How will they rule ??!

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Who is buck sexton, and when have I personally EVER quoted him? Edstein.

Btw, know who he is, and have Edstein normally on ignore.

Wasn't he a former Cia guy? Gives him much more credence that the tool who played Luke freaking skywalker. And nothing else in his entire life. Except playing himself on big bang theory. Lol. Idiot.
Buck formerly served as a CIA officer in the Counterterrorism Center (CTC) and the Office of Iraq Analysis. He completed tours of duty as an intelligence officer in Iraq and Afghanistan, as well as other hotspots around the globe, and led intelligence briefings for senior U.S. officials including the president. Buck also served in the New York Police Department (NYPD) Intelligence Division working on counterterrorism issues.
impeachment is a political procedure not a criminal trial. You have no rights to anything. When Trump takes the stand and testifies under oath he might have a leg to stand on. Of course he never will because he can't speak 5 words without lying. Now if he leaves office and is indicted for a crime then he can start crying about facing his accuser.

I have had him on ignore for a while now. Let me guess his total today. 8 falses? His personal record is 13.
You can't handle my responses. The poster who complained that he would not read long responses said, "if you can't get you point across with a short answer, you were lying". Showing that is not true either. Must be that you can't handle the truth no matter how long or how short the post is.
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You be taking care of bidness from behind a computer monitor . . . might wanna change that screen name to Keyboard Warrior Cat.
Ahh bushrot69, only shows up when his feelings are hurt. It's a good thing you and your father there have matching shirts. I would have thought you were like 420ho otherwise if they weren't.
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The media and Democrats are the enemy of the people.

I’m supposed to be outraged over things Donald Trump didn’t actually say, but which the Democrats and media say he meant.

I’m supposed to ignore all the things Democrats actually say, and listen to what their handlers and media says they meant.

I’m supposed to completely ignore the evidence in front of my eyes, and listen to what the media and Democrats say exists in secret.

Enemy of the people.
His typing fingers are real tough. I have known so many like him that talked (or typed) a good game. He even lets his kid sit on his lap and read his posts. Lol.
Says the snowflake Antifa wanna be who has been seen making physical threats on this site. Yeah, go ahead and try to deny it. Proof is waiting.
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impeachment is a political procedure not a criminal trial. You have no rights to anything. When Trump takes the stand and testifies under oath he might have a leg to stand on. Of course he never will because he can't speak 5 words without lying. Now if he leaves office and is indicted for a crime then he can start crying about facing his accuser.

impeachment is a political procedure not a criminal trial. You have no rights to anything. When Trump takes the stand and testifies under oath he might have a leg to stand on. Of course he never will because he can't speak 5 words without lying. Now if he leaves office and is indicted for a crime then he can start crying about facing his accuser.
He has already been put on trial in public opinion and deserves to meet his accuser. You guys have been crying guilty for a while now. Problem is, the left is posturing and really does not want the "Whistle Blower" (if there is one) to come forward. It would be disastrous for you guys.
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Is that real? It's hard to tell anymore. Especially with her.

Buck formerly served as a CIA officer in the Counterterrorism Center (CTC) and the Office of Iraq Analysis. He completed tours of duty as an intelligence officer in Iraq and Afghanistan, as well as other hotspots around the globe, and led intelligence briefings for senior U.S. officials including the president. Buck also served in the New York Police Department (NYPD) Intelligence Division working on counterterrorism issues.

But was he in star trek? Noooooo. - libs
Something must be done about fake news. Intentionally falsely reporting the whistleblower fears for his life based on the attorney letter. The attorney says the letter contained nothing like that at all.


What's so difficult is the nation needs honest investigative journalism. To get it, they need the current state of the law. But we're not getting it. What we're getting is a complete misuse and abuse of protections.

