How will they rule ??!

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Noone blames Obama for racism. I do blame him, however, for failing to unify this country like he couldve and shouldve. He was in a unique and historic position. Rather than unite, he divided. And went out of his way to ensure division.
That it total BS. There is nothing Obama could have said with the possible exception of denouncing the Democratic party and totally accepting the GOP and it's wants and desires and blame BLM for everything that would have made the people who are angry saying he was "divisive". Since day one the opposition has attacked him. They have attacked his birth, questioned his religion, questioned the minister of his church, attacked his wife, questioned his patriotism...all along the way it has been attacks at every level. It is one thing to question and fight their politics but it's another when it gets personal.
The POTUS is the leader and you decide to follow or not. The POTUS cannot make you follow. You decide if your political goals are more important that unity. I am sure you and others don't listen to his words without prejudging every single sentence. You aren't looking for unity, you are looking for what it is you can criticize. You listen in the same way a couple in a bad relationship argues. You aren't listening to their words, you are thinking what it is you are going to say next. You aren't interested in unity, you just want to win the argument.

Yeah, yeah...the Democrats attacked and blamed Bush for everything...and the GOP attacked Bill Clinton every chance they got. They couldn't attack his politics or results so they attacked his personal life.

Where has the blame game got us?
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BLM-"Black activists have raised the call for an end to violence, not an escalation of it. Yesterday's attack was the result of the actions of a lone gunman," the group said in a statement on its website. "To assign the actions of one person to an entire movement is dangerous and irresponsible. We continue our efforts to bring about a better world for all of us."

You heard it. BLM has done nothing to cause violence.

You're missing the bigger contradiction... entire groups of people shouldn't be blamed f9r the actions of one or a few..

That contradicts their whole argument about whit oppression. Also contradicts using slavery as a rallying cry.
My point isn't that "they" are right. My point is by taking the extreme opposite reaction you are the exact same as those your against.
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My point isn't that "they" are right. My point is by taking the extreme opposite reaction you are the exact same as those your against.

And his point is that he's not doing that. He's merely standing up against the lies they are perpetuating.

If all this crap didn't happen and racism wasn't shoved in our faces no matter the situation, I would be one of the first to call out true cases of racism.
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Ok well just like they are wrong for their BS, so is he. If their stance is wrong saying they are targeted and that is reason for their frustrations. Then to the same degree you are wrong for saying they are to blame for your frustrations.

There is a reason for theirs to a degree as there is a reason for yours to a degree. But in both cases it has gone overboard completely to a very annoying state.
Didn't the guy in Georgia rob a convenient store just before he was killed?
What d
BLM-"Black activists have raised the call for an end to violence, not an escalation of it. Yesterday's attack was the result of the actions of a lone gunman," the group said in a statement on its website. "To assign the actions of one person to an entire movement is dangerous and irresponsible. We continue our efforts to bring about a better world for all of us."

You heard it. BLM has done nothing to cause violence.
Yeah and pigs in a blanket is the perfect point to prove it.
One more race thing:

My problem is with the race baiters and hustlers. Sharpton, Jackson, Farrakhan and so on. There are many great voices against that mentality from within the black community. Kevin Jackson is one of the best. There are lots more. Watched videos from some of these guys. An ex-gang member named Tommie has a very good one. If you need a good laugh google Roy Innis smacking down Al Sharpton. It is a shame they got separated. Roy was going to kill him. The voices while a minority may give some hope.

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Great post. Whites are often accused of privilege for being normal. Normal in the process of often living through an orderly family structure, sustained for consecutive generations, with fathers, grandfathers, uncles, etc. committed to the mothers and children through an institution called marriage. Through this process sustained over time comes prosperity. It is normal. It is not easy. It is easy to avoid it and we all see it being avoided even by whites. However, the reproductive patterns and sustained social relationships of young whites and blacks are very different. Chaos looks at normal and sees privilege.
I have not spent a lot of time in Africa, but I have been there. Also, I've read several books about Africa in the late 1800's and early 1900's. In sub-Saharan Africa, it's common practice for both men and women to have many extramarital affairs. That's how AIDS became so widespread; it was not due to homosexuality. Loyalties are to the tribe, not to the concept of national identity. That's the way it's always been. You have to wonder how that translates to black culture in this country today. You don't see Asians with the same mindset as African Americans.
Didn't the guy in Georgia rob a convenient store just before he was killed?
So there was a trial and he was found guilty before being shot? Regardless, is theft a capital offense punishable by death?
You try so hard to find justification where none exists.
That is correct that these people reputations gives you something to judge them on as people or members of society. But it is not the police job to become executioner. Finding ones record or possible record out does not make one worthy of being shot.

Personally I may be able to say, think or feel we are better without so and so......but I'm not a cop.

