How will they rule ??!

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The call. Not the transcript trump read, made changes to, then released. The actual call. How hard is that. It was a beautiful call I heard.

Even if they recorded the call and released it in it's entirety, what good would that do? Then you all would just say it’s been edited with voice changing technology or parts were clearly omitted. Unless the ultimate outcome is TrUmP bAd, then you won’t be satisfied.
He released the official government document of the transcript of the call Ed. That is proof, only you don't like it because it didn't fit with the second hand account of the whistleblower. Someone that admitted to have not heard the call or read the transcript. You don't have to believe Trump, that's why he released the transcript, that is transparency.

I can understand not liking the President, but not liking someone isn't reason to impeach.
I have never one time on here said he should be impeached.
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This would be CA finally doing something smart. I'm all in on nukes.

The problem with nukes is at night when the grid load decreases, Nukes don't drop megawatt load. Theres too much power on the grid, what electric companies generally do is have pumped storage sites to eat up that excess power.
Having said that, if the plan is to eliminate fossil fuel power, nuclear will have to replace.
Impeachment will do nothing but tear the country further apart. And the senate is obviously a no on impeachment. 2020 will answer the question on wether or not the people approve of what he is doing.
Not according to Flake. Says there are at least 35 Republican Senators that would vote for impeachment. I think he is nuts but who knows. Political death to their careers if they did.
I finally see the light! This is all a Clinton plot! She had Beau killed so Biden wouldn't run in 2016. All so she could run and lose and make Trump President. So they could set him up for colluding with Russia and Ukraine. So they could finally impeach that bastard. So Pence would be the horrible 2020 nominee. And ALL of this so Warren could be the 1st female President! GENIUS! 10D chess!

Not according to Flake. Says there are at least 35 Republican Senators that would vote for impeachment. I think he is nuts but who knows. Political death to their careers if they did.
Flake said they would vote against Trump if it was a secret ballot and they probably would. In front of cameras they have to play to the base. In private they hate his cheeto face.
Flake said they would vote against Trump if it was a secret ballot and they probably would. In front of cameras they have to play to the base. In private they hate his cheeto face.
If they did it wouldn't be because of his skin color. Only you racist leftist morons are driven by that criteria. It would be because they are swamp rats worried about Trump interfering with their corruption.
The leaker broke the law, what was described in the whistleblower complaint is not what happened in the phone call, how do we know that? We have the transcript of the call. Is that the precedent you want to set? That if you don't like a President you can leak confidential material? Even when there is no crime committed?

A moral obligation? So Trump has a moral obligation to investigate Biden?

Don't get to make the rules? A presidents phone call with another is confidential, that isn't making up the rules, it is the law. The transcript is public, there's no second guessing what happened on the call.

Yea, there is a line, if you set up an incoming President elect, instruct to abuse FISA warrants, push a false story that leads to an American getting arrested to cover for you.
Talking to an ally about an investigation into a former VP, that as you just stated we have a moral obligation to do, isn't an impeachable offense. There is no high crime or misdemeanor there.

You don't mind hurting America as long as you get what you want though, you made that clear.
Bill, an unethical POTUS hurts America far more than any short term damage done by impeachment. So did you support impeaching Bill Clinton over lying about a blow job? I'll bet you were cheering all the way. Did that damage America? Where does the fault lie...with those that commit the sins or those who expose them?

Bill, there was no reason for that call to be labeled confidential. There was nothing of confidential nature in the call.

If Trump wishes to investigate Biden then he has a Justice Department to do so. Asking foreign nations to do so is illegal when it is being done for political gain. You know damn well if Biden wasn't running Trump wouldn't give two shits about the matter.

Trump had withheld aid for 4 weeks that was supposed to go to Ukraine. Even sources in Ukraine say that the aid was tied to investigating Biden... again, illegal. "we want you to do us a favor..."

As for that line and pushing a false story...I take it you had no issue with Trump pushing the birther story for years and years??? How about any of the other 12,000+ lies he has told since taking office?
Where does the fault lie...with those that commit the sins or those who expose them?

That line of thinking is incisive, clear-cut, rational and lengthy.

It has no place on this forum or in our political system.

See if you can’t shorten it to something that could fit a bumper sticker or a belt buckle!
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you don't have a transcript of the call. you have pieces of the call that Trump allowed out because he thought it would fit his narrative. it was a 30 minute phone call, he released maybe a 3rd of it. The WH confirmed earlier that the call documents were transferred to a separate server so the whistle blower has been right about everything.
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Bill, an unethical POTUS hurts America far more than any short term damage done by impeachment. So did you support impeaching Bill Clinton over lying about a blow job? I'll bet you were cheering all the way. Did that damage America? Where does the fault lie...with those that commit the sins or those who expose them?

Bill, there was no reason for that call to be labeled confidential. There was nothing of confidential nature in the call.

If Trump wishes to investigate Biden then he has a Justice Department to do so. Asking foreign nations to do so is illegal when it is being done for political gain. You know damn well if Biden wasn't running Trump wouldn't give two shits about the matter.

Trump had withheld aid for 4 weeks that was supposed to go to Ukraine. Even sources in Ukraine say that the aid was tied to investigating Biden... again, illegal. "we want you to do us a favor..."

As for that line and pushing a false story...I take it you had no issue with Trump pushing the birther story for years and years??? How about any of the other 12,000+ lies he has told since taking office?

Clinton lied under oath, he was also named for I believe 11 other charges that prosecutor stated he was guilty of, it isn't in the same ballpark as this RQ.

Every Presidential call he makes in an official capacity is confidential until it isn't, that's just a fact RQ. This isn't even debatable, do you really not understand that? He was speaking to a foreign leader, he wasnt calling Melania to pick up eggs and milk. The call was made public almost as soon as this topic came forward, so I really don't understand your point here.

How do you know the justice dept isn't investigating Biden? They have no authority in the Ukraine, the President is the of the branch of govt the DOJ belongs to, he was speaking to the Ukrainian President, why wouldn't he ask them for cooperation?

He never mentioned the aid RQ, how do you shakedown or bribe someone without ever bringing up the bribe money? It's absurd, you're assuming that's what he was doing without ANY evidence. What about the Dem senate members that actually made a reference to support if the Ukraine didn't get in line? Hell, that actually threatened them, Trump just asked if they could help.

There is a law, I know you have trouble with those, that the President of the United States be born in the US, you acknowledge that right? Obama could've quelled that argument in the butt real quick if he wanted to be TRANSPARENT. He did just the opposite of what Trump just did.

You're right about one thing, an unethical President does hurt America, look at the shit Obama got away with and what he left behind. Chicago politics went to Washington. No wonder Biden thought he could brag publicly about forcing Ukraine to fire the Prosecutor investigating his sons company.
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