How will they rule ??!

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Just more Hillary soundbites proving she will say anything to pander for votes.

and now

I will just give her the benefit of the doubt and say that she has evolved over the years... ;)

To be fair to our left friends on here, we could pull up several Trump ones as well, but I think the vault for Hillary is much much larger.
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I could've missed it, but has any news media been calling Micah Johnson a racist? How is this ANY different than what the dipshit in Charleston did?
Both specifically made the claim they wanted kill a specific opposite race, and did. Both specifically chose their targets for the biggest splash effect. So why was racism rammed down our throats on one, and not the other?

The confederate flag was removed from being SOLD from many private retailers, historical statues and monuments removed or covered that had nothing to do with the incident.

Then in the other incident BLM takes zero heat, can't even take a day or two break from protesting?
Here's a crazy notion, if you want respect you gotta give a little too. This would've been a perfect opportunity for the protesters to show the police a little respect, nope.
I took Atlanta as a chance to show they can be a peaceful protest. I also do not think the Micah Johnson dude, while black, was there for BLM protest.

I'm all for peaceful protests, and as a matter of think they are warranted. I also can't wait to see if the BLM interview makes the news by saying non cop shooting black deaths aren't high profile enough for them.
I didn't say the protests should be stopped altogether or weren't peaceful, I meant maybe have a day or 2 to show some respect to the fallen. Not to mention there were only 3-4 separate targeted attacks on cops yesterday.
Think the cops working those protests might have been a little edgy?

It doesn't matter if Johnson was there for BLM or not, BLM protests have had killing the police as one of the chants in rally's, we've all seen the videos. There was opportunity lost by the protesters to garner support and legitimacy, and they let it slip out of their grasp.
I could've missed it, but has any news media been calling Micah Johnson a racist? How is this ANY different than what the dipshit in Charleston did?
Both specifically made the claim they wanted kill a specific opposite race, and did. Both specifically chose their targets for the biggest splash effect. So why was racism rammed down our throats on one, and not the other?


Blacks never get labeled racist. All whites are racist.

What I want to know is what role did his father leaving his mother for a white woman play in his hatred of whites?
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I took Atlanta as a chance to show they can be a peaceful protest. I also do not think the Micah Johnson dude, while black, was there for BLM protest.

I'm all for peaceful protests, and as a matter of think they are warranted. I also can't wait to see if the BLM interview makes the news by saying non cop shooting black deaths aren't high profile enough for them.

Most of these are not peaceful protest.

BTW,CNN had one of the protestors on in the middle of the night. He was reporting that police were attacking them, the peaceful protestors. CNN accepted what he said verbatim. CNN is a joke.
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If I'm Trump I'd just be doing the following:
  1. Quietly going from police department to police department and offering support
  2. Contacting legitimate and rational civil rights organizations and black churches and strongly condemning unwarranted violence against black citizens
  3. Sitting back and letting Hillary Clinton choke on her own lies
It's the winning hand. Make America Great Again!
I could've missed it, but has any news media been calling Micah Johnson a racist? How is this ANY different than what the dipshit in Charleston did?
Both specifically made the claim they wanted kill a specific opposite race, and did. Both specifically chose their targets for the biggest splash effect. So why was racism rammed down our throats on one, and not the other?

The confederate flag was removed from being SOLD from many private retailers, historical statues and monuments removed or covered that had nothing to do with the incident.

Then in the other incident BLM takes zero heat, can't even take a day or two break from protesting?
Here's a crazy notion, if you want respect you gotta give a little too. This would've been a perfect opportunity for the protesters to show the police a little respect, nope.

This is why I am frustrated with the blatant hypocrisy and racism that never gets handed out to anyone but whites. Never. White people are the biggest victims of interracial violence. Does it get labeled a hate crime? Nope.

But if you're black, you can claim racism in anything and their activists jump on board. Hell, there was a story last year where an obnoxious group of women (book club) were being loud on a train and escorted off. It was maybe 9 black women and a white woman. It became a big story of "obvious racism" from the train company. But when a racist black psychopath says he wants to kill white cops and white people, no one says crap. Just like when the gay black news former news anchor that killed two white people on camera, says in his letter that he wanted to start a race war, it's downplayed and race isn't a "motive."

I think that's called "black privilege." It means you can say and do whatever you want to or about another race and never held accountable for it. We just let it happen and it's accepted. Gotta keep the victim and villain stories going. Can't be honest.
Blacks never get labeled racist. All whites are racist.

