How will they rule ??!

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Love the country. Hate the dictator wanna be in office. You hypocrites all hated the country when obama was president.
False. We never hated the country - as Obama & all Libs do. We think it's great & you can't stand that for a moment. Y'all want it destroyed. Warren is Communist Light. Biden is just light, turning dimmer & dimmer.
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Schiff got caught blatantly lying about what the transcript says. Because he knows the media and our resident dead brains wont check.

After a Republican asked him he admits he made it all up as "sarcasm" yet they arecall running with the edited video of what he says...


They prefer muh truth as opposed to the truth.
Love the country. Hate the dictator wanna be in office. You hypocrites all hated the country when obama was president. What is the difference?
How much more obvious does it have to be that Democrats are desperate for power..with political stunt after political stunt. I didnt even vote for trump last time, but apparently you still buy in that they are do gooders who care and are compassionate. These ppl are desperate to have control over everything.

And now they know they cant won elections so they have to forcefully try to remove someone. .With Schiff admitting be blatantly made up what be said as a director of an intelligence committee is disturbing.

Look man I know you are hoping for the day when you can just go back to ignoring everything and claiming any criticism is a gop talking point, bc you want a monarch and to trust ppl in govt who are nothing more than ordinary ppl without questioning them. But the desperation of power of these ppl is gross.
Nothing like trying to corruptly bury documents into a covert ops database

Perfectly good explanation for this. TDS is a hell of a drug. There are literally traitors in the WH working to undermine and sabotage Trump.

After all the leaks during his first year as president, including transcripts of three different private phone calls, Trump and his team developed a system to stop them. Looks like it worked well too.

That's why this whistleblower filed the complaint. They were made that they couldn't have access to the transcript (and leak it). It says it right there in the complaint.

"The anti-Trump whistleblower/wannabe leaker claimed in their complaint that classifying confidential communications between world leaders was criminal, and that restricting access to those classified communications was also criminal. Both claims are utter nonsense.

The only thing the complaint suggests is an affinity for anonymous hearsay and rumor-mongering and a willingness to misrepresent both the underlying facts of the conversation he claims was criminal and the laws he claims were broken."
So I guess world leaders can't yuk it up with one another anymore...strange times...

If Trump started to not talk to world leaders rest assured Libs would be up in arms...

I dare a single liberal on here to start hollering for all of Obama's phone calls to be released, particularly the ones around the time of Benghazi as well as the Iran Nuke deal...
The Obama administration actually withheld military aid from Ukraine. They refused because they didn't want to provoke Russia.

Once Trump came along it was f*** Russia. Ukraine was strapped. Javelin anti-tank, the whole nine yards.

Well that’s because Trump is an idiot. He’s probably got us on the brink of war with Russia... who he also colluded with to win the 2016 election and was the only reason he won... who is also our biggest threat... but also not a threat at all... Trump... collusion... Russia... Ukraine... hate... hate.... hate...

You just gonna gloss over the fact that Biden threatened to withhold 1.25 billion if the prosecutor investigating that company wasn't fired, within 6 hours?
His kid was put on the board within weeks of Biden becoming point man on Ukraine.

Where did Trump withhold aid for dirt on a political opponent? He is the President, the executive branch, are you stating that past admins corruption shouldn't be investigated? Because there is an investigation underway, asking a foreign President to cooperate with that isn't trying to dig up political dirt, it's doing his job.

If Trumps kids are sitting on foreign boards, and he threatens to withhold money for them if they don't fire a prosecutor, you're damn right I'd call it corruption.
If a case can be made against Biden or anyone else...go for it. You seem to suggest that if they got away with it than Trump should be able to get away with it too. Every time there is something against Trump you and others always want to deflect and point to something/someone else.

Where have I ever said any past corruption shouldn't be investigated? I guess you slept through past investigations? Benghazi...investigated multiple times. Emails...investigated multiple times. The GOP has controlled one or both chambers for most of the last 50 years. If in your opinion they failed to do their job then that is still no excuse for the current chambers to not do theirs? So you're all for fighting corruption but it has to be Democratic corruption before we get to the GOP corruption...right?

You argue like a child Bill. Bobby robbed a bank so I should be able to rob a bank too.

Just to be clear...I don't care what party or what position anyone holds. If they are suspected of corruption or any other crime then that corruption/crime should be investigated and prosecuted to the fullest extent if found to be guilty.
Man, that coming IG report must be damning as f**k. Dems are trying to get Trump ousted before its released.

It was reported about 2 weeks ago that McCabe will be going down and not long before that report it was reported that the IG report on FISA abuse was done and could be released any day.

Then all of a sudden this Ukraine-Trump garbage came out. That FISA abuse report must be absolute horrifyingly (if thats even a word) bad.
So I read an article today that says If the Democrats in the House Impeach Trump it then goes to the Republican led Senate. That's when it could get Interesting says the Article because the Senate could Subpoena Comey, Strozk, Page, McCabe, Christopher Steele, Fusion GPS, Clapper, Brennan, Hunter Biden, and even Hillary Clinton herself. Now that would be a show to have real lawyers ask these individuals questions. Then maybe someone would go to jail!!
So I read an article today that says If the Democrats in the House Impeach Trump it then goes to the Republican led Senate. That's when it could get Interesting says the Article because the Senate could Subpoena Comey, Strozk, Page, McCabe, Christopher Steele, Fusion GPS, Clapper, Brennan, Hunter Biden, and even Hillary Clinton herself. Now that would be a show to have real lawyers ask these individuals questions. Then maybe someone would go to jail!!

Obviously no one will go to jail, but it would be fantastic to have the R Senate subpoena Joe Biden and make him testify the morning of the first Presidential debate once the idiot Democrats rig the primary for his corrupt old white ass.
I wonder if during the debates when all the candidates were attacking Biden and Obama, @Ed323232 asked himself...huh I've never heard these criticisms of Obama the past 8 years, I wonder why? Why didnt they say anything while he was president?

Nah, probably just said, well my overlords know what's going on so I better not look into it.
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