How will they rule ??!

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I hope England is utterly destroyed by it's Muslim migrants within the next decade...and when all that is left is a place that resembles war torn Syria I hope I run into a English refugee who fled here to I can laugh in his face.

What a clown country! The left and queers of jolly ol England have already got the first ever Chick-fil-a there to shut down. It just opened.

You sound rational.
I hope England is utterly destroyed by it's Muslim migrants within the next decade...and when all that is left is a place that resembles war torn Syria I hope I run into a English refugee who fled here to I can laugh in his face.

What a clown country! The left and queers of jolly ol England have already got the first ever Chick-fil-a there to shut down. It just opened.

That's mighty Christian of you
No way man. A partisan shit-talking thread on a sports website is the best place to go to be informed on the world doncha know.
Well, you guys profess to be intelligent and in the know and now you are insinuating you really know nothing? Color me shocked.
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I hope England is utterly destroyed by it's Muslim migrants within the next decade...and when all that is left is a place that resembles war torn Syria I hope I run into a English refugee who fled here to I can laugh in his face.

What a clown country! The left and queers of jolly ol England have already got the first ever Chick-fil-a there to shut down. It just opened.

And what exactly is it's "lgbtq" track record? Did they turn gays away? Spit in their food?

Nope. Only the personal views on gay marriage of it's departed owner.
Trump doesn't give a shit about rats in Baltimore.

I hope England is utterly destroyed by it's Muslim migrants within the next decade...and when all that is left is a place that resembles war torn Syria I hope I run into a English refugee who fled here to I can laugh in his face.

What a clown country! The left and queers of jolly ol England have already got the first ever Chick-fil-a there to shut down. It just opened.

The LGBTQ are pretty much Danerys from GoT.


Only crazier and no one among them is as good looking.
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We moved 1000 troops further south. We didn't pull out of anything. In fact we're sending 1800 to Saudi Arabia. And we're discussing sending more to protect the oil fields in Syria/Iraq. Just not the Kurds. Trump has sent 14000 troops to the ME since May.
If we are not pulling out then what is all of the hoopla about? However to your point, I knew that (about troop deployment) anyway. I deploy troops all of the time. My question is why all of the whining. The left has been screaming about how we should not be there and as soon as someone suggest Trump is pulling them out the table turns and they start screaming oh my god, we are abandoning our allies. TDS has simply turned the left into a bunch of blithering idiots who have proven that they really don't care about anything but their agenda. Our own inner cities are proof of that.
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And what exactly is it's "lgbtq" track record? Did they turn gays away? Spit in their food?

Nope. Only the personal views on gay marriage of it's departed owner.

And that’s enough for them. If a single person is openly not 100% in agreement with all things gay, the protesters will be out in force, fighting for “gay rights”.

Fighting for X rights really makes my head spin. Fill in X with women’s, gay, black... What rights do X not have that any other American citizen has?

The answer is none. They don’t want equal rights. They want special rights. The right not to be disagreed with. The right to get what they want because, in this case, they’re gay.
Not twisting anything. Just stating the facts.
If you haven't learned by now militaries are all just tools. All wars are won or lost by the politicians because life has to go on post-war.

As for pulling out of Syria it's more the way it was done. Essentially sneaked out of town in the middle of the night. Name one military officer that was happy with the decision and the way it was done?

The security of the Kurds should have been guaranteed and assurances from Turkey that they wouldn't attack. Instead he did it the worst possible way by stabbing them in the back. Leave in the middle of the night and allowed Turkey to come in and attack.
False, no politician ever won a war. If they are smart they let their generals do the winning.
Win the peace is a made up phrase , it’s bullshit.
We destroyed Germany and Japan in World War 2, militarily as well as their cities and infrastructure. The leaders of the allies lived and fought WW1. They realized not going for total victory would simply result in more catastrophic war later on, and they were right.

That’s my point, if you aren’t willing to do what it takes for total victory then don’t go at all. That’s how you end up in long drawn out campaigns that end up not meeting objectives, it’s dumb.
It's like the phrase win-win philosophy. Everybody wins therefore nobody loses and no one's feelings are hurt. That never works.
The LGBTQ are pretty much Danerys from GoT.