Somehow he cops have to somehow do a better more efficient job and at the same time a group of people that has a natural non trusting sense about them has got to find a way to be more respectful and non confrontational to the police.
Sharpton is awful. He's why I quit MSNBC except for the outstanding Morning Joe program. Anyone that gives Sharpton a platform to spew doesn't deserve respect. But then again I feel the same way about Sean Hannity on Faux.
That's because you expect people to be either on Team A or Team B. I am my own man. I think for myself. I have integrity and say what I believe rather than spout right wing or left wing talking points.
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So there was a trial and he was found guilty before being shot? Regardless, is theft a capital offense punishable by death?
You try so hard to find justification where none exists.

You are such a moron. I don't even know why I call your ilk "soft bigots". You're 100% hard bigots. You expect less out of darker skinned people. If these were whites people getting shot after robbing stores and being criminal you'd prolly be the first person to call trash.

Take your bigotry somewhere else.

And stop acting like these criminals are complying with officers and not being careless. You're a fraud.
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That it total BS. There is nothing Obama could have said with the possible exception of denouncing the Democratic party and totally accepting the GOP and it's wants and desires and blame BLM for everything that would have made the people who are angry saying he was "divisive". Since day one the opposition has attacked him. They have attacked his birth, questioned his religion, questioned the minister of his church, attacked his wife, questioned his patriotism...all along the way it has been attacks at every level. It is one thing to question and fight their politics but it's another when it gets personal.
The POTUS is the leader and you decide to follow or not. The POTUS cannot make you follow. You decide if your political goals are more important that unity. I am sure you and others don't listen to his words without prejudging every single sentence. You aren't looking for unity, you are looking for what it is you can criticize. You listen in the same way a couple in a bad relationship argues. You aren't listening to their words, you are thinking what it is you are going to say next. You aren't interested in unity, you just want to win the argument.

Yeah, yeah...the Democrats attacked and blamed Bush for everything...and the GOP attacked Bill Clinton every chance they got. They couldn't attack his politics or results so they attacked his personal life.

Where has the blame game got us?

He couldve spoken out against ALL violence. Urged BLM to maintain a peaceful tone. Not comment on the police shootings until all the facts were out. If hes going to make apologetic statements when the police shoot someone, then do so when an officer dies. Or just not comment at all, which is probably the best idea.

People attacked him? Boo....Hoo......welcome to politics. Its part of the job. And those attacks youre whining about....know who initiated most of that? Hillary Clinton. If youre president, you rise above it. You have a thick skin. Obama is the opposite. He unleashed federal agencies on his detractors.

Obama made the decision when he had the super majority, he would ram everything through he could, and anyone who didnt like it could piss off. Thats what he did. And this is where we are.
My point isn't that "they" are right. My point is by taking the extreme opposite reaction you are the exact same as those your against.

So now the facts, statistical data, and reality is "taking an extreme position".

Find ONE statistic IN CONTEXT that shows institutional oppression of police and I'll listen. The problem is you can't.

The reality is large portions of the black community do not like authority, do not like to be policed, and sure as hell don't want a white cop giving intruction. These areas are heavily racist and refuse to accept the rule of law.

If there are individual injustices, handle it, like they already are. But society is not going to allow these types of people to trash our judicial system convict police when evidence is present that there was a threat. We also aren't going to pretend there is an insitutional problem when less than 1,000 people are killed in a country of 320 MILLION by police, and 90% of those are 100% justified by almost everyone in America.
Divide and conquer. That is the primary goal of your government. Understand this and you can better understand the actions they take and the consequences of those actions.

We are not on a path toward racial harmony, we're on a path that will lead us to the place where armed government agents will come, unannounced and without a warrant, into my home to confiscate my computer and me for typing the paragraph above. Sweet.

Tamir Rice was a child hanging out at a park when a cop car rolled up high speed, jumped out and gunned him down. He had a toy gun. It wasnt visible. And he didnt make a move towards it. Even more, the officers report had a grand scenario of the kid going for his gun. Thankfully, there was a video camera at the park that captured everything, showing the two officers to be complete liars.

Probably the clearest case of police murder Ive ever seen. Yet none of the sjw ever mention it. I dont get it.
And what? You don't like the explanation. Got it.

How you know his (toy) gun wasn't visible, I don't know. Regardless, agree the police way over-reacted. They created the perceived need for an immediate reaction by driving up so close quickly vs. slowly approaching from a distance & telling him to drop whatever. Pretty sick.
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And what? You don't like the explanation. Got it.

How you know his gun wasn't visible, I don't know. Regardless, agree the police way over-reacted. They created the perceived need for an immediate reaction by driving up so close quickly vs. slowly approaching from a distance & telling him to drop whatever. Pretty sick.

I don't know what they could actually see. But they came rolling in so fast, I don't know they took time at all to assess the situation. I couldn't see a gun on the video.

Then they clearly lied not knowing about the video.
So there was a trial and he was found guilty before being shot? Regardless, is theft a capital offense punishable by death?
You try so hard to find justification where none exists.
Robbery & theft are two different things. Robbery happens under implied or actual threat to robbee. Net, you would justifiably expect a robber to be predisposed to violence & behave accordingly when approaching him/her.
I don't know what they could actually see. But they came rolling in so fast, I don't know they took time at all to assess the situation. I couldn't see a gun on the video.