I'm not sure the answer. But something must change. Because they're not going to police themselves anymore. That much is clear
impeachment is a political procedure not a criminal trial. You have no rights to anything. When Trump takes the stand and testifies under oath he might have a leg to stand on. Of course he never will because he can't speak 5 words without lying. Now if he leaves office and is indicted for a crime then he can start crying about facing his accuser.
Which is why Pub Senators ought to call every Lib who served in Government for the last 10 years & ask them questions. Because it's political, any that refuse to testify or refuse to answer a question is grounds for acquittal. Lynch, Obama, Hillary, Clapper, Comey, Brennan, Soros, the whole bunch.
Anyone who doubts Trump's love for this country only need to look at the current state of affairs he is fighting, yet he is still able to put this country in the best position it has ever been in.

I wouldn't blame him if he just decided to quit and then stick the bird up Pelosi's ass. We would be in a world of hurt, for sure, given the chaotic circumstances that would surround that. No one deserves the scrutiny he and his family have had to endure from the lunatics, especially w/ the country doing so well. The left are truly evil and vile people.
Linda Tripp wasn't under the desk with Monica Lewinsky yet Tripp's "whistleblowing" of what Lewinsky said was enough for the GOP to open an impeachment inquiry.
What goes around, comes around.

When you are attacking the messenger because you can't deny the message then you know you're in trouble.

That isn't why they opened an impeachment inquiry on Clinton. The special prosecutor listed 11 charges Clinton was guilty of, and then get this, the House voted on the inquiry so the Reps would be on record.
From Rand Paul:

Dr. Rand Paul Puts U.S. Senate on Record on Its Reckless Spending

On Thursday, the Senate took up a Continuing Resolution to keep federal spending levels the same for the next two months.

Before the vote, I forced the Senate to confront its fiscal recklessness by voting on my amendment to cut spending in the bill by just 2 percent. Such a move would help put us on the road to a balanced budget while still paying for our priorities.

In a speech on the Senate floor on Thursday, I described how most groups I talk to in Kentucky and Washington, no matter where they fall on the political spectrum, understand the need to cut federal spending.

“Even the groups receiving it are willing to cut 1 or 2 percent," I stated. "But you know who’s not? The Senate. The Congress. They won’t cut anything,” I continued.

I went on to highlight how runaway government spending is to blame for massive deficits, as federal revenue is actually up, later adding, “My amendment won’t pass because people are afraid that the public won’t like them if they don’t give them more money. I’m afraid we’ll destroy the country if we keep running more deficits.”

You can watch my speech HERE.

Unfortunately, a majority indeed voted to support the status quo over my amendment, which perfectly illustrated the bipartisan nature of the problem.

I have fought hard in the Senate to institute basic fiscal responsibility, including introducing reforms such as my Penny Plan to balance the budget in five years.

Government can and must do better, and I will keep leading the charge to make sure it does!


(Dr. Paul Stands Up for Fiscal Sanity - Sept. 26, 2019)

Dr. Rand Paul in Breitbart

In a piece for Breitbart on Wednesday, I blasted the Democrats' push for impeachment, calling out their motivations and their hypocrisy regarding Ukraine.

"How is it okay for Vice President Biden or Democrat senators to threaten aid to Ukraine but somehow impeachable for a president to allegedly do so?" I asked.

I began the op-ed by posing another question, "When will it end?"

I answered later by saying, "Simply put, never. The transcript will not be enough. The full whistleblower complaint, which I support Congress receiving, will not be enough. Testimony from the whistleblower — even if every single employee of the national security state testified in front of Congress on any topic — would not be enough. If there’s nothing to be found here, Democrats will simply try to find something else or return to old accusations."

"The hatred for the Trump presidency runs deep on the left, and hate is consuming," I continued. "It’s consuming Congress’ energy and time and the American people’s patience, for starters, and it’s time for the games to stop."

You can read my op-ed HERE.
Something must be done about fake news. Intentionally falsely reporting the whistleblower fears for his life based on the attorney letter. The attorney says the letter contained nothing like that at all.


What's so difficult is the nation needs honest investigative journalism. To get it, they need the current state of the law. But we're not getting it. What we're getting is a complete misuse and abuse of protections.

