How will they rule ??!

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Whether we like it or dislike it wasn't the question. It was what are the Dems doing to help average legal American citizens. Your answer was completely debunked and destroyed. And you know it.
How was it debunked? I listed multiple bills the House has passed that would help average Americans. If you don't want to protect our elections, prevent pay discrimination, lower drug prices, and extend egual rights to the LGBTQ community that's on you, not the House. Do you not consider LQBTQ people to be Americans?
How was it debunked? I listed multiple bills the House has passed that would help average Americans. If you don't want to protect our elections, prevent pay discrimination, lower drug prices, and extend egual rights to the LGBTQ community that's on you, not the House. Do you not consider LQBTQ people to be Americans?

what rights do gay people not have that straight people do? seriously
Official confirmation of foreign government solicitation/collusion and '16 election meddling. When do we appoint a special counsel?

Ukrainian Embassy confirms DNC contractor solicited Trump dirt in 2016

In its most detailed account yet, the Ukrainian Embassy in Washington says a Democratic National Committee (DNC) insider during the 2016 election solicited dirt on Donald Trump's campaign chairman and even tried to enlist the country's president to help.

In written answers to questions, Ambassador Valeriy Chaly's office says DNC contractor Alexandra Chalupa sought information from the Ukrainian government.
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@Platinumdrgn since the market changes based on outside forces how pissed are you, other than it's always rocky at the start of october, that impeachment hoaxes negatively affected it. Democrats are killing livelihoods. Or do you not care bc overlords? Also, what about the market saying it wouldnt open if Warren was president? Sounds bad for someone that claims to be passionate about markets.
what rights do gay people not have that straight people do? seriously
It is illegal to discriminate against people based on their race, religion, sex, age, or handicap. It is legal to discriminate based on sexual preference. The House is trying to change that.
Other than the fact the woman behind him looks like she wants to f--k him...this is cringe worthy embarrassing Woody

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Police charity event on hold after chief withdraws because Republicans were invited: report

The Blue Bowl, a charity flag football game, was intended to raise money for the family of fallen Ventura County Sgt. Ron Helus as well as other officers killed in the line of duty, FOX 11 of Los Angeles reported.

Thousands of dollars had already been raised for fallen officers' families, but the money is now being returned to donors because Thousand Oaks Police Chief Tim Hagel reportedly withdrew the police department because Trump supporters would be speaking at the event.

"He basically said over and over in the conversation, 'This is not Trump country, that slogan 'Make America Great' is not favorable, popular, within 1,200 square miles,' that we don’t want Republicans here. I could not believe it,” Mike Randall, vice president of the Fallen Officers Foundation, said, according to FOX 11.

He added that Hagel told him to get rid of the Republican speakers or the police department would withdraw. They finally did pull out.

"He goes, 'Yeah, this ain’t gonna work for us,' I said, 'You’re not gonna support this with the honor guard?' And he goes, 'No, we’re not bringing the honor guard. We’re not coming. We’re not going to be there, not supporting it'," said Randall.

"This is not OK. This is prejudice, hello?" she said. "You’re shutting down an event because of the way conservatives think, because I support the president? This is disgusting, I’m appalled, and in all my years being an out conservative, I’ve never seen something so despicable like this.”

Randall added, "Ron Helus was a true hero, he saved lives that night. Did he run in and go, 'Are you Republican or Democrat or independent, I need to know before I help you?' No they don’t. ... You’ve messed with the wrong person, you’ve messed with the wrong founder, you’ve messed with the wrong foundation," FOX 11 reported.
Was listening to Bill Simmons today and he went on a very typical anti Trump rant. I know he's super lefty, but it's disappointing when someone I've listened to for so long is so basic. The only criticism I've heard with any meat behind it comes from anti war libertarians. Even "intellectuals" like Sam Harris resort to typical "he's insane" bullshit. It's really affecting my enjoyment of media.
In a good way, I take. Lefties going bonkers is great, right?
Lol at the libs being pissed because Brandt Jean hugged Amber Guyger. Peak libs.

Obviously they were itching for a good race riot and that zapped it.

Think their outrage is somehow more righteous than the feelings of the actual wronged.

Wapo said it was a trait inherently taught to slaves by whitey and passed down by generations of slave descendants. Except they're from St Lucia (I believe).

