How will they rule ??!

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"The anti-Trump whistleblower/wannabe leaker claimed in their complaint that classifying confidential communications between world leaders was criminal, and that restricting access to those classified communications was also criminal. Both claims are utter nonsense.
All he's done is reveal how much wider the Leftist Deep State is.
If Trump were to commit perjury for a blow job, at least it would be a Russian or Ukrainian doing the dirty work:

“We’ve done a lot for youz Ukrainians . . and we’ve not gotten anything in return . . . and youz need missiles to fight the Russians . . . so do you swallow or spit?”
So I read an article today that says If the Democrats in the House Impeach Trump it then goes to the Republican led Senate. That's when it could get Interesting says the Article because the Senate could Subpoena Comey, Strozk, Page, McCabe, Christopher Steele, Fusion GPS, Clapper, Brennan, Hunter Biden, and even Hillary Clinton herself. Now that would be a show to have real lawyers ask these individuals questions. Then maybe someone would go to jail!!
Now that would be a real show. Bring Obama along too.
This is not an intelligence matter. It is a policy matter and a complaint about differences over policy. Presidential phone calls are not an intelligence concern. The fact that IC officers transcribe these calls does not give the IC IG jusrisdiction over these calls.

And this here is why the DNI was not required by law to turn the complaint over to Congress.

Not to mention, because it was also second/third hand uncorroboated rumor.
If a case can be made against Biden or anyone else...go for it. You seem to suggest that if they got away with it than Trump should be able to get away with it too. Every time there is something against Trump you and others always want to deflect and point to something/someone else.

Where have I ever said any past corruption shouldn't be investigated? I guess you slept through past investigations? Benghazi...investigated multiple times. Emails...investigated multiple times. The GOP has controlled one or both chambers for most of the last 50 years. If in your opinion they failed to do their job then that is still no excuse for the current chambers to not do theirs? So you're all for fighting corruption but it has to be Democratic corruption before we get to the GOP corruption...right?

You argue like a child Bill. Bobby robbed a bank so I should be able to rob a bank too.

Just to be clear...I don't care what party or what position anyone holds. If they are suspected of corruption or any other crime then that corruption/crime should be investigated and prosecuted to the fullest extent if found to be guilty.

No, that's just the opposite of what I stated dumbass, but there is no corruption that's been pointed out against Trump. The President asking a foreign leader to corroborate with an investigation into corruption, is not corrupt. You use assumptions toward Trump, to actual first hand knowledge against the Democrats.

The Democrats have been screaming for impeachment since election day, that is different than investigating something after it happened such as Benghazi where a US ambassador was freaking killed.

I'm not pointing or deflecting, the transcripts entire point is because the whistleblower thought it was going after political opponents. What Trump mentioned was Biden's corruption, that's the reason.

What has Trump done anywhere close to level of what Biden bragged about?
I wonder if during the debates when all the candidates were attacking Biden and Obama, @Ed323232 asked himself...huh I've never heard these criticisms of Obama the past 8 years, I wonder why? Why didnt they say anything while he was president?

Nah, probably just said, well my overlords know what's going on so I better not look into it.
1 didn't watch 1 second of any debate
2. I didn't even vote for obama
3. They went after Biden because he was the front runner
Democrats have been trying to get trump since before he was elected...they would have already found everything if there was anything.

They have nothing again...evidenced by their editing the transcript or ppl like Schiff just completely making statements up. Their constituents are dumb enough to buy it again tho.

But theres no standard...can we dig up Bidens transcripts. What all did he say to Ukraine?
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1 didn't watch 1 second of any debate
2. I didn't even vote for obama
3. They went after Biden because he was the front runner

You really think Biden was the front runner? With all his gaffes, pussing out to Harris, flip flopping on everything, 40 years of voting history in the Senate?
Dude was a puppet, even Obama told him not to run because the party needed new blood. He was propped up for this moment, that's all.


They have nothing again...evidenced by their editing the transcript or ppl like Schiff just completely making statements up.

Yep. The media literally had to purposely omit 500+ words from the transcript in order to connect two sentences that were totally and completely unrelated just to make this look like a scandal.

And Schiff? Well that clearly speaks for itself. Parody.

This is not an intelligence matter. It is a policy matter and a complaint about differences over policy. Presidential phone calls are not an intelligence concern. The fact that IC officers transcribe these calls does not give the IC IG jusrisdiction over these calls.

And this here is why the DNI was not required by law to turn the complaint over to Congress.

Not to mention, because it was also second/third hand uncorroboated rumor.

