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Today we discovered that it was essentially several whistleblowers yet one person issued the complaint. Why?

Maguire says he's bipartisan yet appears to be using GOP talking points as answers to questions. Go figure!

The DOJ is in a heap of trouble for hijacking the complaint. Barr is not serving the best interests of the USA here, yet again.
Trump’s insistence that his Ukraine call was “nice/no pressure/perfect/beautiful/a 10” is so freaking weird. And yes, he used all those terms. Who talks like that?

Back in school, Trump didn’t take a pen and make his report card “F” into a “B” before taking it home. You know he went all-out and tried his damndest to make it look like an “A.”

Dude has serious personality disorders. That’s your God though, so keep up the praise. He literally lives for it.
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Why do your people refuse to obey the law then lie about it and yet impeach another POTUS over a blowjob?
So he has been convicted of disobeying the law through public opinion off of hear say and made up (Parody) testimony? Why do you people continue to go against the constitution when it comes to the law?
Nothing like trying to corruptly bury documents into a covert ops database to prove your innocence. The entire WH is just next level stupid. Ghouliani is the gift that never stops giving. If anything brings down Trump it will be letting somebody so ****ing dumb as Guiliani to be his new bag man.

Where have you seen me defend Biden?
What are the chances that Trump family members and associates get appointed to various boards??? How many BoD have you ever reviewed? They are nearly all full of people with political connections.

And even if Biden is 1000% guilty of getting his son a job...(how many family members has Trump employed in government since being in office?) does that in any way negate Trump using US aid that was appropriated by Congress as a weapon to get a foreign government to give him dirt on a political rival?
Obama or Hillary anyone? Hypocrite. Where were when when Obama weaponized federal agencies and Hillary paid for false documentation from foreign countries. You are a real loser and an enemy of this country for supporting a continuous attempt at a coup.
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Marsha Blackburn is a disgrace. She was probably pretty hot 25 years ago, but still an American disgrace.

Ilhan Omar and Tulsi Gabbard are the hottest women in US politics. Who else is there? Big props to the guy who risked it all to bang Omar. I understand it. SWEET LORD I bet she’s good in bed.
Also paying porn girls for sex and grabbing various woman by the P is also frowned upon.
When did he grab various girls by the P? Names, times, and specifics please or you show yourself to be the liar we think you to be.
No, that's just the opposite of what I stated dumbass, but there is no corruption that's been pointed out against Trump. The President asking a foreign leader to corroborate with an investigation into corruption, is not corrupt. You use assumptions toward Trump, to actual first hand knowledge against the Democrats.

The Democrats have been screaming for impeachment since election day, that is different than investigating something after it happened such as Benghazi where a US ambassador was freaking killed.

I'm not pointing or deflecting, the transcripts entire point is because the whistleblower thought it was going after political opponents. What Trump mentioned was Biden's corruption, that's the reason.

What has Trump done anywhere close to level of what Biden bragged about?
Bill, you say you mean one thing and then you argue another.
There's been quite a bit of corruption smoke around Trump...

Again, if there is "first hand knowledge against the Democrats" then why hasn't the GOP and/or FBI done anything about it? You listen to too much Faux News.

The GOP called for investigation after investigation and came up dry on each and every one. Each time they failed to uncover what they suggested happened they called for another investigation. How quickly we seem to forget.

So why did Trump direct them to move the transcript of his call from the normal server that non-classified would be kept to the server used for classified information? There was no classified information or national security aspects to the call?

And what is this? "The other thing,
There's a lot of. talk about Biden's son,. that Eiden stopped the
prosecution and a lot of people want to find out about that so
whatever you can do with the Attorney General would be great.
Biden went around bragging that he stopped the prosecution so if
you ·can look into it ... It sounds horrible to me." <--asking a foreign government

Also, the entire transcript of the call takes at max 5 minutes to read...10 minutes if you're a slow, slow reader. From the transcript..."July 25, 2019, 9:03 - 9:33 a.m. EDT". Dude, if you think that transcript is the entirety of a 30 minute conversation then you're really, really gullible.