Then they clearly lied not knowing about the video.
Agree. But the claim made was that the toy gun wasn't visible. How does that person know such?
So now the facts, statistical data, and reality is "taking an extreme position".

Find ONE statistic IN CONTEXT that shows institutional oppression of police and I'll listen. The problem is you can't.

The reality is large portions of the black community do not like authority, do not like to be policed, and sure as hell don't want a white cop giving intruction. These areas are heavily racist and refuse to accept the rule of law.

If there are individual injustices, handle it, like they already are. But society is not going to allow these types of people to trash our judicial system convict police when evidence is present that there was a threat. We also aren't going to pretend there is an insitutional problem when less than 1,000 people are killed in a country of 320 MILLION by police, and 90% of those are 100% justified by almost everyone in America.

What facts, statistical data or whatever else do you have that says more blacks aren't shot by cops than whites? Then what facts do you have that say there are more blacks in America than whites?

My point, again, is for years this stuff wasn't making the news and cops were abusing their powers which we aren't seeing. And then the black community took a stand because of a bad case. Eventually they get sick of it too.

Just like you are sick of the media portraying something worse than it is.

In both cases people scream racism, but cops aren't a race they are a career.

Personally I don't see why the one dude was tackled in LA to begin with. Bring up his history all you want but that doesn't justify being shot. Even if I feel better he is gone because he was a POS.

The other by all measures didn't have a background and "may have been a suspect" in a robbery. Sure there is an after the fact video that doesn't convict a cop but come on how can you justify that?

Now if your tired of blacks protesting because every week there seems to be a new video on the news of a black person shot then that sucks. But let's see here........blacks don't like a segment of govt and protest/March for their cause is reverse racism. A segment of Whites honestly can't stand this administration and loath everything about it claiming they are to blame for this race BS.

Yet and still disagreeing with me that they are what they hate but just on an extreme opposite position.
Divide and conquer. That is the primary goal of your government. Understand this and you can better understand the actions they take and the consequences of those actions.

We are not on a path toward racial harmony, we're on a path that will lead us to the place where armed government agents will come, unannounced and without a warrant, into my home to confiscate my computer and me for typing the paragraph above. Sweet.

For govt sake it's more like divide and control/target.

If you can make a group look racist then you have the minority vote. If you add that to the whites that support you then you should win elections.

That's the control factor.
For govt sake it's more like divide and control/target.

If you can make a group look racist then you have the minority vote. If you add that to the whites that support you then you should win elections.

That's the control factor.

I agree with notion of that gov't strategy. But at some point, where does societal person accept accountability for their actions of stupidity and their stupid belief systems? I know it's a lot of gov't fault, but it takes a group of stupid people to buy into it. At some point, people have to become accountable for the faults.

People who get emotionally discharged from engaging into media are idiots. Point blank. Idiots.

I don't care if it's CNN or Fox. People who watch these programs and form opinions are morons.
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Man we had my wife's sister and black husband over on Friday and the guy didn't know any of this stuff happened at all. Doesn't watch TV and doesn't in general care about politics. Really he is a POS but has recently tried to be better by getting a job so we are trying to be respectful toward him.

Anyhow he asked me who like which I told him trump. He tried to tell me he had heard he was racist. I asked why if he doesn't watch tv and his response was he wants Mexicans out and then the wall should keep them out.

Clearly this was laughable and I explained the truth behind illegals and how they have made it hard for him to find a decent paying warehouse job.

Anyway then Trump came on TV with his little statement on Dallas and I asked the guy now did that sound racist to you.....he said no he expected worse. Then the lady on CNN still picked it apart and made it seem racist. So I asked him again is it racist now or honestly do you think she twisted it up and now a racist story is out there toward his statement. His response was then he could see her angle but he still didn't see racism in it.

It is the media, that is our media.
Man we had my wife's sister and black husband over on Friday and the guy didn't know any of this stuff happened at all. Doesn't watch TV and doesn't in general care about politics. Really he is a POS but has recently tried to be better by getting a job so we are trying to be respectful toward him.

Anyhow he asked me who like which I told him trump. He tried to tell me he had heard he was racist. I asked why if he doesn't watch tv and his response was he wants Mexicans out and then the wall should keep them out.

Clearly this was laughable and I explained the truth behind illegals and how they have made it hard for him to find a decent paying warehouse job.

Anyway then Trump came on TV with his little statement on Dallas and I asked the guy now did that sound racist to you.....he said no he expected worse. Then the lady on CNN still picked it apart and made it seem racist. So I asked him again is it racist now or honestly do you think she twisted it up and now a racist story is out there toward his statement. His response was then he could see her angle but he still didn't see racism in it.

It is the media, that is our media.

That was my point Krazy. If anyone actually took their hearts off their sleeves and quit acting like drama kings and queens, everyone could see that they are getting played. Not me though. I have figured out the game.