How will they rule ??!

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To anyone arguing with libs in this thread - just know you're wasting your time. It's fun watching people point out how dumb their positions are. But they're literally npc type or paid trolls. All they do is spout talking points fed by overlords. So attempting to engage in any actual debate with them is impossible
Unlike your hero, she has actually testifed under oath several times.
And it was stated that she broke the law, but the then current leader of your party was "too ignorant to realize she did it." So your presidential front runner last election was either a criminal or a moron. I'll let you pick which one you want to own.
I can’t. She deleted all the evidence unlike her husband who left the evidence all over the dress.

Also lol at you wanting proof. You guys throw proof out the window when it doesn’t fit your agenda.
If UNC did anything wrong, the NCAA would have punished them!

/rqfuzz logic.

Meanwhile McCabe is at CNN and Comey is wandering the woods tweeting TDS.
So the "leaker" should have also been a whistleblower since they too were concerned with Trump's actions. Would you in fact feel better if they were in fact one and the same?

As a citizen you have a moral obligation to report suspected crimes. It doesn't matter who committed them. It's the responsibility of the this case Congress to investigate and determine if an actual crime was committed.

You don't get to make the rules as the rules have already been established. A spy's information is only damaging if it in fact is damaging information. You can't label everything "confidential" as a public don't seem to be able to grasp that fact. Why do you think the Freedom of Information Act exists?

One only needs to look at the unprecedented number of people that have resigned from various jobs and positions in the WH to know that there are many "uncomfortable" with Trump's methods.

Let me ask Bill. Is there a line that could be crossed where you agree it would be right of someone within the WH to report it? That whistleblowing would be justified??? If so, what is that line?

The leaker broke the law, what was described in the whistleblower complaint is not what happened in the phone call, how do we know that? We have the transcript of the call. Is that the precedent you want to set? That if you don't like a President you can leak confidential material? Even when there is no crime committed?

A moral obligation? So Trump has a moral obligation to investigate Biden?

Don't get to make the rules? A presidents phone call with another is confidential, that isn't making up the rules, it is the law. The transcript is public, there's no second guessing what happened on the call.

Yea, there is a line, if you set up an incoming President elect, instruct to abuse FISA warrants, push a false story that leads to an American getting arrested to cover for you.
Talking to an ally about an investigation into a former VP, that as you just stated we have a moral obligation to do, isn't an impeachable offense. There is no high crime or misdemeanor there.

You don't mind hurting America as long as you get what you want though, you made that clear.
The leaker broke the law, what was described in the whistleblower complaint is not what happened in the phone call, how do we know that? We have the transcript of the call. Is that the precedent you want to set? That if you don't like a President you can leak confidential material? Even when there is no crime committed?

A moral obligation? So Trump has a moral obligation to investigate Biden?

Don't get to make the rules? A presidents phone call with another is confidential, that isn't making up the rules, it is the law. The transcript is public, there's no second guessing what happened on the call.

Yea, there is a line, if you set up an incoming President elect, instruct to abuse FISA warrants, push a false story that leads to an American getting arrested to cover for you.
Talking to an ally about an investigation into a former VP, that as you just stated we have a moral obligation to do, isn't an impeachable offense. There is no high crime or misdemeanor there.

You don't mind hurting America as long as you get what you want though, you made that clear.
you don't have a transcript of the call. you have pieces of the call that Trump allowed out because he thought it would fit his narrative. it was a 30 minute phone call, he released maybe a 3rd of it. The WH confirmed earlier that the call documents were transferred to a separate server so the whistle blower has been right about everything.
you don't have a transcript of the call. you have pieces of the call that Trump allowed out because he thought it would fit his narrative. it was a 30 minute phone call, he released maybe a 3rd of it. The WH confirmed earlier that the call documents were transferred to a separate server so the whistle blower has been right about everything.

you don't have a transcript of the call. you have pieces of the call that Trump allowed out because he thought it would fit his narrative. it was a 30 minute phone call, he released maybe a 3rd of it. The WH confirmed earlier that the call documents were transferred to a separate server so the whistle blower has been right about everything.

Oh, so now the transcript isn't accurate? So, you think the White House fabricated the transcript, but left the time stamp on there?
What does it matter if it was transferred to a secure server? How is that evidence of anything, are you just going to ignore the fact 2 of the Presidents call with foreign leaders had been leaked?
Oh, so now the transcript isn't accurate? So, you think the White House fabricated the transcript, but left the time stamp on there?
What does it matter if it was transferred to a secure server? How is that evidence of anything, are you just going to ignore the fact 2 of the Presidents call with foreign leaders had been leaked?
Why not just release the full call?
Others call them republicans doing their jobs

Breaking the law by stealing and leaking classified information is to undermine and sabotage the president is "doing their job"

But the president trying to investigate possible corruption is against the law.

