How will they rule ??!

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Good God Bill, before the election most every GOP politician was saying essentially what Lindsey Graham said; "If we nominate Trump, we will get destroyed.......and we will deserve it.". He knew, they knew he would be trouble because a trail of destruction has followed him. They support him how because his base is their base and they are afraid to go against him...but we all know what they think and what they will say privately.

There are good reasons Trump has always had to rely on foreign banks to finance his projects, US banks won't touch him. It's beyond comprehension that there are Americans...albeit the least educated of Americans that don't see that he is a conman. He propagated the birther lie for years...Trump University was a bait and switch con game...he has cheated contractors who worked for him for years...he has shown he has no respect for the truth or an ability to admit fault. He knows you want to believe something so badly that he can tell you anything and you'll believe it.

Every person like Trump that has ever risen to power has had their staunch supporters and defenders...and ten years down the road you'll be scratching your head wondering how you could be so stupid.

I'm not sitting around watching the hearings...and I doubt you are either. You're getting your info from twitter and this board. Schiff isn't stupid, everybody involved with the hearing has the same transcripts. If he is paradizing the transcript then it is for effect and to elicit a response. Don't be stupid Bill. Don't take what some partisan hack says at face value and not pour a large heaping of salt upon it. You're looking for a way to justify what you want to believe and not being open to the idea that maybe Trump did exactly what has been suggested. You want to make up your mind before hearing the evidence just because you don't want to be proven to be wrong.

I heard Schiff state his entire reflection of the call was a parody, he said that RQ, if the call was so damning wouldn’t simply stating the call suffice? I read the transcript, and whistleblower report.
There is nothing to justify, I’ve seen it, maybe you should try it. The evidence is already laid out for us.

Stop talking down to people that voted for Trump, you’ve proven time and again that you’re not nearly as bright as you think. You can’t be this blinded by hate.

So you see no wrong doing in Biden’s son getting on a board in Ukraine at the exact moment his dad, the VP has been named point man in Ukraine? That’s corruption without the fact Biden threatened witholding 1.25 billion if the prosecutor investigating that Corp isn’t fired.
Today we discovered that it was essentially several whistleblowers yet one person issued the complaint. Why?

Maguire says he's bipartisan yet appears to be using GOP talking points as answers to questions. Go figure!

The DOJ is in a heap of trouble for hijacking the complaint. Barr is not serving the best interests of the USA here, yet again.

So the truth is now talking points?
Nancy is not Speaker Of The House anymore.

Stunning to me that our former president and cabinet sold guns to Mexican cartels, gave billions to terrorist regimes, covered up their own f##k ups in the murder of a foreign ambassador by jailing some poor documentary director. , etc. And now are going on 4 years of attempted coups. And Trump is the crook?
Why do your people refuse to obey the law then lie about it and yet impeach another POTUS over a blowjob?

How is the country performing right now for you? If you say anything negative, then you must really suck at life.

And if that is why you think Clinton got impeached, then you are really out there in left field somewhere.
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They are dumb, but AOC and Ohmar say "Hold my wine"
AOC is in my opinion is ignorant. Omar is smarter than most give her credit for. She is using our own system against us to bring about a fundamental change she desires and most in her party are too stupid to see it for what it is.

Schiff and Swalwell on the other hand try to get power and use some of the most childish techniques I have ever seen. They are too stupid to know how to operate like Omar is operating and they think their 3rd grade tactics are pure genius.
I heard Schiff state his entire reflection of the call was a parody, he said that RQ, if the call was so damning wouldn’t simply stating the call suffice? I read the transcript, and whistleblower report.
There is nothing to justify, I’ve seen it, maybe you should try it. The evidence is already laid out for us.

Stop talking down to people that voted for Trump, you’ve proven time and again that you’re not nearly as bright as you think. You can’t be this blinded by hate.

So you see no wrong doing in Biden’s son getting on a board in Ukraine at the exact moment his dad, the VP has been named point man in Ukraine? That’s corruption without the fact Biden threatened witholding 1.25 billion if the prosecutor investigating that Corp isn’t fired.
Where have you seen me defend Biden?
What are the chances that Trump family members and associates get appointed to various boards??? How many BoD have you ever reviewed? They are nearly all full of people with political connections.

And even if Biden is 1000% guilty of getting his son a job...(how many family members has Trump employed in government since being in office?) does that in any way negate Trump using US aid that was appropriated by Congress as a weapon to get a foreign government to give him dirt on a political rival?
Where have you seen me defend Biden?
What are the chances that Trump family members and associates get appointed to various boards??? How many BoD have you ever reviewed? They are nearly all full of people with political connections.

And even if Biden is 1000% guilty of getting his son a job...(how many family members has Trump employed in government since being in office?) does that in any way negate Trump using US aid that was appropriated by Congress as a weapon to get a foreign government to give him dirt on a political rival?

You just gonna gloss over the fact that Biden threatened to withhold 1.25 billion if the prosecutor investigating that company wasn't fired, within 6 hours?
His kid was put on the board within weeks of Biden becoming point man on Ukraine.

Where did Trump withhold aid for dirt on a political opponent? He is the President, the executive branch, are you stating that past admins corruption shouldn't be investigated? Because there is an investigation underway, asking a foreign President to cooperate with that isn't trying to dig up political dirt, it's doing his job.

