How will they rule ??!

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Linda Tripp wasn't under the desk with Monica Lewinsky yet Tripp's "whistleblowing" of what Lewinsky said was enough for the GOP to open an impeachment inquiry.
What goes around, comes around.

When you are attacking the messenger because you can't deny the message then you know you're in trouble.
False, Linda Tripp was called in because they had evidence. There is no evidence for anything on Trump.
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I see Mark Cuban made a comment today "I'm far from being a Democrat".

I don't know much about him, but Trump has absolutely opened the door for people like him from the business community. Will be interesting to see if The Swamp fights back in the future...

I can easily see a future where the Democratic party evolves (devolves) into "The Swamp" and the Republican party evolves into a party led by business folks: fiscally conservative and socially moderate or even disinterested.
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[roll] admit that the only "journalism" that you think is "honest" is that which tells you what you want to believe. Investigative journalism has uncoverd over 12,000 lies told by this POTUS since taking office yet you continue to believe a man that has a long history of lies and manipulation. The same man that propagated the myth that his predecessor was born outside of this country...the same man that took out a full page add in the New York Times calling for the death penalty of 5 men proven to be innocent. The same man who at one time had lots to say about David Duke yet when David Duke endorsed him for POTUS claimed to not know who David Duke was.

"[F]alsely reporting the whistleblower fears"? So you're now clairvoyant? The POTUS has stood up and said the whistleblower's sources should be executed...and that alone isn't enough to prompt fear? Do you have more than 2 functioning brain cells?
Where is there actual evidence Trump stated that? Not hearsay, or anonymous sources, but actual evidence. Remember, it was reported that Trump made promises, and quid pro quo in the Ukraine transcript, only there wasn't.

There isn't an impeachable offense yet RQ, nothing Trump said in that call is even in the ball park of impeachable, that's the absurdity of this whole song and dance by the Dems. It's why they 're sensationalizing and flat out lying about what was stated in it, there's nothing there.
Good Lord, Bill if you were there live to see and witness it you'd convince yourself that you must be hallucinating.
How do you know any of it is a lie? You don't. You are taking a proven liar's word that he isn't lying this time.

Trump's own former national security advisor says that the comments are troubling and that Giuliani feeds Trump known, proven falsehoods that Trump believes.
Why is it that there have been so many people leave his administration?
Will you admit that perhaps it's because they could not continue in good faith to lie for him?
How much smoke do you need until you admit there's a fire?

Let me ask this...if any of these conversations are proven to be true...are validated by people who were there, got there information first hand...would you agree that it would be troubling and impeachable?
Fuzz: "I am not loyal to any party or politician" (ignore 5700 pages that say otherwise)
Fuzz: "Integrity is important for a POTUS"
Fuzz: "If you supported impeachment for Clinton you have to support it now"
Me: "Did you support impeaching Clinton?"
Fuzz: (crickets)
[roll] admit that the only "journalism" that you think is "honest" is that which tells you what you want to believe. Investigative journalism has uncoverd over 12,000 lies told by this POTUS since taking office yet you continue to believe a man that has a long history of lies and manipulation. The same man that propagated the myth that his predecessor was born outside of this country...the same man that took out a full page add in the New York Times calling for the death penalty of 5 men proven to be innocent. The same man who at one time had lots to say about David Duke yet when David Duke endorsed him for POTUS claimed to not know who David Duke was.

"[F]alsely reporting the whistleblower fears"? So you're now clairvoyant? The POTUS has stood up and said the whistleblower's sources should be executed...and that alone isn't enough to prompt fear? Do you have more than 2 functioning brain cells?

I don't have to be clairvoyant. The whistleblower lawyer said himself it was not true and he never said it in a letter. He even posted the letter.

So whom are we two believe? The actual source? Or someone who is telling us what the source says?

Obviously the former. Now we know the latter was wrong. But why? Was it an isolated incident? Or a noticable pattern of intentionally misleading/false info? The latter.

I want actual honest reporting. We need it. That way politicians can actually be held accountable. Hell at this point if they actually caught trump with a smoking gun they'd have to work 10x than they should, just because you can't believe anything. That isn't good for anyone
Good Lord, Bill if you were there live to see and witness it you'd convince yourself that you must be hallucinating.
How do you know any of it is a lie? You don't. You are taking a proven liar's word that he isn't lying this time.

