How will they rule ??!

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The woman asked a good question, where do you draw the line? Openly inviting interference from foreign countries is not enough? Your unfounded fears and imagination are worthless in a foxhole.
The woman asked a good question, where do you draw the line? Openly inviting interference from foreign countries is not enough? Your unfounded fears and imagination are worthless in a foxhole.
You draw the line at those who started it and continue to push it, DEMOCRATS, or do you just want to blame it all on the person who actually wants to clean it up?

Typical response by you, your character is as corrupt as your leaders. Shouldn't you be a UL fan? Your MO suggest so.
What does it matter who digs up the dirt if there's dirt? From the beginning, the crap about collusion has either been a dem strategy or a strategy by the Russians and others to discredit Trump. They would much rather have a "politician" in office.

4chan saying they were going to troll the media into claiming the OK hand sign was a symbol of white supremacy, then the media running with it even though people on 4chan explicitly said that was the goal really is all you need to know about the media in America today.

Yes. And I love how words like ‘possible’ and ‘potentially’ now may as well be ‘absolutely’ and ‘definitely’.

You’ve seen it become a way of life for some people. Those words are definitive evidence. Guilty as charged. Case closed.
4chan saying they were going to troll the media into claiming the OK hand sign was a symbol of white supremacy, then the media running with it even though people on 4chan explicitly said that was the goal really is all you need to know about the media in America today.
Next the thumbs up sign by a white person will mean to start cremating blacks and anything not white. We are in a sick world. .

Attacking Schiff is antisemitic according to AOC

Trump being anti semitic is easily one of the intellectually laziest and dishonest arguments ever. Made by the same people who claim he puts Jared Kushner in positions without proper experience.

It's literally absurd. And if we had even an ounce of objectivity in msm, she'd be roasted for it
The left and Andy going on about a teacher who drives Uber in the off time. As if this is some sob story that should make me feel like more of my tax dollars should go to them.

1) if a teacher NEEDS to drive Uber to make ends meet, that's their fault. Not mine. They make plenty of money and it isn't my fault that some make poor financial choices.

I have Uber drivers of various backgrounds. Everything from lawyer to teacher to financial planners to students. Do my tax dollars also need to go to them because they're driving? Of course not.

But they also don't have a powerful democratic union pushing/funding campaigns on their behalf. So they don't count apparently

2) I know plenty of teachers who work second jobs just because they have so much time off. Not because they need to. It's smart and I applaud it
To that same end, I hear the left repeatedly talk about income equality and what people "deserve".

In terms of income noone gets what they deserve. They get what they're worth. That's a very important distinction.

Libs cry that it isn't fair. It's actually the most fair of any economic system. By far. No awards for participation. Only performance and achievement. That's how value is determined in the market place. Not some participation trophy.
As long as providers can continue to raise rates they will do so. Insurance companies will follow suit because who can afford to be without coverage?

At this point the only way to control costs is a "Medicaid for all" (as opposed to Medicare for all) that sets a budget of healthcare expenditures and forces the healthcare industry to control costs. The healthcare industry would be incentivized to keep us healthy because a healthy population is less expensive to maintain.
Today we have it bass-ackwards... the more care they provide, the wealthier they become. The healthcare system today is incentivized to keep you dependent upon it. That's not how it works in other western advanced countries and that's why they spend about 60% of the healthcare dollars as do we...and have healthier populations.

here's to nuttin... anyway

You are fine in most of your post until the final conclusion, which is why I say you've identified the problem but not the solution and why I don't accuse of being a complete idiot, just an ideologue without the humility to even entertain the possibility you might be wrong.

I am aware this is an excercise in futiltiy for you ideologues (differing opinions does not mean different ideology so you guys know), but it not lost on the thinking and fair minded who may pass by on the thread.

Less expense to your insurance costs also equates to less profit for the industry, less profit equates to less innovation which equates to lower quality of care. There's a reason why when you walk in to a hospital you look on the wall of names and they are 75% foreign, those are the best doctors in the world who emigrate from their countries homes(even rich ones) to pursue greater success here (financial or otherwise, career advancement). There are reasons why we are the best of the best and why are the innovators.

So you identify the problem and propose the simplest solution, since it works in Europe it should work here the same way! No, that's not how it works, you have to look at all variables, all realities and then given that you come to a conclusion. It's way more probable that you fix our system by proverbially patching the leaks then it is you socialize it, in which case you would likely not only end up lowering the quality of care here, but it would reverberate world wide since their hospitals nor universities are as rich as ours (which means capable of throwing money at research). We can figure out other ways to increase incentive to health vs incentive to profit like something like those Christian shared health pools that popped up after ACA. I don't know, I don't have the solutions to the complex problem. I just say your simple solution clearly won't work, until you show me proof that it will.

