How will they rule ??!

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Divide and conquer. That is the primary goal of your government.
Your naivety would be cute in an airheaded sort of way were it not so dangerous. The goal of divide and conquer is meant to destroy our government as government is the only power at our disposal to stop the destruction of our sovereignty in the rush towards global corporate fascism.

Why do you think BREXIT set off such alarm? Because the people of England decided they wanted their sovereignty back and no longer wanted to participate in globalism at the expense of their citizenry and they exercised their power via government to stop it. Absent that government they would have been powerless before the globalists and may yet still be.

Your government is the ONLY thing that stands between you and a global stew. A country-less oyster for rich corporations and billionaires to plunder without consequence. Do you think your free market is going to save you? That you and your kind dismantling Government oversight and your right at the ballot box to determine the direction of your country?

Stop being a mouth-breathing neanderthal and understand the limited power at your disposal to temporarily fight off the globalist horde that inevitably will consume us all. While you have Government, use it to fight as hard as you can, because with idiots like you in tow the end of the inconvenience your sovereignty represents is fully on the chopping block as nothing more than a temporary obstacle to the vast plunder that awaits your children competing against slave labor to enrich those that have led you by the nose to your own foolish know-nothing end. Blabbering all the way.
Your naivety would be cute in an airheaded sort of way were it not so dangerous. The goal of divide and conquer is meant to destroy our government as government is the only power at our disposal to stop the destruction of our sovereignty in the rush towards global corporate fascism.

Why do you think BREXIT set off such alarm? Because the people of England decided they wanted their sovereignty back and no longer wanted to participate in globalism at the expense of their citizenry and they exercised their power via government to stop it. Absent that government they would have been powerless before the globalists and may yet still be.

Your government is the ONLY thing that stands between you and a global stew. A country-less oyster for rich corporations and billionaires to plunder without consequence. Do you think your free market is going to save you? That you and your kind dismantling Government oversight and your right at the ballot box to determine the direction of your country?

Stop being a mouth-breathing neanderthal and understand the limited power at your disposal to temporarily fight off the globalist horde that inevitably will consume us all. While you have Government, use it to fight as hard as you can, because with idiots like you in tow the end of the inconvenience your sovereignty represents is fully on the chopping block as nothing more than a temporary obstacle to the vast plunder that awaits your children competing against slave labor to enrich those that have led you by the nose to your own foolish know-nothing end. Blabbering all the way.


Can't wait to read the follow up post supporting anarchy.
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Hillary has to be secretly loving the events of the last week. She knows there is finally something else to talk about other than Lyin Hillary and The Clinton Effect.
This seems kind of relevant. But what he says - the stats, not necessarily the opinion - is probably too sober for our histrionic times:

"What was the racial breakdown of those who were shot by police in 2015? The largest number, 494, almost exactly half, were white. 258 were black, 172 were Hispanic, and the remaining 66 were either “other” or unknown. (Interestingly, Asians are rarely shot by police officers.)

The 258 blacks represent 26% of the total. That is about double the percentage of blacks in the American population. Is that prima facie evidence of racism on the part of law enforcement? Of course not. It is common knowledge that blacks have an unusually high rate of contact with the police, both as victims and as perpetrators. In 2012-2013, the Department of Justice found that blacks were the perpetrators of 24% of all violent crimes where the race of the perpetrator was known (in 7.8% of violent crimes, it was unknown).

So the percentage of blacks fatally shot by police officers (26%) is almost exactly equal to the percentage of blacks committing violent crimes (24%). Indeed, given that the black homicide rate is around eight times the white rate, it is surprising that the portion of blacks fatally shot by policemen is not higher."
Your naivety would be cute in an airheaded sort of way were it not so dangerous. The goal of divide and conquer is meant to destroy our government as government is the only power at our disposal to stop the destruction of our sovereignty in the rush towards global corporate fascism.

