How will they rule ??!

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Same playbook as Nixon. It didn't work

Also what happens if House Ds do eventually bring articles of impeachment and this goes to the Senate? Ds are in minority. Since there was an earlier full vote Senate Ds won't be allowed subpoena power. What then? How do they plan to convict and remove Trump from office with theirs hands tied behind their backs? Then what happens if they fail to remove him and he wins reelection because of this stunt?
She literally can. Now whether it's politicaly smart is another matter.

5: The House of Representatives shall chuse their Speaker and other Officers; and shall have the sole Power of Impeachment.

Read that line, the house of representatives has the sole power of impeachment. It doesn't say the speaker of the house decides to impeach.

Every impeachment prior to this one has had a vote to open an inquiry, 66 in total I believe. So it is an illigetimate impeachment.
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No one ever said this. Of course they have subpoena power now because of oversight. But as I tried to explain to you it will all be defied and stonewalled. Trump will use the full House vote as an excuse. Claiming he and the minority aren't being treated fairly or given a chance to a defense. He'll call it a kangaroo court. Talk about due process and so on.

Majority public opinion is already against impeachment. This won't help that. They'll be zero pressure on Trump to cooperate especially by Rs since the Ds are purposely excluding them and making a mockery out of the process. Meanwhile Ds will be held up in court litigating everything while Trump is getting reelected.

As it stands now Ds aren't going about this in good faith and are using it for politics and not a serious inquiry. The public who's already against impeachment can see this.
Whether you want to admit or not subpoena power with a full House impeachment vote behind carries much more weight. It shows the Ds are serious and aren't treating us all to TDS political theater. Trump won't have any excuses nor much choice but to cooperate.

To keep it simple it's like this. The fact that House Ds invite you to their circus does not require you to beclown yourself and show up.
You keep repeating that the public is against impeachment. Basically all of the recent polls since the Ukraine stuff show majority support.
Read that line, the house of representatives has the sole power of impeachment. It doesn't say the speaker of the house decides to impeach.

Every impeachment prior to this one has had a vote to open an inquiry, 66 in total I believe. So it is an illigetimate impeachment.
The house gets their say when articles of impeachment are voted on. Untill then Nancy is in charge and makes the rules.
Sure they do

Let’s just say those polls are correct, which I don’t buy for a second. You’re conflating impeachment and impeachment inquiry.
Not really much of a difference in the two since the Senate won't vote to convict regardless. As I've said before it's all just political theater, even if they formally file articles.
I've said before it's all just political theater, even if they formally file article

Some of them seem to think it's political suicide. That's the reason for this pretend impeachment. Like someone else said earlier this is nothing but House oversight ginned up to look like a serious impeachment inquiry.

The only thing that's change from a couple weeks ago is now Pelosi calls it the I word. She stuck a toe in the water to test it so to speak. Everything else is exactly the same as last month when Nadler was pretending it was impeachment and Pelosi was ignoring him.

It's plain as day. They're cowards. They know their case is weak. They're first trying to see if public opinion sways before they actually go on record instead of exposing themselves politically. Lots of '18 seats won on lies and false promises to protect.

That's how I know it's a joke. Trump is supposed to be literally Hitler, a threat to democracy, a treasonous traitor, blah, blah, blah, blah, yet they're more worried about making sure they keep the House instead of putting their necks on the line and impeaching asap. Total giveaway.
Some of them seem to think it's political suicide. That's the reason for this pretend impeachment. Like someone else said earlier this is nothing but House oversight ginned up to look like a serious impeachment inquiry.

The only thing that's change from a couple weeks ago is now Pelosi calls it the I word. She stuck a toe in the water to test it so to speak. Everything else is exactly the same as last month when Nadler was pretending it was impeachment and Pelosi was ignoring him.

It's plain as day. They're cowards. They know their case is weak. They're first trying to see if public opinion sways before they actually go on record instead of exposing themselves politically. Lots of '18 seats won on lies and false promises to protect.

That's how I know it's a joke. Trump is supposed to be literally Hitler, a threat to democracy, a treasonous traitor, blah, blah, blah, blah, yet they're more worried about making sure they keep the House instead of putting their necks on the line and impeaching asap. Total giveaway.
We're none of you alive in the 90s? The house doesn't start with articles. They spend months dredging up dirt and then vote on articles. Soon as it goes to the Senate they lose control so Nancy ain't letting it go anytime soon.
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It's plain as day. They're cowards. They know their case is weak. They're first trying to see if public opinion sways before they actually go on record instead of exposing themselves politically. Lots of '18 seats won on lies and false promises to protect.