What I want to know is what role did his father leaving his mother for a white woman play in his hatred of whites?

I had a black friend growing up who was always cool and we always had fun. No one thought anything about color. Then he went to college and within a year, he was full-on aggrieved black guy talking about the evil and oppressive white man and then became all about black this and black that and Africa.

So I think all it takes is to keep getting jammed and filled with this constant victim and injustice crap from professors, media and activists and you get people like this guy.
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The Nation is being ripped apart before our eyes.
The main problem is that the ENTIRE picture is not being presented, or completely ignored...why? Why in a time like this where cooler heads, real leadership is needed does someone not present the whole story?

We don't even know all the story in Baton Rouge or Minnesota, and within hours tge media and government officials are calling it racism? WTF!

We gloss over the facts about WHY so many young black men are committing crimes and say that the cops are targeting them. In not blaming everything on blacks and I'm not giving the cops a free pass, but there's a HUGE problem in the black community.

We have black men on the news talking about having "the talk" with their sons about not doing anything out of the ordinary when stopped by police. Well no shit!! Its common sense and not something unique to black folks.

I don't want anyone held down in life or taken advantage of because of their skin tone. I believe actions should be what determines a persons worth, but right now we aren't seeing that from ANYONE!
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They have already raised almost $1 million for that Sterling guy. You have to love it. A scumbag POS who didn't even take care of his kids, gets his family hit the lottery.

For every one or two legitimate cases of blacks being angry for a cop killing someone, there's about 10 where it was justified. There seems to always be more to the story.
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I could've missed it, but has any news media been calling Micah Johnson a racist? How is this ANY different than what the dipshit in Charleston did?
Both specifically made the claim they wanted kill a specific opposite race, and did. Both specifically chose their targets for the biggest splash effect. So why was racism rammed down our throats on one, and not the other?

The confederate flag was removed from being SOLD from many private retailers, historical statues and monuments removed or covered that had nothing to do with the incident.

Then in the other incident BLM takes zero heat, can't even take a day or two break from protesting?
Here's a crazy notion, if you want respect you gotta give a little too. This would've been a perfect opportunity for the protesters to show the police a little respect, nope.

I've watched msnbc and cnn for the last two days.

Not one, ONE, of their host has mentioned him being racist. They're making it a gun issue and even partly blamed republicans and the NRA. Hayes even claimed its possible PTSD resulting from war.

Meanwhile evil "faux news" relentlessly referred to the protest as "peaceful".

Yea, fox is so terrible to liberals. I mean, between now calling BLM a peaceful movement and ortielly calling for a ban of "AK47's" or maybe Kelly agreeing with liberals on half their shit.

You've got to be a complete dumbass to think fox isn't the most balanced in the biz.
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Gotta love the several on the board who are tired of race conversations NOW after 5 whites get killed for being white.

I know. It doesn't help their talking points and it sheds a light on the failure and indoctrination from the left, so let's stop talking about it. No issue talking about it when two black guys get portrayed as martyrs though. White cops? Psst. They're privileged folk.

Also, as far as coverage, I got rid of cable so I don't see the network stuff. But Fox has been No. 1 in the ratings for over 13 years.
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The bigger concern is conviction by video that so many are willing to accept. The video in Louisiana is more complete but not sure if he was reaching for his gun or not. The video from Minnesota is post shooting and virtually worthless.

Michael Brown was a gentle giant. Trayvon was 12.
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I know. It doesn't help their talking points and it sheds a light on the failure and ineoctrination from the left, so let's stop talking about it. No issue talking about it when two black guys get portrayed as martyrs though. White cops? Psst. They're privileged folk.

Also, as far as coverage, I got rid of cable so I don't see the network stuff. But Fox has been No. 1 in the ratings for over 13 years.

Yep. And orielly has been number 1 for 20 years I think?

As a conservative I've been disappointed with fox. Oreilly doesn't understand guns and advocates for gun control. He commented a few weeks ago that "all fair minded people understand no one needs an "AK". Megan kelly has been terrible and basically puts herself squarely in the middle as much as possible. I've stopped watching her elitest crap.

but all in all its the only way to get balanced news from cable. The rest are pure ideological trash.
The bigger concern is conviction by video that so many are willing to accept. The video in Louisiana is more complete but not sure if he was reaching for his gun or not. The video from Minnesota is post shooting and virtually worthless.

Michael Brown was a gentle giant. Trayvon was 12.