Why do you think BREXIT set off such alarm? Because the people of England decided they wanted their sovereignty back and no longer wanted to participate in globalism at the expense of their citizenry and they exercised their power via government to stop it. Absent that government they would have been powerless before the globalists and may yet still be.

Your government is the ONLY thing that stands between you and a global stew. A country-less oyster for rich corporations and billionaires to plunder without consequence. Do you think your free market is going to save you? That you and your kind dismantling Government oversight and your right at the ballot box to determine the direction of your country?

Stop being a mouth-breathing neanderthal and understand the limited power at your disposal to temporarily fight off the globalist horde that inevitably will consume us all. While you have Government, use it to fight as hard as you can, because with idiots like you in tow the end of the inconvenience your sovereignty represents is fully on the chopping block as nothing more than a temporary obstacle to the vast plunder that awaits your children competing against slave labor to enrich those that have led you by the nose to your own foolish know-nothing end. Blabbering all the way.
Idiot. Are you trying to deny that our government has grown and continues to grow in power? Are you too ignorant to realize that if the government can keep us fighting with each other, we will be less likely to band together to fight them?

I already know about your communist manifesto about the evils of free market enterprise. I also know that capitalism led to this becoming the wealthiest, most successful country in the history of the world. You are an idiot and history proves it. Facts prove it. I deem it so.
A few days ago, someone - think it was Heisman - posted a link to some forum where some guy claiming to be in the FBI was supposedly divulging all sorts of stuff about what was going on with the Clinto investigation behind the scenes. Some of it interesting, some of it sounded crazy or paranoid, some of it was inflammatory. So, who knows whether it was someone in the FBI, or some 14 years old girl with a fervid imagination. I do remember he said that Trump was seriously considering Mike Flynn as his VP pick. Now, you guys know me, I know everything. But I do not know of a Mike Flynn, had to look him up.

Today I see this in the Post:

A curveball in Trump’s Veep search: He’s seriously considering a retired general
Retired Lt. Gen. Michael T. Flynn has served as a policy adviser to the presumptive Republican presidential nominee.
You are such a moron. I don't even know why I call your ilk "soft bigots". You're 100% hard bigots. You expect less out of darker skinned people. If these were whites people getting shot after robbing stores and being criminal you'd prolly be the first person to call trash.

Take your bigotry somewhere else.

And stop acting like these criminals are complying with officers and not being careless. You're a fraud.

And you call me a moron? ROFLMAO
How am I expecting less from anyone?
I ask questions about the situation about which you cannot answer....or don't want to answer.
Unless a cop sees the act of a crime, unless that person is putting that cop's life in danger there is no reason for a cop to use deadly force against anyone.
A cop isn't judge and jury. I don't care if someone has a record a mile long, a record doesn't mean that this person did something this time..
This seems kind of relevant. But what he says - the stats, not necessarily the opinion - is probably too sober for our histrionic times:

"What was the racial breakdown of those who were shot by police in 2015? The largest number, 494, almost exactly half, were white. 258 were black, 172 were Hispanic, and the remaining 66 were either “other” or unknown. (Interestingly, Asians are rarely shot by police officers.)

The 258 blacks represent 26% of the total. That is about double the percentage of blacks in the American population. Is that prima facie evidence of racism on the part of law enforcement? Of course not. It is common knowledge that blacks have an unusually high rate of contact with the police, both as victims and as perpetrators. In 2012-2013, the Department of Justice found that blacks were the perpetrators of 24% of all violent crimes where the race of the perpetrator was known (in 7.8% of violent crimes, it was unknown).

So the percentage of blacks fatally shot by police officers (26%) is almost exactly equal to the percentage of blacks committing violent crimes (24%). Indeed, given that the black homicide rate is around eight times the white rate, it is surprising that the portion of blacks fatally shot by policemen is not higher."

Please tell me where you got this? Please please please! I'm in an argument with a mixed buddy of mine over this exact detail right now.
Idiot. Are you trying to deny that our government has grown and continues to grow in power? Are you too ignorant to realize that if the government can keep us fighting with each other, we will be less likely to band together to fight them?

