How will they rule ??!

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Heres what those idiots dont understand about denmark. They have the population of a small state in the US and are largely homogeneous. Plus they are all free market capitalism but have large welfare programs and are able to do so bc of the aforementioned point and they outsource their military....something a super power cant do. Socialized medicine is trash in a country with 300 million ppl of all different genetic types. Step into a VA. Private insurance isnt going anywhere. Even in canada only people with insurance cam go to the best specialists. Rand Paul saw a hernia doc or something up there and blue check mark got all horny about it...what they left out is the ppl in Canada on the govt payer insurance cant go there, bc the technology, staffing, etc cant be paid for from the low reimbursement. Democrats are openly advocating for ripping millions of jobs or providing lower wages to nurses, social workers, techs, custodians, etc who work in healthcare bc the reimbursements are so shit from govt. Their constituents are unable to see anything past the face value and how things work on a larger scale. I dont think they know how everything in a hospital is paid for.

Their labor laws arent what they seem either. I'll have to dig up the info on that but theres several benefits here they dont have.

Wow. This post is 90% false.

Where is warrior to call out all the bullshit you just spewed?
And who in the hell actually supports that??

Hillary Clinton paid a British spy millions of dollars to reach out to the Russian government for help digging up dirt on Trump.

Hillary Clinton also sent a DNC operative to the Ukrainian embassy to reach out to the Ukrainian government for help digging up dirt on Trump.

And now you think you're going to convince the country that it's serious illegal matter and impeachable offense that Trump mentioned Hunter Biden's possible corruption during a phone call with the Ukrainian president?

[roll] Get fracked, losers. It's this type of bs that makes people want to vote for Trump that much more. It's not a coincidence that his poll numbers are rising.
A Florida woman made dozens of pipe bombs and intended to hurt people, sheriff says

A Florida woman has been arrested for allegedly making two dozen pipe bombs with the intent of using them to hurt people, the Hillsborough County Sheriff said Friday.
Michelle Kolts, 27, faces 24 counts of making a destructive device with intent to harm, Sheriff Chad Chronister told reporters in a news conference.

A bomb squad responded and rendered the home safe, the sheriff said. Each pipe bomb contained nails, metallic pellets or a combination of both, he said. It would have taken "less than 60 seconds per device to add the powder and fuse materials she already possessed to detonate each bomb."

Investigators also found smokeless pistol powder, 23 knives, nunchucks and "dozens of books and DVDs about murder, mass killing, domestic terrorism and bomb making," Chronister said.

The only prior contact authorities had with Kolts occurred last August, Chronister said, when an online printing company said she ordered anarchist and bomb-making instructions. She displayed an "infatuation" with mass killings like the Columbine shooting and the Oklahoma City bombing, he said.

That's not a woman, that's pEDo.
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Hillary Clinton paid a British spy millions of dollars to reach out to the Russian government for help digging up dirt on Trump.

Hillary Clinton also sent a DNC operative to the Ukrainian embassy to reach out to the Ukrainian government for help digging up dirt on Trump.

And now you think you're going to convince the country that it's serious illegal matter and impeachable offense that Trump mentioned Hunter Biden's possible corruption during a phone call with the Ukrainian president?

[roll] Get fracked, losers. It's this type of bs that makes people want to vote for Trump that much more. It's not a coincidence that his poll numbers are rising.

And the US has a standing treaty with them where they agreed to help investigate any such corruption.

That shows just how desperate the Dems are. They mobilized every asset they have (cia, msm, blue checks, etc) to paint this as some impeachable offense.

1) it was well within his authority as president 2) it was well within an Express treaty 3) even if no, nothing said was any tit for tat

It literally fails on so many levels, it's mind-blowing anyone even tries to score points on it, let alone impeach a president on it
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You know it's come out now that the baby eater woman was a Trump supporter political stunt right? Or as y'all would say a "Fake News Complete Hoax!"
False. Your need for this made you post another lie. You must be proud of yourself
Schiff is on tape with members of the Russian government practically begging for dirt on Trump. Come to find out they were comedians who were pranking Schiff but Schiff didn't know that.

As far as Schiff was concerned he was soliciting dirt on Trump from foreign government officials. Yet he's leading impeachment against Trump for less.

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In European socialized medicine some doctors still open private practices and only accept private insurance or cash.

Got a little story about that. Back in 1986, a female soldier in our unit wanted an abortion (abtreibung) due to her extra-curricular activities. US military doctors were not an option, although they occasionally performed abortions in cases such as mother's life in danger or a bad lot of pills. German doctors normally refused such procedures because of the law, which is still in effect. However, German doctors sometimes privately referred such patients to clinics a short drive away in Belgium. Problem solved.

By the way, those Germans with private health insurance (privat krankenversicherung) have treatment priority over those on the public plans. A good friend of mine became a German physician after bearing 3 children and then going through training, internship, etc. Aside from weekend duty at the local German Red Cross (DRK) clinic, she also earns some nice extra Euros moonlighting in a private practice apart from her normal practice at a Uniklinikum.
It’s just so hard to get jacked for a game that represents 1/162nd of a season. I know that every game matters, but it’s hard to feel that from a regular season game.

In the playoffs, every game and every inning and every pitch matter. I love that kind of tension.
Basically same for any sport but football. Hardly watch college hoops till March.
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Whether the motive is Islam/terrorism or not, they are going to find something else...hell if they can blame Notre Dame on a cigarette they are willing to say anything...

It has just been revealed that he was a muslim convert from #Martinique (West Indies) who refused to shake hands with women
Hard to tell whether he did b/c of his beliefs or b/c he was crazy since he did convert to Islam.
First of all, if the info they have implicates the president in a crime, then it's their duty to file a complaint. There's nothing to be "considering".

Second of all, the fact they leaked that they're "considering" it tells me all I need to know.

So, basically, while "our democracy is under attack", this person is casually "considering" whether to file a wb complaint or not, but makes sure go out of their way and play petty partisan politics, and leak it to the NYT first and foremost?

Yeah, this is all totally on the up and up. Nothing to see here.