That's how I know it's a joke. Trump is supposed to be literally Hitler, a threat to democracy, a treasonous traitor, blah, blah, blah, blah, yet they're more worried about making sure they keep the House instead of putting their necks on the line and impeaching asap. Total giveaway.
They know what I just posted, no matter how serious a crime Trump commits the Senate won't vote to convict. Removal from impeachment is dead on arrival, so why put your neck on the line politically for an impossibility? The lack of standing on principle isn't evidence that Trump's solicitation of foreign interference isn't legitimate, it's evidence that like you said, politicians are generally cowards and only act in their own self-interest.
We're none of you alive in the 90s? The house doesn't start with articles. They spend months dredging up dirt and then vote on articles. Soon as it goes to the Senate they lose control so Nancy ain't letting it go anytime soon.
Were you alive in the 90's. They actually started with a full House vote to open up the inquiry. Something you keep trying to spin away yet every example you've given it's happened.
so why put your neck on the line politically

You talk all this junk about morality and behavior and yada, yada, yada and you have the nerve to type this?

If Trump was truly half of what they say then yes you better be doing everything in your power including putting your neck on the line. Not doing so is a grotesque dereliction of duty. This isn't the time for politics or protecting House seats. There might not even be any House left to protect said seats.

We're talking literally Hitler here. A secret Russian agent. A madman with his finger on the big red button. He must be stopped at all costs.
Not really much of a difference in the two since the Senate won't vote to convict regardless. As I've said before it's all just political theater, even if they formally file articles.

There is a difference, the republicans would also have subpoena power. The Democrats wouldn’t be the only ones determining who testified and documents presented.

The Democrats are using an impeachment as an election tool. It’s a farce
We're none of you alive in the 90s? The house doesn't start with articles. They spend months dredging up dirt
and then vote on articles. Soon as it goes to the Senate they lose control so Nancy ain't letting it go anytime soon.

Yes, and guess what else they did? Voted to open an impeachment inquiry, just like every other impeachment the House has ever undertaken.
They know what I just posted, no matter how serious a crime Trump commits the Senate won't vote to convict. Removal from impeachment is dead on arrival, so why put your neck on the line politically for an impossibility? The lack of standing on principle isn't evidence that Trump's solicitation of foreign interference isn't legitimate, it's evidence that like you said, politicians are generally cowards and only act in their own self-interest.

Because impeachment is a serious issue. It’s being used as a tool now.

He didn’t solicit anyone for foreign interference. That’s the damn problem Dion, you can’t just assume that’s what he wanted.
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I prefer Bernie.

Oh really? That’s your take?

American citizens supporting American retirees with pennies out of their own paychecks? I guess that’s acceptable to a money-grabbing retiree like you.

American citizens supporting dirt-poor American citizens with pennies out of their own paychecks? That’s abominable to a mouth-breather like you.

You guys are beyond selfish with that bullshit.


“But muh tax dollars...”

A bunch of rent boys on this thread with nothing to stand on. You should be ashamed.
You understand nothing apparently. Until the system is changed around the world for a better one it is what it is. The countries I was posting about had to import workers to sustain their current retiree budget. You show how much of a hypocrite you really are because your paycheck as a teacher comes from the tax payer and you support both ideas mentioned above even though they conflict. Which proves if it were not for conservatives supporting your type you would have already gone under eating each other.

By the way dippy, I earned mine through service to the country and still do. Your ignorance with this post proves what conservatives think about the left, only your life and points of view matter.
politicians are generally cowards and only act in their own self-interest.

True, so why do you want to significantly expand the scope of govt they rule?

Maduro got fat, literally, while the avg citizen lost 20 lbs in the 7 years since your guy Bernie said they had a superior economic system to the US.
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Ended up being a total dud. Schiff is a clown
"As I said on the phone, I think it's crazy to withhold security assistance for help with a political campaign," Taylor said in a text exchange.

Dollars to Doughnuts Mr. Bill Taylor is a TDS infected democrat. Trying to spin it just like the rest of them. He might have even been trying to leave a digital trail.
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I admit I have yet to dig into this story but were the accusations made by anonymous sources who don't have any firsthand knowledge and there's zero evidence to corroborate what they are accusing?

If so, most people don't call that "news".

You can just sense this is a steaming pile of fake news. Probably from warrens camp to try and appear a victim. All her corruption is right here at home

I have a fair amount of questions that will never be answered.

What did MGM do that was so bad they’d agree to pay $800 million in damages?

