How will they rule ??!

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** Newsflash from the "Ain't That a Kick in the Head" Department. **

September unemployment rate falls to 3.5%, a 50-year low, as payrolls rise by 136,000.

However, past numbers were revised higher. August was revised up to 168,000 from an initial estimate of 130,000, while July was increased to 166,000 from 159,000 previously, for a net gain of 45,000.

#MAGA. :americanflag:

Terrible news for liberals and the media!

Three demerits, and you'll receive a citation.

Now, that sounds serious.

Oh, it is serious. Five citations, and you're looking at a violation. Four of those, and you'll receive a verbal warning. Keep it up, and you're looking at a written warning. Two of those, that will land you in a world of hurt, in the form of a disciplinary review, written up by me, and placed on the desk of my immediate superior.

Which would be me.

That is correct.

Okay. I want a copy on my desk by the end of the day or you will receive a full dessaggelation.

What's a dis... What's that?

Oh, you don't want to know.
You're repeating a lot of the same bullshit that has been preached for the last 100 yrs.

Don't have the time to address all... but with regard to the "25% tax" comment.
Those "communist-lite" (European) countries about which you speak provide healthcare to all of their citizens. So to equalize their tax rate vs our tax make an apples to apples comparison we need to include the cost of healthcare to the other taxes we pay. Would you agree?
In the US we spend approximately $12000 per capita/per year on healthcare.
The cost of the average employee sponsored (employee + employer contributions) family plan is approaching $20K. On top of that we have deductibles, co-pays and other out of pocket costs. I'll let you figure the effective tax rate that equates to for the average worker.


That is because truth doesn't change. You keep not making any logical argument; identifying a problem is not the same as identifying the proper solution.

I have real word experience actually getting socialized medicine, actually not paying for it (wohoo!) and actually paying for gauged prices here in AMerica. You don't know what you don't know, in the immortal words of Donald Rumsfeld.

You are out of your element, but I totally annihilated your socialist reasoning yesterday and don't have the inclination to keep going... I consider the debate (LOL) settled, you can keep your doctor and costs will go down. :scream: You can talk to other people about healthcare intricacies, but my stance is that I don't want to subsidize your daily McMuffin Hot Cakes induced diabetes. You want that life, you pay for it not me or even daddy Zuckerberg.

To really dumb things down for you folks, you actually genuinely believe that socialism is going to somehow make you richer. IThat's so profoundly obtuse that it strains credulity anyone capable of as much thought as you are could possibly come to such a conclusion given the mounds and mounds of evidence against that failed theory. If you are here posting, with that luxury, you will be poorer. I guarantee you, you will never see a socialist America, and in the off chance that you do, you will see... you will be poorer. THEN YOU WILL BLAME THAT REALITY ON SOMEONE ELSE.

Oh, but you talked to that German guy the other day down the hall and he says it's great in Germany. Yeah, well it is great and all for a host of reasons... but you talked to him HERE., he chose to be here!

Go be an emigrant... see how it is, what that's like. You want free college? Learn German and apply, they will give it to you if you pass their stringent and higher entrance requirements. Go do it yourself if you really want it, nobody is stopping you but you.
I have a fair amount of questions that will never be answered.

What did MGM do that was so bad they’d agree to pay $800 million in damages?

Not saying they didn’t do anything, just curious to what was alleged and what all they were trying to keep from coming out. I don’t feel like looking up the court filings.
My guess is because the hotel allowed the gunman to bring in the amount of weapons and ammunition he did without any security checks. Make no mistake about it, MGM is not settling. Their insurers are.
That is because truth doesn't change. You keep not making any logical argument; identifying a problem is not the same as identifying the proper solution.

I have real word experience actually getting socialized medicine, actually not paying for it (wohoo!) and actually paying for gauged prices here in AMerica. You don't know what you don't know, in the immortal words of Donald Rumsfeld.

You are out of your element, but I totally annihilated your socialist reasoning yesterday and don't have the inclination to keep going... I consider the debate (LOL) settled, you can keep your doctor and costs will go down. :scream: You can talk to other people about healthcare intricacies, but my stance is that I don't want to subsidize your daily McMuffin Hot Cakes induced diabetes. You want that life, you pay for it not me or even daddy Zuckerberg.

To really dumb things down for you folks, you actually genuinely believe that socialism is going to somehow make you richer. IThat's so profoundly obtuse that it strains credulity anyone capable of as much thought as you are could possibly come to such a conclusion given the mounds and mounds of evidence against that failed theory. If you are here posting, with that luxury, you will be poorer. I guarantee you, you will never see a socialist America, and in the off chance that you do, you will see... you will be poorer. THEN YOU WILL BLAME THAT REALITY ON SOMEONE ELSE.

Oh, but you talked to that German guy the other day down the hall and he says it's great in Germany. Yeah, well it is great and all for a host of reasons... but you talked to him HERE., he chose to be here!

Go be an emigrant... see how it is, what that's like. You want free college? Learn German and apply, they will give it to you if you pass their stringent and higher entrance requirements. Go do it yourself if you really want it, nobody is stopping you but you.
Cannot wait to see the personal stories fuzz makes up in response.

