How will they rule ??!

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Kim Strassel's article today, Whistleblowers and the Real Deep State, lays this truth bare:

"House Democrats are plowing ahead with an impeachment effort inspired by accusations from an anonymous “whistleblower.” The lawmakers may allow the witness to testify anonymously, sources who themselves remained anonymous told the Washington Post this week. It’s as if the whole effort is designed to confirm President Trump’s complaint that the “deep state” is determined to sabotage his presidency.

The “deep state”—if we are to use the term—is better defined as consisting of career civil servants, who have growing power in the administrative state but work in the shadows. As government grows, so do the challenges of supervising a bureaucracy swelling in both size and power. Emboldened by employment rules that make it all but impossible to fire career employees, this internal civil “resistance” has proved willing to take ever more outrageous actions against the president and his policies, using the tools of both traditional and social media."

She lists a multitude of examples - many well-known, others not so much - that makes the point. Sickening.

"But the job of civil servants is to implement, not undermine, the policies established by elected officials. A government paycheck doesn’t entitle them to call the shots. The bureaucratic resistance has used its power to delay and undermine Trump proposals, leak government information, gin up controversies to run Trump cabinet heads out of Washington—and now provide an excuse for impeachment. Many call themselves whistleblowers, but that’s a bastardization of an honorable word. Whistleblowers expose government fraud; resisters sabotage policy and attempt to undermine an elected government’s legitimacy."

She's a great American hero.

Beto wants to be a dictator soooo bad. Take your AR-15 and make churches bow to LGBT (Mosques would be an exception once he realizes what he’s done) or else.

Come to think of it, a lot of the main left candidates seem to have this aspiration to dictate the country.
It may if I use those tickets to entertain clients who in turn give me business that I might not get otherwise.
Giving to a charity may influence someone to do the same.
OK, I meant buying tickets for your own use. And when I see certain people giving to certain charities, it could influence to not give to it.
Going to be really interesting to see the NBA's ratings and attendance throughout the year.

This China story is deep and I don't know that joe middle America fan is going to like what the rabbit hole reveals.

Kapernick kneeling is child's play next to taking a knee before and siding with a real fascist state.

It's one thing for Kapernick to say I'm taking a knee for xyz and for people to agree with or at least support the right. It's a completely different thing for an entire league to side with a foreign country.

One of the great ironies of the whole thing is that a homogenous state is telling a primarily black league to heal and be quiet...

I remember folks having something to say last time somebody said "shut up and dribble" to a basketball player...
More than this, whenever an NBA affiliated person comments on any social/political issue, they're going to have Hong Kong thrown in their face.

I read this article. I don’t know why I did. I wish I hadn’t. I did find out that Sponge Bob is also sexist because the show has no female main characters (Sandy Squirrel says hi).

They’ve also determined Sponge Bob is an American claiming Bikini Bottom for his own.

It must not be very hard to become a professor these days. It’s scary to think of someone this amount of crazy ‘educating’ students.
Great example of the Deep State at work opposing its President:

"After President Trump’s July 25 call with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky, it was reported to then-senior National Security Council (NSC) leadership that an NSC staffer had relayed information about the call to individuals outside the NSC -- and characterized the president's conversation as "outrageous," sources familiar with the matter told Fox News."

Ought to be fired. How is it their jobs to decide & out "outrageous"?
Didn't watch the town hall but...
It has been debated who actually first said it...Marx or Lenin...but yes whoever said that the capitalist will sell the rope used to hang themselves was pretty much right.
There are 1000s of US businesses in China and exactly how many of them are speaking out for the people of Hong Kong? What statement has our government made?

Were this same thing going on in say Cuba, Laos...even North Korea there would be loud and frequent calls for support. We would likely apply economic sanctions and call for UN resolutions condemning them.

