbucks within 10 minutes of my office. Probably hurts the per store revenue, but not overall profitability.
Don Jr. on CBS this! These people man, they are despicable. They are literally scowling at him, and he’s spewing nothing but facts.

Is he coked out this morning? Every time I hear Junior speak it sounds like he’s looking for his next line.
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Surprised its that high.

Trying to please everyone. But pleasing noone

As conservatives we should stop talking about how incompetent Obama was. He had a plan and carried it out. Hillary and the MSM were suppose to put on the finishing touch of socialism., Thankfully Trump derailed that.


Exactly. He and the forced behind him weren't idiots. They were close to finally pulling off the dream of American destruction that they started with Truman and tried again with Carter
How innocent men tweet.
Trump just tweeted that there's "nothing wrong" with engaging in "quid pro quo" to extort a foreign power into attacking our election. We are in some seriously dark times when the president's defense becomes "I didn't do the crime, but there's nothing wrong with crime if I did."
So Obama was criminal for giving Iran $1.5B only after signing a nuke deal?
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a recap:
Trump is a genius but you can't see his grades
Trump is healthy but you can't see his medical report
Trump is rich but you can't see his tax returns
Trump is innocent but you can't see the unedited transcript
Trump is honest but you can't question the White House lawyers
So when is Obama's thesis going to be made public?
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Sounds just like this administration.
"Vindman also testified this week that the official record and rough transcript of the call included an inexplicable change. A vague eight-word phrase was added and attributed to Zelensky that the foreign leader never said." …
And he's the only one who got that change? LOL.
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Gonna be a tight race today. I think Bevin eeks it out. 50/50 and we know many on the right just stay silent till they vote.

We really need to send beshear and especially stumbo home. Poster boys for what's wrong with politics, especially stumbo
A Republican sweep would be awesome... honestly, all the dem candidates suck, esp Stumbo, Beshear, and heather french whateverthefuc*****.....

Not surprised at all...What the public doesn't know is what is scary and they should know it. (Some wouldn't care but dang, you cannot fathom some of the stuff the "high and mighty's" do.) Some would be swayed with their vote too. A lot actually but you cannot comprehend someone would do the things. It isn't even brought up in the normal thought process.
Berea is located at the foothills of Appalachia. This is a tremendous boost for the local ecomony.

Hyster-Yale Expands Forklift Production Facility
in Berea

Company anticipates substantial annual capacity boost
FRANKFORT, Ky. (Nov. 5, 2019) – Gov. Matt Bevin today congratulated forklift manufacturer Hyster-Yale Group on its $25.7 million expansion in Berea to greatly boost capacity at the facility.

“Hyster-Yale has been a strong economic partner in Madison County, and we are excited to see the company build upon its impressive track record of success,” Gov. Bevin said. “Their investment affirms Kentucky’s status as America’s engineering and manufacturing hub of excellence, and we look forward to Hyster-Yale’s continued growth here in the commonwealth.”

Hyster-Yale recently celebrated the groundbreaking for the 160,000-square-foot expansion of its facility on Menelaus Road in Berea, which will increase the size of the operation and greatly increase its manufacturing capacity.
I don’t have an issue with your 2nd statement, I can respect that. However, people don’t eat at CFA simply because their ownership is Christian and conservative. They eat there because the food and service are both awesome. If they served bad food, they’d be out of business regardless of their beliefs.
Some people eat there because of it well, at least 3. Me and my family do and I don't care for the food all that much. Did not go until the hoopla started. Went to show support then, wife and daughter like it so, we go more than we used to which was never.
Went straight R this morning.

If you’re willing to publicly put a D next to your name and identify with the radical loony toons of the left, I don’t trust your judgment.

I’m happy with KY under Bevin. Would like a new Brent Spence and don’t think it will ever happen without tolls. I care far more about policy than whether or not someone is a dick. See Donald J Trump (I’m willing to compromise and accept his Democrat spending tendencies in exchange for lower taxes and someone who puts America first).

The rest of the candidates I don’t really know anything about. It generally goes against my principles to vote for someone without knowing the specifics, but on the other hand NKY needs to start voting, regardless of party, so Frankfort starts to take notice.