How will they rule ??!

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Everything has to be racialized to sustain leftist mutually contradictory ideas. These bad ideas have consequences and can’t but infect every fabric of society right down to poor misguided 12 year old girls.

I can’t wait for this nonsense to get back to they way it was like 10 years ago, when we judged people by their character not whatever group they belong to.
"The Democrats and corporate press have spent 36 months attacking Donald Trump - slandering his family; falsely accusing him of being a traitor; fantasizing about his death; you name it - and then every single time he decides to attack back and defend himself, they immediately retreat to their fainting couches and pretend to be victims."
American politics is a weird animal for sure. Nothing like it is in Canada. People here really take some sort of personal pride in their "team" winning. It's not just warrior, and it's not just republicans - there are plenty of them on both sides.

Exactly. So I guess @warrior-cat considered himself a “loser” for 8 entire years just because Obama was elected POTUS. Couldn’t be me. For as much as I love to make fun of Trump, my day-to-day life hasn’t changed much at all. Gas is still pretty damn affordable, food prices haven’t shot through the roof, the crime rate is basically the same, and I still have to buy weed illegally in my state.

The man is unhinged though, holy shit. Just now catching up on this press conference today and he’s making a mockery of the office he holds.
Were those aired?

The tweet was incorrect. The NPR one did air over the radio. That tweet was a pretty crapy tweet. I think that tweet was filled with a ton of half truths. I think Arnold is correct by saying he proved the tweet wrong because you cant say NPR didnt air it, when they clearly did on the radio, you cant say CNN tried to suppress it when they wrote articles about it.

I think this is a clear example of someone reaching too far to prove a point. I do think his main point was the MSM didnt spend a single minute of TV talking about it. I dont know if that is true or not, but if that is the point he was trying to make, that is what he should've said instead of overreaching to make a point when he didnt have to.
The tweet was incorrect. The NPR one did air over the radio. That tweet was a pretty crapy tweet. I think that tweet was filled with a ton of half truths. I think Arnold is correct by saying he proved the tweet wrong because you cant say NPR didnt air it, when they clearly did on the radio, you cant say CNN tried to suppress it when they wrote articles about it.

I think this is a clear example of someone reaching too far to prove a point. I do think his main point was the MSM didnt spend a single minute of TV talking about it. I dont know if that is true or not, but if that is the point he was trying to make, that is what he should've said instead of overreaching to make a point when he didnt have to.

It is also a half-truth to point to a CNN article as something that aired on CNN. Maybe they did air it, I do not know, I'm just asking the question.
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It's funny how people latch on to one person because some idiot made a comment that I was that way. My whole reason for supporting Trump is because I believe he really loves this country and wants to do what is right. The other just as important reason is that most on the left want us to lower our standards to accept a failed style of governance (Socialism/communism) over a proven style that has flourished for centuries now. Yes I am for the team that supports the constitution of the nation I swore to defend with my life. Problem is, there are a lot more on the left who are just as crazy about ruining something because someone told them to.

I appreciate your service warrior.

The main difference I see in the 2 sides is that the right is mostly harmless (albeit sometimes annoying) cheerleading, whereas the left is out there trying to inflict harm on people - either physically or otherwise.
There will be a big pause right here.

He will not find that they were aired.

A local ABC/CBS/NBC affiliate doesn't count. has a page from an AP story.

ABC/CBS doesn't go that far. Story didn't happen.

CNN uses a story from an affiliate set to slideshow.

But, got 'eem
It is not just that the story got very little coverage, it also only lasted for a day or so and did not spur a cascade of "need to have discussion" hyperbole like you see stories that the media thinks will help the left. Fuzz is being ungodly disingenuous as the norm. JFC, he himself claims to keep both parties equally accountable so are you not surprised he does the same with the media. Clown.
Exactly. So I guess @warrior-cat considered himself a “loser” for 8 entire years just because Obama was elected POTUS. Couldn’t be me. For as much as I love to make fun of Trump, my day-to-day life hasn’t changed much at all. Gas is still pretty damn affordable, food prices haven’t shot through the roof, the crime rate is basically the same, and I still have to buy weed illegally in my state.

The man is unhinged though, holy shit. Just now catching up on this press conference today and he’s making a mockery of the office he holds.

