Reed … First Team

Last years team wasn't that good and had 0 shot at winning the national title or even making the final four regardless. Defense was putrid.

That said, reeves, Reed and Dilly should have played together as a 3 guard starting unit for 30 to 35 minutes a game. We would have made it past the first round at least.
Last years team wasn't that good and had 0 shot at winning the national title or even making the final four regardless. Defense was putrid.

That said, reeves, Reed and Dilly should have played together as a 3 guard starting unit for 30 to 35 minutes a game. We would have made it past the first round at least.
We beat Alabama and they made the final 4. We absolutely could have gotten that far with the right coaching and lineups. Could we have beaten UCONN? Probably not. But a final 4 was doable if we hadn't have had an ass clown for a coach.
We beat Alabama and they made the final 4. We absolutely could have gotten that far with the right coaching and lineups. Could we have beaten UCONN? Probably not. But a final 4 was doable if we hadn't have had an ass clown for a coach.

Wouldn't have had the same team if he wasn't coach either so I don't do those types of hypotheticals.

I just think defense would have caught up to them before the final four. The right lineup certainly would have given us a win or two minimum though.
It’s only been three months. Also are there other things we are not allowed to talk about or just this?
Are you illiterate? I clearly didn’t say that you’re not allowed to do anything. You’re allowed to be as lame as you want, I’m just gonna point it out. You guys make the same lame post in every Reed Sheppard post. My bad tho, I didn’t realize y’all have only been making the same lame post for just 4 months, that makes it better.
Are you illiterate? I clearly didn’t say that you’re not allowed to do anything. You’re allowed to be as lame as you want, I’m just gonna point it out. You guys make the same lame post in every Reed Sheppard post. My bad tho, I didn’t realize y’all have only been making the same lame post for just 4 months, that makes it better.
List your last 12 names on this board and we might start to consider your application to serve as hall monitor.

Until then, STFU.