Only crazier and no one among them is as good looking.

Yep, and she eventually destroyed a great city. Nobody liked her at the end except her castrated yes man. She wore out her welcome and ultimately ate a blade from one of the closest people to her.

A brilliant metaphor for life, particularly when it comes to politics, business, and agendas in both...
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Win the peace is a made up phrase , it’s bullshit.
We destroyed Germany and Japan in World War 2, militarily as well as their cities and infrastructure. The leaders of the allies lived and fought WW1. They realized not going for total victory would simply result in more catastrophic war later on, and they were right.

That’s my point, if you aren’t willing to do what it takes for total victory then don’t go at all. That’s how you end up in long drawn out campaigns that end up not meeting objectives, it’s dumb.
Every phrase is a made up phrase dumbass. Why you're hung up on trying to argue that point is beyond me. Wars are easily won by superpowers and if your only aim is to win wars on the battlefield then you're likely going to find yourself in near constant war. The object, at least for the civilized world is to be at peace.
Go to the library and find you some good books on world history. Rome won a lot of wars...they were brutal and often made slaves of their conquered foes. They had to keep fighting because people that have no hope or nothing to lose will choose to fight to the death.

Bill, Japan wasn't all that destroyed. Yes, we nuked two cities and firebombed Tokyo but no battles took place, no troops marched through the streets of the main island.

And did you not realize that Germany surrendered at the end of WWI? We had total victory and we rubbed their noses into the ground. Are you even remotely familiar with the terms of the Treaty of Versailles? Good Lord, there couldn't have been a more humiliating defeat. We went for and got a total victory...then we went too far.

We knew, the allies knew that they all had to continue to live in close proximity and that by destroying their economy we sowed the seeds of discontent that would later bubble up and result in another war.

We didn't know that bombing Hiroshima and Nagasaki would result in their surrender. My father was only a few hundred miles off the coast of Japan when those bombs were dropped. We were waiting to invade the island D-Day style. We took their surrender so we didn't have to sacrifice thousands of troop that would have surely been lost.

You're right that we shouldn't get into wars unless we are going for total victory but we are cursed with having too much power and the knowledge that if we unleash that power on others there is a high likelihood that someone unleashes something like that on us. That's also the problem with spending $700B annually on our military. The old saying when your only tool is a hammer then everything looks like a nail... another made up phrase but it's made up to deliver a message.
Every phrase is a made up phrase dumbass. Why you're hung up on trying to argue that point is beyond me. Wars are easily won by superpowers and if your only aim is to win wars on the battlefield then you're likely going to find yourself in near constant war. The object, at least for the civilized world is to be at peace.
Go to the library and find you some good books on world history. Rome won a lot of wars...they were brutal and often made slaves of their conquered foes. They had to keep fighting because people that have no hope or nothing to lose will choose to fight to the death.

Bill, Japan wasn't all that destroyed. Yes, we nuked two cities and firebombed Tokyo but no battles took place, no troops marched through the streets of the main island.

And did you not realize that Germany surrendered at the end of WWI? We had total victory and we rubbed their noses into the ground. Are you even remotely familiar with the terms of the Treaty of Versailles? Good Lord, there couldn't have been a more humiliating defeat. We went for and got a total victory...then we went too far.

We knew, the allies knew that they all had to continue to live in close proximity and that by destroying their economy we sowed the seeds of discontent that would later bubble up and result in another war.

We didn't know that bombing Hiroshima and Nagasaki would result in their surrender. My father was only a few hundred miles off the coast of Japan when those bombs were dropped. We were waiting to invade the island D-Day style. We took their surrender so we didn't have to sacrifice thousands of troop that would have surely been lost.

You're right that we shouldn't get into wars unless we are going for total victory but we are cursed with having too much power and the knowledge that if we unleash that power on others there is a high likelihood that someone unleashes something like that on us. That's also the problem with spending $700B annually on our military. The old saying when your only tool is a hammer then everything looks like a nail... another made up phrase but it's made up to deliver a message.