I already know about your communist manifesto about the evils of free market enterprise. I also know that capitalism led to this becoming the wealthiest, most successful country in the history of the world. You are an idiot and history proves it. Facts prove it. I deem it so.
Your system of government is what made this the wealthiest, most successful country in the history of the world. A vibrant healthy middle class. Check out the tax rates during the Eisenhower years. Understand that the GI Bill (another big government program) and strong unionization are what also created that vast healthy middle class.

Cut to now, after 35 years of the middle class being destroyed while your "free market" has robbed the middle class of its wealth and funneled it directly to an elite fat 1%, Wall Street flying high even as real wages stagnate and the middle class crumbles.

All this coincided perfectly with trickle down economics and the gutting of Government regulations started by one Ronald Wilson Reagan.

I understand that you are too stupid to comprehend the big picture. Kelp-like you wallow around in a sea of idiocy doing your little single-celled things. But if you are so abjectly stupid as to only make things worse by opening your big mouth, then perhaps, at least, you might adopt silence as your contribution to bettering things. To no longer allow your ignorance to serve as a distraction to those of us that are better than you, more intelligent than you, and more capable than you. By subtracting yourself you can add to the cause. For the sake of humanity and all that is good... simply shut up.
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Agree. But the claim made was that the toy gun wasn't visible. How does that person know such?

Noone knows but them. However, I don't see any way possible they saw much of anything; given the video.

The Louisiana situation was mishandled when 2 officers couldn't subdue a resisting person within more than an allowable amount of time. As I've said before, many officers involved in these shootings are physically incapable of subduing a suspect. That's why they unnecessarily jump to deadly force, imo.
Your system of government is what made this the wealthiest, most successful country in the history of the world. A vibrant healthy middle class. Check out the tax rates during the Eisenhower years. Understand that the GI Bill (another big government program) and strong unionization are what also created that vast healthy middle class.

Cut to now, after 35 years of the middle class being destroyed while your "free market" has robbed the middle class of its wealth and funneled it directly to an elite fat 1%, Wall Street flying high even as real wages stagnate and the middle class crumbles.

All this coincided perfectly with trickle down economics and the gutting of Government regulations.

I understand that you are too stupid to comprehend the big picture. Kelp-like you wallow around in a sea of idiocy doing your little single-celled things. But if you are so abjectly stupid as to only make things worse by opening your big mouth, then perhaps, at least, you might adopt silence as your contribution to bettering things. To no longer allow your ignorance to serve as a distraction to those of us that are better than you, more intelligent than you, and more capable than you. By subtracting yourself you can add to the cause. For the sake of humanity and all that is good... simply shut up.
Type another 1000 words and you still won't be able to refute what I said in my original statement. By the way, I only read the first sentence of your last post, It's a talent I have.
Your system of government is what made this the wealthiest, most successful country in the history of the world.

Hussein Obama on monday.....

Machine Gun Kelly on Tuesday....

Newt Gingrich on Wednesday....

Rand Paul on Thursday......

Sharpton on Friday?

Pretty close?
Your naivety would be cute in an airheaded sort of way were it not so dangerous. The goal of divide and conquer is meant to destroy our government as government is the only power at our disposal to stop the destruction of our sovereignty in the rush towards global corporate fascism.

Why do you think BREXIT set off such alarm? Because the people of England decided they wanted their sovereignty back and no longer wanted to participate in globalism at the expense of their citizenry and they exercised their power via government to stop it. Absent that government they would have been powerless before the globalists and may yet still be.

Your government is the ONLY thing that stands between you and a global stew. A country-less oyster for rich corporations and billionaires to plunder without consequence. Do you think your free market is going to save you? That you and your kind dismantling Government oversight and your right at the ballot box to determine the direction of your country?

