How will they rule ??!

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I agree. And yeah I knew your post was hyperbole. I was actually saying those who think every D run area were using hyperbole. Because we both know there are probably some of those out there

Right. And as you pointed out, there are a lot of examples of dem strongholds going in the wrong direction. I also think In the south and Midwest, Democrats are still a lot more center leaning than those on the coasts.
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Read my post above, then think about all of the fakes news, lies, conspiracies, slander, attacks on free speech, attacks on the 2A, the hard far-left turn the Ds have taken etc, etc, etc, etc since Trump was elected, now remember back to this Podesta/DNC email.


And the sheep, including the ones who frequent this thread, still have no idea they're being herded. Matter of fact, they're convinced it's all legit and it's the other side who are the sheep.
Impossible! I thought every democratic run area was a poor, crime ridden shithole?
They are..because all the rich Democrats want to push that aside. That's beneath them to notice that..much less have those ppl have affordable housing built close to their neighborhood.
I guess this is the silver lining to their world-is-ending lies. Frankly, I'd rather POS nutjobs like AOC and her ilk not procreate. Hard to imagine that the spawn of such lunatics could avoid brainwashing... thus resulting in a horde of Gretas Thunbergs.

Sterilization, I agree. I hope there is never any offspring in her future. I know thats harsh...ergo Chelsea...Mrs. Clinton's off-spring whoever the father was....that is abominable....
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Liberal jew bigot who slanders everyone to the right of her an alt right nazi in an effort to silence them gets a taste of her own medicine from fellow far left antisemites.

When the conference began Thursday morning, I was warned that protesters from the Bard chapter of Students for Justice in Palestine planned to interrupt my panel

My concern was met with an aggrieved explanation of the College’s policy towards protesters. The center’s leadership, and the two Bard College deans attending the conference, seemed to have no particular plan to handle what was fixing to become an ugly disruption of Jews trying to discuss anti-Semitism.

I told them that protesting the all-Jewish anti-Semitism panel was undercutting their work.

“Don’t you see that?” I asked. Didn’t they see that protesting Jews over Israel when they are not even talking about Israel is racist? Didn’t they understand that saying we were responsible for the behavior of the Israeli Jews just because we shared their ethnicity was racist? That making every conversation with Jews about Israel is racist?”

I started to respond, but was beat to it by member of my panel on Zionism and racism, Shahanna McKinney-Baldon, who was, astoundingly, encouraging them.

“I disagree with what she is saying,” she told them. “I support what you’re doing. I think you should protest.”

I was shocked that someone the Hannah Arendt Center had invited to discuss racism and anti-Semitism was actually egging on what was a blatantly anti-Semitic protest. But she would not be the only one.

This was much more horrifying than the students’ chanting and leafletting. Not one of our fellow conference speakers got up and exercised their free speech rights to call the protest what it was. Not one came over to us after to express shock and horror that three Jews would be denounced for Israel’s actions while attempting to discuss anti-Semitism in America.

But not one of my fellow speakers said a word. Two days later, I have not received a single note acknowledging what happened, which leaves me thinking they condone it.

And some were explicit about it. At a party for conference speakers at Berkowitz’s house right after the panel, Etienne Balibar, a French philosopher currently teaching at Columbia University, told me he thought the protest was wonderful.

“Why are you silencing Palestinians?” he demanded. “There should have been a Palestinian discussing anti-Semitism. They have many thoughts about it!”

I left the party. How could I drink with people like that? And back at my hotel, I realized that it would be pointless to participate in Friday’s program. There is no debate possible when people think anti-Semitism is not only acceptable, but commendable.

There is no debate possible when people think that your very humanity is up for debate, something my fellow conference goers no doubt accept as obviously true when it comes to anti-Black racism or anti-Muslim racism. And yet somehow, when it comes to anti-Jewish racism — holding one Jew accountable for the actions of another simply because they are Jewish — no one bats an eye.
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They accuse Trump of crimes based on anonymous second/third hearsay, have zero corroborating evidence, constantly lie about the surrounding facts, blatantly make up fictional quotes that were never uttered, purposely omit 500 words from the transcript to make a false connection, hold "fact finding" hearings in secret, illegally and selectively leak information from said hearings to create a false narrative, then without hesitation because they're anti American scum who couldn't care less about the presumption of innocence they proudly say into the mic "prove your innocence".

