How will they rule ??!

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I don't don't doubt racism exists and that there are occasional struggles and wrongdoings but I've never encountered any person that ever said they were looking forward to raping black women, exterminating a race and celebrating the death of cops.

I think most of these race baiters see monsters out of their own shadows. They believe a false narrative perpetuated by white elite Dems and activists and I think a lot of us are pretty sick of it. I'm sick of one group always being considered the bad guy while every time they're a victim it gets a pass and not labeled as racist or a hate crime. One side is the villain and being taught they didn't earn anything and the other side is taught they're "victims."

If things were reported fairly and there wasn't a constant indoctrination of victimhood, I'd have no problems with anything. It's just the constant spreading of lies that gets passed off as truth that bothers me.

I know being divided is the goal by the elites. That is so evident. It bothers me when good and smart members of the black community speak truth to these groups filled with nonsense and pure hate for whites, get dismissed as "sell outs" or "not one of them."

There's a group being radicalized before our eyes.

My point is you seem to understand being sick of what you are sick of, but you have no idea how or why the other side is sick of anything.

I'm not talking about a pass given, I'd say we(as a white person) got passes for a long time as things were not reported for a long long time creating the hate and the need to capatilize at every opportunity.

I don't like it anymore than you, and I do see your frustration too. But just like giving trump supporters their space to be BLM deserve their space too.

Things don't just change without effort.
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Thanks for the correction. As for Trump who could possibly be President you would think he would know how many Articles there are in the Constitution. Honest mistake I guess.

Yes, maybe it is considering he has been running for what 1 year? That lying ass bitch has been in politics for 30 years. Liberals that are open minded understand this. Hopefully I win the lotto and get the hell away from you liberal assholes destroying this country. I want the first 1,000 refugees moving to your neighborhood. And You can't own a gun.
Why must people always twist Obama's words and pretend he said things that he really didn't say? He's the President of the United States FFS! How about a little respect for the office? By the way, he said 57 states. Not as bad as you made it out to be and an easy mistake. He comes from a different culture.

Yep. It was 57. Just Heinz.

Obama wants to pour ketchup on America and smother it till it can't breathe. The color of the ketchup is blood red. That signifies Obama's desire to kill us all.

It all starts with 57.
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You don't know me at all Lair. I point one mistake by Trump where I think he should have known better and I'm a liberal a$$hole? no sir you don't know me at all.
Kind of equates to Obama saying he visited all 58 States.

Or Clinton letting 4 Americans die while lying to the American people, Congress, and THE DAM Family's. Telling her family one thing, while throwing bullshit to the rest of the world.

What does that equate to?
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If you guys are intentionally trying to get so wacky that it is impossible to have a conversation with you then you're doing swimmingly.
In WWI, there were philosophical questions about using shells, mustard gas, etc rather than the more "gentlemanly" way of war romanticized up until that point. This new form of war in WWI was a game changer - and perhaps even much less personal that it was before as you could kill your enemy from miles away without even seeing him.

My point about the robot bombs is in the same vein as that. There is kind of this almost heroic good guys verse bad guys shootout when the police are going after a suspect. Sending in the robot bomb just seems less heroic. And yes, I realize it saved lives and no, I'm not upset they did it. It just felt different to me for some reason.
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It seems to me what is happening in the country has been happening for 45 years. Google the lyrics of The Temptations song, Ball of Confusion. Same old same old.

He had white step mom apparently.

Micah Johnson
In WWI, there were philosophical questions about using shells, mustard gas, etc rather than the more "gentlemanly" way of war romanticized up until that point. This new form of war in WWI was a game changer - and perhaps even much less personal that it was before as you could kill your enemy from miles away without even seeing him.

My point about the robot bombs is in the same vein as that. There is kind of this almost heroic good guys verse bad guys shootout when the police are going after a suspect. Sending in the robot bomb just seems less heroic. And yes, I realize it saved lives and no, I'm not upset they did it. It just felt different to me for some reason.

It seems a little odd to me that the Dallas PD would have a criminal exploding robot on hand?

Is this common practice for all major police departments?
It seems a little odd to me that the Dallas PD would have a criminal exploding robot on hand?

