How will they rule ??!

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Impeachment based on anonymous, second/third information and no cross examination. Shut up and believe what you're told. Literally no questions are allowed to be asked.

Yeah, this is totally on the up and up. Not a political stunt/attempted coup at all.

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impeachment is a political procedure not a criminal trial. You have no rights to anything. When Trump takes the stand and testifies under oath he might have a leg to stand on. Of course he never will because he can't speak 5 words without lying. Now if he leaves office and is indicted for a crime then he can start crying about facing his accuser.

The best thing about seeing clips of Trump rallies is watching fully grown adults react like preteen girls at a Backstreet Boys concert every time he cracks a terrible attempt at a joke.

I'm sure it does seem that way to an outsider... but I think Trump fans are more like sports fanatics. Oohing and aahing over every play, comparing stats, jumping up and down while high-fiving for the home run or long TD pass.

The preteen girls think one of the boy band members will scan the crowd and notice them... and fall in love. That kind of delusion is found with the lib-dums.

Just curious, were you not in the USA for 2008 obumma? Women (probably some men, too) fainting at every rally. "Reporters" constantly fawning over him. Stores pulling their Chia obumma bust, lest it offend. Please look up Hollywood's "I pledge" videos. I seriously doubt you've ever seen anything like that from Trump supporters.
I'm sure it does seem that way to an outsider... but I think Trump fans are more like sports fanatics. Oohing and aahing over every play, comparing stats, jumping up and down while high-fiving for the home run or long TD pass.

The preteen girls think one of the boy band members will scan the crowd and notice them... and fall in love. That kind of delusion is found with the lib-dums.

Just curious, were you not in the USA for 2008 obumma? Women (probably some men, too) fainting at every rally. "Reporters" constantly fawning over him. Stores pulling their Chia obumma bust, lest it offend. Please look up Hollywood's "I pledge" videos. I seriously doubt you've ever seen anything like that from Trump supporters.

Actually I lived in Manila in from 2007 to 2010, but I do remember seeing coverage after the election and there was plenty of fawning going on. My point is that I think it's hilarious for anyone to get that excited about a politician, no matter who it is or what side he is on. Neither group gets a pass from me - they're all idiots.

As for Obama’s record, here’s what history will show: In his eight years in office, the Obama Justice Department spearheaded eight Espionage Act prosecutions, more than all US administrations combined. Journalists were also caught in the crosshairs: Investigators sought phone records for Associated Press journalists, threatened to jail an investigative reporter for The New York Times, and named a Fox News reporter a co-conspirator in a leak case. In Texas, a journalist investigating private defense contractors became the focus of a federal prosecution and was initially charged for sharing a hyperlink containing hacked information that had already been made public.

Those Espionage Act cases included the trial of Chelsea Manning, who was held in solitary confinement for nearly one year prior to her military trial, prompting a condemnation from the UN special rapporteur on torture.

“The absolute twisted passion with which the administration under Obama’s leadership has pursued whistleblowers is just appalling,” says Norman Solomon, executive director of the Institute for Public Accuracy and co-founder of

2008-2018: Whistleblowers bad, no matter what they say.

2019: Whistleblowers good, no matter the facts or what you say.
Hell there were emails found that Hillary wanted Assange drone striked.

But whistleblowers are patriots now!!!
Actually I lived in Manila in from 2007 to 2010, but I do remember seeing coverage after the election and there was plenty of fawning going on. My point is that I think it's hilarious for anyone to get that excited about a politician, no matter who it is or what side he is on. Neither group gets a pass from me - they're all idiots.

Okay. Still, if you get the chance, you might want to check out the "I pledge" videos.

I stop by the thread sporadically, but I gather you are from Canada. How would you compare the rah-rah mentality to Trudeau and his followers, if at all?
Okay. Still, if you get the chance, you might want to check out the "I pledge" videos.

I stop by the thread sporadically, but I gather you are from Canada. How would you compare the rah-rah mentality to Trudeau and his followers, if at all?

I moved to Kentucky in 1996 when I was 21, so I’ve actually been here longer than I was in Canada. I don’t do social media so I don’t see much in terms of how Trudeau fans react to him.

For the record, I think Trump has done a fine job as POTUS and would vote for him over any of the dem candidates in 2020 if was able to. His demeanor and his hardcore followers’ reaction to it just annoy me. It’s childish IMO.
It surely does look like him. It's impossible to identify Omar with certainty but you make the call. I'm saying most likely yes. It's pretty astounding how much this fraudulent Representative gets away with. What would it take for the corrupt Democrat leaders to kick her ass out of office?

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There are more Trump supporters in California than there are people in Kentucky. Would have to clear alot of them out.

Yup you get outside of San Fran/San Jose area and LA where both are hardcore Dem areas, you get a lot of purple areas and when you go inland you get a ton of red. Its just the LA area and Central Cali areas have such a heavy population. That is why the state is so far left.
So the opposition needs to keep throwing "whistle blowers" at the POTUS until he topples. Because 3 whistle blowers is 200% more whistle blowing than 1. Loud noises!

Surely he can't withstand 2 or 3 of them can he? Leave it to the Dems to make a mockery of the WB act too just like everything else.
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Impossible! I thought every democratic run area was a poor, crime ridden shithole?
Besides, of course not every D run area is a poor, crime ridden shithole. That's hyperbole. But majority of the residents in the area having $ doesn't automatically equal nice area. Take San Francisco for example. Truly is a total shithole these days. DC is another example. Few others too. There is plenty of truth to the criticism. It's just not every area.
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Besides, of course not every D run area is a poor, crime ridden shithole. That's hyperbole. But majority of the residents in the area having $ doesn't automatically equal nice area. Take San Francisco for example. Truly is a total shithole these days.

Of course there was some hyperbole in my statement. I think there are a lot of mid size cities like Lexington that swing D by a small margin that are doing very well.
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Of course there was some hyperbole in my statement. I think there are a lot of mid size cities like Lexington that swing D by a small margin that are doing very well.
I agree. And yeah I knew your post was hyperbole. I was actually saying those who think every D run area were using hyperbole. Because we both know there are probably some of those out there
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