How will they rule ??!

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The Chinese realized that they had to implement capitalism in order to, well generate capital, which they can and will take from their citizens' pockets at a moments notice should they so choose.

Our system of free market democracy is a terrible system, but it just so happens to be the best game ever and is single handedly the reason we live in such luxury, during the greatest period man has ever known of peace and prosperity. So long as you pay them what they are due on April 15th every year, they will generally leave you to your own devices.

Where you liberals moronic leftists err is that you think you can do it better by taking 70% of capital or whatever and redistributing so people have free services they won't be able to afford then in the end if they can't now. It's never happened and it ain't gonna happen.
Going to be really interesting to see the NBA's ratings and attendance throughout the year.

This China story is deep and I don't know that joe middle America fan is going to like what the rabbit hole reveals.

Kapernick kneeling is child's play next to taking a knee before and siding with a real fascist state.

It's one thing for Kapernick to say I'm taking a knee for xyz and for people to agree with or at least support the right. It's a completely different thing for an entire league to side with a foreign country.

One of the great ironies of the whole thing is that a homogenous state is telling a primarily black league to heal and be quiet...

I remember folks having something to say last time somebody said "shut up and dribble" to a basketball player...
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"I have a little conflict of interest ’cause I have a major, major building in Istanbul,” Trump told Bannon during a Breitbart radio show. “It’s a tremendously successful job. It’s called Trump Towers—two towers, instead of one, not the usual one, it’s two.”

You do know that Trump doesn’t own those buildings, right? The owner paid Trump to use his name.
The only person that agrees with you is fuzz

That "whistleblower" was Biden's hatchet man
It doesn’t matter who they are if what they report is true. Because it is you’re trying to attack the messenger.

I really don’t care who believes what. You want to lie to yourself then that’s on you.
It doesn’t matter who they are if what they report is true. Because it is you’re trying to attack the messenger.

I really don’t care who believes what. You want to lie to yourself then that’s on you.

It wasn’t true though, we have the transcript and the whistleblowers report.
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They're trolls, led by their Twitter Troll in Chief. Most on the right have not been arguing in good faith since they started to realize they were losing the culture war.
Meanwhile, back to reality......

Trump is in Lake Charles, Louisiana. I lived there years ago, and unless it has completely changed... if the Antifa POS pussbags are there starting trouble, they might end up with the barrel of a 12 gauge shotgun shoved up the ass.

Knew some Cajuns that would grab those lib-dum punks and give them the beating they deserve, if they dared to steal a cap off someone's head.
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Trump is in Lake Charles, Louisiana. I lived there years ago, and unless it has completely changed... if the Antifa POS pussbags are there starting trouble, they might end up with the barrel of a 12 gauge shotgun shoved up the ass.

Knew some Cajuns that would grab those lib-dum punks and give them the beating they deserve, if they dared to steal a cap off someone's head.
I like Lake Charles area. Traveled out that way many times over the years with family. Great, level-headed folks. Friendly and down-to-earth, but also no BS.
Trump is in Lake Charles, Louisiana. I lived there years ago, and unless it has completely changed... if the Antifa POS pussbags are there starting trouble, they might end up with the barrel of a 12 gauge shotgun shoved up the ass.

Knew some Cajuns that would grab those lib-dum punks and give them the beating they deserve, if they dared to steal a cap off someone's head.
I lived in Lake Charles 1990-1998 and you’re absolutely right.
What matters is it makes him look like he is hiding something by not releasing them. And also he said he would release them. Your correct a tax return won't show much. Just how little taxes he pays. I would rather see a true balance sheet. That would be interesting.

The very definition of witch hunt here. You cannot be this obtuse.
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I like Lake Charles area. Traveled out that way many times over the years with family. Great, level-headed folks. Friendly and down-to-earth, but also no BS.

I lived in Lake Charles 1990-1998 and you’re absolutely right.

I left late 80's when that area's economy was in the dump. Couldn't even imagine the boom (from the casinos) that was coming just a few years later. Still have some friends there, who've all done well. Miss the food. Do NOT miss the fire ants.

Had a buddy that was a roughneck. Guy was huge... like a truck had mated with a brick wall, and he was the offspring. Once, when he came back from his 14-on rig shift, he called me and said he was ready to have some fun. "I'm buying." Went to several bars and ended up in a mobile home-turned-saloon, somewhere out in the bayou at 5 in the morning. My first hangover. Head hurting now, just thinking about it.
Trump is in Lake Charles, Louisiana. I lived there years ago, and unless it has completely changed... if the Antifa POS pussbags are there starting trouble, they might end up with the barrel of a 12 gauge shotgun shoved up the ass.

