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A Florida woman made dozens of pipe bombs and intended to hurt people, sheriff says

A Florida woman has been arrested for allegedly making two dozen pipe bombs with the intent of using them to hurt people, the Hillsborough County Sheriff said Friday.
Michelle Kolts, 27, faces 24 counts of making a destructive device with intent to harm, Sheriff Chad Chronister told reporters in a news conference.

A bomb squad responded and rendered the home safe, the sheriff said. Each pipe bomb contained nails, metallic pellets or a combination of both, he said. It would have taken "less than 60 seconds per device to add the powder and fuse materials she already possessed to detonate each bomb."

Investigators also found smokeless pistol powder, 23 knives, nunchucks and "dozens of books and DVDs about murder, mass killing, domestic terrorism and bomb making," Chronister said.

The only prior contact authorities had with Kolts occurred last August, Chronister said, when an online printing company said she ordered anarchist and bomb-making instructions. She displayed an "infatuation" with mass killings like the Columbine shooting and the Oklahoma City bombing, he said.


Obviously a Trump supporter.

Not lost on Levi.
I’m obviously earning my retirement too, buddy. And LOL @ the notion that only conservatives are “supporting” my “type.” You and I work/worked some of the most important jobs in our country. The difference is that I don’t mind those pennies coming out of my paycheck. Your “type,” on the other hand, get your panties in a bunch. Get over yourself.
False, we understand taxes are needed but not for the lazy and ungrateful. Taxes at every turn are not the answer either. You cannot tax your way out of poverty.
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You know it's come out now that the baby eater woman was a Trump supporter political stunt right? Or as y'all would say a "Fake News Complete Hoax!"

She was from the la rouche group. I'm not sure if you ever can tell the truth. You are implying that Trump had something to do with this,or Trump supporters. That is mostly false. The group is crazy. As is AOC.
False, we understand taxes are needed but not for the lazy and ungrateful. Taxes at every turn are not the answer either. You cannot tax your way out of poverty.

Are all people born-into/living in shitty situations “lazy and ungrateful?” And if you’re referring to “tax your way out of poverty” in terms of receiving government assistance, you’re right. What we provide is a bare-minimum cushion for food, water, and shelter...not a highway to prosperity or even comfortable living. We give you a half-inch cushion made of pebbles, but it’s still a cushion.

I think as Americans, we should own that and not bash it. 3% or whatever of your earnings each year (if you’re firmly middle-class) should not break the bank.

I see that bitch ass Reagan’s “WELFARE QUEEN” propaganda made a huge impact on some of you guys.
Brother, I’ve spent the majority of my career dealing with the people you are taking about. I’ve been in the homes, I’ve guided and assisted them in finding the services they need, and I have first hand knowledge of the vast amount of programs that are available (and their outrageous cost/funding). And that doesn’t touch food stamps, unemployment, disability, and other tax eating programs.

You think it’s a tiny amount? Medicaid alone - with covering medical bills and medications along with their vast waiver programs - can bankrupt a state. Ands that WITH federal assistance with the funding. There is literally nothing tiny about it.

In fact, it was so unsustainable I had to leave my job of 13 years in 2016 due to reimbursement cuts of my services (almost in half). And it’s not like I was making 6 figures.

Of all the people I have worked with most needed the help. However, there is a healthy percentage out there abusing the system. And those that are abusing it do it to the MAX. Either way, the amount of programs out there and the tax money it takes to fund them is hardly a tiny amount.

I hear you, and props for working in that field. A couple questions though, and I’m not even trying to bait or be snarky.

What constitutes “abusing the system” to you?

What percentage of middle-class (I don’t know...$100K family income) paychecks are taxed for Medicare?
I’m talking about funding for programs that help the ultra-poor. It’s such a tiny amount. Those who cry about “muh paycheck” are of the entitled, selfish, not-my-problem variety, IMO.

They love to brag about how they “help” poor people though. On some “bless your heart” shit with a $50 tip on a $20 tab around Christmas time.

