How will they rule ??!

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You are quite the foolish person...(This conversation was government centered.) uh, the government is NOT a business. It does NOT operate for profit, very few government employees employ any profitability skills (Except what they can extract in the form of pay.). They really do not care about being useful AND, government employees have no need nor should they EVER be allowed union actions of any kind. It is abused and totally not legal. (It never has been but the lobby is very powerful and they donate a lot of dough to the right people.)

If you want to go the private sector I'd dare state you'd lose their too. I charge for that and yeah, I do have the credentials to charge for it, not that it matters. (Real world results)

Your premise was flawed from the beginning but I have already observed, you like to see how well you type no matter if you are addressing anything relevant to the conversation. It sounded good to you...

I see why you are not relevant in this forum and are very probably a do nothing in real life. You seem to be all (type) or talk. It's not worth much....

Oh, and if a jack-leg redneck is the opposite of you, color me that and proud of it...Thanks a bunch!
Now you're a legal scholar...LOL.
FYI, government employee unions are legal...unless you can point to any law or statute that says otherwise? You cannot. Of course that won't stop you from making some asinine comment and thinking in your own mind that it somehow overcomes reality.

My premise is flawed?
First, I made no premise, i gave you an observation.

Second, I can't take credit for the idea but I have seen the results and so have other companies AND governments (State and Feds) as WFH becomes more and more prevalent. Why otherwise do you think the practice is being adopted by more and more employers?

Third, if you had any clue about human resources management you would know that the best way to create a workforce that has no incentive and is apathetic...treat them like they are pieces of meat. Good employees won't stick around. Government has to compete for workers just like the private sector...ESPECIALLY in high demand fields like IT where skilled workers have their choice of jobs. If they don't offer competitive perks then they will be stuck with the bottom of the barrell workers and unfilled positions. There is a high cost associated with employee turnover.

LOL...this forum is for entertainment purposes only, ain't nobody "relevant" here including you bub.
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I saw a Obama and immediately thought of the military blowing his head clean off his shoulders because he is a treasonous muslim
Don Jr. pretending that anyone gives a shit about Kanye West’s attempt at a gospel album. SMH.

The nutswingers are still holding on for dear life.

75% of Kanye’s loose fanbase cancelled him after that bizarre WH visit and “slavery was a choice.”

I’m in the rare 5% who always thought he was an overrated hack. Always more style than substance, never knew how to make his drums bang (hint hint, dude...the drum breaks you sample matter a lot in the end result), and now is on the verge of using Jesus to start his own cult.

No wonder the Trumps like this guy so much.


"Even the most sophisticated Arab diplomats that I dealt with did not understand why the First Amendment allows someone to burn a Koran. Why, they asked me, would ever want to protect that?"

The writer needs to go to those Arab diplomats countries and try to write and say whatever he likes...

Hahah- more clown show journalism. Did he ask these same sophisticated Arab diplomats why women in Saudi Arabia aren’t allowed to travel or have passports? Or why women have no choice in marriage? Or why women have no rights period? Yes very sophisticated.
How about using some sophisticated North Korean diplomats as a sounding board next time.
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Don Jr. pretending that anyone gives a shit about Kanye West’s attempt at a gospel album. SMH.

The nutswingers are still holding on for dear life.

75% of Kanye’s loose fanbase cancelled him after that bizarre WH visit and “slavery was a choice.”

I’m in the rare 5% who always thought he was an overrated hack. Always more style than substance, never knew how to make his drums bang (hint hint, dude...the drum breaks you sample matter a lot in the end result), and now is on the verge of using Jesus to start his own cult.

No wonder the Trumps like this guy so much.

You still making poor people money in the best American economy ever?
lol “always thought he was an overrated hack” might be your worst take ever.

He was producing plenty of hits during the College Dropout era.
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[roll] Ds House resolution on impeachment not only gives Schiff unilateral power to release or not release the secret depositions that he sees fit, but it also gives him to unilateral power to edit/redact any "sensitive" information from said depositions that he sees fit.

So don't plan on ever seeing the full transcripts from the secret depositions that have already taken place. Can't have what they actually said behind closed doors contradicting the upcoming public hearings.
You do know that GOPs were also in on those know that, right?
They were closed to committee members only. Every committee has a mix of Rs and Ds.

And seeing that Trump and his minions have been ignoring subpoenas and refusing to testify they have zero room to criticize anyone for being secretive. The reason to hold the depositions in secret is to keep witnesses from preparing their testimony to match others.
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You do know that GOPs were also in on those know that, right?
They were closed to committee members only. Every committee has a mix of Rs and Ds.

And seeing that Trump and his minions have been ignoring subpoenas and refusing to testify they have zero room to criticize anyone for being secretive. The reason to hold the depositions in secret is to keep witnesses from preparing their testimony to match others.