Is this common practice for all major police departments?

Honestly I don't see what the fuss or shock is about. I'd be shocked if major police departments / marshals didn't have neutralizing devices like that. If it saves lives, use it. I'm sure they felt the situation was stable enough and appropriate.
Honestly I don't see what the fuss or shock is about. I'd be shocked if major police departments / marshals didn't have neutralizing devices like that. If it saves lives, use it. I'm sure they felt the situation was stable enough and appropriate.

I don't know, there's not much difference in that, and having a drone drop a bomb on someone.
I support the governments right to use full force to protect law and its citizens. Today those measures are extreme.

I also fully support the right of the people to possess an arsenal as a means of protection if that force is ever abused.

Balance, the way it's supposed to be.
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It seems a little odd to me that the Dallas PD would have a criminal exploding robot on hand?

Is this common practice for all major police departments?

Very likely the system used was the very same type of remote control device that would be used to detonate a suspicious package, a known bomb or something like that. Yes, in this era I would wager that all major law enforcement have such a device available. In a major metro like DFW . . . at least a few of them.
"There needs to be a law that says it is illegal for a white man to kill a black man"

"You hung us from trees but they never signed a law making it illegal"

"We want a law that says a black man is innocent until proven guilty"

Hahahahaha! BLM finest being interviewed on the news lol. 95% of these protesters holding their cardboard signs with sharpie markers have no freaking clue what they are protesting other than wanting to stir crap up.
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"There needs to be a law that says it is illegal for a white man to kill a black man"

"You hung us from trees but they never signed a law making it illegal"

"We want a law that says a black man is innocent until proven guilty"

Hahahahaha! BLM finest being interviewed on the news lol. 95% of these protesters holding their cardboard signs with sharpie markers have no freaking clue what they are protesting other than wanting to stir crap up.
I watched that fool also, nothing like making yourself look like a uneducated idiot in front of millions.
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"There needs to be a law that says it is illegal for a white man to kill a black man"

"You hung us from trees but they never signed a law making it illegal"

"We want a law that says a black man is innocent until proven guilty"

Hahahahaha! BLM finest being interviewed on the news lol. 95% of these protesters holding their cardboard signs with sharpie markers have no freaking clue what they are protesting other than wanting to stir crap up.

Man I watched that. GD idiots all of them. Couldn't imagine being a "good white guy" or black guy and actually supporting this barbaric cult.
Also from that interview

"We gotta start building for ourselves. Having businesses for ourselves. We need a black man dollar. We live on the white man dollar"

Well Delonte, the only problem with that is, no business can conduct its daily tasks while crack is sold outside its doors and bullets fly past customers. Add the risk of your cult BLM burning it down, and how the **** can you not see why you have no "black dollar".

What BLM wants is segregation. Most racist group of rejects since the KKK
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BLM - "we do not believe in the presumption of innocents."

Justice, their way.

Keep screwing with this gutter trash America. Keep it up.
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And there it is. The proof.

Black preacher and BLM advocate in atlanta responds to question - what about the 3,500 killed in Chicago? Do those not matter? Why doesn't the president care about those?

Answer: short pause......."Those are not high profile"

That should be plastered all over the internet and social media. That POS just admitted the truth on national TV and didn't even realize it. But you could tell he knew he f'ed up by his expression after it came out.

Black lives only matter when a rare occurrence happens and they die at the hands of police due to their own incompetence. The blood of thousands of AA people are on the hands of the democratic party and genocide is now accepted by large portions of the black community and its leaders. Disgusting group.

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Chris Hayes, liberal hack and anti-second amendment advocate (long nose of course) on MSNBC asks a black man that carried a semi-auto AR15 to the Dallas protest this question.

Hayes - "why did you carry or feel the need to carry a weapon to the protest"

BLM protester - "because of the second amendment. That's my right, I support that."

Hayes - **quickly** - uh oh ok......well.....thank you for your time yada yada......

LMAO - Uh oh..better end that one Chris. Don't want those plantation voters to realize they don't identify with you on 75% of your shit. Let's just forget this happened....


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MSNBC host Chris Hayes on shooter in Dallas

"Shooter had possible PTSD"

"We have no proof he had PTSD"


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