Yeah, the whole "winning" thing is dumb to me. Winning what? Twitter battles? Rallies? Press conferences? Was Obama "winning" for 8 years? I don't get it.
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It is also a half-truth to point to a CNN article as something that aired on CNN. Maybe they did air it, I do not know, I'm just asking the question.

Oh I agree with that as well. I think pointing to the CNN article can be used to say that CNN was trying to suppress it though. I think that is proving it wrong on semantics.

Again I think the point of the tweet was clear, he was talking about on air coverage and those articles to prove anything. The adding of NPR was dumb because I know for a fact NPR talked about it on air, my dad actually heard about it from listening to NPR.

I think the smarter way to make that tweet would've been something along the lines like

CNN/CBS/ABC/MSNBC total TV time on haircut hoax: 35 minutes
CNN/CBS/ABC/MSNBC total TV time on abortion doctor harvesting dead babies in his garage: 0 minutes
Yeah, the whole "winning" thing is dumb to me. Winning what? Twitter battles? Rallies? Press conferences? Was Obama "winning" for 8 years? I don't get it.

Winning the daily battles he fights against the Democrats (including the media) who are dead set on bringing him down.

Have the Democrats won a single battle in this war they’re fighting against America?
Rqfuzz makes up multiple accounts, even likes his own comments logged by his other ID, then lies about it to keep the charade going. Won’t you guys think about that next time you are about to address him, he’s clearly not sane.
Someone who does this has serious mental problems. But the truth is Liberalism is a mental disease. He is proof.

The trump campaign is the greatest campaign of all time.

Sometimes I think Trump doesn't know when to pick his battles. But damn when he hits a homerun, he really knocks it out of the park. That is just trolling on a completely different level than what we are used to seeing from politicians.

There are times when I wish he would relax with the Twitter crap, but then he comes out with this and makes me think, ya the negatives are worth the positives because its just so funny see this on the Presidents twitter haha.
Everything has to be racialized to sustain leftist mutually contradictory ideas. These bad ideas have consequences and can’t but infect every fabric of society right down to poor misguided 12 year old girls.

I can’t wait for this nonsense to get back to they way it was like 10 years ago, when we judged people by their character not whatever group they belong to.
Oh good God. Like the right doesn't try to radicalize everything.

When "the left" discusses Medicare for all or some form of universal healthcare idiots on the right start screaming "they want us to be like Venezuela"... not, they want us to be more like Canada, Great Britain, Germany, Sweden, France, Israel...and every other industrialized nation on the planet.

If the left discusses getting assault weapons off the street the right screams..."they want to take our guns" even though we had an assault weapons ban from 1994 - 2004 and everybody survived it and nobody came after their hunting weapons or hand guns.

When the right discusses abortion they focus 99% of their dialog on late term abortions even though they make up a fraction of 1% of abortions.

When the right discusses immigration they try and draw focus on an immigrant that has committed a violent crime and not the 99% of immigrants who come, work and never get in trouble. In fact, immigrants are less likely to commit crimes than are natural citizens.

Should I go on???
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Exactly. So I guess @warrior-cat considered himself a “loser” for 8 entire years just because Obama was elected POTUS. Couldn’t be me. For as much as I love to make fun of Trump, my day-to-day life hasn’t changed much at all. Gas is still pretty damn affordable, food prices haven’t shot through the roof, the crime rate is basically the same, and I still have to buy weed illegally in my state.

The man is unhinged though, holy shit. Just now catching up on this press conference today and he’s making a mockery of the office he holds.
He is a loser period. And most likely to shoot up a Walmart.
Winning the daily battles he fights against the Democrats (including the media) who are dead set on bringing him down.

Have the Democrats won a single battle in this war they’re fighting against America?

Honestly? I don't keep score. As long as I can put food on my table and generally do what I want to, I DGAF who is winning or not. For 25 years I've been able to do that no matter who has occupied the WH.
Exactly. So I guess @warrior-cat considered himself a “loser” for 8 entire years just because Obama was elected POTUS. Couldn’t be me. For as much as I love to make fun of Trump, my day-to-day life hasn’t changed much at all. Gas is still pretty damn affordable, food prices haven’t shot through the roof, the crime rate is basically the same, and I still have to buy weed illegally in my state.

