How will they rule ??!

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And because Karen Pence just so happened to work at the school of course the liberal activists media tried to drag her into it and place blame on her.

In the end it was just like the rest. Another hate crime hoax perpetuated by a liberal and/or a minority in an attempt to vilify conservatives and/or white people.

Sorry, but until they release the video showing proof of no wrong doing, I’m believing the original story.

Gah, can you imagine having that ^^^ line of thinking?? That has to be awful.
Now that football season is over, lets get this board rolling again!


Nice thread with a perfect example of how disingenuous MSM is and how they will not question their marching orders.

Physically healthy kids are being given a drug used to treat prostate cancer, but rather than even question if that’s alarming (it is) NBC just cries fake news, rather than even think about offending the trans community.
McConnell says he will have no choice but to take up impeachment articles if House approves them.
That is constitutional. So we go to a trial in the U.S. Senate. And that is the Democrats worst nightmare. Trump will be allowed to defend against all of the lies and plots against him. His attorneys can depose a witness, they can release documents and they can cross examine the accusers. The American people will watch Washington DC exposed as the corrupt, ruthless power greedy federal government we know it is. And if Trumps opponents get their votes in the Senate to throw him out they will curse the day that happens because 50% of the nation will not take it laying down. This Civil War will make 1861-1865 look like a walk in the park. America will be dead as we once knew it.

Democrats will not be able to govern under a democracy so that leaves socialism as their god. We will find out if America wants socialsim if and when Trump is thrown out. It will not be pretty.
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It's evident that at this point they're simply accusing Trump of everything they did in '16.

They're also scared that Barr/Durham are on the right trail. First Ukraine and Crowdstrike. Now Australia and Downer.

It’s painfully obvious and transparent. They are simply trying to dull the impact of what’s about to come out......muddy it up as a game of ‘he said, she said”.

Trump still holds a royal flush. And they know it. They can bluff all they want, but he ain’t folding.
How dumb are liberals and the D base?

So dumb that their overlords can actually falsely "criminalize" the Potus talking to foreign leaders about an ongoing DOJ investigation that involves the countries of said foreign leaders and get away with it.
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Of course. That's why Barr and Durham are investigating it. Barr is on record saying he thinks it had corrupt and partisan origins.

I'm wondering as brazen as they're getting with the lies and seriously illegal leaks and second/third hand pretend whistleblower nonsense, is the ish about to hit the fan?

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They are. This was covered on 60 minutes tonight. It was absolutely glorious. My favorite part was Schiff explaining how Trump conducted highly illegal business with the Russia to help win the election, so Trump knows this Ukraine call was highly illegal. Yet they didn’t impeach him for the Russia stuff, now they’re trying to impeach him for investigating the Russian stuff.

This is exactly why Trump won, and since the election the left/media has doubled and tripled down on this nonsense.

Still firmly believe Trump’s campaign is paying for all of this publicity.

The democrat politicians know that Trump is going to expose as much as he can about the failed 2016 coup leading up to 2020, and they know they have nothing on him, nor do they have any candidate that can challenge him.

Ask yourself why the democrats are so hellbent on impeachment anyway, to the point they will conduct highly illegal business in attempt to overthrow him. He’s gone in 5 years max, then it’s right back to the regularly scheduled socialist/UN program. They are scared to death of what he might expose
Seth Rich says hi....
Convince myself? You're the one that is acting as if anonymous reports are fact, even after they are continuously proven to be wrong or overblown.
How do I know any of what is a lie? The speculation that Trump stated that to Russia? Did we not just go through this last week with reports on the Ukraine conversation?

What conversation, the Ukraine call? No, I don't think anything we've heard is impeachable. Impeaching is not something we just haphazardly do when we don't like a President.

I don't care how many Trump fires, or allows to resign. The Intelligence agencies do not set or operate policies. They are not elected officials, or a shadow govt. Their only purpose is to provide the President with the best info to make decisions. They get no say in how or why any President makes a decision.