This is not an intelligence matter. It is a policy matter and a complaint about differences over policy. Presidential phone calls are not an intelligence concern. The fact that IC officers transcribe these calls does not give the IC IG jusrisdiction over these calls.

To touch on this some more. Since, according to the DOJ/DNI, the whistleblower complaint is actually outside of the whistleblower framework and is being categorized as a non-intelligence matter, wonder if that puts the whistleblower outside of the whistleblower protection framework too?

Those protections are supposed to be in place for legit whistleblowers on intelligence matters, not for partisan, rumor mongers spreading second hand info about policy they dislike.
Obama- forced people to have insurance

Beto- campaigns on coming to take guns

Bernie- you can’t have more money than I say

But yeah, Trump is the wannabe dictator.
Obama- forced people to have insurance

Beto- campaigns on coming to take guns

Bernie- you can’t have more money than I say

But yeah, Trump is the wannabe dictator.

Why aren't the WH officials who supposedly told the whistleblower this information speaking up and blowing the whistle themselves?

If it's such a matter of national security, abuse of power and threat to democracy, then why are they staying silent and instead playing a game of telephone with second/third hand information?

If Trump signs this then he can take that America First slogan and burn it along with my support. Millions of us spend our time and money defending him. I just wonder if he will defend us.
"If Trump is the most dangerous and corrupt president in history like we've all been assured... if he truly is all he's ever been accused of, then why are the Democrats so desperate and having to stoop so low for a reason to impeach?"
Nothing like trying to corruptly bury documents into a covert ops database to prove your innocence. The entire WH is just next level stupid. Ghouliani is the gift that never stops giving. If anything brings down Trump it will be letting somebody so ****ing dumb as Guiliani to be his new bag man.
So in your opinion if it is proven that Trump in fact abused his power and committed impeachable offenses to the extent that the Senate, controlled by the GOP voted to remove him from office, you and others would be upset?
So you think Trump should be able to do whatever and be immune to law???

Good Lord, admit that your loyalty is to a person and not your country. You are exactly the type that enable dictators to take control of nations.

Question: Is there any impeachable offense that Trump could commit that you would agree that he be removed from office?
No, people like you have been allowing lies for years to try and over throw a legal sitting president. An illegal coup which you have been cheering on. Treasonous is what you are.
So why isn't the Trump Justice department doing anything about it? I think we know the answer...because there is nothing to for them to even be formally accused, must less tried.

BTW, just returned home from a week in NC...are there not any dentist around there? I saw more toothless people in that week than I've seen in any other single year.
False, the swamp has protected them for years and are in too deep. Plus the Clinton mafia would have them killed if they tried. Fact!.
Good God Bill, before the election most every GOP politician was saying essentially what Lindsey Graham said; "If we nominate Trump, we will get destroyed.......and we will deserve it.". He knew, they knew he would be trouble because a trail of destruction has followed him. They support him how because his base is their base and they are afraid to go against him...but we all know what they think and what they will say privately.

There are good reasons Trump has always had to rely on foreign banks to finance his projects, US banks won't touch him. It's beyond comprehension that there are Americans...albeit the least educated of Americans that don't see that he is a conman. He propagated the birther lie for years...Trump University was a bait and switch con game...he has cheated contractors who worked for him for years...he has shown he has no respect for the truth or an ability to admit fault. He knows you want to believe something so badly that he can tell you anything and you'll believe it.

Every person like Trump that has ever risen to power has had their staunch supporters and defenders...and ten years down the road you'll be scratching your head wondering how you could be so stupid.

I'm not sitting around watching the hearings...and I doubt you are either. You're getting your info from twitter and this board. Schiff isn't stupid, everybody involved with the hearing has the same transcripts. If he is paradizing the transcript then it is for effect and to elicit a response. Don't be stupid Bill. Don't take what some partisan hack says at face value and not pour a large heaping of salt upon it. You're looking for a way to justify what you want to believe and not being open to the idea that maybe Trump did exactly what has been suggested. You want to make up your mind before hearing the evidence just because you don't want to be proven to be wrong.
Utterly and completely False. Non fact based opinions and flat out lies. Why does he (Schiff) need to lie to elicit a response. Did you think about that before posting. That's idiotic.
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If you don't know who the whistleblower is, how can you be certain what he/she doesn't know and if they were or were not listening to the call?

Good Lord...someone who works for the POTUS says something is hearsay...makes it true.[roll]

Today, not only did we find out, for a fact, that it was mostly all second hand hearsay, but we also learned that a good portion of the complaint was third hand b.s. based on anonymously sourced media articles. Absolutely none of whistlblower's complaint was based on first hand information. Keep up the good work, comrade.