If Trumps kids are sitting on foreign boards, and he threatens to withhold money for them if they don't fire a prosecutor, you're damn right I'd call it corruption.
Where have you seen me defend Biden?
What are the chances that Trump family members and associates get appointed to various boards??? How many BoD have you ever reviewed? They are nearly all full of people with political connections.

And even if Biden is 1000% guilty of getting his son a job...(how many family members has Trump employed in government since being in office?) does that in any way negate Trump using US aid that was appropriated by Congress as a weapon to get a foreign government to give him dirt on a political rival?

Let’s extrapolate. Boards are full of people with political connections. Agreed.

I would assume we both agree that companies will select people with political connections because they either want people with insight into processes, or want people with connections for favors.

Joe Biden’s son is a burnout drug addict. Obviously no insight.

So it follows they would appoint joe Biden’s son for the favors.

Sure enough, after appointing Joe Biden’s burnout drug addict son, Joe Biden threatens to withhold over a billion dollars unless the prosecutor going after his sons employer is fired.

Hmmm yeah, but maybe Trumps billionaire kids who’ve run companies might also serve on other birds at some point.
Love the country. Hate the dictator wanna be in office. You hypocrites all hated the country when obama was president. What is the difference?

Look at how the Democrats are acting? They held Barr in contempt over grand jury info that they knew he couldn't give them, by law.
They just somehow opened an impeachment inquiry ,without a vote, before seeing the info that was going to be released within 24 hours?
Just crazy to me that Trump is some evil colluder, traveling the world like Carmen San Diego, always avoiding being caught by Mueller and the rest of the Democrats merry band of clowns.

All this because Trump was worried Biden might actually win the Democrat primary.

Aren’t Democrat primaries a free for all anyway? For example, if it wasn’t all of Biden’s illegal conduct that brought him down, couldn’t the Democrats have just rigged the primary against him anyway?

Why is it “election meddling” to say illegal conduct should be investigated, but not “election meddling” to explicitly rig an election?
I tend to give AOC a lot more credit than most. Her ideology is extreme and would devastate this country, but going from a bartender to being one of the most powerful people in Washington in less than a year is a serious accomplishment that a dumb person would have a hard time doing. Most of these people in Washington are not stupid. Rather smart. They just lack any sense of remorse, morals, or ethics and are blinded by their extreme thirst for greed and power.
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Listening to the radio on my way to lunch, all I heard was all the speculation and hand wringing/joy about the salacious contents of a rumored whistle blower report.

To hear them tell it, you'd never know both the actual call and the actual complaint are public. It's amazing how biased and fake it is.

Omar is smarter than most give her credit for. She is using our own system against us to bring about a fundamental change she desires and most in her party are too stupid to see it for what it is.

Absolutely. She's very shrewd and knows exactly what she can and can't get away with.

I tend to give AOC a lot more credit than most. Her ideology is extreme and would devastate this country, but going from a bartender to being one of the most powerful people in Washington in less than a year is a serious accomplishment that a dumb person would have a hard time doing. Most of these people in Washington are not stupid. Rather smart. They just lack any sense of remorse, morals, or ethics and are blinded by their extreme thirst for greed and power.

I think she's the opposite. She's a complete moron that only reached her heights because the current status of American pop culture. People couldn't stop talking about her because of her stupidity. But all that did was put her name out there even more. With msm healing lavish praise on her of course which never hurts.

If people will shut up about her she's just fade away
I tend to give AOC a lot more credit than most. Her ideology is extreme and would devastate this country, but going from a bartender to being one of the most powerful people in Washington in less than a year is a serious accomplishment that a dumb person would have a hard time doing. Most of these people in Washington are not stupid. Rather smart. They just lack any sense of remorse, morals, or ethics and are blinded by their extreme thirst for greed and power.

She's a puppet. Thats how she rose so quickly. Don't give her too much credit.
Also, the irony of the Dems being upset that the White House allegedly, per unnamed sources, moved files to a government server that was too secure for them to access, but being completely ok with Hilary setting up a private server every foreign country had access to and avoided FOIA and record keeping requirements.
But you hated obama just like I hate trump. Same thing.

No, it’s not.

Obama wanted to “fundamentally transform” America, per Obama.

Why fundamentally transform the country if you don’t hate it?

Trump wants to “make America great again” after Obama took steps to fundamentally transform it.

Be like someone saying they love their kids, and you also saying you love their kids. Two entirely different things.
No, it’s not.

Obama wanted to “fundamentally transform” America, per Obama.

Why fundamentally transform the country if you don’t hate it?

Trump wants to “make America great again” after Obama took steps to fundamentally transform it.

Be like someone saying they love their kids, and you also saying you love their kids. Two entirely different things.
Or how you idolize Cosby and use him as your name even though he is a rapist and all around monster. By the way didn't he steal that line from Reagan?
Was too young to remember specially, but pretty sure the investigation that led to slick Willy lying about a bj started with the suicide of Vince Foster. It's easy to boil the whole thing down to Republicans are Christian weirdos who investigate other people's sex lives and dismiss it when you leave out the first part of the story.
Love the country. Hate the dictator wanna be in office. You hypocrites all hated the country when obama was president. What is the difference?

The difference? Are you serious? No one hated the country when the chosen one was leading us to hell...we hated his policies, which have now been proven to be a complete disaster that is being righted.

You can hate Trump all you want...fine. But you can't argue w/ the results...and if you want him out, then you are willing to take the risk that will accompany that, and that is all of the positives will be erased. You can live w/ that risk and the thought of a Warren or Sanders presidency? If so, then God help you and all of the others that feel the same.