Michael Brown would have graduated from the prestigious University of Saint Louis with a degree in engineering had he not been forced to rob a convenient store, ignore a cops orders, and fight for the cops gun.
Heisman if it wasn't for race would you have anything to post about?

Not just you but I will use you as my example.

After so much time of seemingly takes against you or your race you've had enough and are a boiling pot ready to overflow. Gee imagine that!

But you can not, at all understand the other side of it. Which has made you just like them. Congrats.

Look real leadership see's the BS and does their best to get the picture clear. Leaders do not succumb to weak drivel. They do not become what they hate.

Instead they see the problem for what it is and stick to their solution through thick and thin. It won't be easy and at times it will be damn near impossible, but becoming what they hate is not an option.

Heisman you have become what you hate.
I completely disagree.

Would you like me to acknowledge and concede understanding on the concepts of "white privilege", blacks being specifically targeted and whites as the evil oppressor while blacks are always victims of whites? It's not going to happen. Why? Because it's BS. It's a lie told as truth to the masses and we continue to go down this road of giving this lie credibility and it is producing a bunch of brainwashed people into feeling like a victim, self loathing and a distorting of reality. It's propaganda.

I'm not what I hate as I'm not rallying the troops and painting a false picture of reality, trying to radicalize people, indoctrinating them in our universities and in our media. I'm not the one who wants identity politics but it's forced on us every step of the way by the left. So when bias and a lie is accepted as truth, I will confront that. You can't expect to bully someone and tell them to submit and then get upset if what they're saying is challenged.

Too many people have been told to stay quiet because we have been brainwashed to not try and offend someone but if you truly care, you'll tell people the truth.

This lie is creating division and destroying communities and it's flat out wrong so pointing out hypocrisies and actual realities should not be discouraged. We need to get back to just being people and stop encouraging this nonsense of oppression and self segregation and promote personal responsibility, individualism and get away from this collectivism outrage garbage.
Social justice warriors choose the oddest cases to go to war over. Michael Brown was a terrible situation, with no proof other than the officer being in the right.

Meanwhile, cases like Tamir Rice go nearly unmentioned. Even though it's clear by video evidence the police murdered that kid.

Can anyone explain?
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Social justice warriors choose the oddest cases to go to war over. Michael Brown was a terrible situation, with no proof other than the officer being in the right.

Meanwhile, cases like Tamir Rice go nearly unmentioned. Even though it's clear by video evidence the police murdered that kid.

Can anyone explain?
There were tons of people around when Brown was shot that immediately began blaming the cops. Didn't happen at the Rice killing as there were fewer folks around. Plus Rice has an item that looked like a weapon.
BLM-"Black activists have raised the call for an end to violence, not an escalation of it. Yesterday's attack was the result of the actions of a lone gunman," the group said in a statement on its website. "To assign the actions of one person to an entire movement is dangerous and irresponsible. We continue our efforts to bring about a better world for all of us."

You heard it. BLM has done nothing to cause violence.
BLM-"Black activists have raised the call for an end to violence, not an escalation of it. Yesterday's attack was the result of the actions of a lone gunman," the group said in a statement on its website. "To assign the actions of one person to an entire movement is dangerous and irresponsible. We continue our efforts to bring about a better world for all of us."

You heard it. BLM has done nothing to cause violence.
So basically the shooter was a lone wolf?

Obama is pathetic. Johnson was a lone wolf cop killer, but every cop is bad and racist. You just cant make this shit up. The left is mentally deranged.
I completely disagree.

Would you like me to acknowledge and concede understanding on the concepts of "white privilege", blacks being specifically targeted and whites as the evil oppressor while blacks are always victims of whites? It's not going to happen. Why? Because it's BS. It's a lie told as truth to the masses and we continue to go down this road of giving this lie credibility and it is producing a bunch of brainwashed people into feeling like a victim, self loathing and a distorting of reality. It's propaganda.

I'm not what I hate as I'm not rallying the troops and painting a false picture of reality, trying to radicalize people, indoctrinating them in our universities and in our media. I'm not the one who wants identity politics but it's forced on us every step of the way by the left. So when bias and a lie is accepted as truth, I will confront that. You can't expect to bully someone and tell them to submit and then get upset if what they're saying is challenged.

Too many people have been told to stay quiet because we have been brainwashed to not try and offend someone but if you truly care, you'll tell people the truth.

This lie is creating division and destroying communities and it's flat out wrong so pointing out hypocrisies and actual realities should not be discouraged. We need to get back to just being people and stop encouraging this nonsense of oppression and self segregation and promote personal responsibility, individualism and get away from this collectivism outrage garbage.