Other than some individuals all you hear are crickets. No business is going to risk their economic investment in China for Hong Kong. Hell, we sold out Taiwan years ago.
How’s that working out in the case of Venezuela??
Go take your ass to HK and join the protests. Be an agent of change. Or just keep blabbering on a message board. The NBA is in buissnes to make money. They will leave fixing China to super genius Trump. Oh wait he told China he won't talk about HK because he needs a deal and some investigating.

I read this article. I don’t know why I did. I wish I hadn’t. I did find out that Sponge Bob is also sexist because the show has no female main characters (Sandy Squirrel says hi).

They’ve also determined Sponge Bob is an American claiming Bikini Bottom for his own.

It must not be very hard to become a professor these days. It’s scary to think of someone this amount of crazy ‘educating’ students.
Honestly I'm glad Spongebob was exposed. Can't wait to hear how Scooby Doo is a racist POS next. That little bastard.
Trump is in Lake Charles, Louisiana. I lived there years ago, and unless it has completely changed... if the Antifa POS pussbags are there starting trouble, they might end up with the barrel of a 12 gauge shotgun shoved up the ass.

Knew some Cajuns that would grab those lib-dum punks and give them the beating they deserve, if they dared to steal a cap off someone's head.
No way they show up there. They only show up in the highly liberal run cities who will stand back and let them create their havoc. They surely won’t go anywhere they will get their asses handed right back to them.
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Honestly I'm glad Spongebob was exposed. Can't wait to hear how Scooby Doo is a racist POS next. That little bastard.

Scooby Doo is all about white supremacy. The leader is a white cis male ordering women and a brown dog (clearly a racist shot at brown skinned people). The brown dog solves all the cases and all he gets are hand outs AKA Scooby Snax from the man.

And they almost got away with it...
Scooby Doo is all about white supremacy. The leader is a white cis male ordering women and a brown dog (clearly a racist shot at brown skinned people). The brown dog solves all the cases and all he gets are hand outs AKA Scooby Snax from the man.

And they almost got away with it...
Not sure about that necessarily. Velma was not the most feminine of characters. Kinda like Peppermint Patty was to Charlie Browns gang.
Can we all finally agree on something? Donald trump flying a little league team on Air Force one is one of the randomly coolest things a POTUS has done? Pleas, for once?


It’s the coolest thing a president has done since W threw a strike wearing a vest at Yankee stadium.
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The best thing about seeing clips of Trump rallies is watching fully grown adults react like preteen girls at a Backstreet Boys concert every time he cracks a terrible attempt at a joke.

Kerr insinuated that owning an AR-15 inevitably leads people to commit mass shootings. Owning a firearm, such as an AR-15, is a indisputable right laid out in the Second Amendment to the Constitution.
I swear I think that's the only part of the Constitution you guys actually know. But still get it wrong.
Not sure if there is any illegal behavior, but if there is we're put in a "damned if I do, damned if I don't position". Would I rather vote for Trump or would I vote for a member of a party that assumes moral and fiscal positions directly opposite of my traditional American position.
So what I'm hearing is your traditional American position is one of bigotry, hate and unlawfulness? Do you enjoy voting for wannabe dictators? You mention fiscal positions, but is not our deficit ballooning under this President? Took over what a $300 billion deficit and now it's a trillion, during a so-called economic boom? How is that even possible? Are you for the 1% now paying lower taxes than the rest of Americans, for the first time in history? What exactly are your 'beliefs' then? Because of none of this sounds American.
Great example of the Deep State at work opposing its President:

"After President Trump’s July 25 call with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky, it was reported to then-senior National Security Council (NSC) leadership that an NSC staffer had relayed information about the call to individuals outside the NSC -- and characterized the president's conversation as "outrageous," sources familiar with the matter told Fox News."

Ought to be fired. How is it their jobs to decide & out "outrageous"?
So if your boss is doing something illegal you should keep quiet? Everyone in government agrees to uphold the laws and the constitution, not servitude to a single President. Which is evidently what you and your ilk want. Supporting the biggest snowflake of them all, gets his feelings hurt over ridiculous POLLS.
So if your boss is doing something illegal you should keep quiet? Everyone in government agrees to uphold the laws and the constitution, not servitude to a single President. Which is evidently what you and your ilk want. Supporting the biggest snowflake of them all, gets his feelings hurt over ridiculous POLLS.