Peak loon activity
Sometimes I think they have let the likes of Brennan keep security clearance to kinda monitor any ‘movements’ (if you will). See if he’s still up to no good (I’m sure it’s not that easy and he’s not that dumb, but you know what I’m getting at).

Shit I think about at midnight.

Where the hell has @CastleRubric been?
How was it debunked? I listed multiple bills the House has passed that would help average Americans. If you don't want to protect our elections, prevent pay discrimination, lower drug prices, and extend egual rights to the LGBTQ community that's on you, not the House. Do you not consider LQBTQ people to be Americans?
I have no problem with bills that may help LGBTQ people and of course I consider them Americans. But that wasn't the question. That group makes up less than 5% of Americans. If you want to look after them, cool. But what are they doing for the other 95% of Americans?
It was all a con.

  • Mikea Turner, a local TV reporter in Washington, D.C., was the first to report the discredited story of Amari Allen, a 12-year-old black girl who said white classmates cut off her dreadlocks while calling her an “attention-seeker.”
  • Turner spent the hours before the supposed attack advocating for a “natural” hair law that would criminalize discrimination based on dreadlocks, then used the incident as evidence for why such a law should be enacted.
  • Amari’s family owns a beauty company called “Still Natural” that Turner promoted on air in 2018.
  • The TV station removed all video and articles about the supposed attack and did not include the Allens’ name in a brief story acknowledging that it was a hoax.
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How was it debunked? I listed multiple bills the House has passed that would help average Americans. If you don't want to protect our elections, prevent pay discrimination, lower drug prices, and extend egual rights to the LGBTQ community that's on you, not the House. Do you not consider LQBTQ people to be Americans?
How does any of what they proposed “protect” our elections. One simple thing will protect our elections. Voter ID. And if you think requiring it is racist then you’re the true racist for thinking minorities aren’t capable of obtaining one.
It is illegal to discriminate against people based on their race, religion, sex, age, or handicap. It is legal to discriminate based on sexual preference. The House is trying to change that.
My sister is a Lesbian. Lives in Indiana. She’s married. Her and her Spouse are both gainfully employed. Her Spouse was able to legally adopt the daughter my sister had from a sperm doner. Many of their gay and lesbian friends are like family to me because I’ve known them for most of the 30 plus years my sister and her spouse have been together. I’ve never once in thirty years heard any of them complain about inequality.
I have no problem with bills that may help LGBTQ people and of course I consider them Americans. But that wasn't the question. That group makes up less than 5% of Americans. If you want to look after them, cool. But what are they doing for the other 95% of Americans?
You singled out one thing and agreed it would help the country. I listed multiple. What about the others? Maybe you're further left than you think. Also, the Democrats have controlled one chamber of Congress for less than a year and you're complaining about lack of action. Compare to Republicans who controlled both chambers and the presidency for two years and accomplished a sum total of what? One tax cut for the rich. Maybe if Trump had gotten off Twitter and done something in the years he had control y'all wouldn't have lost the last election.
You singled out one thing and agreed it would help the country. I listed multiple. What about the others? Maybe you're further left than you think. Also, the Democrats have controlled one chamber of Congress for less than a year and you're complaining about lack of action. Compare to Republicans who controlled both chambers and the presidency for two years and accomplished a sum total of what? One tax cut for the rich. Maybe if Trump had gotten off Twitter and done something in the years he had control y'all wouldn't have lost the last election.
You really struggle with staying on topic don't you? This wasn't about Trump. It was about Dems. You can't even talk about your own party without bringing him up. TDS is strong with you. Anyway, wanting LGBTQ people treated fairly doesn't make me a leftist. You just think your party is the only one that cares. All the other bills you talked about are either for minority groups, want to limit a constitutional right, or is trying to solve a problem that doesn't exist(voting).

I'm going to say it again. I don't have a problem looking out for minority groups. But the point we are making is that's ALL your party does. They bring absolutely nothing to the table for 90% of the country. It's not that I want the government to do anything for me, I just want them to stay the hell out of my way and don't infringe upon my rights. Dems just want to raise my taxes, limit speech, and make it harder for me to exercise my second amendment right. Screw that.

But if you insist on mentioning Trump, fine. He lowered my taxes and I have all the same freedoms now that I had before he took office. That's good enough for me.

P. S. On second thought, I would like the government to put a stop to the GD robocalls. That would be great.

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