Stop being a mouth-breathing neanderthal and understand the limited power at your disposal to temporarily fight off the globalist horde that inevitably will consume us all. While you have Government, use it to fight as hard as you can, because with idiots like you in tow the end of the inconvenience your sovereignty represents is fully on the chopping block as nothing more than a temporary obstacle to the vast plunder that awaits your children competing against slave labor to enrich those that have led you by the nose to your own foolish know-nothing end. Blabbering all the way.
The current government is pushing for globalization.
Your system of government is what made this the wealthiest, most successful country in the history of the world. A vibrant healthy middle class. Check out the tax rates during the Eisenhower years. Understand that the GI Bill (another big government program) and strong unionization are what also created that vast healthy middle class.

Cut to now, after 35 years of the middle class being destroyed while your "free market" has robbed the middle class of its wealth and funneled it directly to an elite fat 1%, Wall Street flying high even as real wages stagnate and the middle class crumbles.

All this coincided perfectly with trickle down economics and the gutting of Government regulations started by one Ronald Wilson Reagan.

I understand that you are too stupid to comprehend the big picture. Kelp-like you wallow around in a sea of idiocy doing your little single-celled things. But if you are so abjectly stupid as to only make things worse by opening your big mouth, then perhaps, at least, you might adopt silence as your contribution to bettering things. To no longer allow your ignorance to serve as a distraction to those of us that are better than you, more intelligent than you, and more capable than you. By subtracting yourself you can add to the cause. For the sake of humanity and all that is good... simply shut up.

As a now senile old man born in the early 40s and who saw firsthand the US rise to its peak for the working middle class in the 50s, 60s and early 70s I agree with Z on the accuracy of his description of the US decline. I didn't read about it in a book. I lived through it. Companies used to take a fair profit for themselves. They got reasonable compensation for their management, a reasonable return for their shareholders and then shared a greater percentage more with their employees. It almost felt like being part of a company/family. One quite often worked for a single company his or her entire life.

By the early 80s all that changed. The stockmarket rose to the forefront. Higher profits and higher dividends were demanded by stockholders (almost always the rich guys with money to invest). In order to do this companies have to reduce the cost of labor. Destroy the unions. Make your product offshore. Cheapen the quality of your product. Reward the people who can pull this off with humongous compensation.

Screw the poor saps on the low end who suffer for this and can no longer work their way into the disappearing middle class. "I've got a good job. I'm not worried." Brother or sister, if you don't have your own business, there are people right now who are trying to figure out how to eliminate your job.

And Z, if you didn't try so hard to be a butthole and used just a little more tact, you just might have a little more influence on here. You make some good points.

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Stop and think about this for a minute.

Look man.

As a person that has family in law enforcement and has been a CC holder since I was legal. I'm saying this nicely. You have no f'in clue what you are talking about. And I'm serious, you really don't know.

There are rules in place for permit holders if they have a run in with the law. You MUST follow these rules or you could easily end up hurt.

1. Roll your windows down
2. Put your hands where the cop can see them.
3. Tell the cop you're armed legally
4. Let him tell you what to do next.

If you do not follow these rules, you are asking for trouble. And if you're a criminal that just robbed a GD store, well then, you better follow these by the book or it's going to end bad.

personally the only people I run into that have issues with police handling themselves by the law are:

1. Criminals themselves

2. Politically motivated individuals.

If you believe In this nonsense and don't fall into these categories, then the person just isn't very bright.
you are spot on, that's exactly what you're taught in the class for CC. The police don't know when they stop someone whether they are dealing with a kindergarten teacher or a ex-con who had been incarcerated for violence with a weapon. I was told the guy in Minnesota was told several times not to reach towards his waist. He wasn't driving so he didn't need to show his license. IF all that is true, the officer is not at fault.
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As a now senile old man born in the early 40s and who saw firsthand the US rise to its peak for the working middle class in the 50s, 60s and early 70s I agree with Z on the accuracy of his description of the US decline. I didn't read about it in a book. I lived through it. Companies used to take a fair profit for themselves. They got reasonable compensation for their management, a reasonable return for their shareholders and then shared a greater percentage more with their employees. It almost felt like being part of a company/family. One quite often worked for a single company his or her entire life.

