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How else do you investigate foreign government officials for the role they played in the Russia hoax without contacting the leaders of those government's? Should Trump have sent smoke signals? Or carrier pigeons?

What you see is panick. They know the coup is getting closer to being exposed so they're trying to fool you idiots into thinking that a perfectly legit DOJ investigation is somehow criminal.

John Durham's Ukrainian Leads

Barr personally asked foreign officials to aid inquiry into CIA, FBI activities in 2016
They’re going to bring it, but they’re simply trying to sway public opinion with smoke and mirrors. It won’t work

It’s not smoke and mirrors if they are successful in securing subpoenas for those calls which is what they are about to do. Also there are no smoke and mirrors. I can’t stand the libs or any democrat but they have trump by the balls. This Ukraine stuff is the tip of the iceberg.
It’s not smoke and mirrors if they are successful in securing subpoenas for those calls which is what they are about to do. Also there are no smoke and mirrors. I can’t stand the libs or any democrat but they have trump by the balls. This Ukraine stuff is the tip of the iceberg.
Clearly you've swallowed the whole load. Choke some back up. There's nothing corrupt or criminal about talking to foreign leaders about an ongoing DOJ investigation when those countries played a role in what's being investigated.

Spineless cowards who always fold when the going gets tough is why Rs always lose. Thankfully they grew a spine during Kavanaugh. Let's hope they keep it instead folding like you.
These are government's that the Obama administration and the IC worked with to perpetuate the Russia hoax (Crossfire Hurricane). The DOJ and John Durham are currently investigating the origins of the Crossfire Hurricane investigation. They have every right to contact and investigate the roles those governments played.

That’s how you wanna spin this? Pretty sure some more weird foreign government contacts are gonna spill out soon. With leaders who had nothing to do with your Crossfire Hurricane obsession. Then what?
they have trump by the balls. This Ukraine stuff is the tip of the iceberg.

O mUH gAwD! thEy REaLLy GoT DrUmPh bY THe bALLs.

Kerri Kupec, a Justice Department spokeswoman, said, “Mr. Durham is gathering information from numerous sources, including a number of foreign countries. At Attorney General Barr’s request, the President has contacted other countries to ask them to introduce the Attorney General and Mr. Durham to appropriate officials.”

In a statement, a spokesperson for the Australian government said it has “always been ready to assist and cooperate with efforts that help shed further light on the matters under investigation. The [prime minister] confirmed this readiness once again in conversation with the President.”
It’s not smoke and mirrors if they are successful in securing subpoenas for those calls which is what they are about to do. Also there are no smoke and mirrors. I can’t stand the libs or any democrat but they have trump by the balls. This Ukraine stuff is the tip of the iceberg.

They have him by the balls? What have you seen so far that makes you think that?
Man the headlines (especially the main ones) on Drudge have been some of the worst hes put up. You'd think you were visiting a left wing resistance website. Did someone get to Drudge? Wtf has happened?
That’s how you wanna spin this? Pretty sure some more weird foreign government contacts are gonna spill out soon. With leaders who had nothing to do with your Crossfire Hurricane obsession. Then what?
Pretty sure? You accuse me of spin and then go with that? Bet you were pretty sure Trump colluded with Russia and obstructed justice too.

That hoax is on the verge of being exposed. It's exactly why they're trying to whip you knuckles draggers into a frenzy and convince you that Trump talking to foreign leaders is somehow corrupt.
I support Bernie and Warren definitely. ..

Spin it? Are you denying there’s an ongoing investigation into the origins of the Russian investigation?

Cool, I’ll check back when those indictments start rolling in heavy. Seems like more #MemoDay bullshit to me.

Trump is abusing the law and it’s pretty crazy to watch. A good percentage of Republicans would normally be appalled at such recklessness, no matter which letter was next to the president’s name. Trump seems to have some, dare I say, mob-like influence on his side of the aisle and downright blind faith from 95% of his constituency.
Pretty sure? You accuse me of spin and then go with that? Bet you were pretty sure Trump colluded with Russia and obstructed justice too.

That hoax is on the verge of being exposed. It's exactly why they're trying to whip you knuckles draggers into a frenzy and convince you that Trump talking to foreign leaders is somehow corrupt.

I’m 100% sure that Trump invited, and is still accepting, foreign influence on American elections.

“Russia, if you’re listening...”

Support is one thing, but outright insistence that Donald Trump is clean on all fronts, every time? I thought you guys were suspicious of *everyone* who worked in federal government.

I am, and that’s why I’m a libertarian.
Man the headlines (especially the main ones) on Drudge have been some of the worst hes put up. You'd think you were visiting a left wing resistance website. Did someone get to Drudge? Wtf has happened?

So you only want “news” that supports your personal opinions? I like to read from a variety of sources.
Cool, I’ll check back when those indictments start rolling in heavy. Seems like more #MemoDay bullshit to me.

Trump is abusing the law and it’s pretty crazy to watch. A good percentage of Republicans would normally be appalled at such recklessness, no matter which letter was next to the president’s name. Trump seems to have some, dare I say, mob-like influence on his side of the aisle and downright blind faith from 95% of his constituency.

What law has Trump abused? Just point it out, the guy has been more transparent than any President in modern times.