This NBC send in your climate confession thing is a couple weeks old but I hadn't seen this NBC graphic before...

Grill a steak every week? haha

If blasting the A/C is cause for confession than I should confess daily. People that come over to my place think it is an ice the planet or sit in my own sweat all summer? F--k you planet.

I like one of the examples on the right is 'I fly to see my son on the west coast. I live on the east coast.' It truly has turned into a perverse cult if doing the things like going to see family (doing the things that make life enjoyable and meaningful) are things that they think you should feel guilty about.
Cannot wait to see the personal stories fuzz makes up in response.

I probably won't respond, think i've had enough of yesterday; don't need to bogart the thread with my endless anti-socialist rants... And they would be endless, but I'm sympathetic to rising costs and people going bankrupt etc, but let's not throw the baby out with the bath water.

The American Socialist is really something else to me though. I have experience actually talking face to face with real communist nostalgics and communist-lite trojan horse Europeans but the American Socialist is a special type of moron... the term itself is an obvious oxymoron, which they can't even understand that.

This NBC send in your climate confession thing is a couple weeks old but I hadn't seen this NBC graphic before...

Grill a steak every week? haha

If blasting the A/C is cause for confession than I should confess daily. People that come over to my place think it is an ice the planet or sit in my own sweat all summer? F--k you planet.

I like one of the examples on the right is 'I fly to see my son on the west coast. I live on the east coast.' It truly has turned into a perverse cult if doing the things like going to see family (doing the things that make life enjoyable and meaningful) are things that they think you should feel guilty about.
The responses are "gold, Jerry, gold!"
Pennies? Lol.

Rush is right - if people actually had to write a check to the IRS each month for the amount they owe - rather than having it automatically taken out - maybe folks would realize just how much money the government is stealing from you. I’m talking for every ‘penny’ they tax you, not just income tax.

I’m talking about funding for programs that help the ultra-poor. It’s such a tiny amount. Those who cry about “muh paycheck” are of the entitled, selfish, not-my-problem variety, IMO.

They love to brag about how they “help” poor people though. On some “bless your heart” shit with a $50 tip on a $20 tab around Christmas time.

These are, of course, the same people who either don’t understand or are blissfully ignorant to the fact that generational poverty is increasingly hard to escape. For every success story that someone will no doubt post in response, there are thousands who were on the cusp of overcoming serious poverty and then got thrown backward by one of life’s wild pitches.
I’m talking about funding for programs that help the ultra-poor. It’s such a tiny amount. Those who cry about “muh paycheck” are of the entitled, selfish, not-my-problem variety, IMO.

They love to brag about how they “help” poor people though. On some “bless your heart” shit with a $50 tip on a $20 tab around Christmas time.

These are, of course, the same people who either don’t understand or are blissfully ignorant to the fact that generational poverty is increasingly hard to escape. For every success story that someone will no doubt post in response, there are thousands who were on the cusp of overcoming serious poverty and then got thrown backward by one of life’s wild pitches.
Do you realize that there have been studies that show conservatives donate a much larger percent of their income to charity than do liberals. I don't think the issue conservatives have with social programs has anything to do with "muh paycheck" as you put it. The issue comes down to what is appropriate for the Federal Government to be doing in a society built around the concept individual liberty. Many don't believe it is appropriate for the Federal Government to take money for anything outside of the operation of the government itself. In other words, in a free society, each person should get to choose what they want to do with their money and who they want to give it to. The government has dibs on what they need to operate, but not on who we choose to donate to. If citizens don't have that right, then we aren't really free. The government can ultimately decide to tax for the purpose of anything they choose and coerce any behavior they want.
I’m talking about funding for programs that help the ultra-poor. It’s such a tiny amount. Those who cry about “muh paycheck” are of the entitled, selfish, not-my-problem variety, IMO.

They love to brag about how they “help” poor people though. On some “bless your heart” shit with a $50 tip on a $20 tab around Christmas time.

These are, of course, the same people who either don’t understand or are blissfully ignorant to the fact that generational poverty is increasingly hard to escape. For every success story that someone will no doubt post in response, there are thousands who were on the cusp of overcoming serious poverty and then got thrown backward by one of life’s wild pitches.
Entitlements are growing at a much higher rate than GDP and spending overall. It's math, unless you guys can channel emotions and hyperbole into an industry.