Today, not only did we find out, for a fact, that it was mostly all second hand hearsay, but we also learned that a good portion of the complaint was third hand b.s. based on anonymously sourced media articles. Absolutely none of whistlblower's complaint was based on first hand information. Keep up the good work, comrade.

As if second hand information can't be credible.
If a case can be made against Biden or anyone else...go for it. You seem to suggest that if they got away with it than Trump should be able to get away with it too. Every time there is something against Trump you and others always want to deflect and point to something/someone else.

Where have I ever said any past corruption shouldn't be investigated? I guess you slept through past investigations? Benghazi...investigated multiple times. Emails...investigated multiple times. The GOP has controlled one or both chambers for most of the last 50 years. If in your opinion they failed to do their job then that is still no excuse for the current chambers to not do theirs? So you're all for fighting corruption but it has to be Democratic corruption before we get to the GOP corruption...right?

You argue like a child Bill. Bobby robbed a bank so I should be able to rob a bank too.

Just to be clear...I don't care what party or what position anyone holds. If they are suspected of corruption or any other crime then that corruption/crime should be investigated and prosecuted to the fullest extent if found to be guilty.
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As if second hand information can't be credible.

Only if it's corroborated by someone with first hand knowledge. That hasn't happened. Until then it's hearsay.

Besides, that's a hell of a backtrack on your part. Just yesterday you were rofl at the notion of it being second hand hearsay and were accusing those who said it was second hand hearsay of being liars.

When in reality, it got much worse for you. Not only was it second hand hearsay, but we also found out a lot of the complaint was actually third hand TDS fantasy.
So when do the people who leaked to the whistleblower go to jail? It's against the law to leak privileged and classified information. Or what the dozens of other leaks?

They've been breaking every law in their path for three years, making false accusations and trying to frame Trump. No one on the left cares about those actual, totally not made up crimes though, do they?
Bill, you say you mean one thing and then you argue another.
There's been quite a bit of corruption smoke around Trump...

Again, if there is "first hand knowledge against the Democrats" then why hasn't the GOP and/or FBI done anything about it? You listen to too much Faux News.

The GOP called for investigation after investigation and came up dry on each and every one. Each time they failed to uncover what they suggested happened they called for another investigation. How quickly we seem to forget.

So why did Trump direct them to move the transcript of his call from the normal server that non-classified would be kept to the server used for classified information? There was no classified information or national security aspects to the call?

And what is this? "The other thing,
There's a lot of. talk about Biden's son,. that Eiden stopped the
prosecution and a lot of people want to find out about that so
whatever you can do with the Attorney General would be great.
Biden went around bragging that he stopped the prosecution so if
you ·can look into it ... It sounds horrible to me." <--asking a foreign government

Also, the entire transcript of the call takes at max 5 minutes to read...10 minutes if you're a slow, slow reader. From the transcript..."July 25, 2019, 9:03 - 9:33 a.m. EDT". Dude, if you think that transcript is the entirety of a 30 minute conversation then you're really, really gullible.

As if second hand information can't be credible.

“This is it! We got him now!” -2016
“This is it! We got him now!”’-2017
“This is it! We got him now!” -2018
“This is it! We got him now!” -2019

And you have believed a source known as anonymous and whatever they had to say for nearly 3 years thinking it would lead to Trump being removed from office.

I’m not sure you’re one to be calling anyone gullible.
Several on here have critiqued the young miss thunberg today

You miss the point. When people tried to criticize Thunberg, they were met with “you can’t do that! She’s just a child!” From liberals and MSM.

Contrast that to how they talked about a kid they disagreed with (just because of his hat).

Either kids are off limits of criticism or they aren’t.
Bill, you say you mean one thing and then you argue another.
There's been quite a bit of corruption smoke around Trump...

Again, if there is "first hand knowledge against the Democrats" then why hasn't the GOP and/or FBI done anything about it? You listen to too much Faux News.

The GOP called for investigation after investigation and came up dry on each and every one. Each time they failed to uncover what they suggested happened they called for another investigation. How quickly we seem to forget.