Lol, no one is going to comply with Adam Shitt's coup from the Trump administration.
Shut up.
You do know that GOPs were also in on those know that, right?
They were closed to committee members only. Every committee has a mix of Rs and Ds.

And seeing that Trump and his minions have been ignoring subpoenas and refusing to testify they have zero room to criticize anyone for being secretive. The reason to hold the depositions in secret is to keep witnesses from preparing their testimony to match others.

The House and Executive are co equal. It’s up to the Judicial to determine if the executive has to adhere to the subpoenas.

The House knew the executive wouldn’t adhere to them, they knew who would and wouldn’t testify. This whole secretive hearing was for show, to selectively leak info to try and move public opinion.
Now you're a legal scholar...LOL.
FYI, government employee unions are legal...unless you can point to any law or statute that says otherwise? You cannot. Of course that won't stop you from making some asinine comment and thinking in your own mind that it somehow overcomes reality.

My premise is flawed?
First, I made no premise, i gave you an observation.

Second, I can't take credit for the idea but I have seen the results and so have other companies AND governments (State and Feds) as WFH becomes more and more prevalent. Why otherwise do you think the practice is being adopted by more and more employers?

Third, if you had any clue about human resources management you would know that the best way to create a workforce that has no incentive and is apathetic...treat them like they are pieces of meat. Good employees won't stick around. Government has to compete for workers just like the private sector...ESPECIALLY in high demand fields like IT where skilled workers have their choice of jobs. If they don't offer competitive perks then they will be stuck with the bottom of the barrell workers and unfilled positions. There is a high cost associated with employee turnover.

LOL...this forum is for entertainment purposes only, ain't nobody "relevant" here including you bub.




I got your bub...:joy:

Oh, and like your Obummer fella all was done by an.....wait for it....hold...

(...Executive Order 10988 is a United States presidential executive order issued by President John F. Kennedy on January 17, 1962 that recognized the right of federal employees to collective bargaining....)

...deciding how and to what degree legislation will be enforced, dealing with emergencies, waging wars, and in general fine-tuning policy choices...

An Executive order. The only reason it stood is like an executive order today. No politician wants to kill the golden balls so to speak..The politician does not want to go on record for or against certain things because.......their constituents may not vote for them if they did so the President does it, Serious question, do transy's have'em? You'd know that for sure...

Executive orders are enacted.
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lol “always thought he was an overrated hack” might be your worst take ever.

He was producing plenty of hits during the College Dropout era.

Ah, the ol’ College Dropout reference. You know, to show that you REALLY know your hip-hop history. LOL! If you’re talking about the paper-thin beats he was peddling to Jay, Scarface, Kweli, etc. in those years, whatever. I guess you like what you like. I acknowledge his commercial success - and some of Kanye’s stuff is cool - but please understand that he sits far, far below the beatmakers he idolized. His shit isn’t funky like that.

Engage at your own risk. I destroyed you with evidence yesterday, but I didn’t think you’d have the nerve to question my rap opinions. Kanye West, Eminem, and 2Pac are the most overrated rap artists of the last 25 years.

Kanye’s WH rant *was* kinda epic though. That shit was so far-out and maniacal that it even left Trump speechless.
Ah, the ol’ College Dropout reference. You know, to show that you REALLY know your hip-hop history. LOL! If you’re talking about the paper-thin beats he was peddling to Jay, Scarface, Kweli, etc. in those years, whatever. I guess you like what you like. I acknowledge his commercial success - and some of Kanye’s stuff is cool - but please understand that he sits far, far below the beatmakers he idolized. His shit isn’t funky like that.

Engage at your own risk. I destroyed you with evidence yesterday, but I didn’t think you’d have the nerve to question my rap opinions. Kanye West, Eminem, and 2Pac are the most overrated rap artists of the last 25 years.

Kanye’s WH rant *was* kinda epic though. That shit was so far-out and maniacal that it even left Trump speechless.

How's that teacher's salary? Lol
All of us. Should be so angry at the time and money wasted on these impeachment ( coup attempts). Nothing being accomplished from elected officials. The president is not being removed from office. Citizen democrats should be equally infuriated at this waste of time. But they're not. They are too indoctrinated by their media overlords.
All of us. Should be so angry at the time and money wasted on these impeachment ( coup attempts). Nothing being accomplished from elected officials. The president is not being removed from office. Citizen democrats should be equally infuriated at this waste of time. But they're not. They are too indoctrinated by their media overlords.

Better yet. How did criminals like Pelosi, Schitt, and Nadler get more power than the Constitution? Hamilton wrote in the Federalist about exactly what is happening in this impeachment.
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So because he's a vet he's above reproach?

