How will they rule ??!

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I'll believe it when I see it regarding Anonymous or Wikileaks actually having something impactful. Like the deleted emails or something along those lines.

I'm sure Russia/China/other enemy states also have the emails, but I'm sure they'll keep them secret. They'll be able to save a lot in future donations to the Clinton Foundation when they need a new weapons deal or the US to look the other way on human rights violations if they can just threaten her with release of the emails.
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Who would have thought the half white Harvard educated lawyer who spent his formative years in foreign countries and uses every opportunity he can to drive a wedge into various groups of American people would have sent race relations in this country back decades?

At least his skin tone makes him an authority on the subject though.
yeah, it's Obama. America was not ready for a black President and it is showing. I mean you all think he was only voted in because of white guilt. He's not a real American.

Guy can't say anything without it being twisted to fit your agenda. You hear what you wanna hear. You can actually be pro-cop and expect them to do their duty without resorting to executing Americans at will.

You expect the good Muslims to turn in their bad ones but don't say the same for Cops. They cover for each other. And those that want to say something are fearful for their jobs and reprisals.

You want to paint the BLM movement with a broad brush because of 1 gunmen but can't see how a few bad cops makes the entire force look bad. That protest was peaceful last night, with cops taking pictures with folks and people exercising their free speech rights.

Oh did you know a right winger pulled a gun on the BLM crowd in Portland last night?
Here's an interesting stat:

11 states now have more people on welfare than those who are employed

New Mexico
New York
South Carolina
Here's an interesting stat:

11 states now have more people on welfare than those who are employed

New Mexico
New York
South Carolina
link? And you know you can be employed and still be getting food stamps.
yeah, it's Obama. America was not ready for a black President and it is showing. I mean you all think he was only voted in because of white guilt. He's not a real American.

Guy can't say anything without it being twisted to fit your agenda. You hear what you wanna hear. You can actually be pro-cop and expect them to do their duty without resorting to executing Americans at will.

You expect the good Muslims to turn in their bad ones but don't say the same for Cops. They cover for each other. And those that want to say something are fearful for their jobs and reprisals.

You want to paint the BLM movement with a broad brush because of 1 gunmen but can't see how a few bad cops makes the entire force look bad. That protest was peaceful last night, with cops taking pictures with folks and people exercising their free speech rights.

Oh did you know a right winger pulled a gun on the BLM crowd in Portland last night?

Man you're dumb.

Obama is a jackass who has done all he can to fuel the flames of racial aggression. (In addition to all the D leaders who like to do the same thing. I heard more about Michael Brown yesterday from the Ds then I did Clinton).

Everyone here thinks cops who break the law should be prosecuted.

You're the one who has been on Catspaws your entire posting history calling cops pigs. So might want to start in the mirror if you're talking about a broad brush.

Yep, an extremely peaceful protest with 5 murders, 6 additional attempted murders and everyone celebrating.

Man you're dumb.
Catdaddy, The BLM movement has led to and its supporters have been involved in riots in St Louis and Baltimore. They have physically assaulted people at Trump rallies, and now even after this horrific incident at a BLM protest there were members openly mocking and taunting police at that very rally.

You may not like, and I can understand frustration from the past, but RIGHT NOW there is no group that is more promoting and openly supporting actual racism than BLM.
Also don't forget, blm would just be a hash tag if not for the msm and soros. The moment shaun king, the ultimate fraud, got a msm position, they traded safety answer sanity for clicks.
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Man you're dumb.

Obama is a jackass who has done all he can to fuel the flames of racial aggression. (In addition to all the D leaders who like to do the same thing. I heard more about Michael Brown yesterday from the Ds then I did Clinton).

Everyone here thinks cops who break the law should be prosecuted.

You're the one who has been on Catspaws your entire posting history calling cops pigs. So might want to start in the mirror if you're talking about a broad brush.

