How will they rule ??!

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For the low low price of 300 billion we could 'buy up to 20 years of time to fix the global crisis'...that isn't fix the problem money but we could buy some time.

Sure the worst polluters like China and India won't try at all to help us and their polluting will only get worse...and yes most of this money is basically the Western World giving money to poor countries whose governments are corrupt and only a small fraction will actually go to intended purposes (Russell Kirk was arguing in the 1970's that environmentalism was nothing more than wealth redistribution from rich to poor countries)...

And yes we are already spending untold billions on the problem...but dammit guys this 300 billion will be the difference. Of course they will be saying they need 500 billion more in a few years but that is irrelevant...we must act now!
We did not have total victory in WW1. The German armies turned around, crossed the French and Belgium border on their way home. We negotiated a peace to end the war.
You are correct that the restitutions places on Germany was one of the triggers of the third reich.
The other was that the German Army wasn’t actually defeated on the field. The people of Germany thought their govt had sold them out. The allies in WW 2 didn’t want that sentiment to arise again.

Japan was destroyed, their towns were bombed into ruin. We could’ve easily negotiated an end to the war without the atomic bombs or an invasion, but we wanted unconditional surrender, just as in Germany .

Keyword is UNCONDITIONAL, we are going to direct your future because you are not trustworthy. That is a direct response to lessons learned in WW1.

Winning the peace is the same as winning hearts and minds. It’s fantasy and has no place in war. If it is then we shouldn’t be there.
Bill, the people don’t agree to surrender, a government does. If you don’t win those hearts and minds the seed I’d discontent will organically grow and re-emerge.
Study history, you’ll learn something.
The NYT’s spin was as obvious as UK running the wildcat up the gut on 4th and 1. Of course they are gonna call it political payback.

Doesn’t matter. We are about to see MORE factual evidence (you know - texts, emails, testimony, memos, etc) on the incestuous relationship between the media and dems.

It’s gonna be an avalanche of shit on top of their heads.

Ooooh weeee! It’s about to get gooooooood!!
I have been waiting and holding my breath for over two years waiting on this. The media is really going to circle the wagons now and will do everything in their power to fight with all they have for their beloved Democrat Party. Who knows how this will turn out but putting the heat on and exposing the truth will be worth it all. I bet all of the major news outlets are in closed door sessions to ramp up their attempt to discredit the investigation and make up another hoax.
Bill, the people don’t agree to surrender, a government does. If you don’t win those hearts and minds the seed I’d discontent will organically grow and re-emerge.
Study history, you’ll learn something.

IMO, what caused WWII was the harsh sanctions that impacted the German people. Their economy was destroyed already but was worsened by the impact of the Great Depression and the "we'll pay you back" type sanctions that were placed on the country by the allies. They felt abused and were ripe for a "leader" that would bring them back to greatness.

This x infinity is the reason we treated Japan entirely differently after wwii. We worked with them, ultimately making allies out of them (at least from a trade perspective)

In dealing with a lot of men with anger issues, their notion is this, "If I can whip you, then you will not give me crap anymore or you'll see things my way". While that may be true for some, I'd bet that approach would not work for 90% of the guys on this board. Most would find a way to continue to fight back.

Truth: People don't give you a hard time or hurt you if they like you. If a guy is giving you crap and you knock his teeth out, that won't cause him to suddenly like you. In fact, for some of us, it makes us want to give more crap, fight back harder and maybe differently. Perfect example today: Some kid is bullied...kid finds a different way to fight back...brings a gun into the fray.

You do not win allies solely by force. Japan knew we could bomb them again. Force. What turned them into allies was our working with them and helping rebuild their economy and nation. We didn't do that with post WWI Germany.

Unfortunate truth: Even this approach will likely not work with muslim countries. No matter which sect you choose to support, they will ultimately turn on you because their religion demands such. Their ultimate goal will always be to eliminate anyone that is not muslim.
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IMO, what caused WWII was the harsh sanctions that impacted the German people. Their economy was destroyed already but was worsened by the impact of the Great Depression and the "we'll pay you back" type sanctions that were placed on the country by the allies. They felt abused and were ripe for a "leader" that would bring them back to greatness.