These are, of course, the same people who either don’t understand or are blissfully ignorant to the fact that generational poverty is increasingly hard to escape. For every success story that someone will no doubt post in response, there are thousands who were on the cusp of overcoming serious poverty and then got thrown backward by one of life’s wild pitches.
Then there are those of you who want to give it to those that don't even try to better themselves but are lazy. Also, your type want to give to the ultra poor illegals over the ultra poor actual Americans. Stop with the illegals getting what our own people don't get and some us would support fixing the broken social programs enabling the lazy and actually help those who are helping themselves.
Sodom and Gomorrah.

So glad I’m old enough to be dead within the next 30 to 40 years. Feel bad for my grandkids. At some point Gods wrath will be felt.

Go Cats!

We are the lucky ones no doubt, this is (was) the golden age.

We are touched... it’s too seductive, too easy... the simple arguments for these selfish leftists who only ever are really looking out for themselves andntheir degeneracies will in the end “win”

You don’t fool anyone
It’s why we should research the policies and past interviews of who we vote for, then (attempt to) hold them accountable while they’re in office. Social welfare programs are here to stay, in one capacity or another. Vote for whoever best aligns with your views and hope they don’t fall prey to donors and special interest groups.
Why hold accountable now? Where were you 6 years ago? Kissing Obama's ass I'm betting.
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Then there are those of you who want to give it to those that don't even try to better themselves but are lazy. Also, your type want to give to the ultra poor illegals over the ultra poor actual Americans. Stop with the illegals getting what our own people don't get and some us would support fixing the broken social programs enabling the lazy and actually help those who are helping themselves.

When did I ever mention giving benefits to illegal immigrants? And who in the hell actually supports that??
Imagine having a thought that isn't someone else's tweet or meme
We have been waiting for you to have one. Liberal media talking points is all you spew. Try a truth serum and record your findings or visit the La La land you live in and ask the mirror.
Why hold accountable now? Where were you 6 years ago? Kissing Obama's ass I betting.


6 years ago I was teaching in public schools, smoking weed, buying sick records and throwing amazing parties.

That’s precisely what I’m still doing 6 years later.

It’s not team sports, dude. Everyone is different.
Are all people born-into/living in shitty situations “lazy and ungrateful?” And if you’re referring to “tax your way out of poverty” in terms of receiving government assistance, you’re right. What we provide is a bare-minimum cushion for food, water, and shelter...not a highway to prosperity or even comfortable living. We give you a half-inch cushion made of pebbles, but it’s still a cushion.

I think as Americans, we should own that and not bash it. 3% or whatever of your earnings each year (if you’re firmly middle-class) should not break the bank.

I see that bitch ass Reagan’s “WELFARE QUEEN” propaganda made a huge impact on some of you guys.
I did not say all, in fact I said help the ones who are trying to better themselves but not the ones who just want a free ride. Typical response from you guys changing the words. Not everyone deserves help. If you don't want to try you should get nothing.

6 years ago I was teaching in public schools, smoking weed, buying sick records and throwing amazing parties.

That’s precisely what I’m still doing 6 years later.

It’s not team sports, dude. Everyone is different.
You should take your own advice and hold accountable everyone of our leaders.
I Third, there is no proof that the healthcare systems in countries with socialized healthcare leads to healthier populations as you suggest. There are lots of factors involved how healthy a population is. Diet, exercise, stress, etc., contribute to the overall health of a population. You can't just make the link that the healthcare system has created a healthier population. In fact, I would be very skeptical of such a claim no matter where I read it.

They don’t have a clue, various cultural differences and realities contribute to different outcomes.

You know in Denmark you can just leave your baby in a stroller out on 5he street while you go in a shop or have lunch?

