How will they rule ??!

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You're deflecting, but I wouldn't expect anything less from you. Wearing a t-shirt isn't behaving in any way. Freedom of expression is most certainly a constitutional right. You're damn right you need to brush up.
This is called capitalism. The NBA makes a ****load of money from China and will do whatever they can to protect that cash flow. And your average NBA fan doesn't give a **** about Hong Kong. They are calculating which will help their bottom line more. When are you nuts going to figure out you have freedom of Jack squat on private property.
Show me where on any NBA ticket or NBA where it has a rule against t-shirts

Don't watch NASCAR and it would never happen anyway. When you have to start grasping at not a chance hypotheticals, you've lost the plot.

I haven’t missed a NASCAR race in years. You’re missing out.
This is called capitalism. The NBA makes a ****load of money from China and will do whatever they can to protect that cash flow. And your average NBA fan doesn't give a **** about Hong Kong. They are calculating which will help their bottom line more.

Look at this Einstein. Pretty sure his momma and daddy were sniffing airplane glue and injecting liquid draino while conceiving this little bastard. Your parents were too high on paint thinner from Lowe's to make it to Planned Parenthood.
LMAO, now Trump is threatening Turkey with war since they called his first bluff. Yes this is going just great. Trump makes only the best decisions.
The answer; The Anti-Deplorable- Mrs. Clinton

The question; Who is the most stupid, illogical, and whacked out politician to ever grace the political arena and very probably the human race. "And" thinks she actually won the Presidential election and is contemplating beating President Trump again. (Her own words) (She MUST be inbred)(She must be the dumbest woman in the world.)

She so Smart

Disclaimer; Yes the link is a right slanted site BUT, read her words and watch the videos. Listen to what she actually stated. No slant needed... "Obviously I can beat him again"
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The testimony of Mr. Volker must not have been good for Pencil Neck. Republicans are urging him to release the transcript but for some reason he doesn't seem to be interested in full disclosure as it relates to his "legitimate" inquiry. If and when they decide to stop making a mockery of the process POTUS will give them cooperation. Until that day, they can pound sand.

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This is called capitalism. The NBA makes a ****load of money from China and will do whatever they can to protect that cash flow. And your average NBA fan doesn't give a **** about Hong Kong. They are calculating which will help their bottom line more. When are you nuts going to figure out you have freedom of Jack squat on private property.
Capitalism selling out morals? Color me shocked!
Sponsorship threats, and, yes, I caught the sarcasm and get your point.

That's why I edited to include more like persuaded. I guess you replied before I finished.

Persuasion is the name of the voluntary game. I have no problem with it, the calculus the NBA has done, or any protests of the NBA or China that result. I support the Hong Kong protests with message board words too, but if I stood to lose millions or my life, it would become a complicated issue with many cultural layers I couldn't possibly speak on .

What I hope is the result of this whole thing is that people realize that Kerr / Curry / whoever backed down when there were actual stakes and will ignore their meaningless woke pandering in the future.
The NBA, his employer, is physically removing American citizens from American arenas because they're wearing shirts "offensive" to China.

Shirts that simply say "Free Hong Kong" or "I stand with Hong Kong" That's a violation of their 1A, is it not? Do they not have every right to express their support for Hong Kong on a t-shirt?

Curry is guilty by association because he's cowering and allowing it to happen. Is he not the virtue signaling golden boy? His opinion carries real weight inside the NBA, does it not? The NBA would be forced to listen if he had the balls to speak out.

But, nah, he obviously only speaks out against America and freedom. Communist dictators forcing his employer to violate Americans' rights, running concentration camps and committing hundreds of other human rights violations for decades are cool with him as long as he can sell some shoes.

Put another way: would the NBA remove anti-Trump shirts from an arena?

We know the answer. So again, free speech IS at stake.

The bigger problem is that if we, as people, don’t agree that some Principles are sacrosanct, then we have no values. You can’t believe in the founding principles while simultaneously taking a live and let live attitude with the antithesis of those values.

And make no mistake...communism is purely evil.