The man is unhinged though, holy shit. Just now catching up on this press conference today and he’s making a mockery of the office he holds.
But your response showed your hypocrisy in the point you made about teams. There are what could be considered teams left vs right and you are left. You attack Trump at every turn then, feign middle of the road libertarian giving credence to the old adage that actions speak loader than words. Your constant attacks show that you are lying. If you have no team, you should be just as upset about the corrupt way the democrats have lied and cheated to build a false case against Trump. Why is that?
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There will be a big pause right here.

He will not find that they were aired.

A local ABC/CBS/NBC affiliate doesn't count. has a page from an AP story.

ABC/CBS doesn't go that far. Story didn't happen.

CNN uses a story from an affiliate set to slideshow.

But, got 'eem
Yeah he's spiraling. He only fights the true things he reads. The more he objects the more truth there is in it.
Completely false. I don't know anyone who would not defend themselves against obvious lies fabricated to destroy them.
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If you bothered to follow the links you would see the video news story that aired... so yeah, they were.

On the main networks?

When did CNN quit talking while airing a news story?

There is not a word in that clip.

I click every link and I could not find a single story with words. I assume you're not lying but you maybe misinformed.
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I appreciate your service warrior.

The main difference I see in the 2 sides is that the right is mostly harmless (albeit sometimes annoying) cheerleading, whereas the left is out there trying to inflict harm on people - either physically or otherwise.
I wasn't really aiming my response at you as much as the hypocrite who talked about teams and him inferring that only fringe elements feel that way and he does not. Most take sides and have forever now.
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Oh good God. Like the right doesn't try to radicalize everything.

When "the left" discusses Medicare for all or some form of universal healthcare idiots on the right start screaming "they want us to be like Venezuela"... not, they want us to be more like Canada, Great Britain, Germany, Sweden, France, Israel...and every other industrialized nation on the planet.

If the left discusses getting assault weapons off the street the right screams..."they want to take our guns" even though we had an assault weapons ban from 1994 - 2004 and everybody survived it and nobody came after their hunting weapons or hand guns.

When the right discusses abortion they focus 99% of their dialog on late term abortions even though they make up a fraction of 1% of abortions.

When the right discusses immigration they try and draw focus on an immigrant that has committed a violent crime and not the 99% of immigrants who come, work and never get in trouble. In fact, immigrants are less likely to commit crimes than are natural citizens.

Should I go on???
False. You generalize and lie with your own numbers. Typical liberal response.
It is not lost on me the guy in Charlottesville who killed people with his car was from Kentucky.
Oh good God. Like the right doesn't try to radicalize everything.

When "the left" discusses Medicare for all or some form of universal healthcare idiots on the right start screaming "they want us to be like Venezuela"... not, they want us to be more like Canada, Great Britain, Germany, Sweden, France, Israel...and every other industrialized nation on the planet.

If the left discusses getting assault weapons off the street the right screams..."they want to take our guns" even though we had an assault weapons ban from 1994 - 2004 and everybody survived it and nobody came after their hunting weapons or hand guns.

When the right discusses abortion they focus 99% of their dialog on late term abortions even though they make up a fraction of 1% of abortions.

When the right discusses immigration they try and draw focus on an immigrant that has committed a violent crime and not the 99% of immigrants who come, work and never get in trouble. In fact, immigrants are less likely to commit crimes than are natural citizens.

Should I go on???

lol you goddam lunatic. Please, go on.

One of the Democrat front runners for POTUS was praising Venezuela in the very recent past.

Another Democrat front runner made his campaign slogan, “hell yeah we’re taking your guns”.

A Democrat Governor has voiced support FOR POST BIRTH ABORTION.

Multiple Democrat front runners want to eliminate our nations borders.

You lunatics are radical enough. No hyperbole is needed.
There will be a big pause right here.

He will not find that they were aired.

A local ABC/CBS/NBC affiliate doesn't count. has a page from an AP story.

ABC/CBS doesn't go that far. Story didn't happen.

CNN uses a story from an affiliate set to slideshow.

But, got 'eem

I absolutely did not find any link that led me to a nationally aired story. So while the original tweet may have overstated the case because there were words on websites, it appears to be the case that none of these were aired on national television. And it appears that NPR was wrongly included
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