We've read the transcript. There was no quid pro quo. Vindman admits the transcript is accurate. This is simply a disagreement in policy by unelected, unaccountable bureaucrats

A vet trashing the Commander in Chief in some dank, secret basement hearing because he disagrees with Trump's foreign policy approach is a bad look for the vet. He doesn't get to decide. He wasn't elected anything.
Exactly, people on this site have trashed war veterans here and some of the same people are now chastising Trump for the same thing. Color me shocked their hypocrisy has been let out of the bag.
Lmao the beginning of the cbs news


So, what was it? Did trump do the QUID QUO PROZ or what, bros? Better hurry up and impeach this criminal so Mike Pence can throw all you qwars in jail.

I saw that too, said he actually heard the call. That means he must have been on the phone, eavesdropping. He has a proven Ukraine background, so does that make him a spy? Notice how the dems ( from behind closed doors ) fed this to the media?

Still waiting on that "explosive" news...
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General shin splints loves to piss on the military.
You have never answered me on where and when you served after you harassed me before. pEDo is a coward folks. Questioning others service (mine too) at every turn only not to answer when and where he served.
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I saw that too, said he actually heard the call. That means he had to be on the phone, eavesdropping. He has a proven Ukraine background, so does that make him a spy? Notice how the dems ( from behind closed doors ) fed this to the media?

Still waiting on that "explosive" news...

Leak???? No way...[eyeroll] That would be like the arnold poster if he typed less than a paragraph or six. It just isn't done. He's the smartest one in the room. Ask him, he will tell you. He is a professional. (I'm just a red-neck...)
Leak???? No way...[eyeroll] That would be like the arnold poster if he typed less than a paragraph or six. It just isn't done. He's the smartest one in the room. Ask him, he will tell you. He is a professional. (I'm just a red-neck...)

Notice how he wore his uniform today, strictly for show. I guess him wearing the uni made it more credible to the media.

NSC Official Alex Vindman Testifies in Full Military ...
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They hardly actually fully comprehend/read what they link. Happens constantly. Sometimes they even link articles that have absolutely nothing to do with what they post just for the sake of linking them.

I guess they think the rest of us won't actually click and read, and will just automatically accept what they post because a link gives the appearance of credibility.
I rarely read them because I know that most will be debunked and don't want to waste my time.
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Ah, the ol’ College Dropout reference. You know, to show that you REALLY know your hip-hop history. LOL! If you’re talking about the paper-thin beats he was peddling to Jay, Scarface, Kweli, etc. in those years, whatever. I guess you like what you like. I acknowledge his commercial success - and some of Kanye’s stuff is cool - but please understand that he sits far, far below the beatmakers he idolized. His shit isn’t funky like that.

Engage at your own risk. I destroyed you with evidence yesterday, but I didn’t think you’d have the nerve to question my rap opinions. Kanye West, Eminem, and 2Pac are the most overrated rap artists of the last 25 years.

Kanye’s WH rant *was* kinda epic though. That shit was so far-out and maniacal that it even left Trump speechless.

I forget you’re too young to have perspective on things. Kanye, Eminem and 2Pac were all something incredibly different in each of their eras. Could not give a shit less about your rap fandom. Save it for trying to impress your pupils.

You made up a Trump quote and got outraged about it. Literally, made it up out of thin air and posted a random link that contained no such quote.

I’ve not seen a Kanye video in at least 5 years. Couldn’t give a shit less about his politics.
I feel like there are probably some people that wish they could rewrite the Abu Ghraib script for a time period when these lefties were at the helm.

Although, what would that get them. Literally weeks ago the lefties were attacking Trump for considering pardoning a veteran.

It’s almost like the left is a bunch of shameless hypocrites who really don’t give a shit about veterans unless they can use you to their advantage.
The left has always disliked and sometimes hated vets and the military. They use them only when it benefits them. I have proof of their abuse and dislike from first hand and second hand information.
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I forget you’re too young to have perspective on things. Kanye, Eminem and 2Pac were all something incredibly different in each of their eras. Could not give a shit less about your rap fandom. Save it for trying to impress your pupils.

You made up a Trump quote and got outraged about it. Literally, made it up out of thin air and posted a random link that contained no such quote.

I’ve not seen a Kanye video in at least 5 years. Couldn’t give a shit less about his politics.

No shit, dude. The common thread is that they’re all overrated, hence me going back 25 years.

Oh and good grief. Nice attempt at the alternative facts. I slaughtered you with your god’s own words yesterday and you wanna pretend it didn’t happen. Repost the said quotes at your own risk. The semantics make you look desperate.
I figure the lefts next move is to dig up a Kennedy and get him in the race...Call it " The election at Nancy's " .....I can see it now, Nancy and Chuck flopping Kennedy around, how many votes could they get?
No shit, dude. The common thread is that they’re all overrated, hence me going back 25 years.

Oh and good grief. Nice attempt at the alternative facts. I slaughtered you with your god’s own words yesterday and you wanna pretend it didn’t happen. Repost the said quotes at your own risk. The semantics make you look desperate.

The only person who agreed with you yesterday was Edstein, and he only did so to get invited to your classroom.

Again, you’re just making things up. Just once can you lefties stick to facts.