Yep, an extremely peaceful protest with 5 murders, 6 additional attempted murders and everyone celebrating.

Man you're dumb.
Protest was ending so yeah it was peaceful until some jackass decided to let his hate out on the cops. And who was celebrating? Broad brush huh? And yeah, I have called a couple killer cops pigs because that what they were. I got no problem with 99% of cops out there just trying to do their job. I have two good buddies who are cops and they are some of the good ones. One of them requested to work the west end of Louisville because he wanted to make a difference.

So go ahead and blame Obama for all the world's ills and racism started just 8 short years ago ya know. If you think saying police need to stop killing black men for no reason is racist, then you got the problem. If you don't think police have gotten more and more aggressive and trampling on the rights of ALL Americans, you are blind.

Bigotry and racism has never stopped and never will. So long as people like yourself are scared to face reality and act like there is no police brutality problem, or a criminal justice system that is unfair to minorities, it never will. They are stopped more frequently, jailed more frequently over petty stuff, and receive longer prison sentences than whites in similar circumstances. It's a fact. And the longer people like you refuse to believe it, the more people will demand justice.
Shaun King is a white guy. I can't even believe this act is still allowed. This clown has been caught lying and plagiarizing multiple times. He's a total fraud.

BLM is a hate group. I love that we're told it's not about violence or hate and "They just want equal rights" as if there is some law that oppresses them. Then we get these chants

Obama has an opportunity right now to speak out against this violence and the growing racial divide by making a definitive statement against what happened last night in Dallas. To help bring this great country back together. To challenge all of us to stop the violence, stop the hatred and to look at each other as equals striving for a greater country.

As an African American president his words should carry more weight than any of his predecessors. To strike a chord amongst all of us to look inward and make changes. A speech that could make history and secure a legacy for his eight years in office.

He has this opportunity--today, this morning. Right now. Hopefully he'll deliver.
I really hope this post wasnt serious. If you expected Obama to have a speech where he called on the country to unite then you were always gonna have a bad time. Better chance of seeing pigs fly.
Shaun King is a white guy. I can't even believe this act is still allowed. This clown has been caught lying and plagiarizing multiple times. He's a total fraud.

BLM is a hate group. I love that we're told it's not about violence or hate and "They just want equal rights" as if there is some law that oppresses them. Then we get these chants

One of those chants came hours after the cop (err pig, h/t to cardkilla) was executed in Oklahoma.
So go ahead and blame Obama for all the world's ills and racism started just 8 short years ago ya know. If you think saying police need to stop killing black men for no reason is racist, then you got the problem. If you don't think police have gotten more and more aggressive and trampling on the rights of ALL Americans, you are blind.

Noone blames Obama for racism. I do blame him, however, for failing to unify this country like he couldve and shouldve. He was in a unique and historic position. Rather than unite, he divided. And went out of his way to ensure division.
You like this period of racial divisiveness and lawlessness? Vote for Hillary for 8 more years of it. This is all the bastard child of identity politics. Obama got the ball rolling; Hillary will perfect it. It's the worst in my lifetime, and I was around for the late 60's. It seems, at times, that african americans want a race war. They would be annihilated, but there is a segment that want it.
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You idiots blamed Bush for everything. Even people on your side blamed him for hurricanes.

tu quoque
You avoided having to engage with criticism by turning it back on the accuser - you answered criticism with criticism.

Pronounced too-kwo-kwee. Literally translating as 'you too' this fallacy is also known as the appeal to hypocrisy. It is commonly employed as an effective red herring because it takes the heat off someone having to defend their argument, and instead shifts the focus back on to the person making the criticism.

Example: Nicole identified that Hannah had committed a logical fallacy, but instead of addressing the substance of her claim, Hannah accused Nicole of committing a fallacy earlier on in the conversation.
Our country is so divided right now. I almost think we need somebody like Kasich as POTUS for this time, even though I don't agree with him on everything.
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I wish the country could just get a divorce.