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Not sure if there is any illegal behavior, but if there is we're put in a "damned if I do, damned if I don't position". Would I rather vote for Trump or would I vote for a member of a party that assumes moral and fiscal positions directly opposite of my traditional American position.
“[A]ssumes ...fiscal positions...”.?

So you support fiscal positions of fiscal financial ruin? $1T+ deficits at a time of full employment is about as fiscally irresponsible as it gets. Just admit that you’re a single issue voter and own it. GOP trying to claim any sense of fiscal responsibility flew out the window in about 1981.
RQ, Truth...these businesses are owned by stockholders. Probably many if not most of them are Americans. If a "business" does not speak out, it's generally because doing so would hurt the bottom line and we stockholder/owners don't want anything to hurt the bottom line.
I will be the first in line to agree with anyone that contends greed (profit, whatever you want to call it) often, not always, is the motivating force for business decisions.
So here's what we're faced we want to be able to purchase widgets produced in such countries for a $1 each or are we prepared to force companies to pay American workers $15 per hour and raise the price of widgets to $5 each?
It's a fiscal and moral mess.
The thing is labor is generally a small fraction of the cost of manufacturing.
That widget could be produced here paying those $15/hr wages and only cost $1.10. But it requires that executive compensation fall back into line with what it was pre-1980.

Profits could be just as high and the economy just as good but actually good for more people because it would expand the middle class putting more money in their pockets to spend.
The thing is labor is generally a small fraction of the cost of manufacturing.
That widget could be produced here paying those $15/hr wages and only cost $1.10. But it requires that executive compensation fall back into line with what it was pre-1980.

Profits could be just as high and the economy just as good but actually good for more people because it would expand the middle class putting more money in their pockets to spend.

I understand that, but how do you get there without governmental interference or increased taxation. I also understand about exorbitant executive compensation. I've seen situations in which an exec cut 10K jobs and got a massive bonus because of the subsequent increase in the bottom line.
I'm not saying all that is right. I'm not saying it's right for a person to have hundreds of millions of dollars and not be willing to share with families and children that are starving. I'm saying it's never the role of government to force people to make moral decisions. No amount of legislation will compensate for lack of character. It never works. You can't eliminate greed through legislation...nor is it the right of the people/government to attempt to do so.
“[A]ssumes ...fiscal positions...”.?

So you support fiscal positions of fiscal financial ruin? $1T+ deficits at a time of full employment is about as fiscally irresponsible as it gets. Just admit that you’re a single issue voter and own it. GOP trying to claim any sense of fiscal responsibility flew out the window in about 1981.

I believe, further in the post, I stated where I stood on fiscal issues. I support Rand Paul's ideas. Of all people, I would never say I support growing debt. In fact, I'd be for raising taxes with proceeds earmarked for only 3 purposes: one being to address the debt. But only then if existing program expenditures were frozen to current levels of revenue.

Disagree with you that I'm a single issue voter as I listed several social issues that impact my vote. But if you insist, I'm willing to be called a one issue voter as I will gladly admit that I will vote for the person that is most likely to agree with my position on social issues. For me that's a priority. Fiscal stuff can be all great but if we keep doing the crap we've been doing, our country will destroy itself.

So voting dem is the fiscally responsible thing to do?
“[A]ssumes ...fiscal positions...”.?

So you support fiscal positions of fiscal financial ruin? $1T+ deficits at a time of full employment is about as fiscally irresponsible as it gets. Just admit that you’re a single issue voter and own it. GOP trying to claim any sense of fiscal responsibility flew out the window in about 1981.
Fuzz...Perhaps I should have been more specific. I am not for adding debt. I was referring to some dems whining because some people no longer pay a 50% tax rate.
I'm for a flat tax. Make the first 30K tax free for all people. That gives lower income people a break. Everything above that everyone pays the same rate.

Ideal tax form would be:
Gross income - $30K x 20% (+/-) = tax owed

No taxes on corporations ( owners/stockholders pay income tax)
No deductions for ANYTHING.
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The one issue I can say impacts my vote above all else is if someone is willing to run with a D next to their name. That’s enough evidence that they’re a hypocritical lunatic.

All other issues are weighed in deciding whether to vote for the R or not. Reason I did not vote for Donald Trump or McConnell in the past two elections, but likely will be in 2020.