How will they rule ??!

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Ooooh I am terrified. The media has not taught that man well.
Anyone else wondering about the legality of using a robot to blow somebody up with a claymore mine? I am all for killing the guy but I am wondering if there are going to be legal issues in using that method.
Anyone else wondering about the legality of using a robot to blow somebody up with a claymore mine? I am all for killing the guy but I am wondering if there are going to be legal issues in using that method.

I was a little surprised cops could do this too.
I've never heard of that. Ever. The FBI/ATF has a nasty history of "accidentally" setting buildings on fire that bad guys are holed up in (even before Waco) that I read a book about, but as for blowing people up... I guess they can just lob grenades and stuff now as this is all new. Technically, I guess you can even be flame-throwed now if you are dug in.

At some point this will become an issue that has to be decided as I think a new tactic was used that very well may wind up in front of the Supreme Court.
I remember the Reagan years, I remember Bush Sr., then Clinton, then W, and now...I can't think of a time that our country has been more divided and race relations have been worse nation wide. The democratic party is hell bent on making this country destroy its-self from the inside out. It's sad when the leader of our country quickly calls to incidents racism, but hasn't used the same words in regards to last night, and that's with reports that the murderer said he wanted to kill white cops. WE.ARE.F@CKED as a country unless something drastically changes.
Heisman I get your frustration, but to be where you are and not somewhat understand the other side is hypocrisy that is leading the divide.

Again I understand where it comes from but does anything the people that think different than you make any sense?
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This will never get better. There isn't a voice that speaks to everyone as equals, there is no modern day Dr. King.

I grew up in a mostly white farming community. I was never taught to hate people that look different than myself. There wasn't a lot of interaction with the black community, but there wasn't this kind of hate. I didn't really interact with any black people until I joined the Navy, and I can say that some of the most important men in my life were black men that molded me into the sailor I became.
Maybe that is what this country needs to fix this mess. Mandatory service for men and women between the ages of 18-22 for at least two years. When you work together for a common cause you realize you aren't that different from anyone else no matter what the color of your skin is.

Just rambling and trying to offer constructive solutions. I'm just tired of all of it.
Heisman I get your frustration, but to be where you are and not somewhat understand the other side is hypocrisy that is leading the divide.

Again I understand where it comes from but does anything the people that think different than you make any sense?

I don't don't doubt racism exists and that there are occasional struggles and wrongdoings but I've never encountered any person that ever said they were looking forward to raping black women, exterminating a race and celebrating the death of cops.

I think most of these race baiters see monsters out of their own shadows. They believe a false narrative perpetuated by white elite Dems and activists and I think a lot of us are pretty sick of it. I'm sick of one group always being considered the bad guy while every time they're a victim it gets a pass and not labeled as racist or a hate crime. One side is the villain and being taught they didn't earn anything and the other side is taught they're "victims."

If things were reported fairly and there wasn't a constant indoctrination of victimhood, I'd have no problems with anything. It's just the constant spreading of lies that gets passed off as truth that bothers me.

I know being divided is the goal by the elites. That is so evident. It bothers me when good and smart members of the black community speak truth to these groups filled with nonsense and pure hate for whites, get dismissed as "sell outs" or "not one of them."

There's a group being radicalized before our eyes.
This will never get better. There isn't a voice that speaks to everyone as equals, there is no modern day Dr. King.

I grew up in a mostly white farming community. I was never taught to hate people that look different than myself. There wasn't a lot of interaction with the black community, but there wasn't this kind of hate. I didn't really interact with any black people until I joined the Navy, and I can say that some of the most important men in my life were black men that molded me into the sailor I became.
Maybe that is what this country needs to fix this mess. Mandatory service for men and women between the ages of 18-22 for at least two years. When you work together for a common cause you realize you aren't that different from anyone else no matter what the color of your skin is.

Just rambling and trying to offer constructive solutions. I'm just tired of all of it.
The shooter yesterday was an army reservist. Taxpayer trained.
I don't don't doubt racism exists and that there are occasional struggles and wrongdoings but I've never encountered any person that ever said they were looking forward to raping black women, exterminating a race and celebrating the death of cops.

I think most of these race baiters see monsters out of their own shadows. They believe a false narrative perpetuated by white elite Dems and activists and I think a lot of us are pretty sick of it. I'm sick of one group always being considered the bad guy while every time they're a victim it gets a pass and not labeled as racist or a hate crime. One side is the villain and being taught they didn't earn anything and the other side is taught they're "victims."