Trump's own former national security advisor says that the comments are troubling and that Giuliani feeds Trump known, proven falsehoods that Trump believes.
Why is it that there have been so many people leave his administration?
Will you admit that perhaps it's because they could not continue in good faith to lie for him?
How much smoke do you need until you admit there's a fire?

Let me ask this...if any of these conversations are proven to be true...are validated by people who were there, got there information first hand...would you agree that it would be troubling and impeachable?

Convince myself? You're the one that is acting as if anonymous reports are fact, even after they are continuously proven to be wrong or overblown.
How do I know any of what is a lie? The speculation that Trump stated that to Russia? Did we not just go through this last week with reports on the Ukraine conversation?

What conversation, the Ukraine call? No, I don't think anything we've heard is impeachable. Impeaching is not something we just haphazardly do when we don't like a President.

I don't care how many Trump fires, or allows to resign. The Intelligence agencies do not set or operate policies. They are not elected officials, or a shadow govt. Their only purpose is to provide the President with the best info to make decisions. They get no say in how or why any President makes a decision.

I don't think you realize how much money , members of both parties, get from peddling influence. That is why so many in DC have a problem with Trump, he doesn't want, nor need their money.
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before you morons trash him. He is a GoP congressman and a 15 year Air Force vet.

You think you lunatics succeeding in a coup isn’t going to cause an even deeper fracture in this country? Right and left already can’t agree on anything and you don’t think removing the POTUS from office because you think he’s a meanie won’t make it worse?
Good Lord, Bill if you were there live to see and witness it you'd convince yourself that you must be hallucinating.
How do you know any of it is a lie? You don't. You are taking a proven liar's word that he isn't lying this time.

Trump's own former national security advisor says that the comments are troubling and that Giuliani feeds Trump known, proven falsehoods that Trump believes.
Why is it that there have been so many people leave his administration?
Will you admit that perhaps it's because they could not continue in good faith to lie for him?
How much smoke do you need until you admit there's a fire?

Let me ask this...if any of these conversations are proven to be true...are validated by people who were there, got there information first hand...would you agree that it would be troubling and impeachable?
Nothing has been proven to be true. You guys are working on lies formulated by the left and those who hate Trump. Your own investigator admitted he was lying by telling everyone what he said about the transcript was a parody. Russian collusion debunked, obstruction debunked, Dossier proven to be false, and the list goes on and you want people to believe this stuff now? Go back to kindergarten and re-read the boy who cried Wolf. You and the left need to.
Um no, Karate. But hey, I will give you my signature and you can show to your guy "friends".
Kung-fu, judo, karate, whatever. It is all a lie anyway. Congrats that you started the week with another "gay" comment. Closet-Kitty is coming out strong this week...
I see Mark Cuban made a comment today "I'm far from being a Democrat".

I don't know much about him, but Trump has absolutely opened the door for people like him from the business community. Will be interesting to see if The Swamp fights back in the future...

I can easily see a future where the Democratic party evolves (devolves) into "The Swamp" and the Republican party evolves into a party led by business folks: fiscally conservative and socially moderate or even disinterested.
Don't really think Cuban is a Republican either, but he's a Capitalist and not being a lemming to the rest of his peers.

before you morons trash him. He is a GoP congressman and a 15 year Air Force vet.
Oh, then his characterization of the quote as "beyond repugnant" must be entirely correct and justified because civil war is bad.

THIS nation WAS once ravaged by a civil war. And if you think it couldn't happen again IF the Democrats insist on trying to shoehorn the whistleblower complaint and the transcript into the basis for impeachment when there is CLEARLY no promise or quid pro quo, you (and the congressman you quoted) are ridiculously, hopelessly ignorant.
Oh, then his characterization of the quote as "beyond repugnant" must be entirely correct and justified because civil war is bad.

THIS nation WAS once ravaged by a civil war. And if you think it couldn't happen again IF the Democrats insist on trying to shoehorn the whistleblower complaint and the transcript into the basis for impeachment when there is CLEARLY no promise or quid pro quo, you (and the congressman you quoted) are ridiculously, hopelessly ignorant.