Knew some Cajuns that would grab those lib-dum punks and give them the beating they deserve, if they dared to steal a cap off someone's head.
I was in the army with a boy from the Lake Charles area. You just described him. He was a good soldier and not one to mess with.
I'm sure that new China trade deal has to piss libs off especially Ed232322 since it's gonna help farmers. The audacity of that!
This is what the 100th time this administration has said they made progress with China to juice the markets? Farmers can't get back market share and you can't undo bankruptcies. If anyone had actually read the TPP, this trade agreement would have been a huge F-OFF to China. And helped the agriculture industry.

How you guys can continue to defend the indefensible with these autocrats is beyond me. But yay, he let the Little League kids on his shiny plane!

If Republicans continue to defend Trumps illegal behavior till 2020, it's gonna be a political bloodbath. Worse than 2018. It's obvious the only way Republicans can win is to cheat. If Dems win the WH, Senate and House, I'm sure the fiscal conservatives will be back again talking about spending.
Didn't watch the town hall but...
It has been debated who actually first said it...Marx or Lenin...but yes whoever said that the capitalist will sell the rope used to hang themselves was pretty much right.
There are 1000s of US businesses in China and exactly how many of them are speaking out for the people of Hong Kong? What statement has our government made?

Were this same thing going on in say Cuba, Laos...even North Korea there would be loud and frequent calls for support. We would likely apply economic sanctions and call for UN resolutions condemning them.

Other than some individuals all you hear are crickets. No business is going to risk their economic investment in China for Hong Kong. Hell, we sold out Taiwan years ago.

RQ, Truth...these businesses are owned by stockholders. Probably many if not most of them are Americans. If a "business" does not speak out, it's generally because doing so would hurt the bottom line and we stockholder/owners don't want anything to hurt the bottom line.
I will be the first in line to agree with anyone that contends greed (profit, whatever you want to call it) often, not always, is the motivating force for business decisions.
So here's what we're faced we want to be able to purchase widgets produced in such countries for a $1 each or are we prepared to force companies to pay American workers $15 per hour and raise the price of widgets to $5 each?
It's a fiscal and moral mess.
It doesn’t matter who they are if what they report is true. Because it is you’re trying to attack the messenger.

I really don’t care who believes what. You want to lie to yourself then that’s on you.
So why does it matter who gives us "truthful" information about what hillury did? I heard Trump when he said "If the russians have information, give it to us"....That's all he said and the media/dems make a mountain out of it.
I'm with you... It NEVER matters where the truth comes from...It NEVER matters the motives of the person telling the truth....
This is what the 100th time this administration has said they made progress with China to juice the markets? Farmers can't get back market share and you can't undo bankruptcies. If anyone had actually read the TPP, this trade agreement would have been a huge F-OFF to China. And helped the agriculture industry.

How you guys can continue to defend the indefensible with these autocrats is beyond me. But yay, he let the Little League kids on his shiny plane!

If Republicans continue to defend Trumps illegal behavior till 2020, it's gonna be a political bloodbath. Worse than 2018. It's obvious the only way Republicans can win is to cheat. If Dems win the WH, Senate and House, I'm sure the fiscal conservatives will be back again talking about spending.

Not sure if there is any illegal behavior, but if there is we're put in a "damned if I do, damned if I don't position". Would I rather vote for Trump or would I vote for a member of a party that assumes moral and fiscal positions directly opposite of my traditional American position.
It doesn’t matter who they are if what they report is true. Because it is you’re trying to attack the messenger.

I really don’t care who believes what. You want to lie to yourself then that’s on you.

That is the issue. What they reported was not supported by facts nor anyone else. It was a failed attempt to create hysteria and mistrust by having someone come forward and try to claim something nefarious happened between Trump and the Ukraine. Just the appearance or claim would provide cover for the Dems and Biden.... They never counted on Trump calling their bluff and releasing the transcript which exposed TE entire charade, and they want to hide the WB(which is incorrect as a term for this person) because in this case if the identity was known they would tie them so easily as a partisan hack to Biden and the Dems directly. This person was/is a mole/plant, and they threw out a second WB to distract from the facts. You can have 20 WB but the transcript is the key and it shows zero on Trump. Next.
Maybe they could get rid of that fart sniffing Chris Wallace. And that one guy who Mark Levin obliterated, Ed Henry. Also get rid of Bret Baier. How about Donna Braizille too. Still not sure how that Hillary huckster got on there
Agree with everything except Brett Bauer, I like him and he is very fair.