Ask anyone today who they would vote for, and write it down.

Anyone who would vote for Clinton or actually thinks Obama has done a good job, you go one direction.

Anyone who would vote for Trump, you go that same direction.

The rest of us who have an ounce of sense can then go on living our lives in peace.
tu quoque
You avoided having to engage with criticism by turning it back on the accuser - you answered criticism with criticism.

Pronounced too-kwo-kwee. Literally translating as 'you too' this fallacy is also known as the appeal to hypocrisy. It is commonly employed as an effective red herring because it takes the heat off someone having to defend their argument, and instead shifts the focus back on to the person making the criticism.

Example: Nicole identified that Hannah had committed a logical fallacy, but instead of addressing the substance of her claim, Hannah accused Nicole of committing a fallacy earlier on in the conversation.
Would that be like letting Hillary off the hook because someone else did something similar?
I'll just leave this right here.

Saw this linked in a Facebook post that flew by... so it's registers zero on my credibility meter... but with all the talk of hacked accounts and emails, and different factions potentially holding secret communications/information related to particular candidates, I suppose this is at least worth a quick look see...
I wish the country could just get a divorce.

Ask anyone today who they would vote for, and write it down.

Anyone who would vote for Clinton or actually thinks Obama has done a good job, you go one direction.

Anyone who would vote for Trump, you go that same direction.

The rest of us who have an ounce of sense can then go on living our lives in peace.

I'll take my chances with Trump at this point. I get the sense that if I follow the rules, work hard, and take responsibility for my own actions (which I already do), there won't be much of an issue being apart of a country that is run by Trump for the next 4-8 years.

If I want to break the rules and be a lazy nutsack, then yeah, maybe coming to Trumpland isn't in your best interest. Go follow the Obamas and Hillarys of the world..
You like this period of racial divisiveness and lawlessness? Vote for Hillary for 8 more years of it. This is all the bastard child of identity politics. Obama got the ball rolling; Hillary will perfect it. It's the worst in my lifetime, and I was around for the late 60's. It seems, at times, that african americans want a race war. They would be annihilated, but there is a segment that want it.

Yeah, social media is filled with a lot of blacks wanting a race war, which is pure idiocy as they would have no chance.

In all seriousness, I would love for this country to split. I hope it does. Let the left pull their identity politics on their side so they can have all of the hate, blame and self loathing they want. The rest of us will get along and have common sense.

Sick of identity politics. That's all the left does.
Yeah, social media is filled with a lot of blacks wanting a race war, which is pure idiocy as they would have no chance.

In all seriousness, I would love for this country to split. I hope it does. Let the left pull their identity politics on their side so they can have all of the hate, blame and self loathing they want. The rest of us will get along and have common sense.

Sick of identity politics. That's all the left does.
So you hope it splits? So why you are bashing others for calling for a split, you are also? Got it.

See, this is where logic comes into play. You can't bash people for doing same thing you're doing.
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So you hope it splits? So why you are bashing others for calling for a split, you are also? Got it.

See, this is where logic comes into play. You can't bash people for doing same thing you're doing.

Lol exactly

Another example:

Snoop dogg has been a peace advocate forever. He even changed his name to snoop lion and denounced gangsters for like 2 months in attempt of something, idk what exactly, but that stopped. Anyway, he's even called for a ban on guns. Yesterday, he was calling for crips and bloods to :fire::fire::fire::gun: and retweeting calls for violence and retaliation.

Now the media is covering him leading a "peaceful" you think his followers are confused about his message?
The same Snoop who's slated to host a "Unity Party" at the DNC?

Can't make this shit up. Hey, what about that mean old Trump tweet?

Exactly. They're insane. Nothing ever applies to them. Most of the problems come from Dems, their cities, their policies, their identity politics but they never acknowledge any of that...but they will lose their marbles over the slightest thing they can blow out of proportion.