Don’t fall for it. The quote says nothing about another civil war. Just a civil war like fracture in the country.

Although the forthcoming Democrat parody readings may say differently.
Kung-fu, judo, karate, whatever. It is all a lie anyway. Congrats that you started the week with another "gay" comment. Closet-Kitty is coming out strong this week...
No lies from me, that comes from you guys. I know you worry about it though, you can't handle reality. If gay comments are your thing to count, who am I to judge.
How do you know any of it is a lie? You don't

How do you know any of it is true? You don't and neither do Ds. As of now it's still second/third rumor. No first hand source has corroborated any of it yet you have no problem pretending it's all 100% true and starting an impeachment inquiry based on unverified and uncorroborated hearsay.

How much smoke do you need until you admit there's a fire?

I need evidence. Actual proof. "Smoke" meaning innuendo, rumor and conspiracy just isn't going to cut. Prove your accusations.

Just like with collusion and Kavanaugh there was "smoke" and you all were all in on impeachment and guilty until proven innocent. We see what happened when it came time to actually prove those accusations. "Smoke" turned out to be lies.

Let me ask this...if any of these conversations are proven to be true...are validated by people who were there, got there information first hand?

The transcript says otherwise. How can people validate an accusation that we can clearly see didn't happen according to the transcript? Are you suggesting the transcript was edited in a nefarious way?

Also what about the people in the room with first hand knowledge who say it didn't happen? A few have came forward to corroborate Trump. What about them? Are you dismissing them as liars because what they say in contrary to your fantasy?
How do you know any of it is true? You don't and neither do Ds. As of now it's still second/third rumor. No first hand source has corroborated any of it yet you have no problem pretending it's all 100% true and starting an impeachment inquiry based on unverified and uncorroborated hearsay.

I need evidence. Actual proof. "Smoke" meaning innuendo, rumor and conspiracy just isn't going to cut. Prove your accusations.

Just like with collusion and Kavanaugh there was "smoke" and you all were all in on impeachment and guilty until proven innocent. We see what happened when it came time to actually prove those accusations. "Smoke" turned out to be lies.

The transcript says otherwise. How can people validate an accusation that we can clearly see didn't happen according to the transcript? Are you suggesting the transcript was edited in a nefarious way?

Also what about the people in the room with first hand knowledge who say it didn't happen? A few have came forward to corroborate Trump. What about them? Are you dismissing them as liars because what they say in contrary to your fantasy?
There is no surer bet than "Dems are wrong".
Why can't you repugs peacefully allow us to set historic precedent with impeaching the POTUS and Supreme Court justice!!! So rude.

This is spot on. How could us deplorables, ( or maybe it's despicables now), not believe what the media and congress are feeding us? Even though there's an actual official transcript of the conversation available for our perusal. And as for the civil war comments. If somehow Trump is removed from office by this. The violence that takes place will make antifa and BLM look like child's play.
I think warrior needs to get a restraining order against you. You seem obsessed with him.

Btw he served, he could probably kick the ever living shit outta you and any other beta "male" leftist in this thread.
Lol. He is as fake as cheetos Christianity.
This is spot on. How could us deplorables, ( or maybe it's despicables now), not believe what the media and congress are feeding us? Even though there's an actual official transcript of the conversation available for our perusal. And as for the civil war comments. If somehow Trump is removed from office by this. The violence that takes place will make antifa and BLM look like child's play.

Again, the quote did not refer to a civil war, but a “civil war like fracture”. Don’t let the left twist the narrative.
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Again, the quote did not refer to a civil war, but a “civil war like fracture”. Don’t let the left twist the narrative.

Don’t you love how Trump haters have the ability to know exactly what Trump REALLY means.

“There were good people on both sides.”
TH: OMGZ he thinks Nazis are good! He’s a white supremacist!

“Can you do us a favor and...”
TH: ERMAHGUD! He’s bribing the Ukraine!

“It will cause a Civil War like fracture...”
TH: Oooooommmmmggggg!!!! He’s trying to start CWII!!11¡