Not saying they didn’t do anything, just curious to what was alleged and what all they were trying to keep from coming out. I don’t feel like looking up the court filings.
You understand nothing apparently. Until the system is changed around the world for a better one it is what it is. The countries I was posting about had to import workers to sustain their current retiree budget. You show how much of a hypocrite you really are because your paycheck as a teacher comes from the tax payer and you support both ideas mentioned above even though they conflict. Which proves if it were not for conservatives supporting your type you would have already gone under eating each other.

By the way dippy, I earned mine through service to the country and still do. Your ignorance with this post proves what conservatives think about the left, only your life and points of view matter.

I’m obviously earning my retirement too, buddy. And LOL @ the notion that only conservatives are “supporting” my “type.” You and I work/worked some of the most important jobs in our country. The difference is that I don’t mind those pennies coming out of my paycheck. Your “type,” on the other hand, get your panties in a bunch. Get over yourself.
130k with 25k being temp jobs for the census. So basically 100k. Monthly growth 35% lower than last year so far. So since Trump has been in charge job growth and GDP growth have both gone down every year. MAGA!

** Newsflash from the "Ain't That a Kick in the Head" Department. **

September unemployment rate falls to 3.5%, a 50-year low, as payrolls rise by 136,000.

However, past numbers were revised higher. August was revised up to 168,000 from an initial estimate of 130,000, while July was increased to 166,000 from 159,000 previously, for a net gain of 45,000.

#MAGA. :americanflag:

The more I think about it, the more astonished I am that we live in a time where I don’t know if someone yelling about eating babies at an AOC rally is mocking the left or is bringing the topic to the forefront for discussion in lefty circles.

So far, the 2020 Democrat platform includes having hard working Americans pay off the money kids borrowed and blew partying in college, eliminating all fossil fuels regardless of the cost, eliminating borders, making white people who had nothing to do with slavery pay minorities, and eating babies.

Yet fuzz thinks us middle of the road conservatives need to rely on radical hyperbolization of the left.
** Newsflash from the "Ain't That a Kick in the Head" Department. **

September unemployment rate falls to 3.5%, a 50-year low, as payrolls rise by 136,000.

#MAGA. :americanflag:

What makes this so amazing is the complete lack of cooperation from the liberal side of the aisle. Democrats have "resisted" everything our President has proposed and have no use for a prosperous America. They actually fight it. They must be defeated and exposed for the anti-Americans they are. But in spite of their complete resistance Trump is moving the country and things are getting done.
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The more I think about it, the more astonished I am that we live in a time where I don’t know if someone yelling about eating babies at an AOC rally is mocking the left or is bringing the topic to the forefront for discussion in lefty circles.

So far, the 2020 Democrat platform includes having hard working Americans pay off the money kids borrowed and blew partying in college, eliminating all fossil fuels regardless of the cost, eliminating borders, making white people who had nothing to do with slavery pay minorities, and eating babies.

Yet fuzz thinks us middle of the road conservatives need to rely on radical hyperbolization of the left.
Unfortunately this was not a parody or someone who was trying to make a joke. The woman speaking was dead serious and was quoting some Swedish person who is pushing this in Europe.

I remember when the abortion subject first came up back in the 60's. I thought that was the craziest thing I had heard in my life and laughed when someone said it would some day be the law in America. Who would ever make it a law to kill unborn babies. Well the Supreme Court did. And here we are. This baby eating craze can grow and grow, especially in a society where human life is not valued. We are headed in that direction so we must expose it. I can here it now, "who are you to tell a woman what she can do or not do with something her body produced". If she wants to eat it who are we to say she can not! Liberalism .
I don’t know if someone yelling about eating babies at an AOC rally is mocking the left or is bringing the topic to the forefront for discussion in lefty circles.

She may/may not be real, but the Swedish scientist advocating cannibalism was real.

“In a talk titled ‘Can You Imagine Eating Human Flesh?’, behavioral scientist and marketing strategist Magnus Soderlund from the Stockholm School of Economics argued for the breaking down of ancient taboos against desecrating the human corpse and eating human flesh. He refers to the taboos against it as ‘conservative’ and discusses people’s resistance to it as a problem that could be overcome, little by little, beginning with persuading people to just taste it.”

He back tracked in interviews afterward and stated he was just starting a conversation.

He later added: “But if we need to turn over every stone when it comes to climate and sustainability, it’s still worth raising this question.”

If you are going down this road, which humans are we eating? We don't eat diseased cattle. Cattle also have an established withdrawal period of meds, up to two months, before slaughter.

So humans would have to be med free before their untimely demise.