You can't just say Europeans are healthier because of socialized medicine without taking in to account the obvious realites that Europeans are far less obese (no, googling around for statistics that says they aren't doesn't mean anything). At no point do you ever consider anything other than taking your meds to be taking care of your health, essentially. Europeans walk everywhere, they still live in villages where you walk down to the open air market to by local organic foods for their meal while you are sitting there at your McDonald's drive thru on Nicholasville Rd with your thumb up your overweight arse. If they live in cities, they walk because driving is very expensive and a nuisance. I don't know where I got the statistic, but it was probably NPR or some liberal source back when ACA was being proposed, but if things were to go at the projected rates the cost of treating diabetes alone would consume the entirety of the discretionary budget by 2030 or whatever which is obviously unsustainable and wouldn't work.

You are being enlightened here but it could only ever work for yourself if you remove the blockers and blinders you have on your mind. Until then, yes you won't ever have a clue, sorry. Go move to the European countries you admire so much and you will see how it actually works in reality there and why middle class Americans could never actually survive losing 60-70% of income to some form of tax (which is what happens in reality yes, no amount of googling you could do replaces the experience you would have if you moved there). Go there and do it if you want it so bad and then maybe, just maybe you would understand the infinite reasons why things are different there, some better some worse.
here's to nuttin... anyway

You are fine in most of your post until the final conclusion, which is why I say you've identified the problem but not the solution and why I don't accuse of being a complete idiot, just an ideologue without the humility to even entertain the possibility you might be wrong.

I am aware this is an excercise in futiltiy for you ideologues (differing opinions does not mean different ideology so you guys know), but it not lost on the thinking and fair minded who may pass by on the thread.

Less expense to your insurance costs also equates to less profit for the industry, less profit equates to less innovation which equates to lower quality of care. There's a reason why when you walk in to a hospital you look on the wall of names and they are 75% foreign, those are the best doctors in the world who emigrate from their countries homes(even rich ones) to pursue greater success here (financial or otherwise, career advancement). There are reasons why we are the best of the best and why are the innovators.

So you identify the problem and propose the simplest solution, since it works in Europe it should work here the same way! No, that's not how it works, you have to look at all variables, all realities and then given that you come to a conclusion. It's way more probable that you fix our system by proverbially patching the leaks then it is you socialize it, in which case you would likely not only end up lowering the quality of care here, but it would reverberate world wide since their hospitals nor universities are as rich as ours (which means capable of throwing money at research). We can figure out other ways to increase incentive to health vs incentive to profit like something like those Christian shared health pools that popped up after ACA. I don't know, I don't have the solutions to the complex problem. I just say your simple solution clearly won't work, until you show me proof that it will.

You can't just say Europeans are healthier because of socialized medicine without taking in to account the obvious realites that Europeans are far less obese (no, googling around for statistics that says they aren't doesn't mean anything). At no point do you ever consider anything other than taking your meds to be taking care of your health, essentially. Europeans walk everywhere, they still live in villages where you walk down to the open air market to by local organic foods for their meal while you are sitting there at your McDonald's drive thru on Nicholasville Rd with your thumb up your overweight arse. If they live in cities, they walk because driving is very expensive and a nuisance. I don't know where I got the statistic, but it was probably NPR or some liberal source back when ACA was being proposed, but if things were to go at the projected rates the cost of treating diabetes alone would consume the entirety of the discretionary budget by 2030 or whatever which is obviously unsustainable and wouldn't work.

You are being enlightened here but it could only ever work for yourself if you remove the blockers and blinders you have on your mind. Until then, yes you won't ever have a clue, sorry. Go move to the European countries you admire so much and you will see how it actually works in reality there and why middle class Americans could never actually survive losing 60-70% of income to some form of tax (which is what happens in reality yes, no amount of googling you could do replaces the experience you would have if you moved there). Go there and do it if you want it so bad and then maybe, just maybe you would understand the infinite reasons why things are different there, some better some worse.
Some valid points couched in a ideologue projecting his faults onto others.
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Some valid points couched in a ideologue projecting his faults onto others.

I already said that using my own retorts against me doesn't make the point you think it makes.

You turn the valid into the invalid... you self defeat. Like JoeRules earlier, you making a critical and fundamental error in logic.

In his case it was proving a negative, like I can't prove Trump isn't a Con Man anymore that I could prove he isn't an alien from alpha centauri.