If things were reported fairly and there wasn't a constant indoctrination of victimhood, I'd have no problems with anything. It's just the constant spreading of lies that gets passed off as truth that bothers me.

I know being divided is the goal by the elites. That is so evident. It bothers me when good and smart members of the black community speak truth to these groups filled with nonsense and pure hate for whites, get dismissed as "sell outs" or "not one of them."

There's a group being radicalized before our eyes.

It's gut wrenching. I posted about this in a previous thread and gave two examples and nobody said a word about either person in the post.
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Supreme Lord Z is everything to everyone.

In one post I feel like he hacked my brain and stole my thoughts, followed by a post that is written like a silverback took a shit and smeared it on the screen.
This is simply a linking of tweets of BLM activists cheering the death of cops. Don't let anyone peddle that BS of "we're peaceful and just want equality."
Now I get you...infowars really? I read hundreds of tweets last night from black people saying nothing of the sort. I'm sure if you dig hard enough you'll find some of these folks. You really do have a lot of hate in your heart. Any group of people you don't stereotype and hate?

Honestly saw more hate from white people last night than anything. I mean just look at the thread that got locked. That's the crap being spewed on Twitter. Threatening the President of the United States...nice look guys! But hey, to you guys, he's just another ni$$a right?

Lol. CatDaddy4daWin is literally calling linked twitter messages lies. Yep, he's the racist for posting a link. Man this guy's an idiot, a black panther or both.
Now I get you...infowars really? I read hundreds of tweets last night from black people saying nothing of the sort. I'm sure if you dig hard enough you'll find some of these folks. You really do have a lot of hate in your heart. Any group of people you don't stereotype and hate?

Honestly saw more hate from white people last night than anything. I mean just look at the thread that got locked. That's the crap being spewed on Twitter. Threatening the President of the United States...nice look guys! But hey, to you guys, he's just another ni$$a right?


Those were real tweets and so are the ones I linked above. Not surprised you lost your marbles over that Walsh tweet like all of the BLM and SJWs did yet nothing on any of these tweets.

Besides the calls for rape and genocide and the cheering of death of cops, my favorite was the rampant tweet of how racist the cops were for killing the sniper when "they took Dylan Roof alive and to Burger King."
Anyone else wondering about the legality of using a robot to blow somebody up with a claymore mine? I am all for killing the guy but I am wondering if there are going to be legal issues in using that method.

Anyone that is upset about how they killed that POS has a serious problem. Not saying you but I'm sure someone out there is.
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Anyone else wondering about the legality of using a robot to blow somebody up with a claymore mine? I am all for killing the guy but I am wondering if there are going to be legal issues in using that method.

I'm more confused about how the US govt. can assassinate a US citizen using a drone without giving that US citizen a fair trial. Even if it is a terrorist…and even if it is on foreign soil…it is still a US citizen…and he is still being assassinated by the US govt. without a trial…all of this w/ Obama's blessing.

Blows my mind...that is just dismissed as OK and justifiable because the guy was a bad terrorist guy. But the Bush Admin's CIA folk water boarding known terrorists who are citizens from foreign countries is considered to be the most inhumane thing known to man since WWII. [laughing]
I'm more confused about how the US govt. can assassinate a US citizen using a drone without giving that US citizen a fair trial. Even if it is a terrorist…and even if it is on foreign soil…it is still a US citizen…and he is still being assassinated by the US govt. without a trial…all of this w/ Obama's blessing.

Blows my mind...that is just dismissed as OK and justifiable because the guy was a bad terrorist guy. But the Bush Admin's CIA folk water boarding known terrorists who are citizens from foreign countries is considered to be the most inhumane thing known to man since WWII. [laughing]

It's bad when the current administration actually creates a reality where Bush is an underrated president.
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Kind of equates to Obama saying he visited all 58 States.
Why must people always twist Obama's words and pretend he said things that he really didn't say? He's the President of the United States FFS! How about a little respect for the office? By the way, he said 57 states. Not as bad as you made it out to be and an easy mistake. He comes from a different culture.
Thanks for the correction. As for Trump who could possibly be President you would think he would know how many Articles there are in the Constitution. Honest mistake I guess.