Great post. Whites are often accused of privilege for being normal. Normal in the process of often living through an orderly family structure, sustained for consecutive generations, with fathers, grandfathers, uncles, etc. committed to the mothers and children through an institution called marriage. Through this process sustained over time comes prosperity. It is normal. It is not easy. It is easy to avoid it and we all see it being avoided even by whites. However, the reproductive patterns and sustained social relationships of young whites and blacks are very different. Chaos looks at normal and sees privilege.
Heisman if it wasn't for race would you have anything to post about?

Not just you but I will use you as my example.

After so much time of seemingly takes against you or your race you've had enough and are a boiling pot ready to overflow. Gee imagine that!

But you can not, at all understand the other side of it. Which has made you just like them. Congrats.

Look real leadership see's the BS and does their best to get the picture clear. Leaders do not succumb to weak drivel. They do not become what they hate.

Instead they see the problem for what it is and stick to their solution through thick and thin. It won't be easy and at times it will be damn near impossible, but becoming what they hate is not an option.

Heisman you have become what you hate.

I'm sorry. We are not going to start a debate on a false premise and give in to the soft bigotry that blacks shouldn't be held to a standard. We are not going to base a position on faulty data and arbitrary feelings. Blacks have a problem with black culture. There is no police brutality that's institutional, and their grievances are largely flat out lies.

Criminal act is bad.
Selling hard dope is bad.
Abandoning your children is bad.

Making excuses and pretending all is even in the debate is part of the problem.

So no.
I completely disagree.

Would you like me to acknowledge and concede understanding on the concepts of "white privilege", blacks being specifically targeted and whites as the evil oppressor while blacks are always victims of whites? It's not going to happen. Why? Because it's BS. It's a lie told as truth to the masses and we continue to go down this road of giving this lie credibility and it is producing a bunch of brainwashed people into feeling like a victim, self loathing and a distorting of reality. It's propaganda.

I'm not what I hate as I'm not rallying the troops and painting a false picture of reality, trying to radicalize people, indoctrinating them in our universities and in our media. I'm not the one who wants identity politics but it's forced on us every step of the way by the left. So when bias and a lie is accepted as truth, I will confront that. You can't expect to bully someone and tell them to submit and then get upset if what they're saying is challenged.

Too many people have been told to stay quiet because we have been brainwashed to not try and offend someone but if you truly care, you'll tell people the truth.

This lie is creating division and destroying communities and it's flat out wrong so pointing out hypocrisies and actual realities should not be discouraged. We need to get back to just being people and stop encouraging this nonsense of oppression and self segregation and promote personal responsibility, individualism and get away from this collectivism outrage garbage.

As if you would even be talking about race if white people and white cops weren't being lied about and downgraded to extreme levels.

It's our fault that we're taking up for ourselves. We shouldn't do that.
BLM-"Black activists have raised the call for an end to violence, not an escalation of it. Yesterday's attack was the result of the actions of a lone gunman," the group said in a statement on its website. "To assign the actions of one person to an entire movement is dangerous and irresponsible. We continue our efforts to bring about a better world for all of us."

You heard it. BLM has done nothing to cause violence.
Ironic since they are calling out all cops and whites as being racists, etc. because of the bad/questionable acts of a few.
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There were tons of people around when Brown was shot that immediately began blaming the cops. Didn't happen at the Rice killing as there were fewer folks around. Plus Rice has an item that looked like a weapon.


Tamir Rice was a child hanging out at a park when a cop car rolled up high speed, jumped out and gunned him down. He had a toy gun. It wasnt visible. And he didnt make a move towards it. Even more, the officers report had a grand scenario of the kid going for his gun. Thankfully, there was a video camera at the park that captured everything, showing the two officers to be complete liars.

Probably the clearest case of police murder Ive ever seen. Yet none of the sjw ever mention it. I dont get it.
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Obama declined to answer a reporter’s question about whether the Dallas sniper attack was a hate crime, saying, “It’s very hard to interpret the motives of this shooter, as we have seen in a host of mass shootings.”

Obama is the worst President in American history. He is the Great Divider.

As if you would even be talking about race if white people and white cops weren't being lied about and downgraded to extreme levels.

It's our fault that we're taking up for ourselves. We shouldn't do that.

When I said earlier that the media had not taught the young man well this was what I was talking about. There is an entire generation or 3 that see themselves as able to attack others and not get attacked back. That is false.
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