You should be asking yourself about the blind faith.
Cool, I’ll check back when those indictments start rolling in heavy. Seems like more #MemoDay bullshit to me.

Trump is abusing the law and it’s pretty crazy to watch. A good percentage of Republicans would normally be appalled at such recklessness, no matter which letter was next to the president’s name. Trump seems to have some, dare I say, mob-like influence on his side of the aisle and downright blind faith from 95% of his constituency.
False. Everything proven to be false and misrepresented through lies and yet you guys buy it. You would think with the supposed character you are pretending to possess you would not allow this to happen in a democracy. I guess you really do want this country to fall.
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That’s how you wanna spin this?

These conversations are totally legit as part of an ongoing DOJ investigation. The only spin is coming from those who are panicked about the outcome so they're trying to convince your feeble mind it's corrupt.

Kerri Kupec, a Justice Department spokeswoman, said, “Mr. Durham is gathering information from numerous sources, including a number of foreign countries. At Attorney General Barr’s request, the President has contacted other countries to ask them to introduce the Attorney General and Mr. Durham to appropriate officials.”

In a statement, a spokesperson for the Australian government said it has “always been ready to assist and cooperate with efforts that help shed further light on the matters under investigation. The [prime minister] confirmed this readiness once again in conversation with the President.”

with your Crossfire Hurricane obsession.

Not an obsession. Eager for the truth behind the Russia hoax. And there are some very powerful people hot on the trail.

John Durham's Ukrainian Leads

Barr personally asked foreign officials to aid inquiry into CIA, FBI activities in 2016

I’m 100% sure that Trump invited, and is still accepting, foreign influence on American elections.

Three years and four investigations later and zilch. If you're still very certain then you're a retard.

Plus you're going to have to explain how contacting them about an ongoing DOJ investigation "is still accepting, foreign influence on American elections."

If you mean by exposing their corruption and how they perpetuated the Russia Hoax then damn right.
Trump is abusing the law and it’s pretty crazy to watch

Except you can't say how and all your information is based on second/third hand hearsay. Cite the statute he's abusing. Show me first hand information. Proof. Evidence.

This is the Russia hoax all over again. Zero proof or corroborating evidence. All anonymous hearsay. And can't even name the crime or cite the statute.
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Donald Trump is clean on all fronts,

Most investigated man on the history of the planet.

In a span of four years.

Obama WH/CIA/FBI worked with foreign governments (UK/Ukraine/Australia) during Crossfire Hurricane to investigate (spy on) him.

The House investigated him

The Senate investigated him

Special Counsel investigated him

And not a single investigation turned up a single crime. Bet not another soul in DC could stand up to that scrutiny.
You guys say it’s smart to use foreign government assistance for domestic politics. Russia, Ukraine, and now Australia? Who else out there has Trump contacted for some favors? Or, as he would put it, some “oppo research.”
Most investigated man on the history of the planet.

In a span of four years.

Obama WH/CIA/FBI worked with foreign governments (UK/Ukraine/Australia) during Crossfire Hurricane to investigate (spy on) him.

The House investigated him

The Senate investigated him

Special Counsel investigated him

And not a single investigation turned up a single crime. Bet not another soul in DC could stand up to that scrutiny.
He is holding true to a campaign promise. Draining the swamp, and their only answer is to accuse...the toilet swirl is happening. MAGA.. they are hanging themselves with bogus accusations that only produce their own corruption. My President is a smart man. He is a genius with a J
Ahhh...that's why his reports stay at Trump properties? Why it was important for the Ukraine president to stroke Trump's ego and let him know he stayed at a Trump property?

What's that favor he wanted done? Asking a foreign country for dirt on a political opponent is a violation of the law Bill. It doesn't matter how you try to frame it.

His former personal lawyer lied for him for years and decides to come clean and you want to use the lies he told for Trump to count against him??? You see, this is how Trump tries to control the narrative. You have to lie for him for him to keep you around...once you've lied for him he has you by the balls and uses those lies to tarnish their reputation.

Why is Trump threatening people that leak information?

How do you ignore the sheer volume of lies?

BTW...the identity of the whistleblower is protected by law. Today when asked if he knew the identity of the whistleblower Trump replied; "we're trying to find out". Bill...trying to find out is against the law.

The intelligence agencies are the ones who are on the ground and gathering the data. Trump ignores that advice and tries to discredit them claiming he knows more than they do. Yet he proves time and time again he knows little.
Trump is now with the mindset that Ukraine were the ones who meddled in our election despite the face multiple Russians were indicted for doing so.

Trump is never going to admit to his lies...hell, he says he's never asked for forgiveness from God. So unless he has some Come-to-Jesus moment and admit his
None of what you posted here was close to true. You truly are a lemming. If he admitted to the supposed lie he would be lying.
Discredit the Mueller probe. Pretty sure Bob did just fine at that when he found zilch and then looked like he needed to be in an old folks home during his testimony

This is about getting to the bottom of the coup attempt. Not Mueller.

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That’s how you wanna spin this? Pretty sure some more weird foreign government contacts are gonna spill out soon. With leaders who had nothing to do with your Crossfire Hurricane obsession. Then what?
Wait for your false fantasy to happen first and stop building the next lie.
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