Step back and read that. See what a backwards, loser argument it is.
Why not just release the full call?

They did, just because it's not what you wanted doesn't mean there's wrong doing. The President voluntarily released the transcript of the call, wasn't forced as the Dems wanted and expected.
How many phone calls to foreign leaders did Obama, or any President for that matter, release publicly? Do you know how hard you just made any Presidents task of doing the nations business with foreign leaders now?
They did, just because it's not what you wanted doesn't mean there's wrong doing. The President voluntarily released the transcript of the call, wasn't forced as the Dems wanted and expected.
How many phone calls to foreign leaders did Obama, or any President for that matter, release publicly? Do you know how hard you just made any Presidents task of doing the nations business with foreign leaders now?
The call. Not the transcript trump read, made changes to, then released. The actual call. How hard is that. It was a beautiful call I heard.
How many phone calls to foreign leaders did Obama, or any President for that matter, release publicly?

Hahaha, good luck getting an answer for that. I want to hear that post call to Russia after he was mic'ed up saying "I'll have more flexibility after the election". I want the transcript to that phone call

Oh and i want the transcript to Iran deal too.

And not just the transcripts. The actual recorded call
The call. Not the transcript trump read, made changes to, then released. The actual call. How hard is that. It was a beautiful call I heard.

So Trump made changes to it, that's what you're going with now? He made changes to the call, but left the time stamp on it?

The Democrats didn't think Trump would release the call, it's why Pelosi scrambled to hurriedly call for the impeachment inquiry as soon as she found out he was going to. Have you not asked yourself why she did that before seeing the transcript that was going to be released within a day?
Hahaha, good luck getting an answer for that. I want to hear that post call to Russia after he was mic'ed up saying "I'll have more flexibility after the election". I want the transcript to that phone call

Oh and i want the transcript to Iran deal too.

And not just the transcripts. The actual recorded call

Hell, lets all file third hand whistleblower complaints on every official, see how many voluntarily hand over transcripts.
The call. Not the transcript trump read, made changes to, then released. The actual call. How hard is that. It was a beautiful call I heard.
Trump edited it? You have proof of that? I'm sure you believed what Adam Schiff said yesterday bc it's what you wanted to hear..until he had to admit he made it up.

You also know all of the presidents shit is documented. Why do you think the media omitted 500 words..bc they knew idiots like you blindly trust your overlords.

Ed just admitted hes Alex jones now. Lolololol conspiracy theorist ed. Of course these conspiracies stop when they deal with Quid Pro JOE. Lol bc you cant question your dogma.
So Trump made changes to it, that's what you're going with now? He made changes to the call, but left the time stamp on it?

The Democrats didn't think Trump would release the call, it's why Pelosi scrambled to hurriedly call for the impeachment inquiry as soon as she found out he was going to. Have you not asked yourself why she did that before seeing the transcript that was going to be released within a day?
He didn't release the "call". And do I trust anything that comes from trump, ah no. He is the liar in chief. He can't tell the truth it's not in him. You know how I know. He lies about stupid shit. He lies about things there are no reason to lie about. He has done good things. But he punches down. Why does he have to take on every tweet against him. If he would let some of the crap go most would blow over in a day. He's a bully. He has to respond. That would be like the coach of union college tweeting something bad about cal and cal responding. It's silly. He could tell me my birthday and I wouldn't believe him. More and more people I know who support him are turning on him because they hate him. It won't matter in Kentucky but there are a large portion of his supporters that are sick of his act.
He really thinks there's a "call" to realease. And that the transcript came from Trump. Dummy, save yourself the embarrassment. You can thank me later.

White House conversations have not been recorded since the mid-1970s. Memcons are instead created by a team of note-takers, who record, by hand and on computers, what the president and the other party say.

The note-takers are duty officers — nonpartisan career staff with military or national security experience — whose job it is to monitor the Situation Room around the clock. The process is apolitical.
He didn't release the "call". And do I trust anything that comes from trump, ah no. He is the liar in chief. He can't tell the truth it's not in him. You know how I know. He lies about stupid shit. He lies about things there are no reason to lie about. He has done good things. But he punches down. Why does he have to take on every tweet against him. If he would let some of the crap go most would blow over in a day. He's a bully. He has to respond. That would be like the coach of union college tweeting something bad about cal and cal responding. It's silly. He could tell me my birthday and I wouldn't believe him. More and more people I know who support him are turning on him because they hate him. It won't matter in Kentucky but there are a large portion of his supporters that are sick of his act.

He released the official government document of the transcript of the call Ed. That is proof, only you don't like it because it didn't fit with the second hand account of the whistleblower. Someone that admitted to have not heard the call or read the transcript. You don't have to believe Trump, that's why he released the transcript, that is transparency.

I can understand not liking the President, but not liking someone isn't reason to impeach.