We did not have total victory in WW1. The German armies turned around, crossed the French and Belgium border on their way home. We negotiated a peace to end the war.
You are correct that the restitutions places on Germany was one of the triggers of the third reich.
The other was that the German Army wasn’t actually defeated on the field. The people of Germany thought their govt had sold them out. The allies in WW 2 didn’t want that sentiment to arise again.

Japan was destroyed, their towns were bombed into ruin. We could’ve easily negotiated an end to the war without the atomic bombs or an invasion, but we wanted unconditional surrender, just as in Germany .

Keyword is UNCONDITIONAL, we are going to direct your future because you are not trustworthy. That is a direct response to lessons learned in WW1.

Winning the peace is the same as winning hearts and minds. It’s fantasy and has no place in war. If it is then we shouldn’t be there.
Every phrase is a made up phrase dumbass. Why you're hung up on trying to argue that point is beyond me. Wars are easily won by superpowers and if your only aim is to win wars on the battlefield then you're likely going to find yourself in near constant war. The object, at least for the civilized world is to be at peace.
Go to the library and find you some good books on world history. Rome won a lot of wars...they were brutal and often made slaves of their conquered foes. They had to keep fighting because people that have no hope or nothing to lose will choose to fight to the death.

Bill, Japan wasn't all that destroyed. Yes, we nuked two cities and firebombed Tokyo but no battles took place, no troops marched through the streets of the main island.

And did you not realize that Germany surrendered at the end of WWI? We had total victory and we rubbed their noses into the ground. Are you even remotely familiar with the terms of the Treaty of Versailles? Good Lord, there couldn't have been a more humiliating defeat. We went for and got a total victory...then we went too far.

We knew, the allies knew that they all had to continue to live in close proximity and that by destroying their economy we sowed the seeds of discontent that would later bubble up and result in another war.

We didn't know that bombing Hiroshima and Nagasaki would result in their surrender. My father was only a few hundred miles off the coast of Japan when those bombs were dropped. We were waiting to invade the island D-Day style. We took their surrender so we didn't have to sacrifice thousands of troop that would have surely been lost.

You're right that we shouldn't get into wars unless we are going for total victory but we are cursed with having too much power and the knowledge that if we unleash that power on others there is a high likelihood that someone unleashes something like that on us. That's also the problem with spending $700B annually on our military. The old saying when your only tool is a hammer then everything looks like a nail... another made up phrase but it's made up to deliver a message.

Anybody read one word of this horse-shit from an obvious sociopath?
Pretty sure the majority of Rs trying to get in the room are in fact committee members, some even holding rank.

Cool meme though. Gowdy's hair looks nice. You weirdos still calling that style the "Nazi cut"?

Speaking of. Remember that young conservative kid with cancer who was guilty of absolutely nothing but having that style of haircut and you scum labeled him a Nazi, plastered his picture all over national TV and doxxed him? He was then relentlessly attacked and stalked online and at his private residence and job.
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The tired narrative that I hear and much of it is coming from so called "right" wing media is the reasons they want Trump gone is because they don't like him or they are upset about the election results.

Complete and utter bs. This is not about feelings. This is about corruption and business. Trump is bad for their business and he is a major threat to their corruption. Why won't they tell the truth about it and stop with the stupid well they just don't like him.

Many so called right wingers and fake republicans are caught up in the swamp's corruption. They don't want him digging too deep. Play like your his buddy and then stab him in the back. I hope they all burn.
“And when were the rules written last? In January 2015,” said Napolitano “And who signed them? [Former GOP Speaker] John Boehner [R-OH].

“And who enacted them? A Republican majority,” he concluded.
Pretty sure the majority of Rs trying to get in the room are in fact committee members, some even holding rank.

Cool meme though. Gowdy's hair looks nice. You weirdos still calling that style the "Nazi cut"?

Speaking of. Remember that young conservative kid with cancer who was guilty of absolutely nothing but having that style of haircut and you scum labeled him a Nazi, plastered his picture all over national TV and doxxed him? He was then relentlessly attacked and stalked online and at his private residence and job.

Levi is one sad deluded individual.