By the early 80s all that changed. The stockmarket rose to the forefront. Higher profits and higher dividends were demanded by stockholders (almost always the rich guys with money to invest). In order to do this companies have to reduce the cost of labor. Destroy the unions. Make your product offshore. Cheapen the quality of your product. Reward the people who can pull this off with humongous compensation.

Screw the poor saps on the low end who suffer for this and can no longer work their way into the disappearing middle class. "I've got a good job. I'm not worried." Brother or sister, if you don't have your own business, there are people right now who are trying to figure out how to eliminate your job.

And Z, if you didn't try so hard to be a butthole and used just a little more tact, you just might have a little more influence on here. You make some good points.

Ruined by Wall Street and the MBA's, which by the way stands for Must Be Assholes
BLM says that these acts of violence are just a rogue few, and to not blame them all on the those actions, I wish they could judge the police the same way.
Stop and think about this for a minute.

Would love to hear some of the more left-leaning posters give their take on this. How can anyone honestly excuse what this president has done in relation to creating a less divisive nation and being a true leader?
It's politics with the left as usual. Just play the game and elect team blue. Half of them rarely know what they're voting for or even understand policy in general. The democrats of 1970 would be appauled at where that party turned. Won't even support a law that protects US citizens from illegal felons. That's how pathetic and political they've gotten.

Not even JFK would approve of that nonsense.
Barack Obama, in my opinion, is one of, if not, the greatest president ever. His lack of leadership has directly led to Utotia, Illinois, which, by the way, is the greatest thing ever.
It's politics with the left as usual. Just play the game and elect team blue. Half of them rarely know what they're voting for or even understand policy in general. The democrats of 1970 would be appauled at where that party turned. Won't even support a law that protects US citizens from illegal felons. That's how pathetic and political they've gotten.

Not even JFK would approve of that nonsense.
The sad thing is it looks like we will have atleast 4 more years and quite possibly 8 with someone just as divisive as Obama. Hillary will play to anyone who helps Hillary, so it is unknown just how far she will go. Every time Trump seems to be gaining ground he always does something stupid to knock himself back down. I just pray that with all of the crap going on now Hillary will continue to pander and when November comes common sense kicks in for most of America.
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you are spot on, that's exactly what you're taught in the class for CC. The police don't know when they stop someone whether they are dealing with a kindergarten teacher or a ex-con who had been incarcerated for violence with a weapon. I was told the guy in Minnesota was told several times not to reach towards his waist. He wasn't driving so he didn't need to show his license. IF all that is true, the officer is not at fault.
Uh, he was driving. So your info is false. And I'm sure the cops want to put the narrative out there that he fit the description of an armed robber...par for the course with them. 'Resisting arrest', 'looked like a gun', bla bla bla. Let's wait for the facts usually means lets wait to see what kind of b.s. the cops can pull out of their arse. Got to get together and get their stories straight.
I don't trust cops because they are in a lot of cases scared and fearful before they arrive. That puts them in a position to be awful froggy.

I'm not sold that in LA those officers should not have or could not have waited for more backup which was coming. I know that. I know I saw a cop get short man syndrome because his authority or badge wasn't just bowed down to.

In Minnesota I'm not sure what happened your right. But I'm sure no matter what it wasn't handled correctly at all.

1- armed robbery suspect means as the cop walks up his gun should be drawn and he should not pass the rear driver side window and the suspect should be requested to get out of the vehicle.

2- if he doesn't do that then stay there until backup comes. That position keeps you safe as possible and in position to defend yourself if something stupid is tried.

3- there is no reason to play hero instead of keeping safety as the main source of the police officer's job.

