How will they rule ??!

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    Votes: 41 82.0%
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That he isn't fundraising on it tells you all you need to know - noone cares. Everyone knows this is nonsense.

Those wanting impeachment want it for any reason that can be ginned up. And their a pretty small number of people (I'd say less than 30%). They just don't care that it's nonsense.

Anyone else knows this is nonsense and doesn't support it.
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House Ds just passed a bill giving DHS a state of art electronic health records system for illegal immigrants that the VA has been asking for for years.
And dems on here wonder why I dislike them. We take care of others better than we do our own. Future votes?
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So since they have nothing to back it and can't prove it they simply nonchalantly assume what "the Ukrainians probably understand"


I am good with going after corruption however he needs to do it. Drain the swamp! It is the reason the Dems have gone all out on this recent witch hunt. They have to protect themselves now. We will find that there are a lot more of them involved then just Joe and Hunter.
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Something to read this morning...

Tone is hard to convey over text, so when the POTUS says, "But first, I would like you to do me a favor.." what is the inflection in his voice? Which words does he emphasize?

Have you ever texted the word "whatever" and have it be misinterpreted? Along those lines.

[laughing] This one was too good to pass up.

You guys don't understand the exquisite subtlety of an epic criminal mastermind like Trump. His coercion, intimidation and persuasion are so subtle that they are neither felt nor perceived.

Instead the inflection in his voice pressures deep inside the subconscious like the brain wave machine the Cubans used to attack the US embassy.

It's legit mind control. A transcript could never capture this evil genius so it cannot be relied upon or trusted.
If only there was a designated place to discuss political crap!
To each his own but I hate the political thread.
I think a poster should be able to post individual political topic on there own.
I mean this is all just for entertainment anyway.
If your not interested in the subject then pass it on by.
The political thread is a jumbled mess and I'd say that's the intent.
Seems if mods would like no political commentary on the board.
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It was all a con.

  • Mikea Turner, a local TV reporter in Washington, D.C., was the first to report the discredited story of Amari Allen, a 12-year-old black girl who said white classmates cut off her dreadlocks while calling her an “attention-seeker.”
  • Turner spent the hours before the supposed attack advocating for a “natural” hair law that would criminalize discrimination based on dreadlocks, then used the incident as evidence for why such a law should be enacted.
  • Amari’s family owns a beauty company called “Still Natural” that Turner promoted on air in 2018.
  • The TV station removed all video and articles about the supposed attack and did not include the Allens’ name in a brief story acknowledging that it was a hoax.

So, now we need laws to protect hair styles? i guess you can’t have too many laws. :flushed: .
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Without urinals in men's public restrooms Portland will have the filthiest, stinking men's room in America. And that is saying something considering California and New York. But liberals love to wallow around in their own urine and feces.
The urinals have been in the men's restrooms long enough. It's time the feminists say to remove them from the men's restrooms & put them in the women's restrooms. They're not doing away with urinals, just moving them to a different location. This way the lezbo, feminists can feel more like the men that they hate.The next move out there will be to remove the tampon dispensers from the women's restrooms & put them in the men's restrooms.
To each his own but I hate the political thread.
I think a poster should be able to post individual political topic on there own.
I mean this is all just for entertainment anyway.
If your not interested in the subject then pass it on by.
The political thread is a jumbled mess and I'd say that's the intent.
Seems if mods would like no political commentary on the board.
Yep. Suppressing political commentary is precisely why the mods created a thread devoted solely to politics, and then pinned it to the top of the board.

Cats Illustrated actually offered a Political Forum years ago, perhaps 2003-2006. I posted there often while in Iraq. Ah, the good old days.
I have no problem with bills that may help LGBTQ people and of course I consider them Americans. But that wasn't the question. That group makes up less than 5% of Americans. If you want to look after them, cool. But what are they doing for the other 95% of Americans?
Screwing them from getting into elite schools with race quotas. Why?
The Supreme Court will decide this term whether federal employment anti-discrimination law (Title VII) already protects "sexual orientation" under the rubric of its prohibition against sex discrimination. If they say that it does, then no need for Congress to act on that point.
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Can everyone, on both sides of the aisle, at least agree this country would be a much better place if Brennan was swinging from a rope (after due process of course)?

Or does the left actually still value that treasonous slimeball?

Who am I kidding. Treasonous slime balls are the all stars of the Democrat party.

You said it man.

But I'm not on the right, don't particularly care what they radicalize given they don't vis a vis what they could, and assume someone else will defend them, but what you maroons are doing right now strikes at the very fiber of what it means to be American. How this whole grand experiment can only work, namely in a shared American identity, not your scorched earth divide and conquer strategy.

You don't have a clue of what you are doing and don't care either.


You (plural) should know by now that you don't stand a chance in an actual debate with me.
Sure dude, I'm sure you're a master debater in your own mind.

WTF is anyone doing that "strikes at the very fiber of what it means to be American"? Who defines exactly what that means?

I'd say and many would agree with me that Donald Trump has done more to destroy this nation's integrity and divide this nation than anyone since the Civil War.

This nation has been under constant change since its founding. We have always been a nation of immigrants, its always been a land of varied opinions...or are you ignorant of history? I promise you that I am not.

You claim that I don't know what is going on...please enlighten me on what you think it is that I don't know. Or just maybe I know very well what is going on and have a different opinion about those going ons than do you. Isn't that what it means to be an American...we're free to have our own opinions?

BTW, I'm very proud to be an American. I'm at the same time embarrassed by the idiot who currently lives in the White House and his defenders.
Pretty sure we’re going to have 5 more years of this BS. Sad thing is, the left has so much TDS that their voting base is happy just plying obstructionists as opposed to actually producing beneficial legislation. Anything and everything to stop the orange man.
Isn't that pretty much what happened with the last administration? Please enlighten me on what issues the GOP worked with Obama??? The GOP openly talked about obstructing anything and everything that he wanted to accomplish.
Isn't that pretty much what happened with the last administration? Please enlighten me on what issues the GOP worked with Obama??? The GOP openly talked about obstructing anything and everything that he wanted to accomplish.

Difference being Trump is a moderate Democrat who would happily pass actual legislation that came to his desk whether it came from Democrats or Republicans.

Obama, just like the current front runners, was a radical leftist. No consideration given to common sense policies.

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