A mother would, rightfully so, get arrested for that here. Different values have consequences. Make everyone look like the people of Whole Foods and not the people of Wal Mart and then “maybe” we can talk about socialized medicine.
This entire line of thinking that impeachment is an attempted coup is nonsense. How could the Dems have a master plan to illegitimately depose Trump that relies on getting a two-thirds majority in the Senate?
Public opinion will sway many if they get the support. You can't be this out of touch or dumb.
Imagine being so intellectually lazy that reading something that might take 30 seconds to read...45 if you're really slow, is too much.
And you wonder why people see you as willfully ignorant.
No, he is willfully wise. Knowing the garbage being spewed was just a waste of time.
You know it's come out now that the baby eater woman was a Trump supporter political stunt right? Or as y'all would say a "Fake News Complete Hoax!"
So an anon, no name troll pulling a political stunt is equivalent to actual professional journalists reporting false news as if it were fact? GMAFB. Needless to say, those two comparisons aren't even in the same universe. You've thrown your arm out socket reaching so far.

Not to mention, most everyone assumed it was a troll from the beginning and said as much. The only reason there was any pause or doubt is because the left has gotten so loony that something like this is very probable, made evident by a serious climate scientists in Sweden literally suggesting cannibalism in the future.
They don’t have a clue, various cultural differences and realities contribute to different outcomes.

You know in Denmark you can just leave your baby in a stroller out on 5he street while you go in a shop or have lunch?

A mother would, rightfully so, get arrested for that here. Different values have consequences. Make everyone look like the people of Whole Foods and not the people of Wal Mart and then “maybe” we can talk about socialized medicine.
Heres what those idiots dont understand about denmark. They have the population of a small state in the US and are largely homogeneous. Plus they are all free market capitalism but have large welfare programs and are able to do so bc of the aforementioned point and they outsource their military....something a super power cant do. Socialized medicine is trash in a country with 300 million ppl of all different genetic types. Step into a VA. Private insurance isnt going anywhere. Even in canada only people with insurance cam go to the best specialists. Rand Paul saw a hernia doc or something up there and blue check mark got all horny about it...what they left out is the ppl in Canada on the govt payer insurance cant go there, bc the technology, staffing, etc cant be paid for from the low reimbursement. Democrats are openly advocating for ripping millions of jobs or providing lower wages to nurses, social workers, techs, custodians, etc who work in healthcare bc the reimbursements are so shit from govt. Their constituents are unable to see anything past the face value and how things work on a larger scale. I dont think they know how everything in a hospital is paid for.

Their labor laws arent what they seem either. I'll have to dig up the info on that but theres several benefits here they dont have.
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When did I ever mention giving benefits to illegal immigrants? And who in the hell actually supports that??

Every single Democrat running for president and somewhere between 20% and 40% of the Democrat base, depending on which poll you look at.

From unemployment to food stamps to free health care.

Not to mention, just allowing them here is supporting giving them benefits. Using our schools, hospitals, etc, etc, etc is a benefit.

This is an important video to share. Pelosi actually lays out the tactics the Dems use to smear an opponent and how the press is used to enforce and spread the smear.
Hey lefties, I have said in the past and will say it again, you have nothing else but lies to go on. The proof is here. She just admitted that they will use lies to smear. How (if you are the people you claim to be) can you go forward and support the corruption you just heard unless you too agree with the tactic.
Heres what those idiots dont understand about denmark. They have the population of a small state in the US and are largely homogeneous. Plus they are all free market capitalism but have large welfare programs and are able to do so bc of the aforementioned point and they outsource their military....something a super power cant do. Socialized medicine is trash in a country with 300 million ppl of all different genetic types. Step into a VA. Private insurance isnt going anywhere. Even in canada only people with insurance cam go to the best specialists. Rand Paul saw a hernia doc or something up there and blue check mark got all horny about it...what they left out is the ppl in Canada on the govt payer insurance cant go there, bc the technology, staffing, etc cant be paid for from the low reimbursement. Democrats are openly advocating for ripping millions of jobs or providing lower wages to nurses, social workers, techs, custodians, etc who work in healthcare bc the reimbursements are so shit from govt. Their constituents are unable to see anything past the face value and how things work on a larger scale. I dont think they know how everything in a hospital is paid for.

Their labor laws arent what they seem either. I'll have to dig up the info on that but theres several benefits here they dont have.
Had to add more