How will they rule ??!

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This is accurate on many levels.
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A little over a year till the election. Are the democrats going to propose some policies that are truly going to make my life better any time soon, or stay on the Orange Man Bad campaign until then?
Pretty sure we’re going to have 5 more years of this BS. Sad thing is, the left has so much TDS that their voting base is happy just plying obstructionists as opposed to actually producing beneficial legislation. Anything and everything to stop the orange man.
Welcome back... but I think you're misreading the "winning" issue.

No doubt... EVERYONE wants to win. But its much deeper than that... at least for me.

I mean, if you have principles (mine include my Christian faith, pro life, belief in self instead of govt... among others) you simply can't get that from the Democratic side.

So its not about "winning"... its about "Right vs Wrong"... IMHO.

I can respect that and it makes sense P19978.
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Hopefully you will be on a waiting list
Medicare for all wont happen. Even if dems are elected. I know face value is your thing...but step into a VA and witness that shit show.

But really you cant unconstitutionally take away insurance from 190 million Americans and force them on shit that many ppl will be paying for more in taxes then they do premiums. Private insurance will go nowhere. At worst Medicare will set a flat rate for all private insurers to reimburse.
2. Lets say the best of the best specialist has a patient that wants to see them. You think that doc is just going to wait around 2 months to help that patient bc govt takes all day to approve prior auth. No. Thus dems can shove their cravings for power, face value feeling policy, and let reality work.

I disagree with a lot of things Republicans do...but I'm not sure you disagree with anything dems say. As a non believer, I can say leftism is basically a religion. Think about the comparisons to theology especially with the woke police and social justice warriors, they tell you what's right and wrong, whose evil, how you have to behave and to never forsake the dogma and how they can be the only ones to save you bc of caring and compassion.
Heres a game @Ed323232 tell us something you dont like about Democrats. And give me something real not huck huck they should be harder on Republicans. What policy do you think is wrong for whatever reason that they push?

Also tell me how authoritarian trump is. As opposed to dumb things he says, what actions have taken a liberty from you. Meaning what is it you cant do that YOU did before. As opposed to the left that wants to forcefully take your insurance and give you what they say is right for you, forcefully take money from you, try to involve themselves in more and more of your life through regulation, tell you what you can and cant say (saying illegal immigrant, a word, is a 250k dollar fine), limit speech in general, tell you cows are the beast of the apocolypse so you need to eat something else, send men with guns to throw you in a cage by force if you wont hand over a gun, etc

Which one is actually trying to change and manage your life. I dont think you know what authoritarian means.

Also to hit you in the feels- did you know when the govt tells you they are going to steal money from you to help with compassion for something..did you know the money doesnt go to that something, it goes....wait for it, to the government in their pot. What leads you to think a central planner knows how manage this?
lol now there’s a “whistleblower” that’s saying the IRS improperly handle audits of Donald Trump’s tax returns. These people are shameless.
Gonna be lots of “Whistleblower” things popping up now. It’s the new buzzword. This ones just another backdoor attempt to get his returns made public.
Schiff lied again just now. The "favor" had absolutely nothing to do with Biden. Was about Crowdstrike, who is currently being looked into as part of an ongoing investigation.

Again, resident lefties, answer this for me. If they have Trump by the balls, as has been claimed ad nauseum, then why do Ds and media have to keep blatantly lying, purposely twisting what he actually said and applying their own false motive in order to make it into a scandal?
Because they can blatantly lie with impunity knowing full well nobody in the MSM will ever call them out for it.
Was listening to Bill Simmons today and he went on a very typical anti Trump rant. I know he's super lefty, but it's disappointing when someone I've listened to for so long is so basic. The only criticism I've heard with any meat behind it comes from anti war libertarians. Even "intellectuals" like Sam Harris resort to typical "he's insane" bullshit. It's really affecting my enjoyment of media.
Biden not happy tonight at his rally. Hootin’ and a hollerin’ about how Trump is going after him and his family and trying to ruin him/them.

Well, sleepy Joe, how’s it f*cking feel now that the shoe is on the other foot?

You don’t get to spend 3 years using illegal and unconstitutional methods doing that exact same thing when there were no crimes or corruption, then turn around and start crying when it’s legally being done to you for your actual crimes and corruption.

Buckle up, bitch. You and yours are going down. Along with the other criminals (traitors) in Obama’s admin.
Washington (CNN)The federal security detail assigned to Education Secretary Betsy DeVos is expected to cost taxpayers more than $26 million during President Donald Trump's first term, according to the US Marshals Service.

Her security cost $6.2 million over the past year -- which was less than expected -- and is projected to cost $7.9 million between now and the end of September 2020, the US Marshals Service said Wednesday.
Politico first reported the cost.

It's uncommon for the Marshals Service to protect Cabinet members, who usually receive security protection through their individual agencies.

The Marshals Service started providing protective detail for DeVos in February 2017 at therequest of then-Attorney General Jeff Sessions. He requested security for DeVos after her contentious confirmation battle and an encounter with protesters at a middle school in Washington in 2017.
The security detail cost about $12 million for the first two years.

"Year after year, the press reports on the cost of the Secretary's security detail. What goes unreported are the threats to the Secretary's safety, which necessitate the security detail in the first place," said Department of Education spokeswoman Angela Morabito in an emailed statement.

"The people who make the threats are at fault here, not the person receiving them," she added.

In a statement, the Marshals Service said it would not disclose the number of personnel assigned to DeVos' detail or the nature of threats against her. The number of people providing protection "is commensurate with the existing threat and based on USMS protective service requirements, experience and methodology," it said.