How will they rule ??!

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** News Flash from the 'Hold them accountable' Department. **

China now burns more coal than all other countries combined: 1907m tonnes vs 1864m tonnes.

But the NBA won't tell you that.
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Bill, winning the peace means that the opposing forces give up the fight.

A civilization or culture that has never known anything but war might be willing to fight for eternity. In the course of history there have been at least 8 wars that lasted > 500 years. Unless you're willing to exterminate a civilization then war may be a test of willpower more than military power. If you think differently then I'd just tell you to go brush up on your history, it's pretty well documented. The US didn't win the American Revolution because we had a stronger military...we won because we had a better reason to fight.

For every Germany, every Confederacy, even Japan post WWII there's Ottoman Empire that remained at war for over 600 years...there's an Arab - Israeli conflict that seems to have no end. Afghanistan has been in constant war since 1978...we have been there 18 years.

To appreciate peace you have to know peace. If war/conflict is all you have ever known and the end of one conflict only signals the beginning of another then what incentive do you have to surrender? That is how much of the 3rd world lives. Not much different than life on the African Sahara. Always trying to eat and not be eaten. Because you ate today doesn't guarantee you will eat tomorrow or that you won't meet up with some force stronger than yourself.

In your defense you know little about that kind of life. Your mindset is that there is some limit of suffering that anyone is willing to endure that isn't beyond your ability to dish out. On the other hand what are the limits that you would defend your home? I don't know that life either but I'm well enough read to know that it exists.

BTW, Germany post WWI was kind of our own doing. Europe thought it needed to punish Germany for WWI. The terms of surrender under the Treaty of Versailles economically devastated the Germany. That's exactly what created the conditions that allowed Hitler to rise to power and take over. We took a 180 degree approach to Germany post WWII. We helped them back on their feet and helped them rebuild. We did the same with Japan.

Test of willpower is exactly what I'm saying. There is a limit to what someone is willing to endure, it's exactly how wars are won that have lasting peace.

I agree that Germany Post WW1 was in part due to the allies handling, and the allies in WW2 knew that. It's exactly why they handled it differently, they knew winning the peace wasn't real. Simply defeating the armies on the field would've created an endless cycle of wars, as had been going on for centuries. There is a difference in monetary loss, and having your country blown up and your enemies marching in the streets in victory. That's the difference between the 2 wars. It's called total victory.

You do not beat a country that's been at war for lifetimes by trying to win the peace. I'm not wanting more war, I'm simply stating that if we aren't going all in, then don't go at all.
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So you are OK with Trump pulling out of Syria right? I am.
We moved 1000 troops further south. We didn't pull out of anything. In fact we're sending 1800 to Saudi Arabia. And we're discussing sending more to protect the oil fields in Syria/Iraq. Just not the Kurds. Trump has sent 14000 troops to the ME since May.
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The lefties making fun of people actually reading the news sources and tweets that are posted here, effectively flaunting their willful ignorance, not even 6 hours after I made fun of the fact that they’re still stupid after hundreds of thousands of posts, truly is one of the more remarkably loony toon things I’ve ever seen.
Never said anything of the sort. Simply stated that we won the major battles and the politicians lost the war. Like normal, you lefties inject what you want into the post to twist it they way you want it to be. Sound familiar. Adam Schiff taught you well.

So you are OK with Trump pulling out of Syria right? I am.
Not twisting anything. Just stating the facts.
If you haven't learned by now militaries are all just tools. All wars are won or lost by the politicians because life has to go on post-war.

As for pulling out of Syria it's more the way it was done. Essentially sneaked out of town in the middle of the night. Name one military officer that was happy with the decision and the way it was done?

The security of the Kurds should have been guaranteed and assurances from Turkey that they wouldn't attack. Instead he did it the worst possible way by stabbing them in the back. Leave in the middle of the night and allowed Turkey to come in and attack.
The lefties making fun of people actually reading the news sources and tweets that are posted here, effectively flaunting their willful ignorance, not even 6 hours after I made fun of the fact that they’re still stupid after hundreds of thousands of posts, truly is one of the more remarkably loony toon things I’ve ever seen.

The irony is that they keep posting these fake news sources that Assange outed 4 years ago as being paid democrat supporters. The liberals on this board have no insight and they are awful human beings that should be shot into space and never allowed to return.

Just a perfect example of hypocrisy especially by the msm. I don't care what she does in her personal life. I do care the level of hypocrisy by the msm and blue checks.

Kavanaugh had to basically quit coaching girls softball solely because of a twisted inference of impropriety. Compared to creepy Joe fondling kids and this situation
Test of willpower is exactly what I'm saying. There is a limit to what someone is willing to endure, it's exactly how wars are won that have lasting peace.

I agree that Germany Post WW1 was in part due to the allies handling, and the allies in WW2 knew that. It's exactly why they handled it differently, they knew winning the peace wasn't real. Simply defeating the armies on the field would've created an endless cycle of wars, as had been going on for centuries. There is a difference in monetary loss, and having your country blown up and your enemies marching in the streets in victory. That's the difference between the 2 wars. It's called total victory.

You do not beat a country that's been at war for lifetimes by trying to win the peace. I'm not wanting more war, I'm simply stating that if we aren't going all in, then don't go at all.
Bill, I guess you don't see how you contradict yourself?

We won the peace in WWII, not WWI. You still don't appear to know what that phrase means.
All I know for sure is if I ever run for office, it’s going to be as a Democrat. Just promise them free stuff, get elected, then use your newfound position to hire a bunch of hot staffers to bang while consuming all the alcohol and drugs you want on the taxpayer dime while avoiding any criticism from anyone in the media or the Democrat party.

Seems like a pretty good gig.
The irony is that they keep posting these fake news sources that Assange outed 4 years ago as being paid democrat supporters. The liberals on this board have no insight and they are awful human beings that should be shot into space and never allowed to return.
Yellow journalism is a tradition in this country that goes back far longer than 4 years. Read some newspapers from 1895 or 1828. You're not getting the unvarnished truth from any "news" source, left or right. This should be obvious and not a partisan issue.
[roll]And of course as fate would have it and just like the D black face racists the only "literally Hitler" in Congress is also a D.

The left is a bunch of identity obsessed, black face wearing, nazi tattoo having, flat out racist scum.

Their vitriol towards conservatives on this subject is just like all their other accusations. It's simply a projection of their own trash and sin.

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Bill, I guess you don't see how you contradict yourself?

We won the peace in WWII, not WWI. You still don't appear to know what that phrase means.

Win the peace is a made up phrase , it’s bullshit.
We destroyed Germany and Japan in World War 2, militarily as well as their cities and infrastructure. The leaders of the allies lived and fought WW1. They realized not going for total victory would simply result in more catastrophic war later on, and they were right.

That’s my point, if you aren’t willing to do what it takes for total victory then don’t go at all. That’s how you end up in long drawn out campaigns that end up not meeting objectives, it’s dumb.
I hope England is utterly destroyed by it's Muslim migrants within the next decade...and when all that is left is a place that resembles war torn Syria I hope I run into a English refugee who fled here to I can laugh in his face.

What a clown country! The left and queers of jolly ol England have already got the first ever Chick-fil-a there to shut down. It just opened.

Any criticism from the left here? Buehler?
If it was an R bet your ass Plat, dion, rq, fuzz, new posters you've never even heard of, etc, the whole lot of retards would be in here like cockroaches out of the wood work demanding it was denounced by everyone otherwise they're supportive and complicit.

This thread would easily move 5 pages in a couple hours with their incessant demanding of submission and ownership from everyone else.