Snopes gives the Swede story a mixture rating. [laughing]

I’m obviously earning my retirement too, buddy. And LOL @ the notion that only conservatives are “supporting” my “type.” You and I work/worked some of the most important jobs in our country. The difference is that I don’t mind those pennies coming out of my paycheck. Your “type,” on the other hand, get your panties in a bunch. Get over yourself.
Pennies? Lol.

Rush is right - if people actually had to write a check to the IRS each month for the amount they owe - rather than having it automatically taken out - maybe folks would realize just how much money the government is stealing from you. I’m talking for every ‘penny’ they tax you, not just income tax.
Not in my mind, but demonstrably... here, I'll go ahead and spead 90 seconds and demonstrate such to you.


This principles are clearly laid out by the founding fathers and the foundation they created it and why they created when they created it and the totality of the environment in which it was created. They were all things which were understood to be a priori true, not redefined because you all lost hope when nothing changed.

I know what you say, I see it presented in full and in much better and thorough fashion on the nightly news, CNN or Reuters, and by talk shows or by 99% of the internet. Misery loves company and a good argument is not determined by consensus. Your strength in numbers is only the ignorance of the crowds, the delusions of the masses.

Yes, constant progress to live up to it's own founding ideals. You are attempting to change what those ideals are and what it means to be an American. As an immigrant from a communist countyr, perhaps I am more accutely aware of how unAmerican your socialist ideals are.

I celebrate your differing opinion, I just want you to return to American liberal ideals... not communist-lite ones which are long discredited. The won't work here and they don't work there, I say that both as a real liberal and a Europeans, someone who has real world experience with what it feels like to pay 25% tax on everything day in a day out.

You only think you know what is going on because you refuse to admit that you might be wrong, only ever reinforcing by media and print your delusions and then you think you present some sort of solid arguments here, you almost never do but I give you a little more credit for being better than most leftists here. Yes, I'm a liberal, back in the day on the CatPaw I'd argue with those damn fair tax libertarians on liberal grounds, a progressive tax is the best tax for a stronger economy and it, now this is what it means to be a real liberal, it protects the most unfortunates of society, say the bottom 10%.

Now, difference between me and you is that I recognize that I'm not an economist and just going off my own experience and learning in an endlessly deep subject I am not a master of. I could be wrong there for sure, and if I am I want to know and I want to know why. Your kind however don't, you will always refuse that possibility and will not take correction no matter what as the ideaology must survive.

All of this so you, the have way more than the have nots but little less than haves, can have more! But you don't get more in your communist-lite delusions, you only pull others down to your level which ends up being lower in the end... sometimes much lower (Venezuela). That is history and it is now.


and i see the typos and grammatical errors, don't care. that is something your kind finds reflective of intelligence because you are not, it's irrelevant... i type fast
You're repeating a lot of the same bullshit that has been preached for the last 100 yrs.

Don't have the time to address all... but with regard to the "25% tax" comment.
Those "communist-lite" (European) countries about which you speak provide healthcare to all of their citizens. So to equalize their tax rate vs our tax make an apples to apples comparison we need to include the cost of healthcare to the other taxes we pay. Would you agree?
In the US we spend approximately $12000 per capita/per year on healthcare.
The cost of the average employee sponsored (employee + employer contributions) family plan is approaching $20K. On top of that we have deductibles, co-pays and other out of pocket costs. I'll let you figure the effective tax rate that equates to for the average worker.

You're repeating a lot of the same bullshit that has been preached for the last 100 yrs.

Don't have the time to address all... but with regard to the "25% tax" comment.
Those "communist-lite" (European) countries about which you speak provide healthcare to all of their citizens. So to equalize their tax rate vs our tax make an apples to apples comparison we need to include the cost of healthcare to the other taxes we pay. Would you agree?
In the US we spend approximately $12000 per capita/per year on healthcare.
The cost of the average employee sponsored (employee + employer contributions) family plan is approaching $20K. On top of that we have deductibles, co-pays and other out of pocket costs. I'll let you figure the effective tax rate that equates to for the average worker.


You should pull graphs of every industry where costs have increased at a rate that blows inflation out of the water. Then compare those with graphs of level of government involvement in those industries.

Just boggles my mind that lefties think the way to solve run away health care costs is more government involvement.

Check large insurance company stock prices since Obamacare. Certainly not the consumers who benefited from Obamacare.

Hopefully the evil empire of WalMart makes some progress with their health clinics. I make a living deciphering and explaining the 70,000 pages of tax authority, and I don’t even bother to look at my wife’s medical bills because I have no idea what the hell any of it means or who pays for what.