In the long-run, expenditures related to Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid are growing considerably faster than the economy overall as the population matures.[6][7] The Congressional Budget Office (CBO) estimates that Social Security spending will rise from 4.8% of GDP in 2009 to 6.2% of GDP by 2035, where it will stabilize. However, the CBO expects Medicare and Medicaid to continue growing, rising from 5.3% GDP in 2009 to 10.0% in 2035 and 19.0% by 2082. CBO has indicated healthcare spending per beneficiary is the primary long-term fiscal challenge.[8][9] Further, multiple government and private sources have indicated the overall expenditure path is unsustainable.[10][11][12]
Do you realize that there have been studies that show conservatives donate a much larger percent of their income to charity than do liberals. I don't think the issue conservatives have with social programs has anything to do with "muh paycheck" as you put it. The issue comes down to what is appropriate for the Federal Government to be doing in a society built around the concept individual liberty. Many don't believe it is appropriate for the Federal Government to take money for anything outside of the operation of the government itself. In other words, in a free society, each person should get to choose what they want to do with their money and who they want to give it to. The government has dibs on what they need to operate, but not on who we choose to donate to. If citizens don't have that right, then we aren't really free. The government can ultimately decide to tax for the purpose of anything they choose and coerce any behavior they want.
Via Bloomberg
As more presidential candidates release their tax returns, a picture of Democrats’ charitable giving is beginning to emerge. For the most part, they’re not as generous as most Americans.

With notable exceptions, most high-polling 2020 Democratic presidential candidates gave well below the U.S. average to charity in 2018, according to the deductions claimed on their tax returns. While Americans give between 2 percent and 4 percent of their incomes on average, most candidates claimed charitable deductions of less than 2 percent of their total incomes.
I have a fair amount of questions that will never be answered.

What did MGM do that was so bad they’d agree to pay $800 million in damages?

Not saying they didn’t do anything, just curious to what was alleged and what all they were trying to keep from coming out. I don’t feel like looking up the court filings.

Ya this is where Im at as well. I feel horrible for those families but also find it hard to see how MGM is at fault here. I mean no hotels have metal detections or anything like that. What was MGM supposed to do in that situation? Unless a couple guns like fell out of his luggage and they put it back in his bag for him, I have a hard time putting MGM at fault for this.

It would be great if we had more information on this and maybe we could see how MGM was at fault, but since we have basically all the same information as we did the next day of the shooting, guess that will never happen.
What that bitch really means is the Obama corruption and deep state leftist plants are under attack. After what they've done and continue to try and do to him, I hope Trump investigates every f**king leftist scumbag in DC. Should have never f**ked with Trump.

Edit: And Mitt Shit Romney can go F**k himself. Shame on you Utah for voting in that RINO POS.
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You should pull graphs of every industry where costs have increased at a rate that blows inflation out of the water. Then compare those with graphs of level of government involvement in those industries.

Just boggles my mind that lefties think the way to solve run away health care costs is more government involvement.

Check large insurance company stock prices since Obamacare. Certainly not the consumers who benefited from Obamacare.

Hopefully the evil empire of WalMart makes some progress with their health clinics. I make a living deciphering and explaining the 70,000 pages of tax authority, and I don’t even bother to look at my wife’s medical bills because I have no idea what the hell any of it means or who pays for what.

Bill, I work for one of those large insurance companies. An environment where 90% of people have insurance and a majority of those being insured through their employers is the primary culprit for healthcare cost inflation. The genie is out of the bottle.

I don't know if you have any animals and visit a veterinarian with any regularity but it's happening there too. Here at least there are quite a few employers who offer veterinarian insurance. I first came across it about 20 yrs ago. Apparently it is starting to become more commonplace and with it prices for veterinary services are rising quickly. Vets here almost expect that you are insured (I'm not at this point).

It doesn't seem to have yet hit the area of Ky where I'm from because when making anecdotal comparisons with friends/family for same vs same services they are considerably less expensive there than here.
Moral of the story...costs will rise to consume all available money.

Having private, for-profit insurance companies being the middleman for essential services like health care is a recipe for runway costs. Providers have a product that is in all essence...essential and insurance companies look at the costs, add in profit and then set rates. Healthcare costs for any given population are rather predictable. It isn't like homeowners or other property insurance where a natural disaster could result is massive losses for the carrier...I guess it could happen but is very unlikely that the carriers would be asked to pay in that instance.
So where are the incentives to control costs?

A part of our business is state Medicaid plans. In those Medicaid plans we are paid $X per enrollee by the state and we in turn pay providers for services rendered. We have an incentive to keep those populations healthy because every dollar that we don't pay providers goes into our pockets. We make sure that they take their medications, that they keep appointments, etc. If we see they may need a service they aren't seeking...we try to get them access to those services. We track provider results and direct people to those providers who have the best outcomes. It's to our advantage that they be healthy, there is no advantage to denying services if those services will make the individual more healthy. We are also graded by state and can receive bonuses if perform well.

When was the last time your health insurance carrier checked on you?
Mine have never called me. My wife recently went through cancer treatments and they never called her...
They process your claims...and that's it.

As long as providers can continue to raise rates they will do so. Insurance companies will follow suit because who can afford to be without coverage?

At this point the only way to control costs is a "Medicaid for all" (as opposed to Medicare for all) that sets a budget of healthcare expenditures and forces the healthcare industry to control costs. The healthcare industry would be incentivized to keep us healthy because a healthy population is less expensive to maintain.
Today we have it bass-ackwards... the more care they provide, the wealthier they become. The healthcare system today is incentivized to keep you dependent upon it. That's not how it works in other western advanced countries and that's why they spend about 60% of the healthcare dollars as do we...and have healthier populations.
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