I'm not sure the answer. But something must change. Because they're not going to police themselves anymore. That much is clear
[roll] admit that the only "journalism" that you think is "honest" is that which tells you what you want to believe. Investigative journalism has uncoverd over 12,000 lies told by this POTUS since taking office yet you continue to believe a man that has a long history of lies and manipulation. The same man that propagated the myth that his predecessor was born outside of this country...the same man that took out a full page add in the New York Times calling for the death penalty of 5 men proven to be innocent. The same man who at one time had lots to say about David Duke yet when David Duke endorsed him for POTUS claimed to not know who David Duke was.

"[F]alsely reporting the whistleblower fears"? So you're now clairvoyant? The POTUS has stood up and said the whistleblower's sources should be executed...and that alone isn't enough to prompt fear? Do you have more than 2 functioning brain cells?
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Linda Tripp wasn't under the desk with Monica Lewinsky yet Tripp's "whistleblowing" of what Lewinsky said was enough for the GOP to open an impeachment inquiry.
What goes around, comes around.

When you are attacking the messenger because you can't deny the message then you know you're in trouble.
So did you favor the Clinton impeachment?
That isn't why they opened an impeachment inquiry on Clinton. The special prosecutor listed 11 charges Clinton was guilty of, and then get this, the House voted on the inquiry so the Reps would be on record.
And you think this is the only impeachable offense that Trump is accused?
You think it's ok for the POTUS to tell a foreign power that he isn't concerned about their meddling in our election process?
[roll] admit that the only "journalism" that you think is "honest" is that which tells you what you want to believe. Investigative journalism has uncoverd over 12,000 lies told by this POTUS since taking office yet you continue to believe a man that has a long history of lies and manipulation. The same man that propagated the myth that his predecessor was born outside of this country...the same man that took out a full page add in the New York Times calling for the death penalty of 5 men proven to be innocent. The same man who at one time had lots to say about David Duke yet when David Duke endorsed him for POTUS claimed to not know who David Duke was.

"[F]alsely reporting the whistleblower fears"? So you're now clairvoyant? The POTUS has stood up and said the whistleblower's sources should be executed...and that alone isn't enough to prompt fear? Do you have more than 2 functioning brain cells?

Goodness. Again, if he hadn’t been posting under multiple usernames for years, no way I’d believe this is real.

But, I guess that’s the sort of unhinged lunacy that makes someone set up multiple usernames on a message board to agree with himself.

And now that I think about fuzz/rq is the left it a nutshell. There is overwhelming evidence that fuzz is rq. It is an absolute fact at this point given the piles of evidence. Yet fuzz still thinks we’ll believe he isn’t rq in the face of all the evidence, simply because that’s what he tells us to believe. Sorry, rq, we don’t eat the spoon fed ridiculous nonsense like you lefties.
And you think this is the only impeachable offense that Trump is accused?
You think it's ok for the POTUS to tell a foreign power that he isn't concerned about their meddling in our election process?

Where is there actual evidence Trump stated that? Not hearsay, or anonymous sources, but actual evidence. Remember, it was reported that Trump made promises, and quid pro quo in the Ukraine transcript, only there wasn't.

There isn't an impeachable offense yet RQ, nothing Trump said in that call is even in the ball park of impeachable, that's the absurdity of this whole song and dance by the Dems. It's why they 're sensationalizing and flat out lying about what was stated in it, there's nothing there.
Has anyone asked Joe Biden to drop out of the race yet?

If one of the Trump kids was a burnout failure and appointed to the board of a Ukrainian gas company, the left would think that in and of itself was an impeachable offense. Let alone if that company was under investigation and Trump threatened to withhold 1.5 billion dollars if they didn’t stop the investigation.
Linda Tripp wasn't under the desk with Monica Lewinsky yet Tripp's "whistleblowing" of what Lewinsky said was enough for the GOP to open an impeachment inquiry.
What goes around, comes around.

When you are attacking the messenger because you can't deny the message then you know you're in trouble.
Are you this ignorant of history or deliberately deflecting with a lie? I am truly interested in your answer.