I don't think you realize how much money , members of both parties, get from peddling influence. That is why so many in DC have a problem with Trump, he doesn't want, nor need their money.
Ahhh...that's why his reports stay at Trump properties? Why it was important for the Ukraine president to stroke Trump's ego and let him know he stayed at a Trump property?

What's that favor he wanted done? Asking a foreign country for dirt on a political opponent is a violation of the law Bill. It doesn't matter how you try to frame it.

His former personal lawyer lied for him for years and decides to come clean and you want to use the lies he told for Trump to count against him??? You see, this is how Trump tries to control the narrative. You have to lie for him for him to keep you around...once you've lied for him he has you by the balls and uses those lies to tarnish their reputation.

Why is Trump threatening people that leak information?

How do you ignore the sheer volume of lies?

BTW...the identity of the whistleblower is protected by law. Today when asked if he knew the identity of the whistleblower Trump replied; "we're trying to find out". Bill...trying to find out is against the law.

The intelligence agencies are the ones who are on the ground and gathering the data. Trump ignores that advice and tries to discredit them claiming he knows more than they do. Yet he proves time and time again he knows little.
Trump is now with the mindset that Ukraine were the ones who meddled in our election despite the face multiple Russians were indicted for doing so.

Trump is never going to admit to his lies...hell, he says he's never asked for forgiveness from God. So unless he has some Come-to-Jesus moment and admit his
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Ukraine, and now Australia? Who else out there has Trump contacted for some favors?

These are government's that the Obama administration and the IC worked with to perpetuate the Russia hoax (Crossfire Hurricane). The DOJ and John Durham are currently investigating the origins of the Crossfire Hurricane investigation. They have every right to contact and investigate the roles those governments played.
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I think the media wants Pocahontas or Hilary. I still think Hildawg gets back in and age will lose again. Hopefully she will die first.

If Hillary jumped in the party would split in two. Only for Dems to have a chance is with the liberal senator. She’s the only nominee that can pull the party together. No way all these Dems give up to Hillary without a fight. They didn’t want her in 08 didn’t want her in 2016. The one who should be most concerning to jump in is al gore. He has the vp experience, doesn’t care for the clintons, is from Tennessee, left wing champion of climate, and has become more popular since he bowed out to bush. Watch out for Gore
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Ahhh...that's why his reports stay at Trump properties? Why it was important for the Ukraine president to stroke Trump's ego and let him know he stayed at a Trump property?

What's that favor he wanted done? Asking a foreign country for dirt on a political opponent is a violation of the law Bill. It doesn't matter how you try to frame it.

His former personal lawyer lied for him for years and decides to come clean and you want to use the lies he told for Trump to count against him??? You see, this is how Trump tries to control the narrative. You have to lie for him for him to keep you around...once you've lied for him he has you by the balls and uses those lies to tarnish their reputation.

Why is Trump threatening people that leak information?

How do you ignore the sheer volume of lies?

BTW...the identity of the whistleblower is protected by law. Today when asked if he knew the identity of the whistleblower Trump replied; "we're trying to find out". Bill...trying to find out is against the law.

The intelligence agencies are the ones who are on the ground and gathering the data. Trump ignores that advice and tries to discredit them claiming he knows more than they do. Yet he proves time and time again he knows little.
Trump is now with the mindset that Ukraine were the ones who meddled in our election despite the face multiple Russians were indicted for doing so.

Trump is never going to admit to his lies...hell, he says he's never asked for forgiveness from God. So unless he has some Come-to-Jesus moment and admit his

You keep writing that Trump asked for dirt on a political opponent? You do realize that never happened, right? That’s you trying to justify what you want to believe, because if he had said that there would be a problem, only he didn’t.

The intelligence agencies you say, you mean the same agencies that leaked earlier presidential phone calls, changed the whistleblower policy just in time for this to be relevant? Leaked convos to this whistleblower and clearly Pelosi and the Dems, she admitted that last night.

Who the whistleblower is, is relevant. The IC IG stated the report was made by someone of a political nature.

There is an investigation into the origins of the Russian investigation. You’re buying into a deflection by the democrats, which you know is wrong, but simply don’t care.