So why did Trump direct them to move the transcript of his call from the normal server that non-classified would be kept to the server used for classified information? There was no classified information or national security aspects to the call?

And what is this? "The other thing,
There's a lot of. talk about Biden's son,. that Eiden stopped the
prosecution and a lot of people want to find out about that so
whatever you can do with the Attorney General would be great.
Biden went around bragging that he stopped the prosecution so if
you ·can look into it ... It sounds horrible to me." <--asking a foreign government

Also, the entire transcript of the call takes at max 5 minutes to read...10 minutes if you're a slow, slow reader. From the transcript..."July 25, 2019, 9:03 - 9:33 a.m. EDT". Dude, if you think that transcript is the entirety of a 30 minute conversation then you're really, really gullible.

As if second hand information can't be credible.

Name the corruption Trump has committed. You write in circles and assumptions.

There is an IG report that recommended charges on Comey, there is an IG report on FISA abuse right now. There is also a current justice dept investigation into the above.

Where did it state Trump directed them to move it, and are all his calls secured since his calls with the Mexican and Australian leaders were leaked? The Presidents private conversations with another leader are classified info.

For the last time, the President is the e ecutive dept, he is head of all agencies in that dept. the Justice dept is in that branch. The takeaway from this is there is an investigation into Joe Biden’s actions, which is why the democrats jumped to impeachment immediately.

The issue here isn’t an investigation, it’s that the Democrats immediately jumped to impeachment, without seeing the documents.
There is nothing wrong with the President asking for help on an investigation, at all. You’re acting as if simply because Biden is above investigation of corruption by this admin because he’s running for office, that’s absurd.

The mueller investigation was started because of Comeys recollections that he wrote down on his own, and now you’re questioning an official transcript that was transposed by two different CIA agents? Gimme a break.
“This is it! We got him now!” -2016
“This is it! We got him now!”’-2017
“This is it! We got him now!” -2018
“This is it! We got him now!” -2019

And you have believed a source known as anonymous and whatever they had to say for nearly 3 years thinking it would lead to Trump being removed from office.

I’m not sure you’re one to be calling anyone gullible.
Crystal ball:

"This is it! We got him now!" -2020
"This is it! We got him now!" -2021
"This is it! We got him now!" -2022
"This is it"! We got him now! -2023
"This is it"! We got him now! -2024
UK wins 4th title under Calipari to tie UCLA- 2025
Last edited:

I wish politics was about the best way to make American lives better But for the past 3 years its been about why Trump is bad I don't care to hear the Democrats cry wolf anymore, they lost their credibility long ago

And basically by every measure things are better, in spite of these Dems doing everything they can think of to stop it from happening.

And these are actual liberals saying this like Tim Pool. No way a Warren or Biden candidate can win if they lose the rich liberal (wall street) and the thinking liberal (however shrunken and diminutive that segment has become)

There simply aren’t enough leftists or other degenerates remaining who will actually show up on Election Day.
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So why did Trump direct them to move the transcript of his call from the normal server that non-classified would be kept to the server used for classified information? There was no classified information or national security aspects to the call?

Perfectly good explanation for this. Nothing corrupt about it. He wasn't trying to cover corruption up, but was actually trying to prevent corruption. TDS is a hell of a drug. There are literally traitors in the WH working to undermine and sabotage Trump, even if they have to break the law to do it.

After all of the dozens of illegal leaks during his first year as president, including the transcripts of three different private and privileged phone calls, Trump and his team developed a system to stop the leaks. Looks like it worked well too.

That's partly why this whistleblower filed the complaint. They were mad when they found out they didn't have access to the transcripts anymore (it says it right there in the complaint) which prevented them from stealing it and leaking it.
Several on here have critiqued the young miss thunberg today
Deservedly so. Where is her expertise other than hearsay or leftist posturing? What good parent would stick their little girl out there packed with lies and false pretense knowing she would get blasted. Child abuse pure and simple and they should be jailed and her fostered.
There should not be a household in America that should not see this as democratic collusion..The paper trail goes back to 100% Hillary and is that not true>??