This x infinity is the reason we treated Japan entirely differently after wwii. We worked with them, ultimately making allies out of them (at least from a trade perspective)
Sure supports what rqarnold said. Germany didn't like how they were continually treated after WWI but after WWII both Germany and Japan were treated much better. Certainly illustrates the difference when hearts and minds are won over rather than punished.

My favorite part of the first video is the pathetic moment of Tim Russert's son asking a Republican "were you surprised how large this got...I mean Kim Kardashian was tweeting about it".

Notice the difference between the two videos...both are political stunts to some degree.

The democrat version is treated as incredibly dramatic and idealistic and historic...all the media is saying about the later is 'white men this'...'white men that'...'white white white'...they don't talk about the substance of anything, just skin color.
This is the difference that led me away from the GOP.

Bill, the people don’t agree to surrender, a government does. If you don’t win those hearts and minds the seed I’d discontent will organically grow and re-emerge.
Study history, you’ll learn something.
It's hard to say this, but here it goes....

"Rq, you're right on this one".

i watched that CBS special about normalizing 3 ways last night [eyeroll] ... Katie Hill and the like criticizing evil old white men...

unbelievable, seriously... how these degenerates and racializers masquerading as moral people of integrity moralizing the rest of us living in a functional reality.

also watched PBS frontline episode, which I would highly recommend, about how Trump/Breitbart stoked racial fears on immigration

what a piece of work that show was, played like Law and Order episode or one of those who done it murder misteries to make it seem like this is the coming of the fourth reich

strange times
Glorious...the hypocrisy is absolutely glorious to behold...

Many times I see people going through scandals and I end up feeling sympathy for them or for their family.

However, this b-tch is getting what she deserves.

Scandal? It's barely mentioned by msm other than to tell people it's no big deal. It'll end up positive for her after they're done
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Bill, the people don’t agree to surrender, a government does. If you don’t win those hearts and minds the seed I’d discontent will organically grow and re-emerge.
Study history, you’ll learn something.

Exactly why the communists played the long game and decided targeting the schools and locals to convince mentally retarded Americans communism will be good was better than MAD with nukes.

Ideas like Medicare for All are just too goddam stupid to not be planted by people trying to destroy America.
All I know for sure is if I ever run for office, it’s going to be as a Democrat. Just promise them free stuff, get elected, then use your newfound position to hire a bunch of hot staffers to bang while consuming all the alcohol and drugs you want on the taxpayer dime while avoiding any criticism from anyone in the media or the Democrat party.

Seems like a pretty good gig.
All without doing any actual "governing"
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In a thread about Xavier Peters on the football board people are talking about how team rules need to be enforced equally for all team members or the coaches will lose the team. It's a matter of discipline. I agree. Treating the rules with varying degrees of of enforcement is a good way to deplete team cohesion and confidence. I can't help but wonder why some of the same people can't see that in the fiasco republicans are creating by not following the very rules they established in the house. I'm sure there will be some flimsy explanations to follow. Like a team member will buy such BS.
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Update now Astros fired their gm because he yelled in the clubhouse that he was glad they signed Osuna, who was accused of domestic violence; later acquitted.

In his own clubhouse after a pennant. In the presence of three female reporters, one of whom got offended. Msm turned up the heat enough on this private organization that they fired him.

But naked Congress throuple with her employee and borderline harrasing messages with Nazi tattoo just gets us a lecture on how wrong it is to judge her.
Update now Astros fired their gm because he yelled in the clubhouse that he was glad they signed Osuna, who was accused of domestic violence; later acquitted.

In his own clubhouse after a pennant. In the presence of three female reporters, one of whom got offended. Msm turned up the heat enough on this private organization that they fired him.

But naked Congress throuple with her employee and borderline harrasing messages with Nazi tattoo just gets us a lecture on how wrong it is to judge her.

Weren’t the details on that a little worse than him just yelling he’s glad they signed the guy? Like Osuna had one of the worst statistical games of anyone on the team and the assistant GM went out of his way to yell multiple times that he was glad they signed the guy?

That’s what I got from skimming Reddit.

Obviously the left is shameless hypocrites regarding the predator congresswoman regardless of a baseball gm.
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This Katie Hill dumbass...:joy:

What in the world. This is surreal. This is idiocracy.

It’s like she was a caricature created by the left, and they accidentally put a D next to her name.

