How will they rule ??!

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I can't see CatDaddy's posts but I'm sure tonight he's like


EAD, Catdaddy.
Please tell me your not f'ing serious. Cops kill two black people in 24 hours, in what amounts to murder or execution by most people's view. Trump has ties to white nationalists and constantly uses hate to incite violence and fear against minorities and immigrants. This all started with the Tea party racist elements and Trump's birther b.s. that infected the Republican Party.

Comparing this thread with the others about the dead black guys is enlightening.

But this shit is horrible and not the answer. Unfortunately there are no reasonable leaders left who can guide us through this mess. They were assassinated in the 60s. I've always wondered how things might have been if the Kennedys and MLK had not been gunned down.
Don't know about MLK but I'm pretty sure the Kennedy's would be scoring Viagra to bang actresses
Please tell me your not f'ing serious. Cops kill two black people in 24 hours, in what amounts to murder or execution by most people's view. Trump has ties to white nationalists and constantly uses hate to incite violence and fear against minorities and immigrants. This all started with the Tea party racist elements and Trump's birther b.s. that infected the Republican Party.

Comparing this thread with the others about the dead black guys is enlightening.

But this shit is horrible and not the answer. Unfortunately there are no reasonable leaders left who can guide us through this mess. They were assassinated in the 60s. I've always wondered how things might have been if the Kennedys and MLK had not been gunned down.

Write July 7, 2016 on your calendars, folks.

We all wondered when the left would finally get past blaming Bush for all of Obama's screw ups. We've now gotten there. Trump is the reason for everything bad in this country.

Frankly I'm surprised Cardkilla isn't giving Obama credit. Cops finally got killed like the left was hoping for. "Pigs in a blanket" like they asked for. Inciting racial tension is one of the only things Obama has wanted to do that he actually succeeded in.
Unfortunately there are no reasonable leaders left who can guide us through this mess. They were assassinated in the 60s.
He writes in response to "Obama and the msm have been practically pushing this country to the brink of racial war. Tonight in Dallas, they got part of what they wanted.". I.e., Obama & the msm aren't reasonable & yet he dismisses the claim.
Obama has an opportunity right now to speak out against this violence and the growing racial divide by making a definitive statement against what happened last night in Dallas. To help bring this great country back together. To challenge all of us to stop the violence, stop the hatred and to look at each other as equals striving for a greater country.

As an African American president his words should carry more weight than any of his predecessors. To strike a chord amongst all of us to look inward and make changes. A speech that could make history and secure a legacy for his eight years in office.

He has this opportunity--today, this morning. Right now. Hopefully he'll deliver.
lol, in 7+ years he has never taken anything other than the low road aimed at affirming his base.
I'm sick and fn tired of reading about this administration, and small scale local gov bodies/education, just denying open records requests and blatantly lying about shit like they're better than the peole. Like the people don't deserve to know where govt is spending money. It's fn bullshit, and I don't know how you fight it when the media is on he take, yaknow? Then got turns around and basically blames private sector for wages? GTFO. God bless local little writers who try, but their influence and reach is not enough, and often times they stop short because their jobs are on the line. It's F'd up. The people are running out of tools. They took the ink, and they will try to take the guns. Then you can just suck it.
Write July 7, 2016 on your calendars, folks.

We all wondered when the left would finally get past blaming Bush for all of Obama's screw ups. We've now gotten there. Trump is the reason for everything bad in this country.

Frankly I'm surprised Cardkilla isn't giving Obama credit. Cops finally got killed like the left was hoping for. "Pigs in a blanket" like they asked for. Inciting racial tension is one of the only things Obama has wanted to do that he actually succeeded in.
cardkilla has referred to cops as pigs for quite some time. There are trolls and idiots on this board but none as big of a POS as that guy.
Obama has an opportunity right now to speak out against this violence and the growing racial divide by making a definitive statement against what happened last night in Dallas. To help bring this great country back together. To challenge all of us to stop the violence, stop the hatred and to look at each other as equals striving for a greater country.

As an African American president his words should carry more weight than any of his predecessors. To strike a chord amongst all of us to look inward and make changes. A speech that could make history and secure a legacy for his eight years in office.

He has this opportunity--today, this morning. Right now. Hopefully he'll deliver.

According to Obama we need to get the facts on the Dallas situation before making any judgments, etc. and then inserts his typical gun control BS. Rinse and repeat.

Just hope something like this may actually help cool down some tensions against cops, but guess I am wishful thinking.
Horrible leadership by the POTUS. He's had a burr in his saddle over local police issues since he took office. How about trying to bring calm from the WH? You aren't a community organizer anymore.
Obama has an opportunity today to completely change his presidential legacy. The right words, the right challenges to all of us.
daveweigelVerified account‏@daveweigel
The Libertarian Party’s 2016 ticket won’t criticize Hillary over the emails.


Welp. If true, I can no longer support that party.

Obama has an opportunity right now to speak out against this violence and the growing racial divide by making a definitive statement against what happened last night in Dallas. To help bring this great country back together. To challenge all of us to stop the violence, stop the hatred and to look at each other as equals striving for a greater country.

