How will they rule ??!

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Trashing a decorated vet that went into battle for our country is a bad look for our POTUS and his minions in the GOP. But then again, Trump trashed a veteran who was a POW so nothing surprises me anymore.

DC needs an enema to crap away the Socialist Libs and fake Conservatives.

Nothing about President Trump's conservative actions (Yeah, actions for once. Ole Kristol is still talking...) are fake. Our dear President is too rough and gruff and not polished enough. I hope he never is...
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Trashing a decorated vet that went into battle for our country is a bad look for our POTUS and his minions in the GOP.

So because he's a vet he's above reproach?

We've read the transcript. There was no quid pro quo. Vindman admits the transcript is accurate. This is simply a disagreement in policy by unelected, unaccountable bureaucrats

A vet trashing the Commander in Chief in some dank, secret basement hearing because he disagrees with Trump's foreign policy approach is a bad look for the vet. He doesn't get to decide. He wasn't elected anything.
‘This Is Us’ Star Chrissy Metz: You can live ‘a healthy life’ at an ‘unconventional size’

People are like, ‘Wait, what? You got your blood work done and you have like great, perfect cholesterol? Like, it doesn’t make sense. I’m like, ‘I want you to know it’s real,'” she continued. “Like, contrary to popular belief or what we’re told about what looks healthy or what doesn’t look healthy.”
For herself, maintaining a healthy lifestyle is a day-by-day challenge. “Some days I’m like, ‘Oh, I’m definitely eating my feelings.’ And then some days I’m like, ‘Yeah, when my heart is full, I’m not hungry.’ Right, so there’s those kinds of thoughts, like, ‘Oh, what is the psychology behind it?’ So, I don’t know. Do I wanna take care of my body and live a healthy life? Absolutely. But that doesn’t mean that you can’t do it at an unconventional size.”


I'm not even making fun of this poor woman. Just commenting on how far this BS culture we live in has gone. You can literally be killing yourself and be delusional about it while getting cheered on.
It's also none of your damn business how anyone but you family lives.
If we have to accept her fat ass unconventional size as healthy, I’m going to live a healthy life with unconventional habits and start drinking, smoking and degrading women in the office like it’s Mad Men.
Go for it. That's what great about America. You can live like you want. Right?
Trashing a decorated vet that went into battle for our country is a bad look for our POTUS and his minions in the GOP. But then again, Trump trashed a veteran who was a POW so nothing surprises me anymore.

DC needs an enema to crap away the Socialist Libs and fake Conservatives.
General shin splints loves to piss on the military.
General shin splints loves to piss on the military.
Didn't you guys just spend the last week accusing a highly respected military vet and presidential candidate of being a Russian agent working to undermine the US?

You do realize the penalty for that is death by hanging? That's what Democrats just spent a week pushing. That Tulsi Gabbard should be hanged to death. Spare us your hypocritical bs.
Another highly respected first hand witness from the White House has corroborated that Trump violated the Constitution of the United States.

Uh -no
That’s not the content of the article. It’s an article explaining that while some Republican law makers don’t agree with his message, it’s not right to question the guys patriotism. There is no other highly respected first hand witness in the article.
Trashing a decorated vet that went into battle for our country is a bad look for our POTUS and his minions in the GOP. But then again, Trump trashed a veteran who was a POW so nothing surprises me anymore.

DC needs an enema to crap away the Socialist Libs and fake Conservatives.

He also praised a dog who fought admirably for this country.

Almost like he criticizes people (and animals) based on actions not status.
‘This Is Us’ Star Chrissy Metz: You can live ‘a healthy life’ at an ‘unconventional size’

People are like, ‘Wait, what? You got your blood work done and you have like great, perfect cholesterol? Like, it doesn’t make sense. I’m like, ‘I want you to know it’s real,'” she continued. “Like, contrary to popular belief or what we’re told about what looks healthy or what doesn’t look healthy.”
For herself, maintaining a healthy lifestyle is a day-by-day challenge. “Some days I’m like, ‘Oh, I’m definitely eating my feelings.’ And then some days I’m like, ‘Yeah, when my heart is full, I’m not hungry.’ Right, so there’s those kinds of thoughts, like, ‘Oh, what is the psychology behind it?’ So, I don’t know. Do I wanna take care of my body and live a healthy life? Absolutely. But that doesn’t mean that you can’t do it at an unconventional size.”


I'm not even making fun of this poor woman. Just commenting on how far this BS culture we live in has gone. You can literally be killing yourself and be delusional about it while getting cheered on.
NO FAT CHICKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
My district has a black congressman, GK Butterfield, and he will always be re-elected or another Democrat because of gerrymandering. No republican stands a chance because the district lines were drawn so this district has a 70% black population, they had to split this city of 40,000 people into two districts to make that happen. Democrats did that, and the Republicans left it alone.

I guess the Republicans had to throw them at least one bone...

"Opponents of the current congressional map have latched on to the comment made by state Representative David Lewis during the 2016 remapping. Lewis said at the time he was proposing a 10-3 map "because I do not believe it's possible to draw a map with 11 Republicans and two Democrats." Lewis said later he was joking."

You guys are fools if you think Voter ID and ballot harvesting are the only things wrong with our current voting system. For the record, I recognize that both parties have used this system in the past..
Trashing a decorated vet that went into battle for our country is a bad look for our POTUS and his minions in the GOP. But then again, Trump trashed a veteran who was a POW so nothing surprises me anymore.