What emotion is it I'm feeling when I see two cops yelling at a man to get on the ground as he asks what for? He has the right to know that dumbass.

Have you ever been pulled over? Have you noticed that after and even sometimes before a cop ask for your license and registration they ask if you know why you were pulled over? If not they do that because it's the law!

If your not in an understanding of why your being asked to get on the ground and you then ask and some dipshit cop slams your ass instead of telling you why the cop is in the wrong 100% of the time.

The rest is definitely up to interpretation which my above description as to why it should not have got to that point just allows me to justify siding with the killed.

Yes, as I said before you failed to understand what laws were broken and by whom is that the person record allows me to think "well we are better off without that POS" but I'm not the cop and that doesn't make the cop right for his actions.

I can also understand a bank teller making $12 an hour stealing money from said bank since they see thousands daily, but understanding it and saying it's ok are different.

You really have no GD idea what you think do you?

In one instance, you preach the cop being calm and waiting to confront a reportedly armed man. In the very next, you say that he should have approached Castille at gun point. Which is it? Calm or gunpoint?

You do realize that at the point in time, Castille was NOT a suspect, he just matched the description. Therefore you're incorrect thst he should have been subjected to a felony stop at gunpoint. If he was the confirmed suspect, then yes.

Regarding your next post. You really have no idea of the law do you? Police are in no way shape or form required to sit there and explain why they are commanding you to the ground. In the course of their investigation they definitely don't have to. Sometimes, like in traffic stops, they ask you because half the people admit guilt in that scenario.
Once placing you under arrest they are required to read you your rights. Maybe you should brush up on some knowledge before spewing out a bunch of made up crap.
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Japan Supreme Court decision allows blanket surveillance of Muslims

"So the common sense notion that if you want to prevent Islamic terror, you watch Muslims for signs of trouble, is accepted popularly, and even at the highest levels of Japan’s judiciary."

Read more:

Seems kind of simple, no?
Then change the Constitution. You can't just ignore the parts you don't like. You cannot blanket surveil a portion of American citizens because of their religion.

Can't have sensible gun laws because of the 2nd amendment but all the others are ok to not just overstep but stomp it to death. Can't even keep people being watched by the FBI, CIA, etc from getting access to weapons. But hey, you keep pushing that tough on terrorism fairy tale.
Uh, he was driving. So your info is false. And I'm sure the cops want to put the narrative out there that he fit the description of an armed robber...par for the course with them. 'Resisting arrest', 'looked like a gun', bla bla bla. Let's wait for the facts usually means lets wait to see what kind of b.s. the cops can pull out of their arse. Got to get together and get their stories straight.

Then change the Constitution. You can't just ignore the parts you don't like. You cannot blanket surveil a portion of American citizens because of their religion.
Can't have sensible gun laws because of the 2nd amendment but all the others are ok to not just overstep but stomp it to death. Can't even keep people being watched by the FBI, CIA, etc from getting access to weapons. But hey, you keep pushing that tough on terrorism fairy tale.

Don Lemon, is that you??
Uh, he was driving. So your info is false. And I'm sure the cops want to put the narrative out there that he fit the description of an armed robber...par for the course with them. 'Resisting arrest', 'looked like a gun', bla bla bla. Let's wait for the facts usually means lets wait to see what kind of b.s. the cops can pull out of their arse. Got to get together and get their stories straight.
Uhh, did you read the word "if" in caps? From the tone of the rest of your post I believe your mind is made up already, believing any further info is contrived by the authorities.
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Sounds like Mike Pence will be Trumps running mate. If true thats a GREAT pick. One of the best conservative governors in the country.
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Please tell me where you got this? Please please please! I'm in an argument with a mixed buddy of mine over this exact detail right now.
Here you go. The bold part of my post is quoting from this blog. In that blog post, he gives a link to a new database the Washington Post put together and rolled out a few days ago, all kinds of data on police shootings. Most any stat you'd want to can be found in there, my guess.