How will they rule ??!

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    Votes: 41 82.0%
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Can’t make this up...

Guy has pistol stolen from his car. Cops slap him with 2 charges, take all his guns and his carry permit.

Wonder how much time they’ll spend investigating the actual theft?

- yes, it’s not smart to leave anything in an unlocked car, especially a gun. That shouldn’t be a crime, even though nazi states like Connecticut say it is. Even so, I don’t see how the cops have the right to take all the guns from his home.
If Canada is warming twice as fast as the rest of the planet, then how can Australia be warming twice as fast of the rest of the planet when that includes Canada?

How can Finland be warming twice as fast of the rest of the planet when that includes Canada and Australia? So on and so on.

If everywhere is warming twice as fast as everywhere then aren't they all warming at the same average rate?
If Canada is warming twice as fast as the rest of the planet, then how can Australia be warming twice as fast of the rest of the planet when that includes Canada?

How can Finland be warming twice as fast of the rest of the planet when that includes Canada and Australia? So on and so on.

If everywhere is warming twice as fast as everywhere then aren't they all warming at the same average rate?

Can tell they're setting up for something. They always have msm and blue checks start laying the groundwork first. So it'll reveal itself in a week or two. It'll be couched as the Dems we must do SOMETHING
If Canada is warming twice as fast as the rest of the planet, then how can Australia be warming twice as fast of the rest of the planet when that includes Canada?

How can Finland be warming twice as fast of the rest of the planet when that includes Canada and Australia? So on and so on.

If everywhere is warming twice as fast as everywhere then aren't they all warming at the same average rate?

Don't ask questions!
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Reactions: augustaky1
I still can't get over the fact msm is pushing 2 whistleblower accusations about a phone call with transcript. We know what was said. Now we also have texts leading up to the phone call which explicitly stated THIS IS NOT A QUID PRO QUO

I mean c'mon gop. Someone should be raining down holy hell over this. It's ridiculous. We know msm surely won't give proper treatment to this nonsense
If Canada is warming twice as fast as the rest of the planet, then how can Australia be warming twice as fast of the rest of the planet when that includes Canada?

How can Finland be warming twice as fast of the rest of the planet when that includes Canada and Australia? So on and so on.

If everywhere is warming twice as fast as everywhere then aren't they all warming at the same average rate?

New math dude, new math....4+4=11.....unless you want it to equal 72. It's okay.....everything is okay... Just state it with conviction...
I still can't get over the fact msm is pushing 2 whistleblower accusations about a phone call with transcript. We know what was said. Now we also have texts leading up to the phone call which explicitly stated THIS IS NOT A QUID PRO QUO

I mean c'mon gop. Someone should be raining down holy hell over this. It's ridiculous. We know msm surely won't give proper treatment to this nonsense

He is cooberating the story of a second hand eye witness who was told what happened. Just accept it as true...
I still can't get over the fact msm is pushing 2 whistleblower accusations about a phone call with transcript. We know what was said. Now we also have texts leading up to the phone call which explicitly stated THIS IS NOT A QUID PRO QUO

I mean c'mon gop. Someone should be raining down holy hell over this. It's ridiculous. We know msm surely won't give proper treatment to this nonsense
I am upset Trump has to fight these smears and lies almost by his lonesome. The GOP establishment are crickets. Mitch and gang should act like they want fairness but it is Trump and they don't seem to care. And of course we have to put up with Romney and Kasich. Never Trumpers until their last breath is taken
He is cooberating the story of a second hand eye witness who was told what happened. Just accept it as true...

And all the cool kids believe it, so we should too I guess

I love how dems act like Romney would be a preferable choice to Trump. Romney is a religious zealot. He’s closer to Pence than he is to Trump. If lefties think Gorsuch and Kavanaugh were bad, they’d hate to see the types Romney would nominate.

Try explaining polygamy and mormanism in today's ultra PC I am offend world. He can probably win an election in ONLY Utah
And all the cool kids believe it, so we should too I guess

Try explaining polygamy and mormanism in today's ultra PC I am offend world. He can probably win an election in ONLY Utah

Not sure I fully understand but the Dems disgraced Romney on national television multiple times. Why in the HECK would he carry any water for them? Unless he is as expected....a full blooded RINO that is really too stupid to realize how utterly stupid he looks.... More stupid by the day...

President Trump gave the ignoramus a get out of jail free card by endorsing him. How very stupid Romney is......
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I am upset Trump has to fight these smears and lies almost by his lonesome. The GOP establishment are crickets. Mitch and gang should act like they want fairness but it is Trump and they don't seem to care. And of course we have to put up with Romney and Kasich. Never Trumpers until their last breath is taken

They’d fall right inline for the coup detat as soon as they saw they could.
I prefer Bernie.

I am upset Trump has to fight these smears and lies almost by his lonesome. The GOP establishment are crickets. Mitch and gang should act like they want fairness but it is Trump and they don't seem to care. And of course we have to put up with Romney and Kasich. Never Trumpers until their last breath is taken

The difference between a man and a faker is so easily on display. How many total fakers are in our government. Total pansies...