How will they rule ??!

  • YES - Qualified

    Votes: 41 82.0%
  • NO - Disqualified

    Votes: 9 18.0%

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Yep. And the worst part is that the Republicans in the Senate, who could actually do something about all this, are watching it happen. I hate everything about the ****ing swamp and it looks like, once again, they are going to get away with anything they want.

I'm not holding my breath that Barr or Durham will do anything other than slap a few wrists, though I'll gladly be wrong.
Do you not realize both republicans and democrats hate trump. The difference is republicans are scared to go against him. Once he is out, the shit talking from them will be must see tv.
Yeah and the hole just keeps getting deeper and bigger. Testimony today certainly adds a great deal more information about the corruption of this administration. I am loving watching people squirm here. This horribly corrupt administration is being expertly picked apart and exposed for the corrupt cabal it is. It is going to get much worse for you boys so you better hunker down. Best thing you could do is start retracting from some of your stupid self-serving and/or naive positions.

Please do tell us this “great deal more information.” Do you have another link to an article with nothing related to your headline?
‘This Is Us’ Star Chrissy Metz: You can live ‘a healthy life’ at an ‘unconventional size’

People are like, ‘Wait, what? You got your blood work done and you have like great, perfect cholesterol? Like, it doesn’t make sense. I’m like, ‘I want you to know it’s real,'” she continued. “Like, contrary to popular belief or what we’re told about what looks healthy or what doesn’t look healthy.”
For herself, maintaining a healthy lifestyle is a day-by-day challenge. “Some days I’m like, ‘Oh, I’m definitely eating my feelings.’ And then some days I’m like, ‘Yeah, when my heart is full, I’m not hungry.’ Right, so there’s those kinds of thoughts, like, ‘Oh, what is the psychology behind it?’ So, I don’t know. Do I wanna take care of my body and live a healthy life? Absolutely. But that doesn’t mean that you can’t do it at an unconventional size.”


I'm not even making fun of this poor woman. Just commenting on how far this BS culture we live in has gone. You can literally be killing yourself and be delusional about it while getting cheered on.

This is why I don't want government run universal health care is a right bs thrown at me. She has the right to think and eat anyway she wants. I stand by her and I cheer her on but I do not want to pay a dime for her healthcare cost out of my tax dollars.

I believe in personal freedoms. If she is happy who am I do judge but don't ask me to pay for your happiness.
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This is why I don't want government run universal health care is a right bs thrown at me. She has the right to think and eat anyway she wants. I stand by her and I cheer her on but I do not want to pay a dime for her healthcare cost out of my tax dollars.

I believe in personal freedoms. If she is happy who am I do judge but don't ask me to pay for your happiness.
She is a working actress. How are you paying for her health care?
Yeah and the hole just keeps getting deeper and bigger. Testimony today certainly adds a great deal more information about the corruption of this administration. I am loving watching people squirm here. This horribly corrupt administration is being expertly picked apart and exposed for the corrupt cabal it is. It is going to get much worse for you boys so you better hunker down. Best thing you could do is start retracting from some of your stupid self-serving and/or naive positions.

What testimony are you referring too? Please give us some quotes.
Full disclosure, I don’t really give a touch about politics that much and this is a neutral opinion. Man these political commercials are savage and seem to be worse than I remember but the one that calls Greb Stumbo a despicable deadbeat made me lol and I have no idea if he’s a democratic or republican. They slayed the ish out of him, pulled no punches.
Ed has to be the most dumbest stupid bastard to ever post in this thread. This moron wouldn't know if he got hit by a car even if he saw his own brains splattered on the windshield.

If my kid grew up as stupid as him I'd pull an Old Yeller.
Remember this bit of factual data.

There are 3,141 counties in America. Hillary won 57 of those. Do the math when stupid Pedo Ed says he disagrees. Everywhere i go people hate liberals. They aren't even secret about it anymore. I knew something was up when black and hispanic people started hating on liberals.
Yeah and the hole just keeps getting deeper and bigger. Testimony today certainly adds a great deal more information about the corruption of this administration. I am loving watching people squirm here. This horribly corrupt administration is being expertly picked apart and exposed for the corrupt cabal it is. It is going to get much worse for you boys so you better hunker down. Best thing you could do is start retracting from some of your stupid self-serving and/or naive positions.

There was a poster at one time that suggested that the onion peeling/pealing process just had to take hold.

Glad your on board.

Even that oaf let that argument go.
Remember this bit of factual data.

There are 3,141 counties in America. Hillary won 57 of those. Do the math when stupid Pedo Ed says he disagrees. Everywhere i go people hate liberals. They aren't even secret about it anymore. I knew something was up when black and hispanic people started hating on liberals.
Look at all the crazy shit the liberals are doing and fighting for. What even semi-rational person would want to be associated with that?

More than credibly accused. Her texts are damning and an admission on their own. Not to mention the picture

I think there are more people secretly pro Trump, than secretly anti Trump.

Absolutely. It's why the polls were so off. Same thing with Bevin here in KY. If it's a dead heat on election day, Bevin will win. Most on the right just keep their mouth shut and let their vote talk

Full disclosure, I don’t really give a touch about politics that much and this is a neutral opinion. Man these political commercials are savage and seem to be worse than I remember but the one that calls Greb Stumbo a despicable deadbeat made me lol and I have no idea if he’s a democratic or republican. They slayed the ish out of him, pulled no punches.

Easy to do with stumbo. Tough to find a more scumbag person/politician.

This Deadspin uprising is glorious. And blue check journos are all jumping in to help.

I love how the left kept telling us that noone wanted these sports outlets to "stick to sports". Now they're all circling the drain or putting a stop to politics altogether.

And in first is Taylor with a time of 6:42. In second is Jeff with a time of 4:54, but has WAAAAY more muscle mass and longer legs. In third is...

Socioeconomic would also account for race and perceived privilege.

How has the economy phenominaly improved since Trump? ..

** KA-BOOM! **

Private payrolls increase by 125,000 in October, topping expectations.
  • Companies hired 125,000 employees in October, data released Wednesday by ADP and Moody’s Analytics showed.
  • Economists polled by Dow Jones expected an increase of 100,000 payrolls.
  • Medium-sized businesses, those employing 50 to 499 people, led the pace of hiring, expanding by 64,000.

Go jump your ass into Guist Creek Lake.

#MAGA. :americanflag: