How will they rule ??!

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    Votes: 41 82.0%
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It is completely demeaning. Y’all are dumber than shit. Doesn’t mean it’s a racial slur...
False you dumbass. You have been back tracking ever since after being shown for the racist you are. Doesn't sit well with your "Woke" pretense of tolerance and inclusion.

Chester the Molester has pulled that stunt one too many times.

Chester the Molester has pulled that stunt one too many times.

Do you really think Trump would rape that woman?
How crazy are the liberals that they would run someone like this up as a rape victim? I guess you guys think if you throw enough s*** at the wall something will stick. And it is work to a point because people think that the president needs to be impeached when he actually didn't do anything wrong.
Chester the Molester has pulled that stunt one too many times.
Her filing a defamation suit doesn't give her story any more credibility. No one believed her then and they're not going to believe her now.

She's doing this to try to stay in the news. Matter of fact, the judge is more than likely going to throw this nonsense out. But whatever.

Chester the Molester has pulled that stunt one too many times.
Not to mention, how pathetic and desperate do you have to be?

She's suing him for defamation because he damaged her reputation by denying her rape accusation, an accusation backed up by zero evidence and/or witnesses.

Say that out loud to yourself and try not to die laughing.
Rednecks love Trump. That is a true statement and what I said. I didn’t “label” all Trump supporters rednecks. Many Trump supporters are rich, educated, successful assholes. Doesn’t mean rednecks don’t love Trump. They do. And that’s what I said.
False and a bold face lie.
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No one cares.

Not to mention, how pathetic and desperate do you have to be?

She's suing him for defamation because he damaged her reputation by denying her rape accusation, an accusation backed up by zero evidence and/or witnesses.

Say that out loud to yourself and try not to die laughing.

That won't last. Claim is defective on its face. Should be rule 11 against whatever attorney filed that
This is fun.
Turkish intelligence allegedly has an intercept of a call in which Kushner gave MBS the green light to arrest Jamal Khashoggi, who was later murdered in the Saudi consulate in Istanbul and Erdogan used that info to get Trump to pull US troops out of Syria
Psst. They tell you they have no idea whether any of it is true

"Spectator acknowledged of its own report 'whether any of this is true is another matter' " LOL.
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Again, I am lost in that comment.
I don't know the commenters here.
I just wanted to get people to VOTE. It is Important to me that the people speak.
Anyone who touches a child will get me arrested if I get near them.
Ed323232 has been labeled so because we have not seen him opposed to it. Proof? not really. But, he has called me many names then run and put me on ignore because he can't stand the heat so, I run with it.
So Republicans think that written responses from the whistleblower are insufficient for cross-examination, but written responses from the President to Mueller are totally fine to determine credibility.

Dumb argument.

Trump was the suspect. You can't force a suspect to testify against themselves. They have the right to remain silent.

The wb is the accuser. The burden of proof is on the accuser.

No TPain tonight but I'd still find a different account because Mieke Eoyang just isn't doing it for you.
Sounds just like this administration.
I just went through this with rq now @KRJ1975 is going to accuse me of be James. Anyway...

And when pressed Vindman also admitted that it was meaningless and insignificant. That ultimately the transcript is still complete and accurate.

Even the whistle blower wrote in his secret memo that the transcript was complete and accurate.