These apologists have some soul searching to do.
Persuasion is the name of the voluntary game. I have no problem with it, the calculus the NBA has done, or any protests of the NBA or China that result. I support the Hong Kong protests with message board words too, but if I stood to lose millions or my life, it would become a complicated issue with many cultural layers I couldn't possibly speak on .

What I hope is the result of this whole thing is that people realize that Kerr / Curry / whoever backed down when there were actual stakes and will ignore their meaningless woke pandering in the future.

So let’s pose the much money would it take for any of us to sell out our beliefs? That’s the bottom line here.
So let’s pose the much money would it take for any of us to sell out our beliefs? That’s the bottom line here.
In America? Not very much money. Hell anywhere In The world usually not very much money. Look at the farmers screaming about EVIL socialism as they readily accept all of Trump's bailout money. Now a days it doesn't even take money, just team sport politics. Turkey is just as "death to Israel" as Iran and you got Republicans sticking up for Erdogan just because of a dumb move Trump made.
It’s easy to stand for something when it’s popular and you have no skin in the game. True courage is when you stand for something even if it puts you at risk.

That’s my only issue with the NBA stance. Apparently it’s very popular in China, how long would the citizens of China sit idly by as the govt took that from their lives? The NBA has an opportunity to be an agent of change in China, much the way music was in the fall of the Berlin Wall.

We can fight and bicker about politics, but all of us should want people to be free. That was one the bonds that tied us all together as a nation.
In America? Not very much money. Hell anywhere In The world usually not very much money. Look at the farmers screaming about EVIL socialism as they readily accept all of Trump's bailout money. Now a days it doesn't even take money, just team sport politics. Turkey is just as "death to Israel" as Iran and you got Republicans sticking up for Erdogan just because of a dumb move Trump made.

No one is sticking up for Erdogan.
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It’s easy to stand for something when it’s popular and you have no skin in the game. True courage is when you stand for something even if it puts you at risk.

That’s my only issue with the NBA stance. Apparently it’s very popular in China, how long would the citizens of China sit idly by as the govt took that from their lives? The NBA has an opportunity to be an agent of change in China, much the way music was in the fall of the Berlin Wall.

We can fight and bicker about politics, but all of us should want people to be free. That was one the bonds that tied us all together as a nation.
Go take your ass to HK and join the protests. Be an agent of change. Or just keep blabbering on a message board. The NBA is in buissnes to make money. They will leave fixing China to super genius Trump. Oh wait he told China he won't talk about HK because he needs a deal and some investigating.
I dont agree with some of her policy but shes the only non batshit crazy lib

Heres the short clip- talks about getting out of wars, surprised she understands how greedy colleges are (which the bern out and warren dont), civil discourse, how dumb team politics are (which ppl like Ed, plat, and dion subscribe to). Still think shes way off on 15 minimum wage and Medicare 4 all and doesnt understand the basic economic principles of that in reality..but atleast she can try to explain and listen. Something the others in her party refuse to do bc they are so power hungry. Atleast she doesnt care to call either side out.

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Go take your ass to HK and join the protests. Be an agent of change. Or just keep blabbering on a message board. The NBA is in buissnes to make money. They will leave fixing China to super genius Trump. Oh wait he told China he won't talk about HK because he needs a deal and some investigating.

They will never get my vote. Probably no one gets my vote I’ll just leave up to all you all. Trump has a lot of work to do.
That's unfortunate. In '16, we voted for the best of the poor candidates. Unfortunately, more than half the people voted for a candidate that was even more dangerous to America and our culture. I like a lot of things about Trump: his brashness, he is brilliant, he brings a way of dealing with people that is outside the political norm; IMO, he puts America first. On the other hand, he needs to learn to at least feign playing the game. Thus far, he appears to be head and shoulders above the rest of a dismal field.
Not sure I like his most recent ME decision. 'bammer made a similar one causing a void which the so-called "j v team" ended up becoming a menace to humanity.
And before you go into “their choice”, it’s pretty hard to tell us with any seriousness that there is a right to defend a regime that is flat out evil.
Then again, there are millions of Americans that vote each year for candidates that are antagonistic to traditional American values, are pro-murdering babies, destroy people's lives by conning them into welfare/dependent lifestyles. It's morally reprehensible but it's their right.