As an African American president his words should carry more weight than any of his predecessors. To strike a chord amongst all of us to look inward and make changes. A speech that could make history and secure a legacy for his eight years in office.

He has this opportunity--today, this morning. Right now. Hopefully he'll deliver.

He's had multiple opportunities to do just that, and whiffed on every one. He had the opportunity to bring race relations to their highest point ever. But he did exactly the opposite. We're as divided now as we've ever been, on multiple fronts.

Let's hope he finally does the right thing. Not holding my breath....
What an incredible Press Conference/Speeches given by he Dallas Mayor and Police Chief a moment ago. That is real leadership.
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Obama has an opportunity right now to speak out against this violence and the growing racial divide by making a definitive statement against what happened last night in Dallas.
While true, that would be a complete about face of his life. Besides, Saul Alinsky wouldn't approve.
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Not sure how that's racist. Obama can speak from a completely different perspective than his predecessors. Actually perspectives--as he's lived and experienced multiple cultures, locales and even religious affiliations. Don't think you can say that about Bush, Clinton, Reagan, Carter, Ford, etc.
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Not sure how that's racist. Obama can speak from a completely different perspective than his predecessors. Actually perspectives--as he's lived and experienced multiple cultures, locales and even religious affiliations. Don't think you can say that about Bush, Clinton, Reagan, Carter, Ford, etc.

He's been speaking for a while about this and you choose not to listen. This will be no different.
I think at this point in time I have to lay back from the politics of this event. I literally watched live on TV several officers lying dead on a street and then watched an extremely brave officer trying to neutralize a serious threat get gunned down from behind execution style. One of the most disturbing things I have ever seen. There are a lot of families, officers, and many others in serious pain right now and the last thing I want to concentrate on are the words of politicians who would not have an ounce of bravery that these cops displayed last night protecting people who were exercising their 1st Amendment.
Here's an idea. Let's just identify and fire the bad cops, and quit making speeches in generalities about police and racism. Undermining local police and their authority is horrible for our society.
"This must stop -- this divisiveness between our police and our citizens," Brown said. "We don't feel much support most days. Let's not make today most days. Please, we need your support to be able to protect you from men like these, who carried out this tragic, tragic event."

Dallas Police Chief David Brown.
Here's an idea. Let's just identify and fire the bad cops, and quit making speeches in generalities about police and racism. Undermining local police and their authority is horrible for our society.
Good idea...pls send to the WH/DNC strategists who will then load into the telepromptor, coordinate with their friends in the media as the main focus, and get social media feeds of celebrities to endorse....and make that the allowable talking point.
I see ole Blue didn't like me linking the tweets from the BLM crowd cheering and calling for the deaths of more cops and whites and ultimately deleted it. Can't have people seeing the reality. Gotta put our blinders and earmuffs on because the adults on here can't possibly handle it.

Anyways, the left shows why they are awful on a daily basis. Their side is filled with radical nut jobs and the lowest in society.
Not sure how that's racist. Obama can speak from a completely different perspective than his predecessors. Actually perspectives--as he's lived and experienced multiple cultures, locales and even religious affiliations. Don't think you can say that about Bush, Clinton, Reagan, Carter, Ford, etc.
IOW, a black president is superior to any other president because he has a different perspective. That's superiority by race; i.e., racist.
I think today the White House is in full Rahm Emanuel mode "You never let a serious crisis go to waste. And what I mean by that it's an opportunity to do things you think you could not do before."
Not superior, just has a different point of view based on real world experience.

Would you pay a little more attention to what Calipari says about UK basketball than some random poster? What Bill Gates says about the computer industry rather than your neighbor? You get the point.

But go ahead and claim "racism" whenever it suits one's agenda. It plays a small part of what got us here in the first place.
Who would have thought the half white Harvard educated lawyer who spent his formative years in foreign countries and uses every opportunity he can to drive a wedge into various groups of American people would have sent race relations in this country back decades?

At least his skin tone makes him an authority on the subject though.
Not superior, just has a different point of view based on real world experience.

Would you pay a little more attention to what Calipari says about UK basketball than some random poster? What Bill Gates says about the computer industry rather than your neighbor? You get the point.

But go ahead and claim "racism" whenever it suits one's agenda. It plays a small part of what got us here in the first place.
I'm thinking he was being sarcastic Wett. If not...?
Is that the real Anonymous?

Hard to take them seriously when they use the same voice as those Vietnamese animated cartoons in the video.
It's also a 3 month old video.

Not sure what they'd be waiting on at this point (edit: now that she's free from any criminal prosecution) if Anonymous or Wikileaks had anything worthwhile. Seems like they'd be the types that would want to get on this as early as possible to try and salvage any shot Sanders had.
It's also a 3 month old video.

Not sure what they'd be waiting on at this point (edit: now that she's free from any criminal prosecution) if Anonymous or Wikileaks had anything worthwhile. Seems like they'd be the types that would want to get on this as early as possible to try and salvage any shot Sanders had.
Theyve been posting wikileaks. Snowden links them all the time via Twitter. I am just not sure the public cares.
I follow a couple of the Anonymous sites on Facebook. There's quite a bit of "discussion" regarding Hillary's emails and it does appear they will be going after her. (Posted this earlier this week.) Could be an interesting twist.