There wasn't a law broken and the WB reported secondhand info which wasn't allowed prior, and now we know why. What was reported isn't anywhere close to the actual call.

The most important aspect is the President isn't the WB's boss, or even in his area that would cover the whistleblower.
I swear I think that's the only part of the Constitution you guys actually know. But still get it wrong.

So what I'm hearing is your traditional American position is one of bigotry, hate and unlawfulness? Do you enjoy voting for wannabe dictators? You mention fiscal positions, but is not our deficit ballooning under this President? Took over what a $300 billion deficit and now it's a trillion, during a so-called economic boom? How is that even possible? Are you for the 1% now paying lower taxes than the rest of Americans, for the first time in history? What exactly are your 'beliefs' then? Because of none of this sounds American.

No, no we don't.

As for Obama’s record, here’s what history will show: In his eight years in office, the Obama Justice Department spearheaded eight Espionage Act prosecutions, more than all US administrations combined. Journalists were also caught in the crosshairs: Investigators sought phone records for Associated Press journalists, threatened to jail an investigative reporter for The New York Times, and named a Fox News reporter a co-conspirator in a leak case. In Texas, a journalist investigating private defense contractors became the focus of a federal prosecution and was initially charged for sharing a hyperlink containing hacked information that had already been made public.

Those Espionage Act cases included the trial of Chelsea Manning, who was held in solitary confinement for nearly one year prior to her military trial, prompting a condemnation from the UN special rapporteur on torture.

“The absolute twisted passion with which the administration under Obama’s leadership has pursued whistleblowers is just appalling,” says Norman Solomon, executive director of the Institute for Public Accuracy and co-founder of

2008-2018: Whistleblowers bad, no matter what they say.

2019: Whistleblowers good, no matter the facts or what you say.
I swear I think that's the only part of the Constitution you guys actually know. But still get it wrong.

So what I'm hearing is your traditional American position is one of bigotry, hate and unlawfulness? Do you enjoy voting for wannabe dictators? You mention fiscal positions, but is not our deficit ballooning under this President? Took over what a $300 billion deficit and now it's a trillion, during a so-called economic boom? How is that even possible? Are you for the 1% now paying lower taxes than the rest of Americans, for the first time in history? What exactly are your 'beliefs' then? Because of none of this sounds American.
No one endorses bigotry or hate or unlawfulness. Trump has never done, to my recollection, either of the first two. You cannot find anything I've ever written that endorses bigotry, unless you equate bigotry with disagreeing with things that are wrong. I'm not sure what your definition of bigotry is. That position is one dreamed up by the media and libs. As for the third, it's yet to be proven.
The deficit? Here's my concern: I want the government to take LESS of what every American makes. I've previously stated that if the 1% you cite as paying less than the rest, I'd say that's wrong. They should pay the same percentage as everyone else. What I have a problem with is some paying a greater or lesser percentage than others.
As for the budget...the budget problems we have are absolutely, in no way due to the amount of revenue via taxes....The problem is a spending problem. I am with neither party relative to taxes. I support 99% of what Rand Paul says regarding spending.
The beliefs? I'm anti-abortion. I'm opposed to programs disguised as being helpful that actually keep the poor down and subservient to others; I'm for allowing people into this country that will benefit the country, not be a burden; I'm for having a strong military that does, indeed, police the rest of the world since we're the only hope the world has, at least on this earth, of enforcing what is right.
You know it's bad when the ACLU is rebuking the left.

The American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) opposed the bill, saying it "poses a significant threat to civil liberties" because a restraining order can be sought before a gun owner has an opportunity to dispute the request.

Additionally, those making a request under the new law may "lack the relationship or skills required to make an appropriate assessment," the ACLU said.