DC needs an enema to crap away the Socialist Libs and fake Conservatives.
If you're referencing McCain... please spare us the indignation.

He was a globalist POS just like Obama... no difference between the two except for his daddy had a little more power.
Uh -no
That’s not the content of the article. It’s an article explaining that while some Republican law makers don’t agree with his message, it’s not right to question the guys patriotism. There is no other highly respected first hand witness in the article.
They hardly actually fully comprehend/read what they link. Happens constantly. Sometimes they even link articles that have absolutely nothing to do with what they post just for the sake of linking them.

I guess they think the rest of us won't actually click and read, and will just automatically accept what they post because a link gives the appearance of credibility.
Didn't you guys just spend the last week accusing a highly respected military vet and presidential candidate of being a Russian agent working to undermine the US?

You do realize the penalty for that is death by hanging? That's what Democrats just spent a week pushing. That Tulsi Gabbard should be hanged to death. Spare us your hypocritical bs.

A Vet is a Vet, is a Vet unless they are akin to Bergdahl. You will be known by the fruit you bare...(I'm a Vet, not that it matters)
It's also none of your damn business how anyone but you family lives.

-i generally agree. However...thats not how its worked for quite a while. Sin taxes on alcohol/tobacco have been justified for years based on "societal cost". Same argument is often used in favor of gun control. Morbidly obese folks cost much more than avg sized people in regards to healthcare...driving up costs for all.
It's actually 51% and even that was misrepresented.

Fox News pollster Braun Research misrepresented impeachment poll: analysis

The poll released last week by Fox News that claimed most Americans favor the impeachment of President Trump underrepresented Republican and independent voters, The Post has found.

The poll said 51% of voters were in favor of Trump’s impeachment and removal from office, while 40% did not want him impeached.

Princeton, New Jersey, pollster Braun Research, which conducted the survey, noted 48% of its respondents were Democrats. But the actual breakdown of party affiliation is 31% Democrat, 29% Republican and 38% independent, according to Gallup.

A poll weighted for party affiliation would have concluded that 44.9% favored impeachment and 44.4% opposed it, a Post analysis has concluded.

The poll prompted Trump to tweet: “Whoever [Fox News’] Pollster is, they suck.”

Braun could not be reached for comment.
This is why the polls are worthless.
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‘This Is Us’ Star Chrissy Metz: You can live ‘a healthy life’ at an ‘unconventional size’

People are like, ‘Wait, what? You got your blood work done and you have like great, perfect cholesterol? Like, it doesn’t make sense. I’m like, ‘I want you to know it’s real,'” she continued. “Like, contrary to popular belief or what we’re told about what looks healthy or what doesn’t look healthy.”
For herself, maintaining a healthy lifestyle is a day-by-day challenge. “Some days I’m like, ‘Oh, I’m definitely eating my feelings.’ And then some days I’m like, ‘Yeah, when my heart is full, I’m not hungry.’ Right, so there’s those kinds of thoughts, like, ‘Oh, what is the psychology behind it?’ So, I don’t know. Do I wanna take care of my body and live a healthy life? Absolutely. But that doesn’t mean that you can’t do it at an unconventional size.”


I'm not even making fun of this poor woman. Just commenting on how far this BS culture we live in has gone. You can literally be killing yourself and be delusional about it while getting cheered on.
That is not a healthy body for a healthy life, but good luck to her.
It came out today that Vindman possibly provided (illegally leaked) read outs of Trump's classified Ukraine telephone call to others who didn't have the authority or security clearance to receive it.

When Jim Jordan pressured him for answers on who he provided it to Schiff protected Vindman and shut the questioning down and wouldn't allow it to be brought up again.

Next are you guys going to tell us that he's allowed to break the law because he's a highly respected vet?
It came out today that Vindman possibly provided (illegally leaked) read outs of Trump's classified Ukraine telephone call to others who didn't have the authority or security clearance to receive it.

When Jim Jordan pressured him for answers on who he provided it to Schiff protected Vindman and shut the questioning down and wouldn't allow it to be brought up again.

Next are you guys going to tell us that he's allowed to break the law because he's a highly respected vet?

I feel like there are probably some people that wish they could rewrite the Abu Ghraib script for a time period when these lefties were at the helm.

Although, what would that get them. Literally weeks ago the lefties were attacking Trump for considering pardoning a veteran.

It’s almost like the left is a bunch of shameless hypocrites who really don’t give a shit about veterans unless they can use you to their advantage.
[roll] Ds House resolution on impeachment not only gives Schiff unilateral power to release or not release the secret depositions that he sees fit, but it also gives him to unilateral power to edit/redact any "sensitive" information from said depositions that he sees fit.

So don't plan on ever seeing the full transcripts from the secret depositions that have already taken place. Can't have what they actually said behind closed doors contradicting the upcoming public hearings.
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What's that saying?

I'll agree to let you outlaw hate speech if you agree to let me define hate speech.


"Even the most sophisticated Arab diplomats that I dealt with did not understand why the First Amendment allows someone to burn a Koran. Why, they asked me, would ever want to protect that?"

The writer needs to go to those Arab diplomats countries and try to write and say whatever he likes...
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This board's conservative posters are a good example of hyperbolic hysteria brought about by fear and dread.