College Football 25

For anyone that hasn't gotten the game yet like I hadn't until an hour or so ago, go to QVC and sign up and put it in your cart and use code HELLO30 for $30 off of a $60 or more purchase. Your total after tax and Shipping will be like $48 dollars and some change. Great deal.
Not to mention if you simply have the sec go to 9 conference games it breaks the schedule logic. Teams playing 8 conference games or 7 games even.

The sim logic is garbage too. Playoff has 2 or 3 non power 4 cupcakes in it almost every season. Force sim can eliminate some of this but still a pain.
I'm only playing 8 conference games without custom conferences. I'm 7 seasons into my dynasty just simulating games. This season and last I've only had 6 SEC conference games on my schedule and you can't fix it. If I try to even move an out of conference game to a different open date It tells me the schedule doesn't meet the requirements and I have to back out to the original broken schedule the game gives me.
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For anyone that hasn't gotten the game yet like I hadn't until an hour or so ago, go to QVC and sign up and put it in your cart and use code HELLO30 for $30 off of a $60 or more purchase. Your total after tax and Shipping will be like $48 dollars and some change. Great deal.
I don’t even have a PS5 and I’m about to do that just in case lol
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