Naked congressperson with a nazi tattoo harassing staff and abusing drugs.

Pretty sure that describes 90% of what these lefty loony toons perceive when they step out of their moms basement and see a white person.
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Weren’t the details on that a little worse than him just yelling he’s glad they signed the guy? Like Osuna had one of the worst statistical games of anyone on the team and the assistant GM went out of his way to yell multiple times that he was glad they signed the guy?

That’s what I got from skimming Reddit.

Obviously the left is shameless hypocrites regarding the predator congresswoman regardless of a baseball gm.

He had a bad game from what I read. I don't think there's any doubt he was being a douche because the media villianized the signing. I don't have any sympathy for someone when being a douche goes wrong.

I just found it hypocritical the msm took up arms in that situation as opposed to caping up for a public servant sexually harassing her employee while having a Nazi tattoo

For the low low price of 300 billion we could 'buy up to 20 years of time to fix the global crisis'...that isn't fix the problem money but we could buy some time.

Sure the worst polluters like China and India won't try at all to help us and their polluting will only get worse...and yes most of this money is basically the Western World giving money to poor countries whose governments are corrupt and only a small fraction will actually go to intended purposes (Russell Kirk was arguing in the 1970's that environmentalism was nothing more than wealth redistribution from rich to poor countries)...

And yes we are already spending untold billions on the problem...but dammit guys this 300 billion will be the difference. Of course they will be saying they need 500 billion more in a few years but that is irrelevant...we must act now!

They're telling govts how much it will cost to silence them for the next 20 years.
Bill, the people don’t agree to surrender, a government does. If you don’t win those hearts and minds the seed I’d discontent will organically grow and re-emerge.
Study history, you’ll learn something.

You still don't grasp the point, I'm telling you history. Going into a war trying to win hearts and minds or winning the peace is stupid. It will drag out the conflict causing more American soldiers to die in the long run, unnecessarily. For the 10th time, if that's the strategy we don't need to be going in the first place.

You don't have to argue every GD point when it's clear you're wrong.
IMO, what caused WWII was the harsh sanctions that impacted the German people. Their economy was destroyed already but was worsened by the impact of the Great Depression and the "we'll pay you back" type sanctions that were placed on the country by the allies. They felt abused and were ripe for a "leader" that would bring them back to greatness.

This x infinity is the reason we treated Japan entirely differently after wwii. We worked with them, ultimately making allies out of them (at least from a trade perspective)

In dealing with a lot of men with anger issues, their notion is this, "If I can whip you, then you will not give me crap anymore or you'll see things my way". While that may be true for some, I'd bet that approach would not work for 90% of the guys on this board. Most would find a way to continue to fight back.

Truth: People don't give you a hard time or hurt you if they like you. If a guy is giving you crap and you knock his teeth out, that won't cause him to suddenly like you. In fact, for some of us, it makes us want to give more crap, fight back harder and maybe differently. Perfect example today: Some kid is bullied...kid finds a different way to fight back...brings a gun into the fray.

You do not win allies solely by force. Japan knew we could bomb them again. Force. What turned them into allies was our working with them and helping rebuild their economy and nation. We didn't do that with post WWI Germany.

Unfortunate truth: Even this approach will likely not work with muslim countries. No matter which sect you choose to support, they will ultimately turn on you because their religion demands such. Their ultimate goal will always be to eliminate anyone that is not muslim.

You are missing the point as well. Of course the sanctions imposed on Germany after WW1 caused them frustration, the citizens felt as if they didn't lose the war militarily. Both sides were tired of the attrition. The allies had the upperhand, but Germany was in Belgium and France, they had a negotiated peace.

World war 2 was never going to end with a negotiated truce. The leaders of the govts and military were veterans of WW1, they knew what the mistake was, and weren't going to repeat it again.
Yes, we need to help a defeated enemy back to it's feet after war, but winning a war is also breaking the citizens will to fight. Which is an awful thing to do, and exactly why if the cause of the war doesn't justify that action, then it wasn't worth sending young Americans to die for,.
Socialists = no memory of history whatsoever

The housing crisis wasnt even that long ago and this is how it's happened

What about people like me who have only one house? many people (or whatever we’re called this week) have two or more. that’s not right. surely the government could at least give me a small condo. oceanfront. small pool. screened.